Private Tales Suadade

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Skuld Zajac

Former Templar
Character Biography
A week and nearly another had passed since Skuld had met the McArthur man. Their paths had split after Vel Anir, and with it a feeling that Skuld had no name for surfaced. She had thought about it while she traveled back towards her goal of scouting the countryside. Having seen no immediate signs of danger, and thoughts far from her goal, she turned her horse towards McArthur lands.

It had been a long ride in her opinion, but one that she was surprised to have enjoyed. The lush landscape around Vel Anir was always welcoming to her, and being in her home territory put her just a little more at ease. She rode for a time longer, stopping at night only to lay out her bedroll, and let her horse be free of it's saddle for that short time.

She knew she was drawing near when a few folk stopped her and asked where she was headed. A short conversation punctuated with the showing of her necklace had her pointed in the right direction. It was late morning before she rode up to what she assumed was Keirans home as she dismounted and removed her helmet.

"I can see why he and his kin chose these hills. It's beautiful." Skuld noted as she took a moment to survey the land around her.

Keiran MacArthur
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Edenham sat no more then a two days ride from Vel Anir, a small town at best, housing up to over four hundred Highlanders. This was the home of the MacArthurs, the lords of the Highland clans. The walled MacArthur estate, For Wallace sat upon a small hill, over looking the houses below, serving as both a reminder of their status, and a symbol of their protection as in truth, it was more a fort then your typical estate. As any good lord, in times of need the town folk were welcomed and could be housed within it's walls. The surrounding landscape was beautiful needless to say, even with the cold seasons fast approaching and the green foliage giving way to rich oranges and reds.

Upon arriving Skuld would have been directed to the main road that lead up to the estate and past the stream the cut the town in half. She would have then been greeted by the guard who manned the gate.

"Oy! Who goes there?" The guard asked from above, peeking over the ramparts. It was clear by the puzzled expression, he hadn't a clue who she was or why she was there.
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Peering up at where she thought the man was, Skuld squinted her eyes a moment as she pinpointed where he stood. "Skuld Zajac!" She answered in kind. "This is the McArthur estate yes?" She called to the man, a little unsure of herself being in such a place. Her families home was no where near as large or splendid as this. She held the reins of her horse tightly, sure that she would be sent away in a moment, her own thoughts at war with each other.

She knew what Keiran had said, but it may have been rude to assume she was welcome at any time. Even with the reminder that hung around her neck, she still doubted herself. Who would want a templar as a friend, never mind as a-. She cut the thought away as she shook her head for a brief second to help dismiss the thought. Instead deciding she had simply been a fool for chasing something that was well outside of what her life permitted.

"I'm sorry for the intrusion. I came to speak to Keiran McArthur for a moment." Skuld called up to the man.
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"I assure you there is no intrusion." Came Keiran's voice, but not from above the ramparts but from behind the Templar.

Riding up the path was Keiran and his mare, Queen. Tied to either side of his saddle were a pare of wild turkeys that he had hunted himself. Further proof of this was the bow he still held in his left hand. A warm smile was given as he casually made his way. Seeing the Templar was not something he had expected. "I vouch for our guest... Have a small meal and ale readied." He instructed the guard who vanished to open the gate and relay the instructions.

"My lady... Pleasant surprise seeing you out this far." He greeted her as he pulled to a slow stop beside her as the gate began to rise.
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The templar visibly jumped, armor making a decisive clacking sound as the woman spun. The man and horse were both familiar to her as her horse pulled against her, upset that she tried to pull him to one side suddenly. She gave an equally warm smile as he spoke, and dispelled the worries that lingered in her mind. The man above vanished as Skuld tied the helm to her saddle.

