Matias Vaquero
Matias was born to a minor noble family in the free city of Feíara.
Living a mostly careless lifestyle, Matias spent most of his upbringing with the children of other nobles. He was well educated, taught how to fight, and showed an early interest in the games of politics.
As some might expect this upbringing lead Matias to have a healthy amount of hubris. He considered himself one of the best blades-men in the city and often challenged others in simple street duels for the slightest offenses. This earned him a reputation as a fighter, but also a hot-head.
He was known by many for being extremely quick to change moods, going from charming and cordial to a rabid wolf at the slightest provocation.
This reputation eventually lead him to join the Feíaran Armed Forces.
Matias nature created no small amount of difficulty for him within the military, and his superiors quickly placed him within the expeditionary forces to simply get rid of him. It was in his fourth month within this force that the Feíaran ran afoul of the Regiment of Monsters he would later join.
They were sent to the edge of Cortos to help break a siege being conducted on a nominal ally of Feíara, and as they fell upon their foe they found not men, but horrid abominations.
Within a matter of minutes the Expeditionary Force was wiped out, and Matias lay on his death bed. It was here that a woman with strange horns and wings like spider legs appeared to him, whispering in his ear of life and glory beyond what he could dream of.
Matias accepted, falling into the Abyss and then waking in the cold.
Skills and Abilities
When Matias awoke from his death, he felt nothing but cold.
The young man found that reborn he had become a Jötunn. Called Frost Giants by the Ignorant, Jötunn are beings that were once hailed as gods before man became what it was today. They are creatures of ice, snow, and frost. Beings who could breath Blizzards into life and render deserts into Tundra's.
Matias is no god of course, but has found that his new abilities reach far beyond what he could ever have imagined.
The young man can summon and control a deep black ice in a thousand different forms. His body is cold and icy to the touch, and blades don't seem to harm him in the same way that they did before. Even his blood seems frozen, painful to the touch for ordinary men.
Though his newfound life has come with benefits, it has also brought frustrations.
A Jötunn does not melt in the sun nor the heat, but instead is incapable of feeling it at all. Matias is constantly cold, and would shiver even while standing in the midst of a fire. A numbness clings to him, an echo of the life he was meant to live.
The young man found that reborn he had become a Jötunn. Called Frost Giants by the Ignorant, Jötunn are beings that were once hailed as gods before man became what it was today. They are creatures of ice, snow, and frost. Beings who could breath Blizzards into life and render deserts into Tundra's.
Matias is no god of course, but has found that his new abilities reach far beyond what he could ever have imagined.
The young man can summon and control a deep black ice in a thousand different forms. His body is cold and icy to the touch, and blades don't seem to harm him in the same way that they did before. Even his blood seems frozen, painful to the touch for ordinary men.
Though his newfound life has come with benefits, it has also brought frustrations.
A Jötunn does not melt in the sun nor the heat, but instead is incapable of feeling it at all. Matias is constantly cold, and would shiver even while standing in the midst of a fire. A numbness clings to him, an echo of the life he was meant to live.
The Infernal Contracts
The regiment is not eternal, nor are it's members immortal. Every beast, monster, and creature within the regiment can be slaughtered and brought to the abyss like any other being.
With this fact holding true, the Regiment is always in need of recruits.
One does not seek out the Regiment however. Joining is only an option to those who lay upon their death bed. Most often this occurs in a battle lead and won by the Regiment itself. Those who lay upon the field dying are offered a simple choice; Live and join the rank of the Dark Tide, or pass to the abyss.
The deal is always a simple one. Life, servitude, or death. Though many deny the Contract, others choose to accept it.
Those who join the Regiment become twisted aspirations of themselves. Their inner most being is grabbed, wrought, and turned into a broken reflection of it's own being. Once the contract is signed, the recruits fate it sealed. Upon their death they find a new life as whatever monster their heart reflect.
No limits are set upon what one may become. The Regiment contains Gargoyles, Vampires, Werewolves, Gorgans, Harpies, and dozens more. The Contract does not take into account what the Regiment 'needs', but only what the Recruit is destined to be.
With this fact holding true, the Regiment is always in need of recruits.
One does not seek out the Regiment however. Joining is only an option to those who lay upon their death bed. Most often this occurs in a battle lead and won by the Regiment itself. Those who lay upon the field dying are offered a simple choice; Live and join the rank of the Dark Tide, or pass to the abyss.
The deal is always a simple one. Life, servitude, or death. Though many deny the Contract, others choose to accept it.
Those who join the Regiment become twisted aspirations of themselves. Their inner most being is grabbed, wrought, and turned into a broken reflection of it's own being. Once the contract is signed, the recruits fate it sealed. Upon their death they find a new life as whatever monster their heart reflect.
No limits are set upon what one may become. The Regiment contains Gargoyles, Vampires, Werewolves, Gorgans, Harpies, and dozens more. The Contract does not take into account what the Regiment 'needs', but only what the Recruit is destined to be.
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