Quest Loot Runners #3 The Wind and the Willow

Organization specific roleplay for governments, guilds, adventure groups, or anything similar

Raigryn Vayd

Character Biography


The Lost City of Rih
Grangomelle called something out to the brave adventurers, but the words were stolen by the winds. The wind whipped over the coastal rocks and sang a song to drown out any conversation.

He frowned using grey bushy brows that seemed made to show displeasure. Grangomelle raised both arms and clapped his hands together. The wind was silenced temporarily.

"As I was saying, welcome to the lost city of Rih. Fifty years ago a ship from the west brought a terrible plague. The island towers were cut off, no ships in or out. They did not survive."

"Where this is plague, there are plague ghouls. Horrible creatures that eat anything, but they do a good job of cleaning up disease ridden corpses. Rih is now plague free.

"But not free of danger."

Grangomelle turned, waving his hand towards the three rocks that jutted up from the turbulent seas. Rope bridges that had not been maintained for decades were being tossed around by the wind. Old and torn flags of reds and blues still fluttered. Nothing living seemed to move.

"Three islands, three treasures and three great dangers. On the first rock remain a group of plague ghouls, fearing on vermin. They have a nasty bite, with teeth covered in a hundred different plagues. They are also exceptional climbers. Here I have hidden the Grddulle Warding Glyph.

"The dead do not always leave peacefully. Furious at being left to die, some of the souls of the citizens of Rih remained. They have become Ignatyr, their souls bringing life to the rocks. Fight them or pacify them, they have the flaming mace.

"A family of Pandarann have made the third rock their home. They do not tolerate outsiders, they do not speak our languages. They are remarkably violent when protecting their homes. On their island I have hidden Willow.

The team that impresses me the most shall earn the Orb of Nullification. I had to trade with a particularly nasty demon after no one recovered it last time…do not disappoint this time. Begin!"

The first and most persistent obstacle for the brave adventurers: rickety bridges and platforms, high winds and a disturbing lack of health and safety rigmarole.

Island 1
Plague ghouls


Island 2


Island 3


The best team gets:

Don't wait for DM posts. I won't be doing that. The introduction has outlined the challenges ahead and writers are expected to play them out. If anything I might throw a few new twists in along the way
This is a quick write format. In your pairs you can posts back and forth as quickly as you want to try and reach loot
To obtain items you can rush to them, wait to mug those who took them on the way out, or come up with new ways to find them. All I ask is that you give the challenges ahead of you some respect in your writing
Teams of 1-3.
Head you post with which island.
Use PMs or discord to discuss the thread as much as you wish

Though plague ghouls had a deep appeal, and an Uroghosh-era runic ward did too, Harrier found herself drawn to the island of the Ignatyr.

A dozen skeletons followed her onto the rickety rope bridge. One missed a step and tumbled through dry wood to shatter on the rocks below. Harrier turned, clinging to the old rope, and hissed in frustration. She'd spent a lot of time and energy on those skeletons, and today they were useless. Of the eleven that remained, she left five back on the shore and drained the energy she'd invested in binding the others. Six undead servants' worth of power would give her options later.

She proceeded alone, very very carefully. This rope bridge was no joke.

Freya felt the wind brush past her face, rough and course in its violent cascade from the ocean that confronted them. It comforted her, strangely, memories of her home, both old and new, accompanying the gusts of air. The task that faced her wasn't nearly as comforting, however, though the reward should she succeed would be great.

Her gaze hovered over the islands, towering monuments to a long-dead civilization, idly listening to the instructions given by the old wizard. A glyph rested on one island, capable of withstanding the force of magic. Useful for some, but not quite what she was interested in. The sword sparked some intrigue, but shortswords weren't her favored weapon.

No, she had her eyes set on another item: the flaming mace. She had two of her own, alongside her spear, but one on fire was an appealing addition. The Ignatyr could pose an issue, but not enough to dissuade her.

