"It's interesting." Matias' words were a quiet whisper, though
Nazara would still be able to hear them.
Not that the Shade seemed to care much. He was paying close attention to the Baron, listening to the tale of how the Noble and his brother had once upon a time been as thick as thieves and nothing could tear them apart.
It was a story that no one was interested in, but nobles were always full of themselves.
"I think he likes to bring the new ones along."
Matias said, offering her a knowing look before suddenly Nazara spoke again.
"You're in luck, Baron." The Shade said with a smile.
"I have the perfect solution for your problem. Though, I am afraid it will be costly."
There was a frown from the nobleman.
"I can solve your problem within the week, but the Regiment will require payment, and not in coin." Matias frowned now, listening more to the exchange than to
Harlowe's answer.
"There is a Keep in the Eastmarches. Lok Anun, I believe it's called." It was an old fortress, broken, crumbling.
"I will need it deeded to the Regiment."
There was a paused.
The Baron was no fool. He knew what it would mean. Knew that he was inviting
monsters into his kingdom. Sure they would be on the furthest reaches, tucked into the mountains, but they would still be there.
After a moment he nodded.
"To prevent a war of blood...I can see this done."