Private Tales Secret Getaway

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Taliyah smiled and nodded at both sisters. She knew that Arastan wanted her to be friendly but she wasn't really sure what to talk about.

"It is very nice to meet both of you. What made your family want to come visit?"

It was a simple question that was also friendly. She felt like she was doing this right. She was not used to small talk. The only person she ever really talked to was Arastan.

Arastan Aellevanda
Emra smiled warmly at Taliyah and motioned to her father. "Oh, our father and Aran's dad are long-time friends. We spent a lot of our childhood growing up together...Things got more complicated as we got older, but when father announced that he would be visiting. Well, we had to come along."

Emra lightly punched Arastan in the shoulder. "Couldn't have this walking disaster forgetting about us."

"You know that wouldn't happen Em. Who do you take me for?"

Taliyah watched Emra lightly punch Arastan and she tried to hard to keep her face neutral. She just let that fake smile cross her lips as Arastan responded back.

"He is a mess. There is a reason I am his..." She stopped herself. She felt like the words personal guard or bodyguard were not what needed to be said here. "I have to keep him in line. He somehow finds all the trouble," a genuine smile and a genuine laugh.

Arastan Aellevanda
"Oh, he hasn't changed in that regard much. I remember when we were little, you and Myra put all of that itching powder into our father's clothes. That had to be the funnies diplomatic meeting I've ever seen." She laughed out, the much quieter Myra offering a giggle at the memory.

"Yes, I don't have you two to look after me anymore, so I am thankful that Tal is here by my side." Arastan laughed along with everyone else while lightly squeezing Taliyah's arm.

The laughing from them died down long enough for Myra to say her first words of the conversation. Her voice was soft, just above a whisper, but held a sharp clarity that made her easy to hear.

"How have you been Arastan...I'm sorry I could not visit sooner...I've been meaning to speak with private."

The laughter died down and then Myra spoke. The in private made Taliyah squeeze his arm harder. Arastan was probably too clueless or caught up with his old friends to realize how much she did not want him to go talk to her in private.

Of course, Taliyah couldn't tell him now. He was a Prince, she was a bodyguard. He would do what he wanted.

Arastan Aellevanda
"Um, yeah, ok. We can talk."

Arastan, surprisingly, took the comment very seriously as his smile and laughter faded. He looked to Taliyah reassuringly before giving it another squeeze.

"I'll be right back I promise, but...I need to speak with her."

Myra seemed happy at the response, but also nervous. Still, she took his free hand and pulled him away towards an empty corner of the room to talk.

Before he could completely get pulled away, Arastan gave Taliyah's hand one last squeeze before moving away with Myra.

A moment of awkward silence followed before Emra spoke up again, "Well, that was a little weird. Still, it's about time those two got a chance to talk." She looked to Taliyah expectantly waiting for her response.

"Why?" Taliyah asked Emra as she watched the love of her life be pulled away from her by a beautiful, perfect life long friend.

Her blue eyes studied the face of the twin who was still standing there.

Arastan Aellevanda
Emra hesitated when she realized that maybe Taliyah was not aware of everything. It wasn't her place to say, then again...Did she really care? No.

"Myra was going to be Arastan's sister-in-law...Then Ailred was killed in that horrible attack...It broke my sister's heart, almost as much as it likely broke Arastan's. Aran and Myra have always been close, but they haven't spoken at all since the news of Ailred's death. It's been hard on both of them."

Arastan and Myra had made their way over to a corner where no one would bother them. They seemed to be in a pretty intense conversation.

Taliyah felt the carefully crafted orb she had constructed of her new life crack with every word Emra said. That empty feeling in the pit of her stomach. The nausea was back but she held her head high and closed her mouth quickly.

"Oh," that was all Taliyah could say. She had known about the attack. She had known why he had a vendetta against humans. She had not known about his brother. She didn't even know that he had had a brother.

She looked over at the corner where Arastan and Myra were speaking before rubbing her forehead. What had been his mothers plan in all of this?

Arastan Aellevanda
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Emra was switching between looking between her sister and then Taliyah's distraught expression. She did not need to be a seer to realize someone was definitely wrong.

"I don't mean to be too nosy, but...Are you alright? You look like...well, like it's been a rough few days."

The way she said it made it sound like Emra was genuinely concerned for her.

Taliyah let out a low mirthless laugh and looked at Emra.

"It has been. Arastan saved my life and his mother has hated me since the day I got here. I feel like she is just out to run me off," she flinched as the words came out. She probably shouldn't have said that to someone who had known Arastan and his family for many years.

Arastan Aellevanda
"Oh, and how does she plan on doing that?" Emra asked curiously. If she knew anything, Arastan was as stubborn as a mule, so he would not give anyone up if he did not want to. Since he brought Taliyah here, then he must like her...or want to bore her to death.

"Aran's mom has always been...forceful about things. She's also stubborn. I think that's where Aran gets it from."

"That is exactly where he gets it from," Taliyah laughed out in agreeance. "He is aggravating and stubborn and the kindest man I have ever met." A smile touched her lips. She loved him so much. She didn't care about what his mother thought of her.