Her mind made up, she stepped onto the bridge, the faintest creaking audible beneath her footstep. Caution was evidently going to be her ally. The crashing of a skeleton, one of the necromancer's ahead of her, onto rocky shores below them furthered her theory.

She continued onward, hands gripping the swaying rope bridge. A violent wind came, shaking the rickety bridge, prompting the Nord to slow her pace and instead hold on. The wind passed, and so she continued, trailing behind the necromancer and their flock of the dead. Whether the necromancer would be a vital ally or a competitive foe, only time would tell.
Freya Thrakin

Wind tore at Harrier's dress, ripped her shawl off to spiral into the unfriendly sea. She clung to the rope and glanced back. Someone was following, another woman, maybe younger - she couldn't tell for sure. Harrier turned her attention back to the last few yards of treacherous bridge, where boards were cracked or missing. The final five skeletons had followed after all, and she was grateful for that: their unfeeling grips helped stabilize her final crossing. Another tumbled and shattered on the shore of the second island.

She sat down to rest a minute on the windy shore, high above the water. A ramshackle old tower creaked ominously above her. The possessed stone golems and their prize wouldn't be up there - far too rickety. While the four remaining bonewalkers stood sentry, she took advantage of the structure's limited shelter and waited for her fellow traveler to cross.

Freya took note of the necromancer's glance, replying with a simple nod of acknowledgment. The wind and the ramshackle bridge they found themselves crossing made for an unappealing location for conversation, after all.

Instead, she focused her gaze on the bridge. Boards creaked with only the wind as their pressure while others had fallen victim to age long ago, though a select few did seem to be stable enough for her feet to find purchase. She could only watch as yet another skeleton tumbled down, their form erupting into a plethora of bones as they crashed against the shore.

She soon found solid ground, the treacherous bridge now behind her and, for now, empty. Glancing across the wind-beaten landscape, she found the necromancer seemingly awaiting her by a hobbled together tower. Coming closer, to a point where her voice was no longer muted by the howling wind, she stated, "The name's Freya. Since I'm assuming you're also after the mace, maybe we'd do better working as a duo." She glanced at the skeletons, adding, "Or as a team."
ISLAND 3: Pandarann and Willow
(Obviously. My team is excluded from the Orb prize)
Fife Belduhr Brighthand

Raigryn was curious as to what motivated these challenges. A great wizard did not typically pass on their collection of treasures for fun. Yet Raigryn would not have put it past Grangomelle to simply do these for the attention. So many wizards were motivated by making a name for themselves.

They had been passing through a portal stone when a caravan of adventurers had drawn Raigryn's attention. After he heard what had drawn them it was inevitable that he would drag Fife along. The lost city was far too tempting.

"Well, I don't think we'll be going near the Plague Ghouls," he said to Fife. Despite his tenancy for dragging her far too close to danger he wasn't going to walk her into a nest of ghouls. "Isn't it remarkable though?" he shouted over the wind. Each section of the city was built around a rock jutting up from the ocean. What kind of mind thought to build there?

"Let's go for a closer look at this island of, what was it? Pandarann? We can always go back across the bridge if it looks dangerous."

Raigryn looked down at the bridge. It looked more dangerous than a travelling pack of hill giants.
Freya Thrakin

"You're welcome to the mace, never fear. It's the Ignatyr I'm after. Unsettled souls are literally my stock in trade."

Harrier got up and dusted herself off. An overgrown path led around the rickety tower and into a region of high, craggy rocks. She and the four skeletons headed that way.

"I can probably neutralize one or two at minimum, but then I'll have what I want. Fair warning, I might turn back. If there are any challenges after the Ignatyr, we'll see. Acceptable?"
Island 3: Pandarran/Willow

The pyromancer was in a low stretch of his legs while he listened to the information given to them about what they would be encountering. A lot of danger that he would not be used to. He was already sweating from the idea of so many monsters guarding these treasures. These were akin to the tales he'd heard of adventurers warding of creatures in order to achieve their goals. He sprung up and began to do jumping jacks in place. When he finished his stretches he peered over to Flint with a nod.

