Melina Calcutte

Melina Calcutte

Biographical information
Mardania. 18 Mardus
Physical description
Human Mardanian Female 5'5" 124lbs Brunette Golden brown Caucasian
Political information
The Royal faction Noble Lady Calcutte Nobility Courtly and familial duties Eris Fulton
Out-of-character information
Haloshooter 06/23/2022 Melissa: Beware the Villainess


Melina is a refined Mardanian noble woman, a child of House Calcutte.
She shows refinement and grace in the way she presents herself, from the way she grooms to the way she dresses.

Her hair is long, straight and a shiny brown almost reaching her waist.
Her skin is fair and clear, without blemish or mark, and smooth to the touch.

She is generously curved but not with an overabundance, she remains lithe and petite. No excess of weight or muscle is obvious in her form, she presents as a perfectly feminine creature for a young noble lady.

Skills, Traits & Weaknesses

She was trained from a young age to strictly adhere to the rules of courtly etiquette. When to speak, when not to speak, when to speak when it's technically not permissible but would be advantageous to do so. How to serve and drink tea, how to sit and stand with perfect poise, how to dance, cook, clean and a number of other essential skills.

Outside of the norms for the casual lady, Melina has taken lessions in the use of a foil and rapier.

Magic Tutelage:
Given her natural gift for magic, she has received tutoring from a young age to help her harness and control her power. She's learned a number of beginner spells and is fully capable of learning the more advanced magics.
Mage Blood:
Melina possesses a recessive magical lineage through her father. It manifests as arcane energy which she has been taught to harness and bend to her will in casting spells.


Melina Calcutte is the picture of refinement, a beautiful young lady of noble descent.
But she's still very much a child at heart and desires simply to do what pleases her.

She will be the perfect lady in public, but behind closed doors, she can be utterly terrifying.
She's a control freak, she likes being in control of whatever she's involved in, be it group events or projects, her "friends", her maids or really anything else she could get away with.
Having so little say or control over her life, crushed under the strict teachings of her mother since she was born has brought about this obsession in her mind that she simply had to be at the top so that nobody could tell her what to do.


Born in the city of Mardus, in the country of Mardania, Melina knew only wealth and privilege.
She and her older step-sister, Dianna, were raised by their mother and father, or rather, the nursemaids that worked for them.
The nursemaids raised them out of infancy with a caring hand, and as soon as they were able, their mother took an active role in teaching them both the ways of the courtly gentlewoman.

Both girls had a rebellious streak. As soon as Dianna came of age she decided that she didn't want to become a lady, so instead she went to join the Knight Paladins of Mardus, attending the School of Oaths.
Melina stayed, however, and continued her education.

When she was old enough she was sent to attend the most prestigious university in Mardus, the School of Script. A massive university dedicated to learning of all sorts, especially magic but including classes in many other fields. Many noble families sent their children here to learn how to become successors to the family head, or proper wives to powerful lords, or even statecraft and politics.

Now she attends this impressive university in the biggest city Arethil has ever seen. What will happen is anyone's guess, but as the daughter of a Duke, there are high expectations on her shoulders.



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