Dianna Calcutte

Dianna Calcutte

Biographical information
Mardus 21 Alliria
Physical description
Human Mardanian Female 5'6" 145lbs Blonde Blue Pale Caucasian
Political information
Paladins of Mardus Paladin Knight Calcutte Knight
Out-of-character information
Haloshooter 02/24/2022 Skyrim SE Modded


Dianna is a fair skinned pale young lady of northern descent with flowing blond hair, which she keeps braided out of the way to accommodate her helmet, and crystal clear blue eyes.

She is not a large woman, not big boned by any means, but she manages to temper her gentler feminine features with a hard under toning of muscle required to wield her weapons and armor effectively.

She has the trappings of one who chose a hard life when she didn't have to, off duty she dresses well in fine or comfortably sensible clothing, normally scorning dresses or formal attire unless duty or professionalism required it.
On duty she has her military uniform, and during her travels and active duty she wears the Dracontine Glass armor of the Mardus Paladins, and wields her Dracontine Glass longsword.

Skills and Abilities

Knight Paladin: She is a skilled swordsman on foot and from horseback, she is adept with shields and she also adds lances and heavy crossbows to her list of proficiencies.
She is by far more comfortable in a saddle and fighting from the higher vantage point, but she can hold her own in nearly any combat situation.


Dianna is a devoted soldier, one of the most elite of her country's knights known as the Paladins of Mardus. Thus, she faces everything with a degree of professionalism and poise.
Being raised in a noble family she still maintains such habits as proper etiquette and speech, but she experiences the freedoms of a career soldier, not being expected to fulfill any roles required by her family. Under the harsh chain of command she found freedom from one form of bondage and traded it for another... A worthwhile trade in her opinion.

Her current duties require less of her except on occasion, thus with her new post she has been allowed even greater freedom to live as she wished, pursuing pleasures of the flesh and enjoying her life.
Professional though she is, there is only so many times she could say no to a good time.

Biography & Lore

In the giant gigalopolis of Mardus in the country of Mardania, Dianna Calcutte was born and raised in the noble house of Calcutte as a lady and a scholar, taught the arts of womanhood and ladyship to be formed into the perfect bride for the perfect union some day.
Dianna lived every day with a silver spoon, every day being prepped to one day become a bride.

But this wasn't her wish, nor that of her father, but smitten as he was with her stepmother he did not gainsay the wishes of that woman to force Dianna into the mold of a proper lady.
For her childhood and approaching marriage age, she endured the constant pressure to perform, but every day grew the desire to rebel, to not comply with the status quo.
On her seventeenth birthday she was destined to be married off to their rival house to end hostilities, but she had hatched a different plan, a surefire way out... And she got the idea watching a parade displaying the military might of Mardus...

When she turned seventeen, she shocked her stepmother into a faint, and her father into a releaved grin, when she revealed that she had taken an apprenticeship with a Mardus Paladin. As the laws stated, there was no greater duty to family or country than to serve as a knight paladin of Mardus, those accepted as a squire to a knight paladin were therefore releaved of all other family or political obligations.

Thus she escaped the machinations of her stepmother. Later on she realized that what her stepmother wanted for her wasn't necessarily evil or ill intentioned, but was simply expected of her. However, Dianna saw her future for herself now, and while she could have chosen to go back, she chose to remain and become a full fledged knight paladin of Mardus.

At 21 she was a full and elite member of the order, and her first duty was to serve as guard and protector to the Mardanian ambassador to Alliria.
She makes her home in Alliria now, serving the ambassador as required and enjoying the pleasures the trade city has to offer on her time off.


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