Private Tales For King and Country

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"Perhaps it is you who forgets, the authority I follow is above you, my dear,"
Yvaine's lips parted as though she'd been about to offer retort, but her incredulity rendered her speechless. She'd never been spoken to in such a way in her life. The King must have been furious, only that could have given Dalgarren the certainty that whatever complaint she had in regard to her maltreatment would go unpunished. And so she closed her mouth and pressed her lips into a thin line as her jaw tightened, deciding it best to accept her fate. Until, the General addressed the Captain, and her acquiescent expression was drawn back into a rictus of rage as she stepped toward Dalgarren in protest.

"He did no such thing! I left Drennantor on my own accord, the Captain nor his men had any idea. Let them continue and I will come without a fuss, there's no need to disrupt the mission because of me.." she frowned, aware that her heart was racing and that her tone was no less than vehement, and so she added a more composed 'Please.." before looking to Faulkin, and then to Tor hopelessly. Her gaze shifted as she realised that Tinùviel was nowhere to be seen and her heart sank a little more.

"get your rest, girl, we leave at high noon."

Anger was not something that Yvaine was accustomed to feeling. She was as soft and gentle as her mother, and given her keen hearing she'd never enjoyed voices rising any higher than necessary. And yet as the two soldiers stepped toward Faulkin her own voice raised, seemingly out with her control.

"No! I will not let you do this!" she objected as she rushed to step between Faulkin and the two men to push them back, Juniper already attacking their ankles in assistance.
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  • Wonder
Reactions: Faulkin
"No! I will not let you do this!"

Dalgarren's expression had gone from one of amusement, to no small amount of frustration, and then some. He barked orders out to several more guardsmen, sending them to join the first set and take both the Captain and Lady into custody. He turned and directed a few more to head further down the street toward the healer's home, no doubt off to arrest Faulkin's men there. And when he turned back to face them again from afar, in the General's eyes Faulkin saw a familiar flicker - the same consuming anger that he'd seen in the man, so willing to unleash it upon peaceful elf folk. It was even nearly turned against his own kin.

And here it was again. Aimed solely upon Yvaine.

Guards approached.

Yvaine stood between he and they.

Tor steadfast, just on his flank.

Tinúviel, nowhere to be seen.

And all within those few breaths he weighed carefully his reaction. If they stood idly by and allowed their arrest, there was little doubt in him that his days would be numbered. Stealing away with the Lady Yvaine would be the perfect excuse for his end. His men would likely suffer too, and she... Yvaine likely faced a wrath all too dismal. And then there was Dalgarren himself, that snake... who knew how he would spin all of this to his favour.

The odds were poor, but...


Having fought together through many a trial, it was the only direction the old warrior needed to know his Captain's meaning. He darted out and around the two, and with a battlecry that would make even the bravest to fall faint of heart, drew a sword and charged toward the first two guardsmen. Faulkin was quickly behind him, axe in hand, sword on his side, but he was hardly dressed for battle, and he'd be vulnerable if not quick.

And first blood was drawn. Tor fell the first, causing the little Juniper to duck aside to avoid being crushed. He'd been brutal with his strength, but merciful. Faulkin fell upon the second, quickly dispatching him, and now charged the others, save Dalgarren.

And then...

There was a bright flash of light, and a rumbling beneath their feet. And from below, severing the path between Dalgarren's men and them, a great wall of light that reflected like shards of glass sprang up. It stood many meters tall.

"Tinúviel..." Tor uttered under his breath, and then shouted to the other two, "come on! He'll hold them off!"

And with certainty in his stride, Tor ran off down toward the healer's home.

Faulkin hurried back to Yvaine's side, calm despite the sudden bloodshed - singular in his mission. Get. Yvaine. Away.

he said, reaching his hand out to her, lacking any sense of urgency.

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  • Wonder
Reactions: Yvaine
The anger in Dalgarren's eyes made it quite clear that he had spiralled quickly from frustration to cold emotional indifference. Never once had he directed this mode toward her, nobody ever had, but she'd face it with a look of defiant determination, for she knew that he was wrong - no, unjust, corrupt. Reprehensible. Now there was true anger in her eyes.

She had faced far worse than the General and his men already and she recalled the fear she'd felt in that forest, yet she could not summon it now. Then, the fear had come like crashing waves on a winter beach, sending a chill to the core of who she was and snarling that she should cower. But she'd quickly had to learn to swim in that ice cold reality and find her own bravery. She'd made a choice to leave the warmth of her well-guarded walls and creature comforts, just as she made this choice now.

There was likely very little her clenched fists could do against soldiers with or without weapons, but as they approached her, she was more than ready to resort to violence, regardless of how fruitless or feeble it might be. And yet before she had to raise a hand, Faulkin's voice caused her to flinch and she pulled herself aside as Tor charged forth.