"Pleasant surprise to have you greet me so readily. I thought I would stop by on my way through." Skuld replied quickly, her cheeks a bit flush at the surprise of seeing him and blatantly lying to him. She wasn't on any other path than to here which was more than likely evident to the man. "How have you been? Surely nothing exciting has happened in the short time that has passed?" She quickly added, trying to cover the last statement as smoothly as possible.
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Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
Her question honestly caught him off guard. In truth a great deal had happened, at least on his end. Upon parting ways with her back in Vel Anir, he had made his way to the Bannick estate, only to be pulled from the main entrance and brought in from the servants quarters. From there he was bounced around the side halls until ending up in a darken chamber. The encounter had been short and to the point but Keiran could still recount what transpired in vivid detail.

He had been informed of his new duties which would have him traveling the country side and reporting in every and anything he heard, via raven. He was to take over where his predecessor left off and continue so until he was excused from this service. He would be allowed to work from Edenham but was reminded of his position. The day to day workings of his home town were to be left in the hands of his younger sister and hew husband, a devote man sworn to the Bannick's. That was not alarming however, as he had expected such. What was alarming was the person chosen to represent and voice his clans concerns back in Vel Anir. His uncle Robert who, much like Keiran, had angered the wrong noble and thus had been sent away. Keiran was a child then but recalled the scandal of it all. His uncle had been nothing more then a shadow in mind but suddenly, the man had returned and it seemed he was the predecessor who served in Keiran's current position.

The mystery of it all stayed with Keiran during the two day journey to Edenham and even now he wondered what was in store for his people.

"Nothing I couldn't handle." Was his reply after a moments pause. "I trust all is well with you?"

With the gate opened, Keiran took the lead and was first to enter into the courtyard where a stable hand moved over to take the reins of both their horses. With out having to say, the lad was all ready to tend to their horses.
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The moment of pause gave her just enough time to truly relax, the red in her cheeks dispersing as she followed the man inside. "Well enough that my services are not needed at the moment. A moment of respite is welcome, though I thought to take you up on your offer of warm food at a comfortable seat. The cold ground is a bit unforgiving in regards to comfort." She replied in kind, her horse content at being led to the stable hand, untying the helm, she held it in her hands a moment, looking at it a moment too long before looking to him again.

"Again, I apologize if I put you in a spot of trouble. You can send me away if I've arrived at a difficult time." She was still very unsure of herself, a tad nervous even. She fiddled with her helm, turning the thing this way and that as she spoke.
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Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
"Nonsense... I intend to keep my word. You are most welcomed." Keiran replied quickly enough. Perhaps too quickly. Dismounting Queen, he quickly set upon removing the turkeys, both plump and large.

"I see we have a guest." A voice said from behind them which was followed by quick footsteps.

Keiran wouldn't need to turn away from his task to know who was talking. Instead he took hold of both birds and wrestled them over his shoulder. "Ah Ella, this is the Lady Skuld. She is the Templar I told you of."

"Ah Lady Skuld... Well met." The woman introduced as Ella responded with a bright smile. She was much like Keiran in appearances, having the same green eyes, light hair, and fair skin. She was every bit the Highlander he was it seemed. "Allow me to apologize on the account of my idiot older brother who fails to see the importance of proper introductions. I am Lady Ella MacArthur and I welcome you to Edenham. I hope his lack of chivalry does not paint our home in a bad light."

"Why bother when I knew you would be lurking? Lady Skuld please banish this harpy who had infested out lands." Keiran looked to Skuld with pleading eyes.

Ella scoffed and rolled her eyes as she stopped beside Keiran and playfully smacked him on the back of his head. "Manners brother, manners."
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"As long-" Her response was cut short by another voice, spinning to find the source. A woman joined them quickly as Keiran explained who she was, Skuld giving a small nod in greeting. "A pleasure to meet you Lady Ella, I am Skuld Zajac, Templar. Though you already knew that. Your brother was incredibly kind to me in my travels, allowed me to share his campsite and meal. He was most becoming of a gentlemen."

Skuld tried to save him as he handed his sister the shovel with which to bury him. It elicited a small laugh from the woman as he was smacked. "I hardly believe her to be a harpy, as it would paint you as a boggart my friend, seeing as you are related after all."