"That sword sounds intriguing." He wrote quickly in flame. There was that, but he also was much less terrified of the idea of giant pandas then he was golems of stone and ghouls that brought disease. And that they may even have a mind to approach peacefully. This was of course his naivete speaking but it was a pleasant thought. He'd wait for his partner's response before they ventured off.
Raigryn Vayd Fife

Belduhr had come to watch the show, having heard rumors of this event. Having intended only to watch, he was lightly packed, the mixed tool was at his hip, along with a proper dwarven hammer in case he came across anything that might actually be dangerous. Years of manning the levers of the press and reproducing so many volumes of books had done wonders for the dwarf.

Never mind that there were still numerous books to reproduce, along with the idea of more educational printing blocks to make now that he was more associated with Raigryn and Fife.

Which was why he found himself quickly waddling up to the aforementioned pair when he spotted them out of the people that had come to try their luck.

"Oy! You two again aye?! If you've a mind for the uh... panderin' folk, I'll join ye'!" He called in his gruff voice. He was a touch winded given that dwarves were not meant for long distance running. Short sprints through the mines or halls of their stone mountain yes.

Quickly crossing an open field, not so much.

Her face grew a momentary expression of surprise at the statement, soon diminishing into one of understanding. "Makes sense, given your profession." Freya followed the necromancer and her undead, nodding along to what she said. "I'm alright with that, any help is good help."

In the distance, the sound of shifting rock grew louder and louder. A glance upward quickly found the source: lumbering figures of stone stood perched upon the craggy rocks they were heading towards. The Ignatyr.

Expressionless faces turned towards the disturbances stepping foot upon their home at once. A few reached down, holding up large boulders. The rocks were let loose mere moments later, the makeshift projectiles soaring through the air towards Harrier and Freya. The few that missed sent shockwaves of dirt and rubble outward, though more could be seen coming.

Unfortunately, the overgrown path didn't provide much in the way of cover. Freya gave a quick glance to the necromancer, commenting, "Looks like the Ignatyr are after us too. We should move, fast."
  • Yay
Reactions: Harrier
Island 3: Pandarann/Willow

To say she was growing accustomed to the strange and dangerous places Raigryn took her would have been a slight understatement. She listened to the wizard explain the three islands with a grim expression, then scanned them for herself.

Rope bridges over churning waves and coastal rocks. Biting winds that cut off the voice and tugged at the hair she had tied back. A variety of nasty beasts to protect a few rare treasures which they were intended to race other adventurers for.

Of course they were here. Of course.

Yet she hardly held it against him. She nodded as he assessed the islands, choosing the one with Pandarann -- whatever that was -- to seek the Willow -- whatever that was. Fife tightened the tie in her hair to secure it better against the whipping winds and checked the crossbow and her things one last time. A few others were looking toward the rope bridge same as them, and she turned her head up to Raigryn. This bridge wasn't going to tolerate a whole lot of trips across or back.

A dreaded familiar voice cut through the wind and Fife rolled her eyes. She had thought herself free of the pest when they had left the Spine. Throwing a dark look back at Belduhr, who couldn't even say Pandarann right, she raised her hands to sign to Raigryn. Touching her chest, she ran her fingers toward the bridge, then touched her chest again and drew her finger together in a small scale. She was light. Sending her across first might have its advantages -- especially if it meant not having to follow Belduhr.

Freya Thrakin

A thrown rock smashed against a basic College Magic ward. The rubble tumbled off the path and gained speed as it clattered down the slope to the angry surf. Another rock obliterated a skeleton.

"I didn't come here to run."

Harrier felt the Ignatyr in her mind's eye: angry souls, trapped in the pain and helplessness of the tragedy that wiped out these islands.

<Peace,> she said mind to mind, exerting a necromancer's innate command over beings like this. <Peace. What do you need?>

The spirits weren't verbal by any means, but she got a deep-rooted sense of things undone, of the islands' pitiless elements, wind that would never let them rest.

