Open Chronicles I've Been Framed!

A roleplay open for anyone to join


The Barber
Character Biography
((OOC: Feel free to join, might keep it to 3/4 characters to keep it a little simple!))

Flint's eyes shot open, his senses assaulted by all that surrounded him. It was as though he'd had just woken up from a deep sleep, yet had somehow become instantly alert. No, he hadn't been sleeping. The barber was much grouchier whenever he woke from a snooze. This was different...
The nature of his sudden awakening was the last of his worries, as was the fact that based on his surroundings, he had no idea where he was. No, most alarming were the three dead bodies sprawled out beside him, and the blood that soaked his hands up to the elbows.

Flint yelped at the sight of his reddened arms, unused to the sight of so much blood. He'd been in his share of brawls before, killed plenty of monsters, but this... This was out of his depth. The barber looked to the bodies that lay around him, quickly recognizing the uniforms that adorned each of the Elbion guards. Guards which protected his city, his shop... The barber moved to one of the men, placing a hand on his shoulder and shuddering at the coldness it brought to his palm. Shakily, he turned the guard around, wincing as his eyes met the glassy blue irises of a dead young man. What Flint saw next made his heart sink.

Embedded in the young man's side was Flint's own blade; a dagger with an unmistakable guarded hilt which was now pressed up against the corpse's cuirass. Flint shrunk backwards, pushing himself away from the three corpses now. Three dead men, and guards no less. While the Elbion guard's etiquette could be sometimes lacking, they'd never given the barber any trouble. And now, he'd killed three of them, or so it seemed.

Flint had no idea what had happened. His memory of the last day or so was evading him. The last thing he could remember was cutting the hair of an old beggar that lived in the alley neighboring his store. He remembered the door opening, a figure walking in, and...
No, it was all too foggy, none of this was making sense.

The barber took a moment to catch his breath, surveying his environment. It seemed he was on the outskirts of one of the hamlets outside Elbion. Dusk was settling in, and there were no townsfolk around to observe this horrific scene of violence. Flint allowed a shallow panicked noise escape his throat as he attempted to scramble to his feet. His head ached, and his legs felt weak for a moment as he began to rise. Once he was standing, the barber went to look around again, but was given little time before his next problem emerged.

A deep voice cried out from behind, and the barber spun. Three torches were closing in on him, each held by a burly guard.
"Over there, the murdering bastard! Stand still you coward!"
The torches were suddenly moving much quicker now, and Flint swore. He darted to the body he'd checked, and pulled his blade from the man's chest, swearing again as he felt the tearing of flesh that came with his blade's retrieval. The barber picked a direction and made a beeline, darting towards the woods that lay beyond the village. He wasn't sure what was going on, but returning to Elbion now was a terrible idea. No, he'd need to hide until he could piece together what was going on.
Or, perhaps, until he woke up from this terrible nightmare
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ashling Delaney
The woods were a place of solace, rest and protection away from the mass of people she’d done her best to stay clear of. Even as the night blanketed itself amongst Elbion, she was safe amidst the trees with no care of the goings on inside Elbion. Long white locks that typically were left to fall freely as they wished, were now tied loosely out of her face with a spare piece of cotton. Her clothing had been…borrowed.. Well worn and belonging to a man, or maybe a young boy? She didn’t exactly know whom they had belonged to, just that she was in dire need of clothing. What she hadn’t procured yet, was something to adorn her feet.

As those bare feet moved cautiously through the woods, she could have sworn she noticed light out of the corner of her eye.. Light from what though?! Teals turned to find torches in the far distance, but why? Pausing, she came to a stop just in time to see someone running towards the woods, running directly towards her location. Why were they running? What was after them?

Fear boiled up in the pit of her stomach as the man drew closer. “Why are you running?” if he was running, did that mean she needed to as well?! “Wait! Stop! Don’t come any closer!” the panic in her voice ever present “What’s after you?” she said, looking back towards the torches that were starting to close in the distance and the need to run was getting more urgent but her legs wouldn’t move!

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  • Popcorn
Reactions: Flint
Flint didn't see the girl until he was quite close, and even then he could only make out brief features given the lack of light, and the speed of his approach. She tried to halt him verbally, questioning what he was running from as he closed in. Her voice was youthful, and laced with fear. Flint hadn't time to stop and determine who she was, and whether she was alright.
"Out of the way!"
He brushed passed her as smoothly as possible, tripping on a low-hanging branch as he continued his dash. The barber caught himself, steadying his posture as he bolted further into the brush. The girl was in no danger, not with town guards quickly on the way. Furthermore, perhaps their encounter with the girl would slow the guards down just enough for Flint to make an escape.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ashling Delaney
He came within inches of colliding with her as he brushed past, his words heavy in the air - Out of the way! Hands hand come up to steady herself, lips turning as a frown slid across her face. What was going on? The light from the torches began to fill the area close by, an alarm to those near that something was amiss. Her thoughts began to race, had word been sent to nearby villages about what she had done? About whom she had killed? If so, it likely wouldn’t take long for it to reach here. If the guards stopped her, would they question her? Would they know her name and what she looked like?

