Private Tales The Journey to Fal' Addas

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk

When there's no more room in hell
The Empire
Character Biography

Fal'Addas. From Alliras, it was quite a distance. At least a 5 weeks gallop, with good weather.

Sparhawk and Myles had been walking for about a week, with no real sign of new destinations. He'd bought many supplies for the journey there: plenty of clean water, bread and picked vegetables, salted meats, food that would hopefully last their long journey. Sparhawk was used to this now, he'd travelled so long with his mentor Jerik, that long treks like these came along with the title 'Sorcerer'. It was the little things that made the journey a pleasure; the cool breeze from the arid climate, coming across from the multitude of trees, loud and echoed rustling sounds caving in from all directions. The grass doing the same, the dew gently falling off of the blades onto the soft ground.

He especially loved the birds. They perfectly represented freedom, and all the liberties that came along with it. Even with his magical prestige, he could not fly. A skill he desired greatly, the ultimate symbol of liberation and freedom in all the land.

They hadn't had a break in all this time though, and Sparhawk thought it ample time to take a good break, and perhaps teach a lesson to his student. Funny that word. In all his time Sparhawk had always knew that almost every well-respected Wizard and Warlock has had at least one apprentice, if not many more. But he didn't realise what came along with it, the responsibility, and the immense pressure of knowing you'll be the guide to someone who could potentially raise the foundations of a building to the ground.

"Let's sit for a while" He sighed, and dropped the burden of Luggage from his back.

He fell to the soft, grassy floor, and leant his back on a large rock, resting his tired legs. He brought a draught from his bag, and offered it to Myles.

"Drink, you'll feel better." It was a fortified wine he'd bought from a trader in Allirias. He didn't consider himself a drinker, but no one could deny the 'exquisite vintage' (as the brewer stated) of the wine. A guilty pleasure of his.
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Here he was, far from Alliria and he was enjoying every moment of being outside that city. The area was teeming with rich green foliage and mountains overseeing the valleys. He was tired but he was still eager to see what his new mentor had in store for him.

"Sure thing!" He said as he laid his rucksack down on the green grass. Myles took a seat leaning against the rock across from Maho. The cool breeze was invigorating to him and rejuvenated his bones.

Looking at the beverage that Maho held out to him, he recognized it as wine from Alliria which has a unique taste all in it's own. Myles didn't hesitate from his mentor's advice and took a swig of the drink.

"I think Allirian wine will be one of the only things I will miss from the city. Thank you for the drink" Myles said politely.

Taking his waterskin from his belt he chased the wine down with water to maintain his hydration.
"So you mentioned you had to make a few stops. According to the map we are in the direction to go to Fal' Addas? A great Elven city according to my father. What are we looking for there?"

Myles didn't want to be too nosey but he wanted to know things so he could be of some relative help to his new teacher.

Maho Spahawk
"The Great Elf city of Fal' Addas is known for its arcane ability. Their long-lasting life allowing them to practice all sorts of magic. But that's not why we're going. I heard they have a book on-" He hesitated for a moment. He knew he was obtaining a book on Dark Magic, but it wasn't something he should include in every day conversation, even with his apprentice.

"-A book on the applications of summoning magic. I need to brush up on it, as i haven't got a chance to do much of it since i left the College." He reaches into his bag, grabbing several books, laying them by his side.

"I think it's about time for me to explain something to you." He brought further items out of his bag: Half a loaf of bread, salted pork and some onion slices. As he spoke, he was cutting them up, supposedly making sandwiches.

"What i'm going to be teaching you is the bare basics. Many Sorcerer's under-appreciate the usefulness of being able to summon a small light, or break ones fall if they trip. It's the small things in the Arcane that'll keep you in good practice, and most importantly keep you alive." He lifted his hand, putting down the ingredients, with his palm facing up.

Suddenly, a ball of light appeared in the middle of it, just hovering above his palm

"Now, tell me: What did i just do, and how did i do it?"

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Myles didn't notice his mentor saving the phrase and he added.
"A book on summoning magic? I swore I saw one at Aryn's shop not long ago, but it could have been bought before you arrived in Alliria. So Fal' Addas has great arcane ability? That's splendid news!"

