Bani, Who Chases the Sun
Pint-sized adrenaline junky with a penchant for things that go boom. One of the youngest bonded dragon riders, holder of the Thanasis manned dragon air speed record (non-fatal), and embarrassment of the Nhalaryn bloodline.
Tiny. Regularly mistaken for a child, especially when wearing her loose-fitting flame-retardant jacket. Messy ruddy hair atop a face perpetually stained by soot. Petite features that distort to deliver hot-tempered obscenities or maniacal laughter. Keeps her home-made riding goggles atop her head or around her neck at most times. Speed doesn't stop.
Skills and Abilities
As one of the youngest Thanassians to ever form a bond with a dragon, Bani is incredibly in-tune with her partner Vexillion. Their impossibly quick in-flight maneuvers have lead some to speculate that the dragon anticipates Bani's direction before she gives it, a theory that is reinforced when Bani describes racing as "flying on an extension of myself."
As quick in mind as she is in flight, Bani is a tinkerer and has put together much of her own equipment. Her "racing lenses" are of her own design to keep the wind from her eyes, and she has gone through several prototype face coverings so that she can keep breathing at truly intolerable wind speeds.
Bani's prowess and speed have gained the attention of Thanasis' more militant minds, and she has fashioned various in-air weapons that take advantage of her speed, her favorite being "bursters:" a package of tar and kindling stuffed into a thin metal shell that reacts wonderfully with dragonfire. While she and Vex are not the largest or sturdiest in a fight, they can rush past enemy lines, drop destruction, and get back before the first firebombs ignite.
As quick in mind as she is in flight, Bani is a tinkerer and has put together much of her own equipment. Her "racing lenses" are of her own design to keep the wind from her eyes, and she has gone through several prototype face coverings so that she can keep breathing at truly intolerable wind speeds.
Bani's prowess and speed have gained the attention of Thanasis' more militant minds, and she has fashioned various in-air weapons that take advantage of her speed, her favorite being "bursters:" a package of tar and kindling stuffed into a thin metal shell that reacts wonderfully with dragonfire. While she and Vex are not the largest or sturdiest in a fight, they can rush past enemy lines, drop destruction, and get back before the first firebombs ignite.
Being small in stature forces Bani to make her presence known through a big personality. She is loud, crude, impatient, hot-heated, and overall unfit for polite company. Born to a third daughter of the Nhalaryn family, she does not bear their name (a great mercy to the noble house), but this does not stop her from being unbearably proud and boastful.
Bani is easily bored and would prefer to be in life-threatening situations most of the time. High speed, fire, loud noises, any of those will do. With how desperate she is to surge on adrenaline, one would think she was trying to distract from deep insecurities, a gnawing sense of inferiority, and abject terror of being forgotten. One would then be beaten to death with an iron bar for suggesting such a thing.
Bani is easily bored and would prefer to be in life-threatening situations most of the time. High speed, fire, loud noises, any of those will do. With how desperate she is to surge on adrenaline, one would think she was trying to distract from deep insecurities, a gnawing sense of inferiority, and abject terror of being forgotten. One would then be beaten to death with an iron bar for suggesting such a thing.
Biography & Lore
<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>

Vexillion and Bani came into the world at the same moment and bonded, apparently, almost immediately. The dragonling seemed agitated from the day of his hatching, a temperament mirrored by the tiny girl. Had the pattern not been noticed by Bani's grandfather upon meeting the child, and the meaning not understood, her life may have been very different. As it was, Bani and Vexillion were introduced. While she could scarcely hold up her head, and he lay naked and unfeathered, the pair calmed immediately. It was one of the youngest bondings ever recorded by the Nhalaryn family, and perhaps in Thanasis itself.
Vexillion is calmer than Bani... by a hair. He is typical in size for a feathered dragon, standing on par with large horses, though his long neck, tail, and elegant wings extend his silhouette. His feathers are a deep black and sprout from equally black skin. Scales cover the few unfeathered areas of his body.
Dwarfed in strength by most other dragons, Vexillion's claim to fame is speed. Feathered dragons may be the quickest creatures on Arethil, and Vex in certainly among the swiftest of their kind.
Vexillion possesses flaming breath and tends to spit globules of fire with impressive accuracy.