Teals darted towards the man as he tripped and watched him right himself rather quickly and continue his run. She looked between the oncoming guards and the man, beet feet tapping against the cold ground beneath her before she too took off. Would they notice her? Those bare feet moved quickly through the forest with little trouble. Was this man in trouble, had he done something to deserve the guards to be chasing him like this? Her breathing steady but heavier than it had been as she weaved through the trees until she caught up to the man.

“Do you honestly think you’ll outrun them?” She said softly through heavy breaths “What if they have hounds or horses?” Had he even thought about this? “There is a small cave deeper in the forest just north of here thats well hidden by brush. It may be best to wait them out..” She offered. And why had she offered? She had no idea other than the fear she’s seen in his eyes as he passed weren’t those of someone that had done something wrong..

  • Wonder
Reactions: Flint
His ears pricked up as a voice piped up behind them. It seemed that the girl had take off after him, for whatever reason. Against all odds, he had some random bush-woman chasing him at the heels. This seemed odd, as Flint was a man brandishing a bloody knife and running through the forest like a man with nowhere to hide. Certainly, this girl's pursuit was unusual to say the least.

She didn't even question why he was being chased, or where he planned on running to hide. In a way, Flint appreciated this. It was nice to have a bit of support in this dire time. It was the kind of support he'd expect from himself, were he trying to psych himself up to pushing forward. But at the other end, he couldn't help but find the girl's pursuit infuriating. What was she doing, getting involved in this? Why was she slowing him down? Flint pushed forward.

The girl spoke of a cave. Somewhere she knew of, that was safe. Again, Flint's imaginative mind ran away with itself. Was she some kind of siren, luring him off to its den? He'd heard stories of such occurrences. Certainly, the girls' appearance seemed spontaneous. This all seemed a bit too convenient. Was trusting her any better than surrendering to the guards? The barber had little choice but to assume the girl meant well. He nodded to her, falling back a few steps and following as she lead the way. If she meant well, he had a place to lay low. If she meant him harm then... well, Flint would just have to fight his way out.

Ashling Delaney
Ashling had yet to even notice the bloody knife the man held, nor all the blood that covered him. It was too dark to notice all that with how quick he had passed her, otherwise she’d likely have given it a second thought about helping him. She’d questioned why he was running and what was after him, that was of course, until she’d noticed the guards, but the questions had been asked regardless. With no answer, she figured it was simply because he either hadn’t heard her or hadn’t the time to worry about questions.

She’d caught up with him in no time – Ashling had plenty of time to learn how to maneuver through places most wouldn’t even bother. She’d become accustomed to her surroundings, melting into them with ease. The man spoke not a word as she ran beside him but nodded when she mentioned the cave. She noted his pace slowing just enough for her to take the lead. Bare feet moved atop the cool, wet, ground, moving with a speed only those used to running would be able to keep up with. They danced between trees, moved through brush all the while the light from the torches began to disappear.

The sound of rushing water was the first sign that they were coming upon the cave. The trees becoming heavier, closer together. The grass thicker, vines everywhere. “It’s close” She said through heavy breaths. The water was coming into view, a small creek with vines hanging over both sides of the small cliff. “Just here” She pointed towards a think patch of vines. Moving towards the edge, she sat and slid just towards the edge of the water. Fingers taking hold of the vines and moving them just enough to see the opening of the cave. Bare feet slid into the water as she moved into the cave, moving further back away from the small pool of water that it help at it’s entrance. The darkness consuming, only the light from the moon shining through the vines giving slivers of light within. “Why are they after you?” Now it was time to answer some questions.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Flint
The girl kept pace with him, to a point that led Flint to believe she'd grown up in these woods. Weaving between trees and skipping over obstacles that were tripping him up, the girl's movements were much more seamless than his. At this point, he was still able to speed up, while leaving distance for the girl to lead.

A pond sat at the entrance to the cave, a small stream leading into the tunnels further below. It wasn't the most inviting sight, but certainly looked better than facing the guards at swordpoint. It appeared they'd evaded the guards for the most part; their threatening cries sounded much more distant than they had moments ago. He was safe; for now.

The girl slid into the cave, wading downstream with seemingly no concern. Had she been here before? The barber rolled the legs of his pants up, so as to not get them wet when he waded ankle-deep into the stream. He stashed his blade in the scabbard at his waist (he couldn't be too relaxed; he had no idea who this girl was, or what her intentions might be).

Her question caught him off guard. He hadn't had much time to process all that had happened, given how stressful the last 15 minutes had been. The barber slowed in his step, leaving some distance between himself and the girl. It was only now that he got a good look at her. Young, likely around his own age. Her hair was oddly white, her frame thin. Most striking were her eyes; bright teal irises met his own with a stare that was as intimidating as it were mesmerising. There was something odd about her, and it prompted the barber to exercise a degree of wariness. Perhaps it was the fight-or-flight mode he found himself in, or perhaps his intuition was sharper than he'd thought.

