Nazara is one of the core member of a group of Mercenaries made up of vampires, werewolves, gorgons, and dozens upon dozens of other monsters.
No one is quite sure when this group came about or even what it is called, but it had been roaming the lands of Arethil for several decades. The contracts they take vary greatly, sometimes defending a village of dozens and sometimes sacking a city of thousands.
It is a mystery to most people just how this group works, where they come from, or why they do what they do. Even those who are members often find themselves simply following along, doing as the older members do and accepting that such is the way.
Over the years the Regiment has had many names, including the Black Guard, The Infernals, the Dark Tide, and many others.
There are rumors that at one point or another the Regiment has fought for every creed, every cause, and every ideal...only to later betray it.
The Infernal Contracts
The regiment is not eternal, nor are it's members immortal. Every beast, monster, and creature within the regiment can be slaughtered and brought to the abyss like any other being.
With this fact holding true, the Regiment is always in need of recruits.
One does not seek out the Regiment however. Joining is only an option to those who lay upon their death bed. Most often this occurs in a battle lead and won by the Regiment itself. Those who lay upon the field dying are offered a simple choice; Live and join the rank of the Dark Tide, or pass to the abyss.
The deal is always a simple one. Life, servitude, or death. Though many deny the Contract, others choose to accept it.
Those who join the Regiment become twisted aspirations of themselves. Their inner most being is grabbed, wrought, and turned into a broken reflection of it's own being. Once the contract is signed, the recruits fate it sealed. Upon their death they find a new life as whatever monster their heart reflect.
No limits are set upon what one may become. The Regiment contains Gargoyles, Vampires, Werewolves, Gorgans, Harpies, and dozens more. The Contract does not take into account what the Regiment 'needs', but only what the Recruit is destined to be.
With this fact holding true, the Regiment is always in need of recruits.
One does not seek out the Regiment however. Joining is only an option to those who lay upon their death bed. Most often this occurs in a battle lead and won by the Regiment itself. Those who lay upon the field dying are offered a simple choice; Live and join the rank of the Dark Tide, or pass to the abyss.
The deal is always a simple one. Life, servitude, or death. Though many deny the Contract, others choose to accept it.
Those who join the Regiment become twisted aspirations of themselves. Their inner most being is grabbed, wrought, and turned into a broken reflection of it's own being. Once the contract is signed, the recruits fate it sealed. Upon their death they find a new life as whatever monster their heart reflect.
No limits are set upon what one may become. The Regiment contains Gargoyles, Vampires, Werewolves, Gorgans, Harpies, and dozens more. The Contract does not take into account what the Regiment 'needs', but only what the Recruit is destined to be.
Nazara is not human, like every other being in the Regiment.
Though no one is quite sure just what he actually is, many of his fellows have taken to calling him a 'shade'. Nazara himself seems to have no corporeal form, but is instead a roiling mass of black mist contained within the false flesh of a man he once slaughtered.
He has never spoken of who this man was, whether it was his past life or just a convenient corpse left over on a field of battle.
His inhuman nature makes Nazara a difficult thing to understand and track. He is far faster and stronger than most human beings and seems capable of some strange sort of dark magic through the manipulation of his own form. Despite this, many in the Regiment have also observed that Nazara's true form does not do well against light, and he often shies away from it even during the day.
Though no one is quite sure just what he actually is, many of his fellows have taken to calling him a 'shade'. Nazara himself seems to have no corporeal form, but is instead a roiling mass of black mist contained within the false flesh of a man he once slaughtered.
He has never spoken of who this man was, whether it was his past life or just a convenient corpse left over on a field of battle.
His inhuman nature makes Nazara a difficult thing to understand and track. He is far faster and stronger than most human beings and seems capable of some strange sort of dark magic through the manipulation of his own form. Despite this, many in the Regiment have also observed that Nazara's true form does not do well against light, and he often shies away from it even during the day.
Though no one is quite sure when Nazara was born, he has been a member of the Regiment for as long as anyone can actually remember.
His complete role within the Regiment has never been quite clear, and even those who have fought within for decades are often at a loss to say what Nazara actually does. Sometimes he is seen on the field of battle, sometimes he disappears for weeks, and sometimes he is simply there.
The one thing that binds most memories of Nazara in the ranks of the Legion is his being there at the point of their death. Many, thought not all, within the Regiment recall Nazara as the one who actually brought them their Contracts.
One of the few capable of forging the abyssal bond, Nazara is responsible for creating a great many members of the Regiment. He has never once stated why or how these contracts truly work, nor have any of the others who do the same work.
Many within the Regiment despise Nazara, though others seem to quite enjoy his company.
For such an enigmatic man, Nazara comes off as quite affable and even charming. He has a magnetic way about him, something that draws others to him. Those that despise him often do so at a distance, never daring to go near the man.
His complete role within the Regiment has never been quite clear, and even those who have fought within for decades are often at a loss to say what Nazara actually does. Sometimes he is seen on the field of battle, sometimes he disappears for weeks, and sometimes he is simply there.
The one thing that binds most memories of Nazara in the ranks of the Legion is his being there at the point of their death. Many, thought not all, within the Regiment recall Nazara as the one who actually brought them their Contracts.
One of the few capable of forging the abyssal bond, Nazara is responsible for creating a great many members of the Regiment. He has never once stated why or how these contracts truly work, nor have any of the others who do the same work.
Many within the Regiment despise Nazara, though others seem to quite enjoy his company.
For such an enigmatic man, Nazara comes off as quite affable and even charming. He has a magnetic way about him, something that draws others to him. Those that despise him often do so at a distance, never daring to go near the man.
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