Myles observed his mentor carefully as he explained bare basics.

"I understand what you mean. The bare basics can be just as effective as the more advanced stuff. I will practice your teachings as often as I am able. I do not wish to be a hindrance to your travels Maho"

As Sparhawk made a ball of light appear, Myles was fascinated but couldn't explain what this experienced mage had done. Time to put his possible book knowledge to the test.

"You summoned a ball of light using somatic movement and positioning your hand to the desired location. Channeling perhaps as well? You channeled arcane energy to flow to your hand to produce that ball of light? Am I on the right track?"

Myles hoped that he could learn quickly and not become another problem to someone else. He would risk losing sleep and starvation just to learn what he did wrong/right.

Maho Spahawk
"A good answer. One of the better answers i've been given when i do this trick to other people. You're right in the sense i'm channelling energy to the centre of my hand. But, as a wizard, you have to understand that this light wasn't 'created', it was converted. You told me you were well versed in the 5 rules that make up the Arcane. The most important, is that all magic has a price. This light is an illusion, this isn't light, i have converted my life energy into a ball of pure essence. This is the concept many Sorcerer's have to get around before performing more complex movements."

Suddenly, as if it was never there, a ball of iron appeared in place of the light.

"You see? Now the question is, did i turn the light into the metal, or did i replace the light with something else entirely? I won't lie lad, you'll be scratching your head about this one for a while, i know i did..."

He passed Myles the sandwich he'd made before he started his demonstration.

"It is most important that you understand that magic is more than just the positioning of the hand or the channelling of energy. Where a sorcerer distinguishes himself, is in picturing the very thing they want most, and making that wish come into reality. The more you understand something, the easier it is to create, which allows you more creativity."

"Now you try. Picture the ball of light, and wish it into reality."

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Feeling humbled by his teacher's response Myles smiled briefly and listened to his master's teachings.

"Thank you, like I said, I am really willing to learn. All magic has a price. I know well how that is meant as I have learned about others making horrible mistakes when not paying the due price. So this is an illusionary gesture? Okay.....that makes a little sense."

Sparhawk could see Myles making minute notes based on what he was instructed. Although Widogast had a good memory, he still recorded things for future reflection.

Observing the ball of light turn into a ball of iron. Myles thought carefully at what his next answer would be to the given question.

"You maintained focus and instead wished the ball of iron to replace the ball of light? Since this is an illusion, you simply just changed the image into something else?

Myles gracefully accepted the sandwich and bowed his head to his mentor in thanks. Taking a bite of the delicious sandwich he processed Maho's follow-up.

"Ah I see! So channeling and particular gestures are granted but it's in the mind and concentration where the magic derives from. I think I may be ready to give this a try!"

Putting the sandwich down on his rucksack, Myles clapped his hands clean of crumbs and took a deep breath before holding his hand out.

He closed his eyes and concentrated on a ball of light floating about in his mind. A small orb took shape in his hand before it fizzled out.

Opening his eyes he saw the remnants of the ball disappear and he spoke to redeem himself.
"Hold on....I got this...let me try again."

Myles focused harder and wished the ball of light into reality, he felt energy course to his hand and as he opened his eyes he saw a ball of light shining above his hand. Maintaining focus he kept that ball in position until his teacher said so.


Maho Spahawk
"Fun huh!" Sparhawk starts laughing. It's always both amusing and enlightening to see someone's magical skill blossom, especially understanding a difficult concept that even the greatest wizards still maintain as difficult to grasp.

"See, now, the hard part comes in making something tangible to the real world. I've seen children who can create huge streams that seem to span kilometres and have fast, racing waters. Yet, the water quenches no thirst, holds no fish, and can't cleanse someone. This is the distinction between a magician, and a sorcerer." He stood up, and positioned both his hands, facing the ground.

Slowly, a pond began to form in the middle of the soil.

"This may seem like you could fill your skin-bottle with it, however, when i try-" He opens his, and skims the top of the water, he turns the bottle upside down, but alas, the puddle is full, and the bottle is empty.

