Private Tales Secret Getaway

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
The smile on Arastan's face fell quickly. He lightly guided Taliyah over to a corner where people would not overhear them. He was silent for another few seconds as he decided what he wanted to say.

"Yeah, Myra was pretty close to Ailred. It was tough on her."

That was all he said. That was really as far as he wanted to go on the subject. There was a reason he did not speak with Tal about Ailred, just like the reason he did not speak with anyone about it, even his parents. He just hated bringing up the hurt.

Why was she so mad about this? It wasn't even worth talking about...He had a brother. Now he did not. End of story.

"Well, he isn't around. It doesn't matter anymore."

Arastan just wanted to walk away from this. It was what he did anytime his mom or dad tried to talk about this.

"He's gone."

"It does matter. You say you love me and you didn't even tell me about him."

Taliyah shook her head and took a deep breath.

"What else have you not told me?"

It hurt to even ask him that. To even insinuate it but he had hid such a huge thing from her and he acted like it was not a huge deal.

Arastan Aellevanda
"I do love you, which is why there is no reason to bring anything like that up," Arastan explained making sure to not let his voice rise.

"I have not hidden anything from you. I promise...It's just something I don't like to talk about. It's that simple."

Taliyah pulled him close and kissed him softly on the lips.

"I am sorry, Aran," she said as she pulled away. "I have just been on edge tonight and then having people who have known you all your life here when I know so little," she sighed. "I am being insecure and jealous."

Those were two feelings that she did not like to admit but it was true.

Arastan Aellevanda
"If it matters that much then...we can talk about it later, but...not here ok?" Arastan was willing to concede that much. If Tal felt like she needed to know something then he would happily be the one to tell her, but talking about his brother always made him uncomfortable. He did not want to feel like that when around so many people.

"No, I would be just as confused as you...I'm sorry." A small smile crept onto his face when she used his childhood nickname.

"Let's go dance."

"Yes, let's dance, my love."

Taliyah weaved her arm through his again and smiled. She held her chin high and her shoulders back as the Prince and his bodyguard walked out onto the dance floor.

"Why did your mother let me come tonight?"
She asked softly as he pulled her close in preparation for dancing.

Arastan Aellevanda
"Mother? She didn't. I told her you would be coming. That you had to be here." Arastan explained with a smile as they stepped out onto the dance floor.

Most of the room was looking at Arastan and Taliyah now. Arastan had been taught to dance from a young age, but his technical skills weren't great. He made up for it by being naturally athletic and graceful.

Taliyah smiled at him. He had told his mother she was coming tonight. Of course he would stand up for her. She had been so silly. He was perfect.

Arastan's hand on her lower back brought that comfort only he could. They were so close together as they moved around the dancefloor and Taliyah couldn't help by just smile like an idiot. She was very glad that she was a female so she could follow.

"Well...thank you for bringing me. It was nice to meet some your childhood friends." She was keenly aware that all the eyes were on them and it made her a little nervous about falling.

Arastan Aellevanda
"You have to be here for my announcement...Yeah, Myra and Emra are nice. Em can be a bit of a handful, but it was good to see them."

Alistair had quickly changed topics as quickly as the songs changed. He was laying the dancing on a little thick, but he wanted to show off Taliyah to the rest of the room. He whispered a warning and then threw her into a light spin.

Announcement? Taliyah was a little worried what her Prince was going to announce. He didn't think things through things all the way sometimes. She wouldn't push though. She noticed the had been quick to change the subject as well.

She laughed in delight as he spun her. It was a pure and true laugh of someone who was happy.

"Show off," she laughed as he pulled her back into his arms.

Arastan Aellevanda
"And what if I am. These people deserve a little excitement in their life...Now, they can just do what I do. Look at you." Arastan replied with his own laugh.

He had grown up with these people looking at him. Usually with horror, wondering what he would do next. That changed as he grew older, but he had learned to live with it. That wasn't going to work for Taliayh though. If they were going to watch her, then he would make sure that they looked at her with reverence and amazement.

Taliyah felt the heat rise up on her cheeks at his words. She seriously had no idea how she had gotten so lucky with him. Even with her paranoia, she knew that he was hers and she was his. He wouldn't let his mother take that away.

"You are far too kind, Arastan," she quipped back at him with a brilliant smile. Her dress flowed around her beautifully as they kept beat with the upbeat but well paced music.

Arastan Aellevanda
"Just speaking the truth."

Arastan led her through the remainder of the song showing her off at every possible chance he could. When the song finally came to an end, he held the ending pose motioning to Taliyah.

The crowd applauded happily equally clapping at the beautiful dance, Taliyah, and their prince's obvious happiness.

Taliyah was radiate as she laughed at Arastan's ridiculous pose and the clapping. If this man wasn't a Prince, he'd most certainly be a famous performer. He thrived on the attention and praise all the while staying humble and kind.