Juniper ran straight for her, and Yvaine barely had time to open her arms before the Vixen was embraced within them. Panic and a momentary lapse of sense rooted Yvaine to the spot, watching the soldiers, her uncle's soldiers, fall and bleed just feet from her.

There was no going back now.

'Go, Evie..'
A voice whispered to her from the shadows of her mind, Juniper barked as though to further emphasise the urgency and she blinked, realising that the remaining men were charging straight at them. She only had time to gasp before the light cut across their path and she had to close her eyes against the blinding glare as she staggered back a step. Hearing Tor's murmur she looked back at the wall, her lips parting in awe as she stared up at it, whispers tickling at the back of her mind and causing her skin to bloom with goosebumps.


Yvaine tore her gaze from the shield and looked at Faulkin, her expression still one of confusion for a moment, though she forced herself back to her senses and quickly nodded, taking his hand with a glance over her shoulder as they ran. Ahead, more of Faulkin's men were already scrambling to get ready to leave. Her adrenaline surged so fast she felt like she might throw up if given the chance and her heart seemed intent on escaping the confines of her chest.

"I should.." she breathed. "Let them take me..." she coughed. "They won't... stop looking... if I'm with you."
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  • Love
Reactions: Faulkin
They'd been fortunate. Tinúviel's intervention had prevented Dalgarren's men from approaching those of his stationed by the healer's home. And there, they were already in preparation, which was of little shock to see them so prompt. Faulkin's men were the best. As they drew closer, he saw Alwin, being carried to a wagon, clearly not yet strong enough to be of any aid - which was a shame. He was a talented swordsman, and Faulkin could use his help.

No matter. They would be fine regardless.

"I should.." she breathed. "Let them take me..." she coughed. "They won't... stop looking... if I'm with you."
He stopped them, mid flight. He steadied her with a hand on either of her arms, and looked carefully into those golden gates, doorways to her soul. And sympathy fell over his face, and none that would be worthy of any shame. She had just witnessed the first act of bloodshed between Drennantorian swords in centuries. More than this, those could very well have been personal guardians of hers at one time, perhaps someone she'd played with - someone who chased her in laughter and joy, who hid away for her to find... Even if they weren't, they very easily could have been. And he knew, the gravity of all that must have fell upon her in these moments no doubt weighed heavy.

But he knew, with all that had happened, with everything she now knew, nothing would ever be the same. How could she go back, having seen all she had? Knowing who and what her uncle was and could be, what he could allow?

There was no life for any of them in Drennantor anymore.

Not even her.

"Yvaine..." he uttered, almost a whisper, "They can chase us to the very ends of Arethil, and I will keep you safe. Come with me..."

There was shouting, beckoning them to come. Wagons started to roll.

It was time to leave.

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Yvaine
There was only a brief moment to feel the warm wave of relief to see Alwin carried from the healer's home before she was stopped and she stared at Faulkin, flushed and flustered as she glanced back in the direction of Dalgarren and his men. She searched the Captain's face, her brow furrowed in question as he looked at her that way.

The soldiers were faces that she'd known, but Faulkin's was one she knew better, and she'd already chosen her side. Faulkin hadn't been given a choice, and she'd known as well as he the fate that would have befallen him had he been returned to Drennantor. Perhaps the shock of the sight of men killing men would soon set in, but right now there wasn't the time, and after the horrors she'd already witnessed, there was no room for much else to plague her nightmares more than the shadows and monsters that did so already.

"Yvaine..." he uttered, almost a whisper, "They can chase us to the very ends of Arethil, and I will keep you safe. Come with me..."

His words struck like a flint on his tongue and sparked a warm, answering light behind her ribs. She knew he meant it and she felt so utterly certain that he would do all in his power to protect her, yet as much as she wanted to let him, she wanted to keep him safe too. Without her with him, they might let him go and consider him an exile, but she knew her uncle would not allow his reputation to be tarnished by the theft of his niece. They might very well have to run to the ends of Arethil, and even then, he'd never stop searching.

Yvaine loathed to take her eyes from his face but she frowned back at the wall of light, her brow knit in consternation. She had been selfish to come here, to put him in this position at all and she would be just as selfish to continue rather than accept her punishment. And yet, the moment she looked back up at him staring at her that way and felt the familiar warmth she'd become so used to, she reached a hand to his chest and nodded her answer, a breathy laugh of relief tumbling from her lips.

Ahead she heard Veres bray in protest as he was led from the stables by a young soldier, his massive hooves pounding at the ground in warning before he reared amongst the chaos. The fox clutched between her arm and her chest looked between them with an impatient whine, and Yvaine nodded again as though to reaffirm her decision.

"To the ends of Arethil, then?.." she smiled faithfully, and threaded her fingers back through his.
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  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Faulkin
Months later...
"To the ends of Arethil, then?.." she smiled faithfully, and threaded her fingers back through his.