"Remember, the greatest wizard can quench one man's thirst, but anyone can make it look like they could. You must learn to make something, rather than trick the eyes into believing something is there."

"The first thing you'll want to do is cover some of these books..." He passed the books over, the same tomes they'd collected from Aryn's.

"I also want you to craft a stave. You see, as much as it seems to serve no purpose but as a walking aid, not only does it help with the channelling of essence, but also if you need to wack someone with it" He gave Myles a wink, and sat back down.

"Do those for now, and we'll continue on. We'll want to reach the forest by week's end."

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Myles beamed with excitement as he nodded "This is just wonderful! Just think, I may be conjuring balls of light but I could eventually get to making real ponds appear all in due time"

He watched on as Maho made a grand pond appear in thin air. The water was clear and looked like he could swim in it but Sparhawk demonstrated that this pond could not yield tangible water. A great illusion. Myles thought.

"I understand your words Maho.This is all coming together. Making these images appear would be simple enough but to actually make these images tangible it would take the extra effort to make it. "

The aspiring mage looked at the books that Maho had brought from Alliria and it was true. He would need to read these in order to gain a better understanding. "I could also read these while we are in Fal' Addas retrieving your books" He offered. No doubt that Myles would read these while they both made camp.

In regards to the stave, Myles held up his walking stick that he had brought with him, as it had a red ribbon tied around it. :Would this work or would you prefer me to start anew Maho?"

He looked down at his walking stick, it was a mahogany shaft that he carved many summers ago. Parting with it would symbolize him leaving his past and continuing on with his future.

Maho Spahawk
In regards to the stave, Myles held up his walking stick that he had brought with him, as it had a red ribbon tied around it. :Would this work or would you prefer me to start anew Maho?"

"It'd be best to remember that magic isn't pretty. That stick could be a staff, so could that branch on that tree. Everything has an inherent value, but what people forget is that the value is equal to all things without a soul. These days people fall into the trappings of thinking that because something looks valuable, it is valuable. That could not be further from the truth; it's what we give to the items that make it special..."

He presented his staff horizontally so Myles could view it. His stave was fairly simple, it was made out of a hard wood, stood just higher than his stature, and was tipped with what looked like a copper cap.

"See, there's nothing special about this. Anything can act as a magical vessel." He realised he was going off track, and didn't even answer Myles' question!

"Oh, sorry! Yes, that'd work fine. I've organised a caravan that can take us through the Falwood. Make your stave and rest." He began to walk to his bag, and began to take out some furs they could sleep in.

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Listening to his teacher instruct him on the importance of a staff, he stopped what he was doing and made eye contact with his mentor.

"Anything can be magickal vessel? Good to know" Myles offered as he admired Maho's staff, it was simple but he was sure it could outperform most staves he had seen.

Looking down at his walking stick, he absorbed more of Maho's teachings before he mentioned that there would be a caravan to take them to Falwood.
"A caravan?! That's great, I'll have time then to read up on those books. I'll start on my staff right away."

Sitting with his legs crossed, he pulled out his dagger and started chipping away at the aged stick. Making intricate cuts into the stick he made irregular patterns and moved the ribbon up to the very top of the staff.
"Thank you for bringing me on as your apprentice. I promise I will not fail you.....It's what we give to the items that make them special" He repeated.

This knowledge filled his head with wilder ideas. Perhaps a spellbook might be similar in some fashion? He did not dwell on this thought long as he carefully whittled his staff and put time into it. There would be time later to add accents if need be but Myles would make due with what he had on hand.

As Maho Spahawk grabbed furs for them to sleep in, he would prompt his teacher "Would that to the items and all....could that transfer over to the properties of some darker magicks or is that a different story?"

Dark Magic was shunned by most but Myles was a scholar and in that regard, questions would be asked. That is how he progresses his learning.
Maho was taken back a little. He had written his own tome on Dark magic, but it wasn't a topic raised lightly in conversation, even in one between an apprentice and their master. As he was laying down the furs and fastening the bag once more, he began to speak:

"Any magic can be imbued into an item. The greatest mages in Elbion can even prolong the life of small animals by keeping them in objects." He sighed heavily.