Emra was right. Arastan would fight for her. She had been silly. He had gone against his mother so many times for her and he loved her.

"You're right, he won't let her win," she said with a small smile. "I hope," a mirthless laugh.

Arastan Aellevanda
Emra suddenly stepped directly in front of Taliyah, getting really close to her and looking hear directly in the eyes before smiling.

"Oh, you poor soul. You've fallen head over heels for him. It must be tough with everything going on." Emra said knowingly.

"Aran's mom use to invite our family all the time when we were younger hoping that he would eventually be smitten with one of us." She responded as she looked over at Arastan and Myra.

"I am sure she would be happy with anyone else but me at this point..." Taliyah responded and took a step back from Erma. She was way too close now.

She looked over at Aran and Myra. She needed him back now. She was extremely uncomfortable. This was not her environment. This was not what she liked and she needed Arastan's steadying presence.

Arastan Aellevanda
"Oh, no. Give yourself more credit. She would have a problem with any commoner." Emra reminded her. "Oh, looks like they're finishing up."

Myra had started crying at this point before Arastan wrapped her in a deep hug. He held the hug for a moment before saying something to her. Myra nodded before they broke the hug. That seemed to end the conversation, because they both walked back over to Emra and Taliyah. Myra had taken out a handkerchief and was blotting her face.

Once the two of them made it back over, Taliyah smiled at Arastan. She, of course, would also enjoy fucking with him some as well.

"Emra was just telling me about that embarrassing time at the lake,"
she raised a brow at Arastan with a smirk. Everyone had an embarrassing time at the lake and, of course, Myra had told her no such thing. Hopefully Arastan would share some embarrassment.

Arastan Aellevanda
Arastan squinted his eyes at Taliyah, recognizing the potential danger he was in. He had a lot of embarrassing moments, so he had no way of telling which one she was talking about. The prince shot a look at Emra, who kept a serious face, "What I didn't think it would hurt."

That did not give him any hints, so he scoured his mind for what types of memories Emra would tell Taliyah. Most of them were really bad. Em wouldn't tell her those, would she? No, it had to be that one. It was always brought up at some point.

"Listen, it isn't my fault that a snapping turtle looks a lot like floating drums when you are a child. It was not happy...I think I had a right to cry."

Thank you, Emra! Taliyah smiled slyly at the elf. But that smile but soon eclipsed as Taliyah burst into uncontrollable giggles. Oh, that was better than she had even imagined when she had said it.

A fucking snappy turtle.

Taliyah was almost doubled over in laughter before she finally composed herself. "A snapping turtle?! Oh that isn't the story she told me but that was is great!"

She had a sneaky suspicion she could keep this up all night.

Arastan Aellevanda
"Hey, don't laugh. That little bugger was chasing me all day...If I had better control of my shifting I would've just eaten him...the asshole."

Arastan did not blush but he did look a little embarrassed. Emra and Myra were both laughing at the memory. Both of them shooting each other a knowing look.

"Wait, which one did she tell you?"

Emra spoke up, "the one about tree and the swing. As well as some others. You should never leave women alone, Aran."

Taliyah relaxed a little more. The twins were alright. Well...Emra was. She wasn't sure how she felt about Myra and she was still upset that she hadn't known about Arastan's brother.

"I would love to hear your side of them though. Surely they couldn't be as bad as Emra said..." Taliyah pulled out the pouty face.

Arastan Aellevanda
"None of them are. Emra has a bad habit of exaggerating." He Arastan said scornfully as he looked at Emra who just stuck her tongue out at him...very unladylike.

"The tree thing was not even my fault. Emra pushed me up to high. She knew I was afraid of heights back then."

"It was supposed to make you get over the fear," Emra added in with a smirk.

Arastan wove his arm back with Taliyah's while they were standing there talking.

Taliyah laughed again and kissed him softly on his cheek as he linked their arms again.

"She did not tell me any stories but I will be picking your brain later so all the juicy, embarrassing stories."

She loved him. He was perfect. His was hers. All hers. She just needed to get his mother to stop hating her.

Arastan Aellevanda
"Oh...good. Sorry Em." Arastan quickly corrected himself while accepting the kiss from Tal. Emra laughed a little and shrugged. "No worries. You were probably right."

Emra's eyes scanned over the dance floor before taking Myra's hand. "C'mon Myra. All this lovey-dovey stuff is making me sick." Taliyah could watch as Emra raised an eyebrow at a beautiful female server who walked around and offered drinks.

"And I am suddenly very hungry."

Arastan watched the two twins walk away before focusing back on Taliyah. "So, what did you two talk about while I was away?"

Once the twins were out of earshot, Taliyah met Arastan's eyes. "She told me who Myra was to your brother..."

There was no humor in Taliyah's eyes or her face. She was upset that she had to find out such an important fucking fact from an old family friend. As it was, she couldn't yell at him or make it seem like she was upset. She didn't want to wait until later to talk about this though.

Arastan Aellevanda