"This reminds me of-" Skuld bit her tongue quite quickly, her eyes far away for a moment before she smiled and addressed them again, trying to change the topic. "Are you both so lively of a morning?"
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Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
The boggart comment brought a chuckle to Ella's lips. "Each morning is a gift and we try to treat it as such. Besides... It's been a spell since we've had the pleasure of the boggart's company and despite his obvious rudeness, I think we do enjoy his company. At least we pretend to."

"Always the funny one little sister... But yes lady Skuld, we tend to be a lively bunch." Keiran said as he led the procession towards the main hall, pausing to hand off his prized turkeys to the kitchen staff who passed by with bundles of fresh vegetables in baskets. "Ale and light breakfast fare?" Keiran would ask the oldest woman of the staff as she passed by.

"Now you calling anything you eat light is funny m'lord... I'll have something for you and ye lady friend." The old woman openly joked with a wink added in as continued on her way.

Much like it's outside appearance, the MacAthur estate with in Edenham was indeed a fort. The courtyard itself was open and the perfect place for the folk below to camp out if the need ever occurred. It was also the perfect place for the fighting men of the Highland clans to gather as well. Off to the side where they had led their horses were the stables, and beside that, a small smith's station. The muscled man who worked it was currently seated beside his forge, heating haven's knows what, but judging from the tools he had on hand, a pair of tongs and his hammer, he would get to pounding away on something soon enough. Besides them, the entire estate was alive with people running about completing their tasks at hand, be in the ground keepers that tended the grounds, to the guards who were being giving their morning briefings. Despite lacking the finery and lavish appearance of the homes in Vel Anir, there was a certain rustic charm. Despite the simplicity of the estate, everything appeared so organized and it was clear that Lady MacArthur, though quick to tease, was on top of the family estate.
Skuld could only smile as the siblings bantered back and forth. It was nice to see then so lively with one another. The lady in front of her name had her looking to Kieran for a moment too long. Amusement made her feel warm against the cold of the air. Moving towards the main hall, staff passed by and the game was handed off.

The small comment drew Skulds attention but she didn't say anything outright. Instead, the few steps before the door had her looking to Kieran.

"If we are sitting to eat, could I ask for a room to take the armor off please?" Skuld asked quietly.
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Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
"Of course my lady I''ll-" Was all Keiran could get out before his sister interjected.

"I'll go wash up is what you're meaning to say. I'll see to our guest, you go look presentable." Ella said shooing him off.

"Sure thing Lady Harp." Keiran replied back though he did seem to pull away and perhaps do as told.

This left Ella alone with Skuld to show her to her room. Leading the way past the entrance of the hall, they instead entered the living quarters by a side entrance. "Should we be expecting to house you for a few night Lady Skuld? Please know the room is yours to take as long as you will have it... I'm not sure what happened between you and my brother in those hills, and I certainly do not mean to imply, one lady to the next, but he does speak highly of you."

It seemed Ella's capacity to tease went beyond her brother.
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Reactions: Skuld Zajac
At first, his sister's interjection was humorous, as it showed just how dynamic the two where. Then the questions came, and Skuld found herself on the receiving end of the teasing. She hadn't considered staying longer than a meal allowed, but the offer of a comfortable bed was welcoming.

On the other hand, the implications behind it became absurdly clear once the tail end of the other ladies word came to light. Or maybe the offer was part of the teasing? Skuld sputtered as she tried to explain in the simplest of terms.

"I mean, nothing happened, I can assure you! We shared a campsite. Well, and a meal, but that makes sense in the hills with the nomads." Skuld did her best to brush off the teasing, but she wondered why Kieran thought so much of it.

"And please, Lady Ella, you can simply call me Skuld. I must say, it has been a long time since I had Lady attached to my name." Skuld tried to jest with a light thump against the armor she wore. Maybe she could once more change the point of interest away from them.
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Ella scunched her nose upon hearing Skuld talk about the length of time between last she been called a lady. Being that she was so close to her as is, she would wrap a knuckle against her breast plate. "I'm a lady is under that armor some where... But so be it Skuld, be sure to call me Ella and we will be fast friends... And.. My apologies if I tease as if I am familiar... It's just good to have my brother back and I fear we are all infected with a nervous energy... So..." Ella said while stepping aside.