"I ehm.. well, I'm not sure what happened, if I'm honest". Flint was suddenly aware of how terrifying he likely looked right now. Bloodied hands, face gaunt with fatigue... Until recently, he'd thought he was no killer, but he wouldn't have blamed the girl if she thought otherwise. Flint winced.

'There's no point lying to myself. I'm a damned murderer', he thought

"I'm a barber, work in the city", he explained, the moonlight catching his face as he walked forward. "The last few days have been a bit hazy but..."

'I sound crazy'

"-But I came to just a moment ago and... I'm not sure what happened everything just..." He found himself lost for words. What the hell had happened, and how had he landed in this situation
"I think something happened to me, something that made me lose it... I feel fine now, but..." Again, he trailed off. He was still piecing this all together in his mind. Trying to explain himself to this girl would get him nowhere. Instead, he deflected.
"Why did you help me? Have you even had a look at me? I look like a damned madman"

Ashling Delaney
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ashling Delaney
He would have been correct in thinking she’d been here before, when in fact, she’d spent the last evening in the cave. She’d spent the last few months (or longer, time was not something she’d kept track of) finding her ways through different places but staying as hidden as possible. Which meant, forests had become her only friend and even though each one was different in their own way, they were all very similar at the same time.

The moonlight had given off just enough light that she could make out the man as their eyes met. His clothing was disheveled and she could tell it wasn’t just from the guards chasing him. Was his shirt ripped too? Was that blood?! Why was she just now noticing just how much blood seemed to be on the man. His arms, his clothing, his hands.. As for her frame, thankfully the bulkiness of the mens clothing she wore added some pounds to her that she didn’t actually have. She was on the too thin side and knew it but there was nothing to be done about that, nor did it matter at the moment.

“You're not sure what happened? How can that be?” Had she made a mistake in helping this man? Maybe the guards were after him for doing something horrendous, which could contribute to all the blood that was on him and his clothing. Was she next?!

“You came to? What does that mean exactly?” Something that made me do it… Wait, so he’s admitting to doing something and here she just saved him? Teals looked at him, worried and a twinge of fear playing in her eyes. “I actually hadn’t had a chance to really look at you until now and I’m questioning why I helped you myself” she said, voice a little shaky. “But I’ve seen the look in your eyes and I think you're scared, not scared of being caught but of what must have happened to you.”

Ashling shifted, letting her back rest against whatever was behind her. “What did you do and why are you covered in blood?” Did she even want to know? “I can and will protect myself if you try to harm me” but could she and would be able to tell she was fibbing?

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Flint
I stalked through the woods carefully making as little noise as I could. the small animal I was tracking had no name to my knowledge but being a large lion man did not afford me much favor with the local towns folk so my common knowledge was lacking, my religion dictates to follow ones instincts when the gods fall silent. I feel the gods have I've lost my fellow scouts and my will to believe the darkness can save me so now I hunt may the gods forgive me.

before I can pounce on the small creature its scared off by two rather noisy hairless apes even though they were careful they couldn't avoid detection from prey or predator, my stomach growled violently, instinct set in and I quietly trailed the two furless they fled into a cave and I sat in a low branch of a large tree.

'if I wait maybe I can hold one hostage while the other goes and buys me food from the towns folk, I mean if I give them the money its not really a sin just a forced bargain' I think to myself hoping the gods forgive me for my desperation. I should be embracing starvation and death as the gods teach yet I am reduced to savagery. I hang my head in shame as I catch a whiff of blood in the air my eyes focus as I catch a glimpse of a bloody hand print on the mouth of the cave. the smell was divine and made my stomach grumble once more.

'if you eat them you can have the strength to hunt more forget hostages its too complicated' I thought suddenly.

I hit my own head violently to get those thoughts from my mind, the gods teach all life is sacred but most of all is those that can learn from the gods, we are taught to see all as equals under them.
Already, Flint's patience was wearing thin. Normally, he wasn't one to grow quickly irritable, but the present situation had the barber naturally on edge. The girl had a slew of questions for him, and was vocally reading his current physical mental state, only now seeming to become aware of how dangerous he looked. She seemed to hold some regret for helping him out, likely a by-product of noticing his bloodied hands. Helping a murderer generally wasn't a good look.

"I've had a lapse in memory. I'm not sure how. One moment I was with a customer, the next I'm standing over dead men...". Flint sighed, taking a moment to lean against the cave's walls. "I know it looks bad, but I'm not going to hurt you. Generally I avoid hurting anyone that doesn't have it coming". He wasn't sure how confident he was in his words, though Flint was good at putting on a front. In reality, he couldn't guarantee that he wouldn't have another murderous blackout. Perhaps it was better he got away from this girl...

