Vittoria had just taken another bite of her honey cake, glancing up at the Archon with a passive expression as she nodded her affirmation. Once her mouthful was done, she glanced to King, gave him a smile, and turned back to Archon Galleus. "Yes, I am. Elise is my second cousin, actually." And that was all the family she had left. Vittoria was the only one with Larrainth blood, and the name would die with her. Her father had told her she would marry and take a new name, that she could carry her own legacy of power and might.
"Have you met Elise?" This time she plucked a spiced apple from the cake and popped it into her mouth, her nose scrunching from the texture. King would know Vittoria was not fond of apples, but still, she would eat them as if her tastes would change. She saw it as conditioning herself to persevere through things she did not enjoy.