Behind her was the entrance to the room promised to Skuld. It was a small and quaint room which promised a warm bed, privacy, and a place to store ones items.

"Serious, the room is yours as long as you would have it. I do believe Keiran will be here for at least another night or two before he heads outs." Ella informed Skuld before backing off. "When you are ready, find us in the main hall."
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A relieved sigh came from Skuld at the dropping of the title of lady. Perhaps in her later years when she had become less useful to the Templars, she would welcome the title once more. For now, it made her feel less pretentious having dropped the title, and been allowed to call them woman by just her name as well.

"Thank you Ella. I do not mind the teasing, I just hadn't realized he thought so highly of me. I thank you for putting me up." Skuld replied in kind as he spied the inside of the room. Comfortable, warm, more than she had become accustomed to with the road lifestyle.

"I'll stay as long as allowed, though I do not wish to wear out a welcome so quickly. If you wish for me to help or do something, please let me know. I will remove my armor and find you all then." Skuld offered as she nodded to the woman and entered the room. It didn't take long for her to remove her armor. More time was spent finding the proper place to store the metal than any other part of the process.

She fiddled with her hair for a second, debating as to whether to leave her hair up or let it down. She left it up, not having anyone to impress per se. The deep green of the gambeson sharp against the plain leather breeches. Undoing the collar and laying it flat, she nodded and made her way towards the main hall. Making a few stops here and there to watch people work or even to just dwell in the familiar warmth of a home.

She entered quietly into the main hall, admiring a few paintings along the way.
"Lady Skuld." Keiran chirped happily from his spot at the table upon seeing her, only for his sister to elbow his side from her spot beside him.

"I think Skuld would do just fine dear brother." She corrected him with a sly grin given to the Templar.

Rubbing his side Keiran relented. "Fine fine... Skuld, pleas join us."

The hall was open and airy, invited at best. The walls were adorn with trophy's such as elk antlers, weapons, and paintings of past deeds and each were sure to have a storied history. Upon the center was a long table where those invited could sit and rest at the company of food and ale. The room itself hearken to a simpler time it seemed. Across from Keiran was another man, who was as much the Highlander as Keiran and Ella. His hair was curly, wild, and red. He was large and stature, a bear of a man truth be told. Upon seeing the two address Skuld, he rose from his seat and bowed his head ever so slightly.

"My lady." He spoke in a booming voice.

"Skuld this bear of a man is my husband Eddard." Ella introduced him as she vacated her seat and joined her husband. This left Skuld with a spot next to Keiran. "Food should be out shortly. Eggs and bacon with some fresh baked bread sound good?"
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The small grin first appeared as Kieran said lady, and did not disappear as Kieran was jabbed by his sister for calling her lady. She approached the table when invited, giving the man a small nod before speaking.

"A pleasure to meet you, Eddard. I'm sure that Kieran has well informed you of who I am?" Skuld teased Kieran a bit as she sat beside him and commented on the menu. "That sounds wonderful."
"Why do I suddenly regret having opened my mouth." Keiran said as he shifted in his seat.

"Because the fool often talks first and loudest." Ella chirped.

"Yes Skuld, he spoke of the Templar who he came across while in the hill lands... Out of curiosity, any reason why a Templar is traveling the lands of the Highlanders? Need we worry of Necromancy?" Eddard said. Clearly he was a man who was straight to the point... Dry at times it seems.

At this point, the older woman Keiran had spoken to earlier returned with four plates of the promised meal and then once more with morning ale.

"Thank you Rosa, be sure Eddard gets another cup I fear Eddard is as dry as ever." Keiran said while looking to the man with a blank face.

"My husband only speaks out of concern brother, nothing more." Ella defused the situation.

"Sorry if I offend Skuld, I am just hoping your visit is of a friendly nature and not one of duty. Nomadic raids are the only trouble we wish to have in these lands." Eddard added.
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Skuld shook her head as the siblings bantered back and forth once more, her amusement plain as the grin grew to a smile.