"What you must remember Myles, is that magic, in it of itself, isn't something used lightly, let alone tampered with. When we use what we define as Dark magic, we are trying are best to subvert the basic rules of magic. Let me tell you a tale my master told me." As the day grew a little darker with every minute, Maho began to weave a tale;

"Once, there was a great Kingdom. It stood for thousands of years without challenge, it's might great and it's grandeur unquestionable. It boasted Sorcerers that could summon beasts that scaled mountains, and raise infernos that could be seen from nations away. However, a great evil curse lay upon it, from unknown origin. The people began to starve and disease ran rampant across the villages. But worst of all, vile and unspeakable creatures attacked, 8 foot tall, that breathed fire and had claws that ripped through Royal forged steel.

The sorcerers of the Kingdom came together, desperate for a solution to their situation. Unable to summon Dark Magicks strong enough to combat the creatures, the Warlocks of the kingdom began to use more magic than they were able, spouting great fires they knew they weren't capable of sustaining, but through sheer will they kept on. This came with a price however, as all magic does. One after the other, they became the very creatures they sought to destroy, the Dark Ones. They were corrupted beyond recognition, where no level of magic could bring them back. All the great wizards learned that day, that attempting to Manipulate the very fabric of the world with magic, came with a terrible price, a price too great for mortal men."

"You see, Dark magic can bring one great power, but never without an unspeakable price. A deal has to be made, and it is in flesh." He pointed to the great White Scar that stripped the left side of his face.

"I was lucky Myles. I attempted to raise Elbion from it's foundations, and got away with a crippled body and scars. Remember this Myles. I was Very, very lucky."

He looked away, and kept on taking things out of his bag.

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Myles took his journal out and began writing down things that Maho was mentioning. Unaware of the severity of the question that was asked he listened intently, eager to know more.

"Prolong the life of small animals?....fascinating." Scribbling more notes down he absorbed the tale that Maho Spahawk relayed to him....about Dark Magic....about the Dark Ones.

"A deal would be struck, no matter the cost. Those Dark Ones could not be saved? I think I heard a tale or two about them....but I never fully researched them."

Hearing about the origin of the scars made him shudder with fear that he would make a mistake one that he could not recover from...He dare not let that thought deter him from his passion, which was magic.

It's all about equivalent exchange. Great power has a great cost. There is no avoiding that no matter how great the caster. He thought to himself.

Widogast cut away at his staff and resumed his woodwork while thinking back on the Dark Ones and the price of great power. He was nowhere near achieving such power but he enjoyed where he was at: a constant state of learning.

"Well....for what it's worth. I am glad you were lucky...and I am glad you survived that event. Raising Elbion from its foundation is surely no mere task. That's impressive"

Wiping the wood shavings from his breeches he held his staff in the air and posed it in various angles to make sure there were no burrs remaining.
"Not sure it was Impressive... foolish." He slumped down, a little saddened.

"I wouldn't wish what happened to me on anyone. My hands tremble, my knees shake and i lost months of my life due to what i did, foolish as i was."

"As my apprentice, it's only right i try and make sure you don't repeat my mistakes. You've been wise Myles. You may have thought your lack of Practical experience a hinderance, but you couldn't be more wrong. Always, knowledge is required before one can achieve that which is truly great." He was exasperated, and let out a long sigh.

"Never forget where you come from Myles. I did, and i hurt not only myself, but those around me." Maho brought out his wrists, presenting them. There were Shackle marks that scarred his wrists.
"The minute you forget where you come from, if there comes a time you forget Aryn's bookstore, and all you've come to love to learn, then you've lost your way."

"Tell me Myles. Where did you hear about Dark magic?" He enquired. Just curious of course, but thinking back, it wasn't a topic brought up often, and finding it in books far less so.

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Hearing his mentor relish in the mistake he made reminded him that his journey with magic could take a sour turn if he didn't do things right.

"Don't be hard on yourself. At least you knew that it was possible and you in fact initiated a giant feat."

The compliment about his endless research before pursuing practical experience was both uplifting and exciting. Without proper teachers in Alliria, all he could do was read books. Attending the College of Elbion was unrealistic for least at that point in time.