The girl noted a look of fear in his eye. She wasn't wrong there. Flint had no idea what had happened to him, and the fact that he'd likely just killed a few men had him stressed to say the least. The barber winced, hoping a few sharp but subtle facial adjustments might distract from his worried expression.

The girl followed with a warning. She seemed ready to take him on in combat, should it come to that. Despite the size difference, Flint couldn't help but feel wary of the girl. She certainly looked like she'd seen her share of fights, and that she'd be open to engaging in more if her survival was at stake. Hopefully it wouldn't come to that.
"My hands..." Flint almost choked up. "I think I hurt some men, badly. But I'm not sure how, or why. Might have been a curse, or a spell... I'm not sure. Look, I'm still piecing this together myself." He realised he must have sounded crazy, and wouldn't have blamed the girl if she ditched him then and there, or even attacked. The situation didn't look all too well for the barber.

"I need to get back to my shop. That's the last place I remember being, so that's where I'll find answers.". Saying this was one thing. Doing it would be something else entirely. Flint's shop was at the center of Elbion, a city crawling with guards; some proficient mages and knights. He'd have to be smart.

"I appreciate your help earlier, but I'd recommend staying away from me. I'm in some deep shit, and you shouldn't get mixed in-"

Flint trailed off for a moment, allowing silence to fill the air. He'd heard a noise just then, from behind. Perhaps it had been nothing, but the barber swore he'd heard a faint thump from some distance away. He shook his head. Likely some earth dropping into the pond. The barber looked back to the girl, his gaze falling on her eyes once more.
"If this is uh... your cave, then I can move along elsewhere"

Ashling Delaney Lieutenant Shko
She had no desire to frustrate the man any further with her questioning, there was hope to understand what was going on and why he seemed so frightened. More frightened than a man who was just caught stealing, or one caught in bed with another man's wife. No, the fear that had been boiling so close to the edge that it had him running for his life, that was entirely different. A type of fear she knew all too well, the same fear that had been present when she ran from the Dukes castle after killing him and his men..

The memory of that night played heavily through her thoughts as she listened to the man talk. The flash of blood covering her own hands, arms, her clothing or the lack thereof. How red her hair had been for days after escaping.. A light shake of her head was given, as if doing so would shake away the thoughts that plagued her. “There is nothing you remember?” Asking softly.. She had a lapse of time she to had no idea what happened but nothing like that “ How can you be certain you did anything?”

She was more than ready to fight for her life if a situation called for it. She’d not lived a caged life to only know what the slight taste of freedom was for less than a year of her life, she’d fight for more. The tone in his voice changed as he spoke about his hands, about possibly hurting some men. By the talk she could only imagine that it was far worse then just hurting them badly and by the blood present, it was likely death that followed these men. “A spell?” she questioned “You know of someone that would wish to curse you?” If he spoke of such, surely he had an idea of whom it could be. “ I know of some magics, but nothing of curses” she added.

“Are you hurt too? I can help if you are” she offered. She watched the man closely, every movement she could make out from the sheer light of the moon seeping in. “Go back? To the place this happened? They’ll likely be guarding your place for days, weeks even.” She listened to his plea of staying away from him and swept it away, obviously it was too late for that. Teals moved towards the entrance of the cave, the air had changed and something had disrupted the waters nearby. Even the man paused, perhap having heard something too. A guard maybe?

She brought a finger up to her mouth, shushing him and then pointed towards the entrance. There was something amiss. Bare feet moved slowly, quietly towards the entrance. If it was a guard he’d likely not have even thought about putting out the torch they all had held, in turn giving away his position. Ashling crouched low, letting the water rush over her hands and her feet. Teals peaking out of the entrance and through the heavy vines but saw nothing? But that is not what she felt.. “I think” her voice barely audible “There is someone out there”

Flint Lieutenant Shko
  • Yay
Reactions: Flint
my ears pricked at the sound of silence now coming from the cave. I took a sniff in and could smell the fear of two animals, either they have seen me or they have sensed me, regardless my window is closing just then I drop from the branch I was perched on and approached the mouth of the cave blocking the entrance, my eyes glowed yellow in the dark the moon illuminated me only slightly.

"well what might we have here" I say mouth salivating I lick my lips, drool dripping from my hungry maw

"I'm here to make a deal.'

"let there be light"
I whisper as I cast a light spell dim enough not to be seen but bright enough for us to see each other. I tried not to look weak and desperate stretching myself to my full 7 foot stature.

"if you wish to hear terms I shall inform you of them, if not then no big deal ill just have a light snack and be on my way"

I say with my eyes on the man, almost daring them to refuse
  • Scared
Reactions: Ashling Delaney
Flint shrugged. "The dead men and the blood all over me seems evidence enough". He was confident that whatever had happened to the dead guards had been done by his hand. That said, he was becoming increasingly convinced that he hadn't been in his right mind when all of this had happened.