"It sounds as though you think highly of me, Kieran. At least I can be thankful one person does." Skuld offered as Eddard asked of her reason for being here.

She nearly answered before the food was served and Kieran took the opportunity to jab at Eddard while Ella explained.

Skuld waved her hand with a small laugh. "The highlands are clear of necromancy. My order tends to go in search of dark mages, rather than wait for reports of them. But my visit is friendly, yes." Skuld explained as she looked to Kieran with an I told you so expression.
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"Very good to hear." Eddard responded and then remained quiet, choosing now to focus on his meal.

Keiran would lean closer to Skuld and speak so she could hear. "Mind him not.. Not only does he look like a bear, he has the temperment of one as well."

Keiran pulled away with a smile and then dug into his plate.

"Well please feel free to see our lovely land.... Sad you came as winter approaches however, Spring and Summer in Endeham can be quite lovely." Ella added.
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"I see. And what of your temperament Kieran?" Skuld teased when he leaned close to speak. She began with her drink as Ella spoke and have her a nod.

"Even covered in snow, the land here is beautiful. Vel Anir and its surroundings always have a special place in my heart while I travel." Skuld informed her. "Growing up here, I know that winter is just a prelude to the country side displaying its splendor." she added before digging into her plate.

She hadn't realized how long she had been away until she had travelled through these lands. It seemed like ages ago since she last seen the greenery that flooded the hills and valleys around Vel Anir. Even in winter, there was a magnificence to it all. They way the sun shone on the land only made the sunrise and fall seem like something more.
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Reactions: Keiran MacArthur
Keiran's grin still held as he ate his food and he wondered how one would describe his temperament. Maybe he would have a witty comment later on if he found any alone time with the templar. It would be a interesting topic worth following.

"A woman of my own heart." Ella replied. "Keiran was born in the winter you know."

"Aye....During a storm or so the story goes... I like to think that's why I can sleep out in the cold with out a worry." Keiran boasted.

"I think it's his thick skull. To stupid to realizing he's freezing." Ella said with a chuckle. She then began to pick at her food, waiting for her older brother to take the bait.

Keiran didn't though and instead turned to Skuld. "What of you, born during the cold season as well?"
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She didn't receive a verbal answer, but the grin was well enough a reply all its own. Ella commented, and she found an answer she hadn't readily asked for. It did however, make her look to Kieran who had asked her much the same question. "I was born at the beginning of the winter season. No harsh storms, just biting cold." Skuld replied. "My father said I was lucky to be born at the eve of winter instead of the middle, as I was supposedly a tiny babe. Said it did some good, as healthy as I've become."

She picked at her food, her narrowed eyes falling onto Kieran once more from a side glance. "The cold has a tendency to make one miserable after so long, I'm grateful your good humor is still intact."
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"That is funny, people say the same about being in Eddard's company after so long." Keiran was quick to reply.

Eddard had been mid sip when this was said and would slowly shift in his seat square his gaze upon Keiran and hold it. The picture painted was that of two men vying for top position, and though the words were said in jest, one could imagine there was a unspoken riff between these two. The moment grew long and uncomfortable as the pair stared at each other before Eddard simply shrugged.

"You aren't wrong about that." Eddard finally replied.

Tension defused, it appeared Eddard was fully aware of his often stoic mood. Keiran laughed and Ella simply shook her head. "Behave brother."

"I know I know..." Keiran said in his own defense before going on. "So Skuld, how have your travels been?"
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Skuld blinked, as the comment became pointed at the other man at the table. A barb aimed at his sister's husband, and the tension near palpable as the woman almost held in a breath. Her eyes flicked backed and forth between the two men, before looking to Ella for a brief moment as Eddard spoke.

The tension broke, to her relief as Kieran once more asked her a question. She covered her mouth as she finished chewing the piece of bacon she had before replying.

"Uneventful, a good reprieve from the usual events that call me to action." Skuld stated as she thought of her own question. "Do you know whatever came of that smoke we saw from our camp?"
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