"Forget Aryn? How could I? He was like a grandfather to me. He taught me so much about history and about the world. It would be hard for me to forget where I come from. Who knows? I may venture back to Alliria someday and live the rest of my days as an accomplished Mage."

Laying his newly crafted staff aside, Myles laid down on the fur that Maho Spahawk provided for him and contemplated on his question in regards to Dark Magic.

"Dark Magic? I heard about it in a book once. In the Allirian archives there is a book called Threat of Man and it mentions a Necromancer named Khalldryn....the very one that Gildesh fought in the days of old. Why? Did I make you feel uneasy? If so I apologize."

He had hoped that he didn't catch Maho off guard, or deterred him from teaching.
"Of course not Myles. You must understand that i have to tell you these things. Too many times have apprentices thought themselves powerful enough to heal a grievous wound, and consequent. I've seen it too many times. Hopefully your age has taught you better."

"Necromancy is interesting however. Best to remember that Dark Magic and Necromancy are both very different things, but in the hands of someone who wishes to do harm, can have catastrophic qualities if united."

"When we arrive in Fal'Addas, i must show you the artefact i have procured. It will show us both where to find what we need, and who we need most importantly."

He sunk his head in his books, waiting for the caravan to arrive to take them to the great forest city.

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Sparhawk had wisdom in his words, as Myles knew that many mages have tried to cheat the laws of magic. Listening intently to his mentor, Myles laid his staff down once more and leaned forward as if to absorb more information.

“Don’t worry, I know the laws well enough to not attempt something on that level.”

Necromancy and Dark Magic were two different things but they both shared the same similarity. Danger.

“I understand, one can never learn too much I guess.”

Although Myles wasn’t interested in practicing Necromancy or Dark Magic, the topics still held a scholarly interest to him. In order to prevent danger, one must understand and know the danger.

“What we need and who we need?”
Myles was all too curious now.

“What exactly do you mean master?”
Maho Spahawk
He gave Myles a glance. He shouldn't tell him; such knowledge is too much to bare for someone who hasn't seen anything of the greater world. The things some people could do with power. The actions they could perform, however great, could cause the end of the world as we know it. It could bring destruction to those we love.

"I want you to meet the Elves. I..." He took his hood off, laid back a little, as if the information was too much of a burden for his weak shoulders.

"The Elves of Falwood are wise and knowledgable in all facets of magic. They can guide you in all magicks, whether it be for scholarly means or for the devices of those that wish to protect themselves. I've found an item Myles. An item which my master long thought was lost to the races of Arethil. It's called a Black Mirror." He mumbled some words under his breath, and the mist in the air formed a perfectly black ball. Shiny, as if it reflected all light. Looked as if it was made out of Basalt, as if you could peer deep into it.

"It can allow one to see anywhere in Arethil. Anything that goes on in the world it can see into to. It has even been known to predict events that may come. It's one of a few legendary items that can allow one to become the master of the realm. It poses a terrible danger Myles. You must understand this. Few mortal men in the world have such power, nor the power to wield it." The item in the air fell to the ground and returned to being soil once more.

"The Elves said they would keep it safe for me. I'm going to Elbion to make a deal with some- uh, 'friends' of mine. Hopefully i will be able to wield it once i have." He looked at Myles in the face, with a deeply grave expression.

"You must learn well from the Elves Myles, whilst i am gone. I don't know how i will return to you, but i will most likely be different in appearance. Whether for good or bad you must take all they can teach you, and become a great sorcerer. I shall be gone for 3 months. When i return i must ask something of you. Something i wouldn't expect you to understand, or agree to."

He stood up, and put on his backpack.

"Sorry, i apologise for being so grave-" He laughed a little.

"Best we start making for the Falwood, doesn't look like the Caravan is coming any time soon. Pack your things..."

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Myles could pick up on his master's hesitation, and he noticed that Sparhawk seemed distant and pensive about something. He was troubled. This concerned him greatly.

"The Elves? I have met a few but none from the Falwood region."
Listening to his master intently Myles drew images in his head about the vast secrets that the Falwood Elves must know....that was when Maho mentioned The Black Mirror.

