Fable - Ask Rebirth

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Matias frowned as he peered at the horse. "Can't you run faster than a horse?"

He certainly couldn't.

When he'd awoken things had been interesting. Most of the regiment found themselves faster, more dexterous. It was difficult to describe how he had felt. Heavy would have made a fine term, though ti was a bit different. Lips thinned.

"And..." He took a step forward, the horse immediately taking a step back as it stared at Matias. "I don't think it likes me."

A sigh escaped him. "I used to be damn fine on a horse."
  • Smug
Reactions: Harlowe
"I could run to the Prince and back before you reached Kirik."

That was probably not true.


Harlowe actually hadn't ever moved as fast as she knew she could half out of fear Orin would only grow more interested in her. She already outran him by five seconds. As the horse jittered she kept a tight hold on its reins so it didn't go shooting off into the crowds. Instead she motioned to the cart.

"Well you're not going to be on its back. It's this or I carry you for miles," which didn't sound like a fair trade to her. "Which would be a massive red flag for anyone looking for whoever has killed the Duke."
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Matias
He glanced at the cart for a moment. "The indignity."

Matias let his voice fall flat, though it was clear he wasn't actually all that insulted by the prospect of the cart. Without another word he quickly moved behind the horse and pulled himself up and into the card, a loud creak of wood echoing as he stepped.

"Well." He motioned. "Let's get going."

A yawn escaped him. "It's going to be a long trip."

Though he still wasn't quite sure where they would be going. To that castle that the Regiment had been gifted perhaps? It seemed as good a place as any.