Dreadlords Once Dark and Ancient Times

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group
Pale-skinned arms folded across Sepia's chest as she brought her finger thoughtfully to her lower lip. It was a gesture she never understood herself, but the facsimile of it seemed to let others know that she something had earned her consideration.

"'Charm' is one word for it, yes. What is it they say? That those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it? Valuable wisdom I'm sure. And yet..." she pondered aloud, her nails clicking against each other impatiently despite the meandering pace of her words. "I find those who are endlessly obsessed with the past blind themselves to what's could be."

As she'd spoken her eyes had been scanning the architecture of the city around them as though she were trying to ascertain whether the place was truly worthy of being considered "charming." She decided it was subjective, and her eyes once more fell upon Vittoria.

"Larrainth...you are a relative to House Virak, are you not?"
  • Bless
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Vittoria had just taken another bite of her honey cake, glancing up at the Archon with a passive expression as she nodded her affirmation. Once her mouthful was done, she glanced to King, gave him a smile, and turned back to Archon Galleus. "Yes, I am. Elise is my second cousin, actually." And that was all the family she had left. Vittoria was the only one with Larrainth blood, and the name would die with her. Her father had told her she would marry and take a new name, that she could carry her own legacy of power and might.

"Have you met Elise?" This time she plucked a spiced apple from the cake and popped it into her mouth, her nose scrunching from the texture. King would know Vittoria was not fond of apples, but still, she would eat them as if her tastes would change. She saw it as conditioning herself to persevere through things she did not enjoy.
Rhidian's smile almost split his face. He took her by the arm, this time a proper escort, and guided her closer to the dancing floor of the main area of the Historic Square. "Alright. Time to give your admirers a show." He laughed, because he wasn't so light on his feet, nor was he confident he would do the dance any justice, but that wasn't the reason he wanted to dance.

As lovely as Zinnia was, as gorgeous of a young woman, he knew he wanted her to be a close friend. Perhaps he was burned by the falling apart from Odessa, but Zinnia deserved someone that wasn't prone to falling into the darkest pits of their inner darkness. She was a light for him right now, a friendly face that kept his afloat. He didn't realise how much he needed this, the Dreadlord in a fine frock pulling him from his mind.

The dance was slow, a sort of waltz, but Rhidian was fine with just swaying and occasionally twirling her. "I'm glad you made it, Zin. Glad to have bumped into you." It was hard to hide his sad smile even with the mask; the emotion hung on his every word. "I came here to meet a girl I had met in Vel Castere. She's with the 44th, but I'm afraid."

This was the first time he was telling someone, the first time he was putting his thoughts into speech.
  • Gasp
Reactions: Skyler
Sky's smile was bright as Connie introduced herself. "I'm not a stranger to overly protective family." She laughed as Fumi shrugged. And looked mildly offended at the silent look Sky gave him.

"What? Don't look at me." He huffed. "I'm going to find out wayard brother. I'll meet back up late. Connie, great to meet you." Fumi had a way with people just like Sky did. It came naturally to him. With a small nod of his head, he trailed after the trail their brother left behind.

Sky hooked her arm easily through Connie's.

"Want to check out the snack booths? Or looks like there's some dancing in the square. Mmmm but I do remember this city being known for their candied apples."
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Rhidian
"Not as such...though I was acquainted with her father before his passing," Sepia answered nonchalantly, examining her nails.

"I'm not sure Elise would enjoy my presence, but I do admire her, I admit. Strong, ambitious, truly bloodthirsty in her own way. A true apex predator..." rare it was that Archon Galleus laid such praises upon anyone. But she was no fool. She knew how others looked upon women like Elise Virak. "...And some brave souls would say 'a monster.'"

Having lost interest in her nails, Sepia granted Vittoria a graceful smile.
"What say you, Initiate Vittoria Larrainth? Lady Virak. Do you find her admirable? Or monstrous?"

The Archon's gaze narrowed and her smile vanished. Vittoria would need to weigh her response very carefully.
  • Smug
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Her answer came easily.

"The perfect concoction is to be both, no? We still must hold a shred of our lethality and be seen as palatable. Even wolves must remind everyone else that they have teeth."

She turned to King, baring her teeth like she always had done when it came to eating, and opened her mouth to take a bite of her cake. Vittoria knew he hated when she did that, but he would know the story she had been told as a child, that she then told him, of the dragon in the Spine and it's monstrous teeth.

One should not only fear the flame, but also their teeth.

As one should not fear the magic, but what else they could do.
Sepia cooed softly at Vittoria's response, her dress seeming to flutter in reaction as though it was alive. On some primal level, Vittoria would know that she'd earned the archon's attention. Her eyes slid towards Fabien now, not needing an answer from him.

"Why don't you run along, boy? I believe I'd enjoy having a more private conversation with young Miss Larrainth."
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Vittoria Larrainth
Vittoria turned her attention to King, her expression as pleasant as it could be as it was her closest and dearest friend. "I will be right, you can go to the Courtyard Ruins and I shall come and find you when I am finished here."

Her hand found his, gave it a squeeze.

Vittoria was clever, trained, and knew she was not in any trouble here.

"I will not be long."

She would wait until he disappeared before turning to the Archon.

"An honour to have your time on my own, Archon Galleus."