He smiled, and held her hand tight.

* * *​

Bounties had been put out across the land for their heads, and with the King's wide reach, that call extended as far as Alliria and even Vel Anir. There were even some issued for Yvaine, though they were strictly for a retrieval with express instruction of no bodily harm. So, fearing their capture, Faulkin directed all those left under his command to head southwest, toward Falwood. No doubt it would be expected of them to abandon their course toward Elbion, but he felt it was unlikely the King would expect him to head south. There was much trouble in the Falwood, and there were many dangers that could befall them in even journeying there, running the risk of encountering those monsters again. And yet, for all their trouble and doubt, it was there they found a reprieve.


There was a chill that gripped the air. Though there was no snow, away from any flame one's breath could quite clearly be seen. These were short lived times in these parts from what he knew, but there was a risk of flash blizzards, so they were fortunate that the tribespeople who dwelt in this place had been benevolent enough to give them aid and shelter. They were elves, albeit a strange sort. He would have expected goblins or some kind of mer-people to inhabit the swamp, but elves? And even though they rendered aid, they were indeed a xenophobic lot, segregating them to a degree. If it hadn't been for Yvaine, it was likely they would not have helped them. They barely even spoke to anyone else but her.


"So what do ya think of this lot, capt'n? Not sure what I think of'em, but... not many safer places around these days."


"I'm not sure, Tor. It has only been a couple of weeks... we've hardly had time to catch our breath...besides..."

He cast a look out, away from the fire.

"...the choice is not mine alone."

Though there were a few of the noble class who had also chosen to join them, most of those who traveled with them were undoubtedly loyal to Faulkin. He'd been their Captain through many trials, led them with honour even when their own King seemed to lack it. And he'd done it all without fear - or at least that was how it seemed to them. They trusted him with unwavering devotion, and followed him to whatever end. Faulkin knew this, even long before it had been ultimately demonstrated back in Milvahn. Any one of them could have sold them all out to Dalgarren and his men, or sabotaged their escape in some way. But by now it was clear none had made any such attempt. So he knew if he chose to remain here, they too would remain. If he chose to go, they too would go. All their fates rested in his hands, so every move he made carried great weight.

There were however, only two issues. Firstly, the elves of this place may only tolerate their presence for so long. Secondly, there was still no way of knowing if they had truly lost Dalgarren's trail. Had Tinúviel ever been able to rejoin them, perhaps they would be without that uncertainty. But as it stood that was a luxury not afforded to them, and though the elf's fate was unknown, he could say that they had been fortunate to see no sign of pursuit. Even still, the threat of Dalgarren and the monsters had fueled them to flee with little reprieve, and they put much ground between them and Drennantor's soil.

To here.

These marshy lands were very unlike anything Faulkin and his host were accustomed to, but the El'thulian Elves provided them with enough shelter for the lot of them. They lived in raised homes made from the materials around them, which sat along the edges of the swamp and stretched out over its murky waters. And all around, no matter where one stepped the slick smacking of mud or subtle squishing wet could be heard underfoot. Such sound could be heard as Alwin approached where Faulkin and Tor now were, set near a small fire just outside the settlement. There were several others nearby standing near a couple of other fires, dressed for battle, but lingering rather casually, conversing with one another. Alwin cast a curious look about them before addressing Faulkin.


"Expecting trouble?"


"You know I've never liked the quiet."

The pair exchanged smirks, and then Alwin came near. He looked out into the misty surround, cast in a grey light from the shrouded sun.

"Can't say I blame ya, not in this place..."
"Have you seen Yvaine?"

A look.

"Not lately... why?"
Faulkin turned a suspicious eye in toward the settlement. Far off, he could see two figures vaguely through the fog. He realized then that the feeling of being watched was something he'd been starting to grow used to. It had only been a short time, but he wasn't so certain it was something that would ever end in this place. In fact, as of late, he'd even started to question their safety here - and these elves' interest in Yvaine.

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Travel had taken its toll, and the visions and voices that plagued her mind took a toll harsher still. By the time they had happened upon the swampy settlement, Yvaine had been in desperate need of rest, and it was for this reason alone that she was finally convinced to take a more comfortable room away from the others. For the first few days, she spent much of her time asleep, waking in cold sweats from the same nightmares and feverish dreams.

The elves here seemed to be an entirely different sort. They were not particularly warm and seemed more... wild - but they were practical enough in their care of her, and provided her with food and teas and a comfortable enough bed, for which she was grateful. It was evident to her, however, that they were as fascinated by her as they were disdainful of her company. Several times when she had attempted to rejoin her friends, she'd been stopped and redirected. Their attempt to separate her from Faulkin and the others wasn't lost on her, but until they could travel, the last thing she wanted to risk was their hosts turning on them. They had enough enemies to run from, without making enemies of tribal elves.