The girl asked if he had any enemies, anyone that would wish to curse him. He'd been in his share of scuffles in the past, but had never made such an enemy of anyone with the power or influence to place a curse of such a scale. No, something told him that whoever was behind this was a stranger. It was a decent question for the girl to ask, all the same. "Honestly, I can't think of anyone with such power who has it in for me."

The girl was showing an unusual level of kindness, offering to tend to any wounds he may have had. She was quick to trust, he would admit. Flint shook his head to the kind offer, recognising that he had no obvious injuries, only a dull headache. "Thank you, but I'll be fine with just washing off my hands".

She raised another good point regarding the difficulty in getting Flint home. Guards would likely be surrounding his shop. Stealth and good planning would be required. But Flint had to get home, that much was certain.

Before he could voice this, the girl moved for the entrance, peeking between the vines. She seemed sure someone was outside. The barber gripped his blade, moving to stand behind her. It was at this moment that their pursuer revealed itself. A towering figure emerged from above, casting a long shadow over the cave entrance. Flint had heard tales of the lionmen before, and none were all too good. This one stood about a head taller than the barber, and brandished an axe-like weapon. Its fur was white, its eyes bestial. Flint met these eyes with a steely umber glare.

The lionman proposed a deal, casting a magical light into the cave to illuminate the pair. An unusual gesture for a beast stalking its prey. This gave Flint and the girl the advantage of sight. The lionman threatened Flint, declaring that he'd move to eat them if they defied. Flint's knuckles whitened against the hilt of his blade.

"I'm having a really shitty day", Flint snarled. His voice was a twisted and nasty one, unlike that of the kind Elbion barber he truly was. "It takes one well-placed blade to pierce your heart. If I miss, the noise of our fight will draw a dozen guards over here. They won't look too kindly on me, and they definitely won't look kindly on you, beast".

The barber did not cease his stare at the lionman. Choosing fight over flight, anger boiled in Flint's chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins. For a moment, he almost forgot about the girl who stood at his side, the lionman his one and only priority.
"You can shove your deal, Whiskers".

Ashling Delaney Lieutenant Shko
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ashling Delaney
Why would someone pick a random person to put a curse on just for the fun of it, she thought to herself. It didn’t really make sense to cause that much trouble for one random person just because, there had to be a reason behind it. As for the dead men, that too could have been staged if this man had been out of it during the horrible incident, who’s to say whoever caused this didn’t put the blood and the blade on him? As for trust, there was no trust yet and she trusted no one, not even herself at times. What it is was an understanding for his situation, trust had to be earned and over some time.

Ashling had been crouching near the entrance of the cave when the large figure made itself known and too quickly for her liking. She stood slowly, teal hues looking over this..Man..Animal?! She’d never seen anything like him.. it? Those eye’s widened when he came into full view, he was tall, could easily stand over her. Drool dripped from it’s mouth causing a slight drip drip drip sound to echo within the cave. The light he produced allowed them to not only see him better but each other and it was then that Ashling could see just how covered in blood the man truly was, but also how stick thin she was behind the coverings of men’s clothing.

“A deal” Ashling voiced as she stood between the man and the lion-man. He threatened to eat them If they didn’t wish to hear him out and this had Ashling laughing. A soft, lighthearted laughter echoed In the cave. She wasn’t even paying attention to what the man was saying about the lion-man “A snack?” She questioned "Me?" She chuckled “You’d have a better meal and or snack, as you call it, by eating the fish further down this stream” Her laughter finally subsiding. “I can’t speak for this man but I can assure you, there is not much meat on my bones." Teal eyes looked up to the beast man and shook her head “ What is it you want and why threaten someone just to get your way?” Ash had been terrified of this beast, at first, but a calm had come over her or maybe the calm before the storm?

Flint Lieutenant Shko
  • Bless
Reactions: Flint
looking at the man I narrow my eyes on his blade and snort.

"that blade wouldn't kill me, besides id have broken your neck before you could move"

the woman begins laughing catching me off guard but my gaze remains on the agitated man

"I wouldn't eat you miss all women are sacred they are gifts to man from the gods.'' I suddenly fall to the floor I attempt to get up but decide to get comfortable

"excuse me im sorry seems im weaker than I thought" I say laughing blood pooling in my mouth from holding just a simple light spell. the light dims a bit as I cough up the blood.

"im a pureblood a different kind of lionmen we believe in the sanctity of all life, non of the furless folk cities will accept a lone lion like me, when my subordinates fell in battle I was forced to continue my mission alone a mission given to me by my king and willed by the gods"

I spit up a bit more blood wiping my face.

I reach into my satchel and produce a money pouch to the girl.

"this is the last of my coin, my people never had a reason to hunt so believe it or not ive no idea how to live off the land, we are mountain cave and cavern dwellers we farm. if we eat anything that's not grown its cave spider stew for us"

I cough a bit more and the light goes out in the void of darkness I begin to fade out.

