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I had... I had no idea what to expect... She began, testing her voice to see if some of her usual eloquence had returned... there was no eloquence, but she didnt tremble so she forged ahead.
I thought it was just an outting with a friend... I... I dont even know why I left like I did... I dont know why I started crying...
She lowered her cup to the table and touched her fingers to her lips, her eyes looking nowhere in particular.
She kissed me... I feel so naive that I didnt notice that she had feelings for me... I thought everything was so innocent... I was so wrong!
She felt tears welling up again.
The island elf sat silently allowing her to speak.
Nodding to show he was paying attention. These mainlanders..He almost laughed. Almost.
Not from any mirth at her heart ache but in the idea of being in love with someone so clearly, and yet feeling such shame because of a characteristic..
This was not a flaw..Just a different way of viewing life. The island elves had found themselves to be far more open than their new found allies.
Many things thought common being found to be strange or outright taboo. Leaning more feminine in his looks Kez had seen and even received some of this strange, misguided vitriol first hand.
Often after being underestimated and dealing some much needed comeuppance in the practice arena. Before Dianna would enter and quickly take him down a peg with a wry comment and a few well placed moves. Picking up his often helping slightly battered body to his feet.
Giving his shoulder a kind squeeze and offering a few pointers and encouragement before ruffling his hair in a way she know annoyed him, and shoving him on his way to make room for the next opponent dumb enough to think he could take the skilled soldier.
This kind of behavior had led to rumors of course. Dianna was not unkind, but her cold, professional, exterior was usually only broken when her younger sister Melina entered her conversation.
However Kez, had always felt, it was a platonic kind of playfulness, not flirtatious. Much like she had with her younger sister.
It was an honor to be respected by her in such a way and one he didn’t hold lightly.
He thought over his next words carefully. Aware of the importance of them. “You seem as if you were surprised, but not uninterested..This woman..She cares for you and you for her. I see no reason why you should feel any guilt.” He shrugged.
Well aware that his island opinions would run on the jagged rocks of her own personal beliefs, but that was for her to decided, not his to force upon her.
“We are soldiers. Our time in one place..or even our time here as people are always in question. Never assured. Not that I don’t do my best to help tilt the odds in our favor..” he said with a chuckle and a small grin gesturing to the healers cross on his uniform.
“But..If you feel the same..Even if nothing comes of it. You owe yourself closure when you think you can manage. The sooner the better. This kind of thing..It eats at your heart in a way no healer can mend…” He said calmly. Taking her hand and giving it a small squeeze.
“I do not say this to have you rush out to find them. But think about how you feel. Remove everything else from your mind and simply think of the moment. When it was simply you and her.. then you will know what to do.” He said simply.
Allowing his words to sink in as he drew away his hand and sipped his tea.
Providing simple silent company..
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