She had been impossibly quiet as she left her room tonight, and she'd worn her cloak in anticipation of the cold. Her feet were light as she descended the steps, about to take her first squelch into the mud when a female voice caused her to startle so much that her gasp was audible. The little fox at her feet bristled and hid behind her, peeking up at the speaker.

"Good evening, Yvaine." the elven woman spoke, her voice thick with accent and strained with the effort of trying to be as pleasant as she could. "The hall is this way.." which of course, she knew. " - surely you must be hungry? You haven't eaten all day." Olwynn smiled, gesturing toward the hall where they'd gathered to eat. They were, as she'd learned, quite easily offended. The elves here apparently rarely offered any elven outsiders aid, let alone provided shelter to humans. If she seemed at all ungrateful - as apparently she had when she'd insisted that she join the others in their shelter rather than rest in the room they'd given to her, or when she'd asked if they might join for supper one evening - their irritation was palpable. And so, for the sake of her party being allowed to rest and hunt here, albeit closely watched, Yvaine remained away and made as much effort as she could to gain these wild elves' trust.

She let loose a breath and cleared her throat. "Yes. I am, thank you Olwynn." she smiled warmly, though she was certain the female had been stationed to wait where she stood and hadn't simply come to fetch her. She peered through the fog toward the fire in the distance, only able to make out a few shapes around it, and she chewed on her lip for a moment before dropping her gaze to Juniper and jerking her chin toward the men.

Let him know I'm alright, she thought as she smiled wistfully at the vixen, and she watched as she skittered off toward the fire before turning to follow Olwynn to the chief's chalet.

There, they greeted her. They surrounded her and poured her wine, women and children braided her hair in the El'thulian fashion, they painted her face and neck in tribal ink and they taught her how to speak like they did. This had been the way every night this past week before she was invited to sit at their table and sup with them, 'blessing' her with the honour of sitting to the left of Joran L'ar, the tribe's chief, or their 'Ingwë' as they called him.

Joran was cold, though not cruel; at least from what she could tell. His people respected him, though she could clearly imagine his asperity should they chose to stray that path. Yvaine had the distinct feeling that the seat in which she'd sat for the last few evenings was one that brewed envy amongst many others, male and female both; including Olwynn who's close-lipped smile she could tell, guarded gritted teeth.

"Ah, Sithildin. You are late." he chided with a slow curl of a smile as he looked up at her painted face and braided hair. "El'thulian suits you." The chief said as she sat and casually reached to capture the end of her braid betwixt his thumb and forefinger - a gesture that seemed something of an adumbration amongst their tribe, judging by the way the elven eyes shifted and brows quirked here and there. She could practically feel a few burning glares in particular, their eyes like hot branding irons boring into her.

Yvaine felt her cheeks heat slightly at the silence that had suddenly surrounded them, and she cleared her throat awkwardly. Joran grinned and glanced over those seated at the table who quickly resumed their chatter, and filling their plates with the roasted meats and vegetables on offer. "Thank you. Though I can't pretend I am in any way worthy of such an honour." she answered with a small smile of her own. The elves here had earned their ink and braids, they were warriors and she, quite clearly, was not.

“This word that you call me, 'Sithildin', I had not thought to ask what it means." Yvaine commented as she cut into her meat. The question coaxed an insidious smile from Joran, as though he'd been hoping she'd ask since the first he'd chosen the name. Slowly, he leaned forward, shortening the distance between her pointed ear and his curling lips as one might do when revealing a secret.

"It means, Starlight." he purred.
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  • Love
Reactions: Faulkin
A few minutes went by, and the only response to Alwin's question was a pop from the fire. Faulkin's eyes followed carefully as he watched the two figures disappear into the fog. In his heart he hoped one of them would turn and start this way, and that that one would be Yvaine come to tell them that all was well. But such was not the case, and a shadow fell over his features as his head dipped down.

He drew in a slow breath and said softly,"I promised to keep her safe, Alwin..."

A hand fell on Faulkin's shoulder, and he turned to see that it was Tor's.

"And you have. You've defended her from monsters the likes of which I've never seen, prevented Dalgarren and his men from draggin' her home - you stood up to a fuckin' King lad!" He patted Faulkin's shoulder once more, "you've done a great deal of protectin'. So what if these elves want to fuss over her while she's here."

Faulkin nodded, giving a half-hearted look of thanks before his eyes dropped again. When they did, they fell upon a familiar little creature. Faulkin couldn't help the half smile that formed as he crouched down to gather Juniper up, and he understood her being here. As he stood upright again, the little vixen scurried her way up until she found herself perched comfortably with her head just to the left of Faulkin's. He looked off into the fog, and though it was too dense for him to actually see it, he knew where it was. He knew where she was.

He turned, "Alwin, fetch a couple of cloaks... we're going to see what they're doing."