"buy me food and ill protect you from whatever comes this way I swear on the gods" I laugh a bit. "people don't like to sell to monsters"

I whisper before falling asleep or rather passing out from depleted life force
Flint's teeth gritted to a snarl, eager to call the lionman's bluff. Before he could however, the lionman's tone softened, speaking more kindly to the girl at his side. Were it any regular day, Flint may have laughed. The fierce lionman had moved from threatening violence to praising the sanctity of all women. 'Sacred gifts from the gods'. What the lionman said sounded like something Flint would drunkenly exclaim at his local tavern. The barber's expression lost its tension, the grip on his blade loosening.

He stepped backwards as the lionman fell to the floor. Out of nowhere, the beast had taken on an almost sickly appearance. Gone was the hulking monster closing in on his next meal. It explained its circumstances; the loss of its allies, its desperate situation. It was driven by a god-given mission, it seemed, though that mission had proven brutal.

The lionman spat blood, and Flint raised an eyebrow. The beast was truly worse for wear. He looked to the girl as the lionman tossed some coin her way. What had began as a one-sided deal had progressed into an easy bit of coin. The lionman made a promise of protection, before becoming still and quiet. Flint would have felt bad for the beast, had it not threatened to eat him and break his neck moments ago.

"Well, that could have gone worse", he said, walking around the lionman to get a better look outside. "Feel free to help him out, but I've got bigger problems at hand right now. " Flint was all for a bit of altruism, but now was not the time nor the place.

While he was happy to progress alone, Flint couldn't help but feel impressed by the girl's reaction to the appearance of the lionman. She wasn't the type to run and scream, as many others would. If she too was headed for Elbion, then she'd be a good ally to have. "My name's Flint, by the way".

Ashling Delaney Lieutenant Shko
  • Sip
Reactions: Ashling Delaney
Women are sacred they are gifts to man from the gods. If only all beings thought this. That phrase alone caused her to choke up, fighting back tears that suddenly ached to be let out. That little saying along with seeing all the blood on the other man brought back so many memories that she’d spent months running from. Shaking her head, she cleared her throat and ignored her feelings altogether as the lion beast thing faltered. Of course her first instinct was to reach out to help it, where as others would likely find this an excuse to make a run for it.

The fact that the beast was now apologizing and laughing seemed a bit odd to her. First he was threatening to eat them, well, the man and the next he’s nothing more then a big puddle of fur and blood. What was going on with this night?! She’d looked over to the man, who too was watching the scene unfold in front of them. She listened to what he had to say, a lionmen? She had never heard of such people? Did that men he was the last of his kind?! She questioned to herself, it was unlikely he’d be able to answer any of her questions right now.

The money bag was caught but a frown was given in response to said bag. Ashling watched as his words began to fall lighter and just like that, he was out. She then looked to the man who looked as if he could care less that this lionmen had just passed out right in front of them, that he too was in need of help. “He wouldn’t have done anything” that she was sure of, she felt it. “ To you or myself” Teals watched as he moved around the lionman. She knelt beside the lionmen, placing a hand on the top of his head and the other on his chest, just above his heart. Whatever was causing him to bleed had to have been internal. Closing her eyes, she breathed in shallow breaths, envisioning a white light finding it’s way throughout his body, head to toes. Whatever it was ailing him, that should help ease it, at least for awhile. Little did Ashling know, that while she envisioned said light, that there was an actual light that illuminated through his body and if the other man was paying attention, he would see it for himself.

With a soft sigh, she tucked the money bag in the lionmens large hand and stood up, teals then falling to Flint, If she gave him her name and he heard of anyone looking for her, would he turn her in? Another sigh slipped through her lips “ Stay here and watch over him, i’ll be back shortly or “ she shrugged "leave and try to get back to your shop and get caught. It’s obviously up to you but you’d be rather stupid to go back now.“ She slipped past him, halfway out of the cave she turned back “Ashling.. Is my name.” then bare feet padded into the water. She’d catch some fish, cook them up and bring them back. Even if the light from a fire caught the guards attention, they’d think nothing of her being out here.

Flint Lieutenant Shko
im dead im sure of it. the darkness is peaceful, 'but where are the gods' I think to myself surly there whispers of inspiration would ring out in the hallowed depths of the darkness?

suddenly there was a light blinding so that even shut eyes did not showed its light. darkness fell once more then I woke. sitting up quickly and suddenly.

"demons" I whisper instinctually without knowing why, I shake the fog from my head and look around. the girl furless is gone and the man stood at the caves entrance as if expecting someone.

"so you were in battle" I say in my gravel like voice. I sigh

"that furless female, is she your mate? you should treasure her kindness and intelligence. she is small but im sure your litters will be plentiful and your family name remembered. her power allows me to speak now, as long as food is retrieved soon I will be in fighting spirit and in no time at all."
  • Sip
Reactions: Ashling Delaney
The girl, who Flint learned was named Ashling, felt that the lionman meant know harm. Flint, for his part, was skeptical. He didn't trust the beastman, and felt that he was well justified in doing so.
Ashling decided to go along with the beast's deal, much to his own surprise. It appeared that she was the compassionate sort, which Flint could admire. She left the choice to him on whether he watched over the lionman or made for his own shop, though Flint was beginning to realise he hadn't the energy to attempt a break-in to his own home. Nor was he capable of following the girl to shop for supplies. The barber nodded, and sat with his back against the cave wall, metres from the lionman.