Harrier exhaled and dropped the ward. "They'll let us pass if we find and bury their bones. I wouldn't advise taking the mace first, wherever it is." She snapped her fingers and the skeletons shambled past the Ignatyr, off to find the remains and the mace. The stone golems rumbled but, for the moment, let it happen.

"For a minute there I was afraid they'd want us to go to the first island and kill the plague fiends."
  • Yay
Reactions: Freya Thrakin
Island 3: Pandarran/Willow
Flint was unusually quiet. Usually full of cheer, the barber crouched low, a crease in his brow. When Orival Theodric told him of the treasures that lay on the sister islands, Flint couldn't help but jump at the call to adventure. He wasn't one to pass on a good quest, and he didn't scare too easily. Still, the idea of competing treasure hunters unnerved the man. He'd seen the things people were capable across the lands. Unspeakable feats of magic, terrible acts of violence. Part of him couldn't help but feel underwhelmed.

No, he thought. This is exactly what I've been training for.

Securing the various throwing knives strapped to his cuirass, Flint looked up to his partner, smirking as the pyromancer stretched out. "Sure, and I'm sure pandarran's are much cuddlier than the alternative."

He stood now, hand resting at his hips as the gusty winds whipped at his hair. Looking at the creaky old bridge, Flint shrugged to his partner. "Is it too late to head back to the tavern?".

Orival Theodric

She let out a breath of relief. The barrage was, at least temporarily, over. She didn't know exactly what the necromancer had done, but it certainly worked. "Impressive work. Do any of them have any recollection of where they died?" Hopefully, their bones hadn't all been scattered to the wind as well, that would complicate things.

The Nord took a few steps forward, the lack of boulders crashing into the ground easing her prior tension, her gaze searching for the white of bone. Still, she kept an eye on the golems. Tortured souls were not always the most reasonable and predictable sort, she could imagine. As Harrier gave her sentiment, Freya replied with a chuckle of agreement. "Same here. Hopefully those bones aren't too well hidden, or worse-" She glanced down at the raging seas below them, "-down there."
  • Yay
Reactions: Harrier
Island 3: Pandarann/Willow

There was a silent but hefty chuckle from behind Orival's cloaked face. They both felt out of their league and while it shouldn't be; it was certainly amusing. He wrote, "I'm afraid so, my friend." The pyromancer was feeling as physically prepared as he possibly could though his mind may take a bit to get used to this scenario they found themselves in.

"No time like the present, is there?" He wrote before drawing his bo staff from behind him and wielding it as a balance tool. He waved for Flint to follow him as he made his way passed the others peering at the third island's bridge with a nod for each person he needed to say 'excuse me' too. He set his staff on the first link of the bridge and when he judged it was sturdy enough he planted his feet on them. He let out a sigh of relief as he realized it would hold his weight.

He began to slowly make his way down across the bridge, watching his steps carefully.

  • Devil
Reactions: Rizzo Bouchard
Freya Thrakin

Harrier blinked and looked down the slope. "I hadn't even thought of that. But no, I got a strong sense of wind and harsh sunlight - they're aboveground. I've sent the bonewalkers to start searching. They're not smart enough to do the burying."

The Ignatyr let them pass, and followed. Harrier had few illusions about what would happen if she or Freya did anything other than finding and burying bones.

Around a bend, in some crags away from the slope, the Flaming Mace was wedged in a crevice. The skeletons were off searching, barely visible through the rocks.
Island 3: Pandaraan/Willow

Setting off for the bridge was unnerving at first. His journey here had been plagued with doubt. He worried if he was cut out for this kind of work. He worried he'd hold his partner back, or get him hurt. Now, moving for the bridge, he found some of these thoughts were melting away. Perhaps he'd grown braver. Or maybe he realised that there was no turning back now...

He kept pace with his partner, though was careful to leave a few steps between them, so as to evenly distribute their weight across the bridge. Each step was taken with caution, his heart rate spiking momentarily each time his toe touched down on a creaky plank. He looked over his shoulder for a moment, eyeing the other treasure hunters, wondering what lengths they'd go to to secure their prize. Fearing he'd dwell too long, the barber proceeded, keeping his eye on his comrade as they progressed towards the island.
"So, you know much about these Pandaraan's?"