It wasn't dark yet, but the sun was certainly fading. In this light, with all this fog, no doubt even an elf would have trouble seeing. Faulkin had waited long enough, thankfully the conditions seemed in his favour. It hadn't crossed his mind though, how odd it was for there to be fog while it was also so cold.

Alwin and he quietly made their way through the settlement. It was too difficult to be totally silent, so they were forced to move slowly, especially upon the planked walkways taking them over water. Every now and again, they would come near a strange totem, with many different carvings and inscriptions decorating it,and none of it looked familiar. And at their top, a strange orb that shone a changing light, and though to look at the orb you would see this light, the light did not illuminate. They were interesting, but hardly something to afford much attention, at least not now.

After a painstakingly long time, or so it seemed to them at least, the two of them finally drew near to the El'thulian chief's chalet. They'd been lucky not to encounter anyone so far, so to ensure that continued, they placed themselves out of the torchlight for all it was worth, and managed to get close enough to a window opening where they could peer in and listen.

And for all they knew, they'd gone completely unnoticed.

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  • Wonder
Reactions: Yvaine
A low din of chat and murmurings settled in the room, an open fire pit in its centre and a large chandelier fashioned from the antlers of a dozen or so stags and candles provided the main light, a dim but warm flickering glow. It was much more comfortable and welcoming than what her human companions had been offered, and yet what they had been offered had at least been shelter from the elements. As warm as it was and as kind as they liked to appear toward her, Yvaine couldn't wait to leave, and yet that thought too had become something of an anxiety.

Would it be that simple?

During the meal, she was asked questions and asked others in turn. Joran spoke to her of his people, his home, the places he had been and things he had seen. He had lived an exceptionally long life by what Yvaine could gather, and in battle he and his people were something of a force to be reckoned with. It was all the more reason to try to remain on their good side and allow her friends (and herself) the rest that they needed before moving on.

Yvaine tried to ignore the invidious eyes that settled on her at times, but she was well aware of them. At least, whilst Joran favoured her, she was safe amongst them. At least she hoped she was. The Ingwë refilled Yvaine's cup a fourth time and she stared at it. How far would her effort not to offend them take her? She wasn't used to drinking more than one cup at most, and now her head felt full of air. The thought was wiped from her mind as Joran leaned in conspiratorially, his lips brushing her ear as he reached to take her hand. She couldn't help but grow rigid.

"I would like you to stay with us, ithildin. You belong here, not with their sort. They will deceive you the first chance they have. You will not survive them...Stay."


"Spying, are we?"


When Joran instructed his warriors to keep a close eye on the humans - they listened, and they obeyed. Fen was particularly imposing, and he moved with more stealth than a creature of his stature had any right to. He stood glaring down at the pair, his teeth bared like a hungry animal that'd been waiting patiently for his chance to pounce. Fen jerked his sturdy jaw toward the door of the chalet and growled.

"In. We'll see what the Ingwë wants to do about this."
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  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Faulkin
At first, it was good to see that Yvaine was being treated to food and drink, away from the chill of the evening. But, after only a short while of watching Faulkin's impression changed greatly - drastically and immediately as he witnessed Joran lean in closely to Yvaine, practically pecking at her ear.

Faulkin had felt the fire of combat burn through his veins, he'd felt the rage and sorrow in watching those he cared for fall by the sword, or torn by the claw. But what sparked in him in that moment fueled an anger the likes of which he'd never before felt, and it was aimed solely upon one person. He was about to move when a voice came from behind, and Faulkin rolled his eyes with a quiet curse under his breath. He turned, thinking perhaps for a moment they could still escape this situation, but Faulkin was quick to determine the only way to take this one down in one shot would be in fatality.

He was not yet prepared to cross that line. Not with this one, at least.

"In. We'll see what the Ingwë wants to do about this."

The ambience of idle pleasantries fell silent but a breath after Faulkin and Alwin were shoved inside. Fen again encouraged them forward, and brought them close to the fire. Then, with the voice of thunder Fen shouted out with words Faulkin did not know, gesturing in presentation at him and Alwin, "And behold, even after shown our kindness, their trust eludes us."

There were a few murmers, and a few shouts, all of it in El'thulian, and none of it sounded pleasant. By now, a few other tribesmen and women had come near, surrounding them.

"Why then should we allow them to stay, if they creep through the dark to spy on us. What next, they end us in our sleep!" Fen turned a scowl to the two humans, "we should finish these two now for their transgression, and send their people away."

Faulkin and Alwin were shoved and marched forward, and then each were gifted with a violent knee to the gut, dropping them just before where Joran and Yvaine sat. Before either of them recovered they were pulled upright, drawn knives were brought to their necks. They both resisted as much as they could, but a gentle press of sharp steel on flesh was enough to subdue their movements.

"You son of a bitch," Faulkin spat out at Joran, his voice hoarse and restrained.