Once she left, Flint began to play with his knife. He manoeuvered the blade elegantly between his hands, flipping and tossing the weapon with little thought required. The girl seemed kind, though seemed to hesitate when sharing her name with him. That, and her sudden appearance in the woods, led Flint to believe that Ashling was an odd one. The barber's brow arched as the lionman began to stir.

Flint gave a funny look to the beast man. He was so intent in calling them furless, but Flint was aware of many populous species that did not have any fur. Was the term meant as an insult, or just a general descriptor. Regardless, the barber paid the lionman his attention. The lieutenant suggested that Ashling was his mate, and that he should treasure her for her wisdom. Once more, it was a situation where Flint would have laughed, were he not reeling from the night's events. He continued to play with his knife.
"No, she's not me er... mate " he replied, looking down at the beast. "Count yourself lucky that she's merciful. I'm not feeling so kind right now".

After that, the barber fell quiet. He continued to toss his knife, searching his mind for recent memories that he had lost.

Ashling Delaney Lieutenant Shko
"furless folk are strange, you are all different yet the same. my people would call you gishka-re it means blind ones"

I chuckle. "yet all are blinded by the light, its the darkness that allows you to truly see" I say quoting a verse from the holy texts.

"the light blinded me and caused me to resort to threats and violence unbecoming of my station, I should have embraced my death and prepared for the darkness to come now that the light has faded and my eyes adjust to the darkness I know my gods did not leave me rather I left them. I shall pray for us both so that the darkness may one day engulf us in its silent embrace"

I grab my prayer object, a small stone carving in the shape of a lion

"fresh I kea di la far sat" I say these words quietly to the stone 4 times before falling silent for private prayer

Ashling Delaney
Flint hadn’t noticed what she had done to the lionmen, which for her sake was likely a good thing. The lionmen wouldn’t have known either, so as it stood, her secret was still safe. All of them, in fact. From what she’d encountered, magic was something people were either scared of or wanting to use to their advantage, no matter the cost to the one who held said magic.

Bare feet padded through the cool water, the stream cleaning the dirt that had formed on them as she’d made her way out of the cave. The water just barely coming to rest below her ankles. The water gave a calm that Ashling had needed, the air with just a subtle movement left the night on the cool side. She’d made her way down the stream, where the water darkened and the depth was much deeper. The fish in these waters were plentiful, at least to her knowledge as she’d sat there just the night before and watched them splash to the surface just to disappear back into the safety of the water.

There was no knowing how long Ashling sat there, watching, waiting for the right time to grab the surfacing fish. Something she’d learned to do not long ago only for the sake of it being the main source of food she could provide for herself. She’d been almost waist deep in the water while she “fished” and as the time passed, she’d managed to capture four nice sized fish. All of which were now secure within her satchel, having had a hard time squeezing it closed.

A soft apology was whispered to the fish and a thank you for providing the sustenance needed to survive with their own life. It may come off silly to some but to her, she wished not to take the life of any but understood the necessity of the nourishment given from the hunt. With her satchel full, she made her way back to the cave. Her pants clung to her too thin frame due to them being sopping wet, they’d dry with time, it bothered her not.

She’d come to the entrance of the cave hearing the lionmen speak some sort of language she did not understand. Passing through the vines, those teals landing on Flint briefly before moving towards the lionmen. So, it worked. She thought to herself as she moved further inside. Fingers lifted the satchell off her shoulders, opened it and dumped out the four fish that were inside. She was going to cook them over a fire but then realized she didn’t know how this beast ate his food, fresh or cooked? She also knew that Flint would likely not be in the mood to eat anything. “Not sure if that is enough for you or how you eat them but I’m sure that will get you by until you’ve found your way to where you are heading” She said softly then looked at flint “What have you decided to do?”

Flint Lieutenant Shko
I carefully take the fish lining them up in front of me. I place the stone figure in front of them.

"from light to darkness and darkness to light may the souls that gave there vessels to nourish me become whole in the everlasting darkness" I say in prayer before eating the fish one by one whole.

I bow my head to the young lady, "those were just what I needed, usually my people can go months without food but ive been trying and failing to catch food using magic it inevitably effected my life force reserve

I whip my head around as the wind shifts.

"I smell six furless 3 barking fur beasts, they are tracking towards this way"

"we shouldn't hide here for much longer. you smell of death, that's what they are tracking" I say to the man.

I heave myself from the ground and I look out the vines looking for whatever was coming. the light of a torch could be seen 10 minutes away.