Orival Theodric
Island 3: Pandaraan/Willow

Raigryn liked the idea of pandering folk much better than what he thought he had heard. A nice sea breeze and excellent view and being pandered by the locals would have been quite the treat.

"We will indeed head in that direction, but if it proves rather too dangerous I will be content to just enjoy the view," Raigryn replied to Belduhr. He could almost feel Fife's expression, despite her being closed off to him. He himself had been a little more distant from his student, still coming to terms with how foolish he had been about Fife.

Jocelyn, his lunasloth, clung tight to his shoulder. As he stepped closer to the rope bridge she wrapped her tail around his neck. Apparently she would move in the daylight if there was a drop to the ocean below threatening her.

"Yes I think you go first Fife. I don't have a huge amount of Desire stored up but I might be able to take your weight if a plank gives out."

They took a desperate bright to Flint and his companion. The one Fife stepped out onto quickly curving down below the other. They would be taken to the lower section of the distant tower.

"Wow!" he called over the wind. "You can really hear the sea hitting the rocks!"
Island 3: Pandarann/Willow

He held his finger backwards so he could keep his eyes on the path in front of him. "Noth a ting" He wrote sloppily as his focus was glued to the bridge that seemed to get wearier with each step. His heart was beating into his throat in both fear and exhilaration. One hand on his staff the other on the rope to keep him steady.

He could hear Raigryn Vayd speaking behind them about the rocks below and he felt his mouth go dry. As he looked back for a split second to give his ally Flint a thumbs up, the next panel of the bridge he reached snapped immediately. He felt his foot fall through the emptiness quickly and began to lean and fall forward. His toes were downward holding all of his weight. He was nimbly able to stick his weapon onto the next panel, catching himself. He let out a quiet sigh as he recovered and moved to that panel which was much more stable.

He stopped for a second to catch his breath and finally give his friend that hard earned thumbs up. He'd never appreciated his dancing abilities so much.

Island 3: Pandarann/Willow

"Aye, a nice view indeed. Saw you two and could no' very well not come join ye'." Belduhr explained, looking around as two hunters crossed a different bridge ahead of them. "Least we'll know what planks are bad before hand."

The dwarf nodded, not having anything of use on him besides an actual weapon this time. Well, and his wits anyway as he recalled something he had read and filed away for later. "Look for the boards with the most salt crystallized on them. They'll be weakened already lass and likely to snap. Good luck, and safe walkin'."
Island 3: Pandaraan/Willow
The barber's attention was drawn backwards, as Raigryn Vayd remarked on the horrible fall that lay below them. Suddenly Flint became more aware of the waves thundering down on the rocks, of the vast expanse below his feet. A blue ocean fully capable of claiming him for eternity, should the bridge give way. Hoping to humour his way out of desolation, Flint called back to his competitor.
"Oh, thanks, old man! I'd almost completely forgotten about the horrible death right under my boots!".

The barber swore aloud as Orival's feet almost gave way beneath him, as the mage tilted forward. Had he not hung back a little, the Flint would have walked right into his partner's back, knocking him into the abyss. Flint latched a hand onto his friend's shoulder, securing him best he could as Orival steadied himself. As the mage took a moment to compose himself, Flint glanced back at Raigryn again, eyeing the man carefully. He reckoned he was wrong to call the man old. Though his weathered face spoke of years full of battle and strife, he stood tall and broad. A capable fighter by the looks of it. Perhaps Flint would get the chance to ask him about the secret to never-ending youth (from the neck down). As Orival moved forward, Flint followed suit, careful of the loose plank his friend had almost fallen through.

Orival Theodric

Freya nodded, "Well, at least that narrows it down a bit." She gave a nod to the Ignatyr as she passed it, the emotionless and unmoving visage of a face following her movements. She opted to heed their warnings and continue searching for the bones, lest she incur the wrath of one so deeply entrenched in sorrow that it alone fueled their unlife.