"Why even bring us here if only to kill us," shouted Alwin, "what do you want!?"

  • Scared
Reactions: Yvaine
Yvaine's slender brows rose at Joran's words. It wasn't that his request was particularly shocking, in all honesty she'd expected it given the preferential treatment she'd been receiving. What was concerning to her was his beliefs about her companions. Did they really distrust them that much?

"Oh, no they w--"

She didn't have time to finish making her assurances before the atmosphere shifted so severely, and she turned toward the cold chill and those brought in by it. The frown she'd worn melted as she saw them, as she felt that flutter of familiarity, and she beamed for the briefest of moments before she realised that the mood was not a pleasant one. The smile faded, and her eyes were fraught with fear as they shifted from Fen, to Alwin and finally fixed on Faulkin.

Her skin visibly paled as she watched her friends be shoved unceremoniously into the chalet. Her heart racing as she listened to the gradual rise of uproar amongst the elves who stood and snarled, pounded fists into their tables and jeered their agreement with Fen. She turned to Joran, but his eyes were wild with rage and firmly set upon the so-called spies.

"I'm certain they meant no harm. A misunderstanding is all." Yvaine assured him, though she wasn't certain he'd even heard her. It was then that the brutalities began, her stomach twisting as the two were brought to their knees whilst she herself stood from her seat with a yelp.

"Stop! No!" she cried out in a bleat of panic, a gasp catching in her throat as she saw the glint of steel and the sight of blades being drawn toward their necks.

"STOP!!!" The quiet elf demanded in a tone that might've put even her uncle to shame. If it worked for anything, it quietened the mob so that she might beg Joran to let them go. His hand had already risen to stop the killing, but there was little relief when he gave his reasoning for doing so.

"Not... On.... The rug." he rumbled and took a long sip of his wine, his brow arching at Faulkin's insult. Slowly, the chief's attention turned back toward Yvaine.

"Such a kind soul you have, My Starlight, that you would wish for me to spare this human filth who dares betray our trust and disrespect me and my people in our own home. In our own home which we graciously allowed them into--"

"You didn't let them in." Yvaine frowned, having spoken before she'd even realised what she was saying. "You left them out there to fend for themselves. You watch every move that they make, offer them no warmth, and have given them no reason to trust you. They were about to have their throats cut without being afforded the chance to explain themselves. You have been kind to me, and for that I'm thankful, but I owe these men my life a thousand times over. I beg you, release them and we shall leave." she asked shakily, with the answer to his last question entwined.
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  • Bless
Reactions: Faulkin
Even as the blade was withdrawn from his neck, the hate in his eyes remained, fixed upon Joran. They were hoisted to their feet, and both he and Alwin shrugged their hands off with the younger of the two adding a few choice words. But they made no other move. Not yet.

Joran meanwhile seemed to ignore them for the moment, and instead listened to Yvaine speak - which she did quite fervently. When she was finished, a half smile crept across his lips and he turned his confident stare upon Faulkin, "I don't know about letting them leave Sithildin... but perhaps we should hear them out just in case, shall we?" There were some protests, some agreement, but ultimately the call was Jorans.


Faulkin stepped forward, which caused one of the nearby elves to draw in. Faulkin's arm shot forward, delivering a forceful shove, stopping them in place, "be still! I will speak!" He and the elf glared at each other for a moment, then Faulkin turned his attention back to Joran, "I don't know who you think you are, or what you hope to achieve, but you'll have to be doing it on your own. I'll be taking Yvaine now, and we'll be leaving."

  • Nervous
Reactions: Yvaine
Yvaine's jaw tightened, trying to maintain some semblance of composure, but she was trembling at the thought of what had almost happened. What still might if they didn't handle this well. She stared between the pair with mute plea in her gaze.

Beg forgiveness, be humble and gracious, and they'll let us leave..
Her eyes closed on the thought as Alwin cursed and she opened them with an unspoken warning to Faulkin. She'd learned enough about these people to know that they would not be insulted, especially not Joran. How much pleading could she possibly do? They'd no doubt been waiting on a reason to get rid of her companions since they'd first set foot on their land - how was she supposed to persuade them not to take the opportunity?

Yvaine opened her mouth to speak, but Joran's voice cut in with dominance.

"Taking her?" Joran stood now, an arm wrapping around Yvaine's shoulder. "But she is one of us. You speak of her as though she is an item to be carried, a possession to be used. Typical humans! We will protect her from your kind - she belongs here where she is safe!" As Joran's voice rose, so too did the jeering, and Yvaine's voice was once again lost amongst it.

"Take them outside." Joran commanded and threw back the last of his wine before unsheathing his hunting knife. "They had their chance."