"they will be on us in ten minutes furless time"
Flint wasn't all too pleased by the lionman's smugness. Who was he to call them blind? He went on to talk about some metaphorical light, and how he'd left his gods. Flint wasn't a religious man. In this eyes, there were simply too many religious sects out there to assume that any one praised an all-powerful god that was actually real. He wanted to give the lionman an earful, but decided he hadn't the energy to burn.

He sat silently, continuing to play with his knife as the beast prayed. While Ashling was out, Flint took time to try and recollect his memory. It was still so blurry. His shop, he was definitely in his shop, as was the old man, Byron. Flint winced as an ache came to his head. The barber hoped he hadn't hurt the old man. Things were bad enough as it is, he didn't need to learn he'd hurt a friend. The barber clenched his fists.

Ashling returned shortly after, their eyes meeting once more before the girl tossed a fish to the lionman. Flint nodded, impressed by Ashling's resourcefulness. He'd been a hunter himself, in his younger days, but fishing was something he hadn't done in some time. The lionman expressed his thanks, and Ashling turned to the barber. She asked what his decision was, though the barber had not even momentarily changed his mind.
"I need to get back to my shop. I have to know what happened, what I've done"

He didn't expect her to follow him, nor did he expect the same of the lionman. Though, with a big enough cloak, the beast could probably pass for a draconian. Just as Flint moved to stand, the lionman piped up, directing his attention to the mouth of the cave. 6 men, 3 dogs. It did not spell well for the trio. Though, if the lionman was at full health that would be a totally different story.

Flint moved towards the vines, peeking to see if he could get a glimpse of the men. Very faintly, the barber could make out the light of a torch. He was surprised by the lionman's perceptive abilities.

"We need to go. I'd advise splitting up. As the hairy one said, they can smell the death on me. Sticking closeby is a bad idea".

If they were to be caught, then there was no need for Ashling or the beast to get involved. Besides, moving separately would make it easier to hide.

"I'm headed for Elbion. Feel free to follow, but know that doing so's a risk. If I don't see you then..." He looked to Ashling, speaking sincerely

"Thanks. Seriously"

Ashling Delaney Lieutenant Shko
I grab hold of my staff and peak my head from the cave once more. hearing the barks of the dogs indicating they were still following the scent.

I walk back into the cave looking carefully at the rocks until I found what I was looking for. a dark green cave moss was growing towards the back of the cave, I collected all I could find placing it in front of the man.

"rub this on your skin it will mask your scent" the moss smelt slightly sweet with a slight musk smell added in.
I look at the mans knife and address him sternly

"don't lose that knife, if you do those with the right spells can track you"

I grab my staff and stand as upright as I can, I look at the young woman respectfully.

"if you wish to follow this ill advised man on his journey then I wish to follow you until ive been given word by my king, im awaiting a message, it will either be that my kingdom back home won the war and I should make my way home or it will be that we have been defeated and I am to spend my life amount the furless but until then" I fall to my knees bowing. "my loyalty belongs to you, ill even battle this man if its your will, I thought the gods had left me but even in my worst you came showing me protection from the light so that the darkness can heal me. I am in debt to you"

I continue bowing waiting for my new masters reaction to my declaration. many pureblood would call me a coward but when you are alone any magic being that helps you in a time of need would seem like a goddess her use of healing is a sacred art and must be cherished above all else

ashling delaney
Ashling looked to the lionman with surprise, she’d yet to witness another person give thanks to the food that had been offered to them as she did. “Months?” She questioned. It wasn’t rare for her to go long periods without some sort of sustenance but months? She would have asked how that was even possible if it hadn’t been for him mentioning he could smell others nearby, 3 of which were dogs. She hadn’t even had a chance to wring the water out of her pants, hence why she was still dripping wet as the other two looked out the cave.

Teal’s fell on Flint again as another sigh escaped parted lips. She still thought it stupid that he wished to go back to the place he ran from, especially so soon after this incident took place. It was as if he was asking to get caught! “I don’t even know what Elbion is!” she said finally. Most that were able to speak to her or get her to speak to them always insisted on speaking to her as if she knew her way around these parts, which she did not.

She moved towards the cave's mouth, stepping out just enough that she was free of the vines. Should she help or just leave? She felt stuck and in truth, it was her own fault. She felt she needed to help Flint get away but now that he wants to go back, does she follow?! Hearing the Lionman speak she turned her head to look at him as if he was crazy!

He’d fallen to his knees and the words he spoke just seemed absolutely absurd to her. His loyalty belongs to her? He’d follow her until only the gods knew when. “You owe me nothing and you do no need to battle anyone for me, your choice in this is your own, not mine” She looking at Flint as if she didn’t know what to do before looking back to the lionman “Please stand up, there's no need to bow, especially to someone like me”

She’d waited for Flint to rub whatever it was the lionman gave him, if he’d even do it. “ If you wish for help, then I’ll do what I can but I don’t know this place nor its surroundings.. I'll do what I can but can't promise anything will come from my help."

Flint Lieutenant Shko