Now ya see, harpies ain't the prettiest thing to look at, but them feathers catch a fair price and sure enough an even fairer price to certain somebodies who're lookin' for 'em. Wallace couldn't tell ya what happened to his last batch that was supposed to be comin' in to
Elbion other than some jackass done mucked it up. So here's the deal: catch wind of this little thing goin' on with that famous ol' wizard Grangomelle, figure some rare loot ought to spice up sales, and oh wouldn't ya know it. Harpies. Up north in this spooky ass forest.
So that was where Wallace would be heading. North. Yeah, sure, that queer wooden box was awful mysterious and might even fetch a nice price to some collector, but that wasn't even the cake anymore--that was the icing. Gettin' them harpy feathers along the way was the real prize. He was poised to make some coin off of this here little venture or his nickname wasn't The Walking Bazaar, heh heh.
* * * * *
'Course, Wallace goddamn sure as hell didn't listen to that part about the ravine and the climb down. Some other folks already done got down there and from what Wallace could hear, they'd some company from the local harpies and their valuable feathers.
Turned out though that ol' Wallace wasn't alone up here still. He stood on the precipice of the ravine, thinking how much of a sumbitch it was gonna be to climb back up this thing later, when a casual glance around revealed a shadowy figure comin' through the forested mists:
Zaid Ardin.
Wallace gave a wave, brought his hands back to hold the lapels of his coat, and said, "Hey there, shtranger." His rural accent was thick and his 's' sounds came out as 'sh' sounds.
"You like coin, frien'? Name'sh Wallish. Wallish Grimley. Lemme tell you shomethin': I'm here to grab me shome feathersh from them mean ol' flappin' nashtiesh down there. Maybe you ain't, maybe you is too. Whatchu shay we watch each other'sh back, eh? Grab shome of them feathersh yershelf and friend I'll show you how to make shome quick coin in Elbion with 'em. Whaddoya shay?"
Zaid Ardin