Yvaine's head swam. A few days. A few more days and they'd have been gone from this place, fully healed and recuperated. She had stayed away to allow that, and to prevent this, and now she felt helpless once more. Panic rose up in her so quickly that she felt she might vomit..

"Joran wait!" Yvaine cried out, unsure of what else she could possibly do but grab him by the arm and beg. "I'll stay! Please. Let them leave safely and I'll stay."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Faulkin
Jealous rage burned with fury at how candid Joran threw himself over Yvaine, but it dwindled into desperation as he proclaimed their imminent demise. They began to push him and Alwin out, despite Yvaine's plea. It was Faulkin then, who pushed back and came again before Joran with a plea of his own.

"Wait, wait," he threw up his hands, "Alwin was just doing as I told him. He would not be here if not for I. Please, I beg of you, punish me and not him."

It fell silent, the crowd's thirst for Joran's decision quieting them. And he, their Ingwë, also went silent for a brief time, and thought. Slowly then, he made his way around their table, running his thumb along the dull edge of his knife, looking down at it as he approached Faulkin. He came to stand directly in front of him, and then lifted his emerald eyes to meet Faulkin's, and there he tested his resolve with a hard stare.

"Very well Captain, he will be spared, but I am sorry Sithildin..." he turned to her, "...but I cannot simply forgive away such disrespect. The others may be spared, but he... he cannot."

Faulkin no longer resisted, and instead allowed himself to be ushered outside relatively peacefully, albeit with some mild, proud protests. He would not be touched. He would do this of his own accord, so long as his agreement for Alwin's life was upheld. Frankly, however, he could only hope. He was taken near the water, where he could only assume he would be deposited after the deed was done. And Joran drew close, heralded by the heavy footsteps over the wooden planks. Behind him, Alwin fought for the freedom to help, but he was powerless. He heard shouts from others, cheering and hollering - they were enjoying this.

So this is it...


Joran stopped behind him, and waited. He was trying to draw it out, and make Faulkin even that much more uncomfortable. However, all it truly served to do was allow Faulkin the time to think on what had just happened, and fear that which was to come. And it was no death he feared. Deep inside, it was not that he even feared what was to become of his men, or Alwin. What he feared is what would happen to Yvaine, and he was terrified of what this Joran had in mind from what he had seen just moments ago. So although it was only in the span of a few seconds, it was all the time Faulkin needed to decided what he was going to do.

Joran took another step.

Given their proximity, and the fury fueling Faulkin's speed, Joran had no time to react when the Captain whirled around and delivered a hard punch square on the nose. He wasn't finished however, and managed to land another hit which caused Joran to drop his knife. Still disoriented, Joran was prey to another volley from Faulkin, who then withdrew and picked up Joran's knife.

"You wretched human..." Joran cradled his nose, and then after wiping the blood from it allowed his hands to fall to his sides, "...I will make sure you all die for that."

"Ilim'thi dal elineim, Ingwë."
Whatever the words meant, whoever spoke them brought stillness and quiet to the entirety of the crowd, even Joran. Faulkin, uncertain as to who, what, and where, still held himself ready for a fight. But when it became clear that there was now to be none, at least for the moment, he took notice that each of the El'thulian's were all looking off behind where he stood. Faulkin turned to see, and beheld an El'thulian woman approaching them, walking across the water. She was tall, likely among one of their tallest, and her limbs were long and lithe. Much of her skin was visible, displaying tattoos of one bearing great significance. Her ears were lined with many small, golden rings, and many other piercings and decorations adorned her. And though her dress was not one of great modesty, and she moved in an almost suffocatingly seductive manner, she did wear a mask which covered her mouth and nose, hiding much of her face.

"That is enough blood for today, Joran..."

She stepped up onto the dock, just beside Faulkin. He was not a small man by any means, and he was certainly looking up to her. She offered him a comforting smile with her eyes, although it seemed half-hearted to him, almost dismissive. Then she moved ahead to Joran, gently dragging one of her fingers across his cheek as she moved past. While it might have seemed like an intimate gesture, her hands were not quite like those of the others. In place of nails there were claws, and she'd left a small cut which drew blood on his face. Leaving him behind, she drew close now to Yvaine, fixing her eyes upon her with great interest.

"So this is the one you believe to be from the Broken Tribe..." she examined Yvaine closely, lifting a clawed finger to lift the girl's chin just so, "she does bear that likeness... Il' na thal little one, neither you nor your friends will not be harmed."

  • Wonder
Reactions: Yvaine
'I am sorry Sithildin...but I cannot simply forgive away such disrespect. The others may be spared,
but he... he cannot.'

Golden eyes grew once again wide with fear as the suffocating wave of inevitability washed over her, cold and terrible. All sense left her, every muscle bound to move and thrumming with adrenaline. Her hand shot straight for the knife she'd moments ago been using to cut her meat, and with a sound of desperate fury she hurled herself toward the Ingwë as he turned to go outside.