"Okay, are you done being the center attention?"

Arastan Aellevanda
"Yeah, I suppose I can deal with not being it for a little while," Arastan said jokingly as he guided Taliyah off the dance floor and over to a more subdued and private area of the hall.

"You are an amazing dancer Taliyah. Have you been taking lessons in secret?" he asked with a smirk. Maybe she had been a dancer in her early life. Of course, she was athletic and graceful, more so than Arastan which naturally made her a good dancer.

Taliyah walked with her arm in Arastan's away from the center of the ballroom and the eyes that were trained on her. It felt nice to hide(ish) for a little bit.

"Hardly. Dancing is a lot like sword fighting. I have been sword fighting for my life all of my life. Plus I get to just follow for the most part," she finished with a smile and a quick peck on the cheek.

Arastan Aellevanda
Arastan accepted the kiss with a smile before laughing at her explanation. It did make sense since a lot of the talents for sword fighting could translate well to dancing. He had just never thought of it like that.

"Well, just warn me if you are about to stab me or anything. I would like to know beforehand." He added while pulling her close to him.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and smiled that evil smile that promised trouble.

"I will most definitely not tell you beforehand!" Taliyah winked at him.

No, she would never stab him but it was more fun to tease him and his handsome little face.

"So what is this announcement you have?"

Arastan Aellevanda
Arastan smiled as his urges were telling him to capitalize on that evil smile and the teasing. They could sneak out and head to his room, then the real fun could begin.

Sadly, he had to control himself for tonight. He had things that needed to be done.

"Everyone in the city has gotten complacent. It's time to set some things in motion and to add some much-needed excitement into the city."

Taliyah could see that Arastan wanted to take her right here and right now but he had to be good tonight...well...good right now. Later was a different story.

She raised her brow at Arastan's words. She was a little afraid of what he was going to announce is it meant excitement.

"Okay, I am a little afraid now. When are you making this announcement?"

Arastan Aellevanda
"Well, I was-" The sound of a trumpet being so blasted swept over the hall as everyone turned to its location next to the King and Queen.

The party had lasted for a few hours by now, and this was the moment where the King and Queen would give their thanks and make their speeches. Then, they would likely leave. The rest of the guests would slowly filter out after that maybe after a few more drinks or dances.

"Oh, guess it will be right now. I'll be right back." He quickly kissed Taliyah on the cheek before rushing off to join his parents at their side. By now, the Queen and King had already begun their speeches. They were doing the usual thank you for come and laying it on thick for special guests. Just boring. Finally, it came time for Arastan to speak.

He stepped forward with a grin as he looked out at everyone. "It's always good to see Aellevanda interacting with the other cities. When elves join and work together we can do great things. I'm hoping to continue and expand our cooperation with other elven cities in the future."

The crowd clapped at the statement, many surprised to see the Prince thinking about such far-reaching plans. Many did not think Arastan thought about anything other than running in the woods.

"I've also enjoyed our gathering and would love to see you all again in the future, maybe with even more guests. That is why I would invite you all to return to Aellevanda once again...." It was the King and Queen's turn to look a little confused as they did not have any other plans for such a large gathering.

"That is why I would like to announce my engagement to Taliyah..." He swept his hand out to direct everyone's eyes to Taliyah in the corner.

"I invite you all to return for a royal wedding."

With this announcement, the crowd was thrown into an uproar as applause mixed with gossip as rumors were thrown out left and right. The king wrapped his arm around his wife and continued to smile, but the Queen looked like she was about to feint. Arastan motioned for Taliyah to join him.

Taliyah smiled as Arastan spoke. It was good to see him looking into the future and making plans. She knew that was one of the things that drove his parents insane. She was blissfully watching and listening when she heard the statement that stopped her world.

"That is why I would like to announce my engagement to Taliyah..."

Eyes turned to her. Everyone's eyes. On her. She remembered to shut her mouth as she started to walk towards her...fiancé. No, he hadn't asked her but she would absolutely say yes and he knew that.

She came to side and laced her fingers with his. His mom looked like she was going to murder Taliyah slowly and she hoped her face showed the truthful shock that she wasn't in on this.

"What the fuck, Arastan..." She growled out at him quietly from between her teeth as she smiled. She'd murder him slowly.
Arastan was still smiling out at the crowd, but took long enough to give Taliyah a smirk and kiss her again, quickly on the lips.

"Do you like my genius plan. This way, since it is in public, the Queen can't deny it or try and make me reconsider. That would just be annoying...Don't worry. I'll find a time to do a proper proposal in the future. I promise." He whispered in her ear. To the audience, it would look nothing more than the prince whispering sweet nothings to his soon to be bride.
