

Biographical information
Thanasis 55 Thanasis
Physical description
Human Male 6ft 4 Silver Brown White
Political information
High Ascendant
Out-of-character information
Caliane Rune https://bpsola.artstation.com/projects/JlB1A0

And for Those who commit an Act of Greatness, they shall be bestowed upon an egg from the Great Hold, or a Wyld Dragon not yet Claimed.

In Their Great Wisdom, in order for the Might and Greatness of the Dragons to have a chance to be bestowed upon the Ordinary, the Great Games was created by Their Royal Highnesses. The Games are designed to test a persons strength, courage and intelligence in a bid to win the greatest of all: To become an Ascendant.

But there are a few examples where a person shows these qualities outside of the Games.

- High Ascendant Rhael, in the year 114, on the Forming of the Ascended


Vhagor's dragon is a Blue dragon known as Nyxondra.

Nyxondra is the daughter of Nadrynn - a legendary dragon who is rumoured to have once erased a city of 10,000 citizens with one blast of fire.

Nyxondra follows in her sires footsteps with her own impressive reputation in battle, seen to be bloodthirsty and violent. She is extremely protective of her rider, Vhagor, and has been known to take a particular disliking to those who take his attention away from her.

Once her trust is gained however, Nyxondra is a loyal and valuable ally.

Nyxondra is one of a handful of dragons to have reached to such a large size due to her advanced age of 140 years of age. Most dragons in Thanasis either die in the act of service by this age, go into death with their rider, or retire to a place the humans do not venture. Despite her advanced years she very much acts as though she is in her prime making scholars question just how long could a dragon live if it were not bonded to a human.


Soft psychic connection; whilst Nyxondra cannot speak, the bond between dragon and rider allows for Vhagor to know her emotions and vice versa. Using a mix of impressions, images and emotions the two have found a way to communicate deeper.

Biography & Lore

Vhagor's life started off as a simple one. His father worked in the Dragon Hall as one of their stewards - an honourable position amongst peasants - whilst his mother was a maid in the palace. Unable to join his mother in her work, he often accompanied his father to the Dragon Hall instead. It was here that he learnt how to care for dragon young and watched the ins and outs of their normal lives when they were not being used to fight wars or worshipped.

Vhagor was not content however with his families humble life and sought to advance himself. He decided to join the military and made a good career for himself for many years.

In his 35th year, Vhagor was the minor officer commanding 500 new recruits sent to help hold the lines against the Jarlax. However, upon reaching the rendezvous point it was to find the main portion of their army brutally cut to shreds. The numbers they had estimated the enemy to have had been wildly wrong and the force now marching towards the capital was twice what they had predicted. Vhagor quickly turned the troops about and led them valiantly back to cut the enemy off before they reached the borders of their lands.

It was a bloody battle that saw Vhagor lose over half of his men, most of them boys who had never seen a battle in their life, but against the odds and with quick thinking, his band were able to stop the enemies advance and send them retreating back to their own lands.

For his bravery Vhagor was given a riderless young female dragon known as Nyxondra and became one of the Ascended.

From that point Vhagor has worked hard within his new position to train new riders - Ascended and noble children - and has had a unique affinity particularly in dealing with the harder cases to come through their ranks.


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