
  1. Peripta, The Land Strider

    Peripta Biographical information Birthplace Born Died Age 32 Home ??? Physical description Race Kivren ...
  2. Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk

    Private Tales The Journey to Fal' Addas

    Fal'Addas. From Alliras, it was quite a distance. At least a 5 weeks gallop, with good weather. Sparhawk and Myles had been walking for about a week, with no real sign of new destinations. He'd bought many supplies for the journey there: plenty of clean water, bread and picked vegetables...
  3. Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk

    Private Tales There's always two.

    It was time for Sparhawk to lay back for a while. He'd been off doing adventures for almost 11 years, and decided he deserved a little break. He of course loved the adventures he'd been on, going into the open world, meeting new people, seeing new things, going on quests; it was what he lived...
  4. Sannoru of the Thousand Valleys

    Sannoru 'Sanno' Biographical information Birthplace Mountain village in the island chain between the tundra and Sheketh Born Died Age 50 years?* Home Hidden Valley of the Swe...