"Guide me?" He questioned. Would his master leave him to strangers?

"A Palantir? I don't think I have heard of such a thing....It sounds....dangerous yet cryptic. The ability to predict what may come is a dangerous role to take on if it were to be exploited."

This artifact was something he was not too familiar with. Then again, much of the Oskavosh relics have been lost to time. To have such an ancient relic in his possession, Maho must be more powerful than he lets on.

"You are leaving me behind? Can't I go with you to Elbion?"
Although Myles has never been to Elbion, he has heard many tales about the city, especially about the College. Myles wanted to learn more from Maho but more importantly, Myles would be amongst strangers and that was nerve-wrecking enough.

"I....I....will do as you ask. I will improve greatly while you are away and I do hope to travel with you further after I train with the Elves of Falwood."

The last bit of the message caught him off guard.
"Ask something of me? Why can't you ask me now?! I owe you a great deal for even bringing me this far..."

Myles was scared, angry and confused all in one fluid emotion. Wincing at this revelation, Myles whipped his staff up by his side and threw his knapsack over his shoulder---still full of Maho's books from Alliria.
Maho Spahawk

He didn't want to. He didn't want to leave him alone with strangers, with those of which he knew none. But it was too much to ask anyone to burden themselves with knowledge. Truly, knowledge is the greatest burden to man.

"Cerak At'Thul. The great black-bay, known for it's plague of slavery. I have a- i have a past there. When i gain this power, i seek to free the slaves of the Black-Bay." He put on his fur gloves as the cold drew in.

"It's... it's the slaves, Myles. They're... they're treated like dirt!" He was angry as he said it. He hated his past, hated where he was born. He hated it...

"I ask you this Myles. When i return from Elbion, i ask that you come with me. I need you. It's unfair of me to ask this of you, i know. It's just... I can't do it alone."

He cracked his neck, hauled his other bag over his shoulder, and began walking at a slow pace.

"Will you follow me Myles?"

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Upon walking slowly with Maho, more information was revealed to him on what was in store for the duo in time.
"The Black Bay....I have read about the vile place. Freeing the slaves of Black Bay? That won't be an easy task...."

"I always thought slavery was done away with many years ago....then I remembered that the Black Bay owes allegiance to no charter or character. In whatever way I can help, you have my staff. I will go wherever you go and fight whomever you fight."

Yes, Maho was his mentor and is teaching him how to potentially be one of the greatest sorcerers but Maho was a friend. A genuine one. If Myles learned one thing over the past few months is that friends can be great teachers and teacher can be great friends.

"I will follow you from The Black Bay to The Spine."

Catching up behind his master, Myles followed the path that was laid before them as it would seem.

"I am sorry about your past. That's not who you are, you are Sparhawk! Most greatness comes from small beginnings."
Maho Spahawk
Sparhawk smiled from ear to ear.

"Let's make our way to the Falwood. We uh, Don't want to waste any time..." He said, in great excitement.

He knew this was going to be the beginning of a new age, and the end of an old one. Where Myles can become a great sorcerer, and Sparhawk can achieve his singular goal. The road ahead would be tough and long, arduous and tiring, but it would all be worth it in the end. The blisters and sweat would all lead to a conclusion that lead to better lives, and brighter shores.

"I have a good feeling for what lies ahead..."

So began the long walk of Myles the Apprentice, and the Hawk of the West...

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Nodding in full agreement, Myles kept his pace consistent with his master's and replied.
"You're right, the sooner we get there, the sooner we continue our journey."

The plains they were in, soon found an ending as a massive treeline could be seen in the distance. No doubt that those woods belonged to the Falwood region. Fal'Addas is where they were headed which was deep within the forests of Falwood.

"I have a good feeling as well. Which I take are not leaving me behind?" He said jokingly. Whatever needed to be done he would comply with.

"All jokes aside, I feel better than I did a week ago."
This sudden revelation that the two had...worked the camaraderie mentality for Myles and it made his backpack feel weightless. Excitement was setting in as they were venturing further into the landscape.

Maho Spahawk