Tolzhin, Joork Thaczil
Vhagor was under no assumptions that it was a privilege the Thunder of Thanasis had earned. No, they had been invited out of a desperate need.
The High Ascended spent a moment to just enjoy the unique view of the oasis before him, giant beasts not too dissimilar to dinosaurs lounging in the sands or half submerged in the cooling pools. The cities remained atop their backs but they did not seem to even feel them and Vhagor wondered if they were built into the beasts very skin. With a thoughtful grunt he turned to point at those dismounting their dragons behind him.
"No fucking fighting," Vhagor warned the group of riders he had selected for this operation. Were they the best? Not yet by any means, but they all had the potential to be the best. Not that the High Ascended would ever voice such a thing out loud; it was too dangerously close to a compliment and these egos needed no stroking. "We're here to get information about what we're facing here, not to go starting a war with the Jin'tae," that was the last thing they needed. Trade was rare in the Joork Thaczil, and it was best not to make an enemy of the ones who offered the most in the way of food and resources.
"And that goes for you most of all," Vhagor turned his steely gaze to his own dragon. Nyxandra's head lifted and she gave a series of clicks and chirps that could be roughly interpreted by anyone who had been around a misbehaving animal before as to mean who, me? If he hadn't of been with his dragon these last few weeks on the other side of Malaketh he might have thought it was her who had been dubbed the monster who ate whole islands. For that was what they were hear to find and kill; the creatures hunting the Jin'Tai's treasured mounts and swallowing their cities whole.