Wind and harsh sunlight, she repeated in her thoughts. That ruled out the homes built into the cliffside, and obviously the ocean. She walked past the skeletons, her gaze scouring the overgrown dirt and rock for any sign of the Ignatyr's remains.

It was as she was walking that she found the first. Her foot, mere moments away from stepping down, instead found purchase on a strange material: milky white bone, as though the remains had been picked clean. She retracted her foot, dusting away some of the rubble to reveal the skeleton. Vines had woven between bone, moss collecting on its surface. "I found one!" She called out.
  • Yay
Reactions: Harrier
Island 3: Pandarann/Willow

Orival found himself chuckling again at Flint's words. It was probably a mistake to egg on those who were clearly much more adept at these sorts of things than they were. Even so there was death surrounding them in this moment. The performer thought that any amount of humor would help him through this ordeal. His pace quickened again. If they wanted to stay ahead of Raigryn Vayd and his party they needed to start picking up the pace.

It seemed they were gonna send Fife to check the durability of the boards. Orival should probably have let her do that but was filled with too much excitement and the thrill of competition was finally starting to kick in as well. He didn't expect victory but nothing was gonna stop him from giving it his all.

He made it about halfway across the bridge with Flint before he stopped again. Allowing himself to breathe a bit.

  • Devil
Reactions: Rizzo Bouchard
Island 3: Pandarann and Willow

She nodded, an affirmative, but looked back to the bridge that stretched across the waters to a point lower on the tower. Fife was trying not to think of the churning waters or the prospect of boards breaking beneath her feet. Relying on Empathy to keep her from slipping between the narrow boards to a certain watery grave didn't exactly spark comfort inside of her.

Taking Belduhr's advice with another short nod, the small mute took one last deep breath to steady herself, and stepped forward. The first plank supported her, then the second. Her soft leather boots kept her surefooted, and she tested each one before progressing.

She didn't have much issue, but every so often she felt the creak of a board beneath her feet, a warning. Pausing at them, she pointed down at each one to indicate to Raigryn behind her to tread easily on that one in particular.

Her mentor's call forward about the rocks and water below didn't help settle her thundering heart, or the sound of a plank snapping. Fife gasped and lifted her foot, only to realize it wasn't hers. She looked up to see the broken pieces of the above bridge falling past them.

The gravity of this treacherous path became more concrete. She walked carefully, not brave enough to look back at Raigryn to give him the dry, grim look she wanted, too focused on crossing this damn bridge before it --

A plank splintered beneath her foot and started to sink, but she yanked it back, dancing her weight back onto the plank yet behind her. Eyes wide and heart pounding, she stared at the broken step for several full moments, her whole body tense. Breathing was very hard. Was breathing hard for everyone else right now, too? Biting her lip, she reached across the gap to the next.

The view or this prize had better be life changing.

  • Devil
Reactions: Rizzo Bouchard
Island 3: Pandarann/Willow
Once again coming to a halt, Flint allowed his arms to rest against the rickety sides of the bridge, careful not to rock the structure from side to side. Aware as he was that Fife was competition, he didn't want the girl to meet an untimely end because he got lazy. He looked to his partner, who was also taking a moment to rest - more warranted, in the mage's case. He was the one who'd almost lost his life moments ago, after all. About halfway across the bridge now, Flint couldn't help but feel a little vulnerable out on such open space, the wind threatening to knock him off balance. His grip on the bridge tightened.
"Hey, bud. Sooner we get off this piece of shit bridge the better, yeah?", he suggested, hoping it was enough to spur the mage on.

Again he heard the cracking of timber, this time from behind. For a third time Flint found himself looking back to his opponents, a gasp leaving his lungs as he saw Fife struggle with one of the footholds. He found himself searching for a way to help in that split second, but quickly dispelled the notion. He didn't know the girl, and her team would look after her, should she fall. He needed to worry about his own neck. Pressing on, Flint longed to put some distance between himself and those at his heels.
Orival Theodric