"It is with my deepest regrets that I must write to you this day to inform you that your daughter gave her life for her country.
At the 11th hour our army met that of the Klysh army on what shall henceforth be known as the Bloody Meadow. We engaged the enemy with all the strength of our young men and women which we believed to be sufficient in beating back the tides of these invaders. Unfortunately, the enemy had a weapon we were not expecting and our forces were overrun.
Instead of retreating with her fellows, Harlowe bravely held the line which allowed for the rest of us to escape. Your daughter is a heroine to our country and I was proud to call her my friend."
- Letter to Mr Dubrovnik from Cpt. K. Tchivost
When she was alive Harlowe was considered an odd beauty. Her naturally silvery grey hair both a curiosity and a delight to those around her, especially when coupled with her bright blue eyes. She had a soft face that smiled often and a body that suggested her work involved manual labour. Upon becoming a vampire however the softness vanished. Hard, almost harsh lines have transformed her face into a piece of sculptured art. Crimson red eyes now dominate and contrast against her ashen skin. Her affliction turned her grey hair into an almost brilliant silver which rivals any polished coin.
Skills and Abilities
Vampirism: Upon changing, Harlowe was gifted with superhuman abilities often associated with the vampirism disease. Super speed, heightened senses, superior strength and durability. However along with the benefits come the monstrous downsides such as the desire for human blood and an affliction for sunlight.
Painting: Harlowe took after her father as an artist when she was human and has a keen eye for detail in much of her work.
Painting: Harlowe took after her father as an artist when she was human and has a keen eye for detail in much of her work.
Harlowe's fellow soldiers would never be at a loss for ways to describe their friend; kind, funny, mischievous at times, calming, gracious, fierce. Which ones truly did fit her as a human it was hard to say for people like to think the best of the dead.
Biography & Lore
Stories are meant to end when you die.
The Before, which is what Harlowe refers to her life as a human, was just the prologue. Caring father, loving mother, she was raised like any child would hope to be raised in life. Her mother was a physician and her father a painter who often worked on children's toys alongside his big masterpieces. She had never dreamt anything great would happen to her. When she was of age as was the case with all citizens of her city, Harlow joined up to serve in the National Guard for her standard two years. In a surprising turn of events she found herself to enjoy the company she was in and the opportunities the army could bring her.
Harlowe died in her 25th year at the Battle of the Bloody Meadow.
And that is when her real story begins.
The Before, which is what Harlowe refers to her life as a human, was just the prologue. Caring father, loving mother, she was raised like any child would hope to be raised in life. Her mother was a physician and her father a painter who often worked on children's toys alongside his big masterpieces. She had never dreamt anything great would happen to her. When she was of age as was the case with all citizens of her city, Harlow joined up to serve in the National Guard for her standard two years. In a surprising turn of events she found herself to enjoy the company she was in and the opportunities the army could bring her.
Harlowe died in her 25th year at the Battle of the Bloody Meadow.
And that is when her real story begins.
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