Hands were on her in an instant. She hadn't got more than three steps before she was restrained, her arm twisted until the pain stole dominance over her grip and the knife clattered to the floor. She thrashed like an animal in Olwynn's grasp, managing to throw an elbow at her face and claw at her, leaving a nasty scratch on her arm, trying desperately to rip her way free to get to Joran before he could carry out Faulkin's execution.

Olwynn gave up quicker than she'd expected, though she was only shoved into the far sturdier hold of Fen who's meaty forearms held fast across her neck and torso. He barely seemed to notice her squirming or kicking. Yvaine's muscles burned with the effort, but she wouldn't stop for one moment, just as she continued to plead with Joran one moment and call him a bastard the next, and soon her wracking sobs were drowned out by the wild mob's jeering.

This can't be it...


Yvaine had fought as hard as she could, she had screamed as loud as her body would allow, she had offered all she could offer in effort to spare the Captain's life, but none of it seemed to matter. There was nothing left in her but anguish and fury. Her eyes closed tightly rather than watch this. She couldn't, she was certain that her mind would shatter then, as well as her heart.

She had expected to hear a splash and raucous appeasement, but her gaze snapped open when she heard fighting, followed by snarling from the assemblage who were drawing their own weapons now. Her heart leapt, and with it she recommenced her effort to get free of the unyielding hold that Fen had on her. Yvaine's mouth opened wide and her jaw clamped down on the muscular forearm meant to subdue her. The coppery taste of blood hit her tongue, and as Fen tried to pry her off she only bit down harder, feeling her teeth sink deep into his flesh only to rip a chunk of it away. Oh but the beast could roar.

Yvaine spat and was swiftly shoved to the ground, about to take a brutal back hander to the face which she had braced herself for before a female voice conducted silence. Even Fen's attention had been drawn toward the voice, despite his gushing wound. Alwin, now also free to move, quickly came to her side to help her back to her feet, ensuring that she was alright.

"He's alright." he said lowly as she tried fretfully to shrug him off.

The two joined the rest in watching the tall figure, Yvaine's heart still a thrum in her chest and her breaths still deep and as determined as the look on her face. The elves parted to line a path to Yvaine, and once again fear knotted in her stomach as the El'thulian woman's attention settled solely upon her.

'So this is the one you believe to be from the Broken Tribe...'
Yvaine's brows furrowed in confusion as she looked up at the female, her cheeks still wet with tears which had run tracks through her tribal paint, and her lips glistened crimson with Fen's blood.

'She does bear that likeness... Il' na thal little one, neither you nor your friends will be harmed.'

She realised how hard she'd been screaming when she tried to speak and her throat was raw. "Thank you." she rasped with a soft frown and swallowed. "Are we free to leave?" she asked, wanting nothing more than to go to Faulkin and to leave this place behind them. Yet, it was clear that the seed of intrigue had already been planted, and questions glistened in her gaze as she watched the woman. Who was she?..

And who were the Broken Tribe?....
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  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Faulkin
Faulkin had taken a defensive step forward when the woman approached Yvaine, but was stopped more than a couple arms blocking his path. But, he felt hopeful that in this moment their luck had changed.

'She does bear that likeness... Il' na thal little one, neither you nor your friends will be harmed.'
He didn't breathe his sigh of relief just yet.

It pained him to see Yvaine as she was, to hear the remnants of struggle in her voice. His hands fidgeted. As he stood there, looking on as this stranger loomed over her, he had a fervent desire to rush to Yvaine and place himself between. He grit his teeth. Meanwhile this stranger looked down at Yvaine, and offered at first only a comforting gaze in response to her questions.

She looked her over for a few moments more, and then replied, "yes, and no."

"This is madness, what have we done to you,"
there was anger in Faulkin's voice, but there was also now desperation, "why can we not just go?"

Joran snarled at him, but stepped away when the captain's sapphire stare burned into him like blue flame. It seemed even the Ingwë would not go against whoever this woman was. Or at least, not in her sight, which he was now directly in. She'd turned her attention to Faulkin, though she'd had some difficulty prying her eyes of Yvaine. But unlike Joran's inclinations, her curiosity was of a more benevolent interest.

"You may leave if you wish, all of you," she looked between Yvaine and him now, "however, if you leave now, you shall surely die."

Faulkin protested, but she continued, "as we speak, a host of many men bearing the colours you hide away are scouring our forests. You run from them, do you not?"

Faulkin became silent, and his eyes fell to Yvaine.

"You are safe here, our magic casts a shroud throughout our land and leads trespassers astray. And in four days, there will be a freezing. They will all die. And once it passes, you will be safe to leave."

She looked at Yvaine again, "stay, your friends may join you, and I will share with you what we believe. And dear Joran will see he has misjudged you."

  • Bless
Reactions: Yvaine
Her bleary gaze shifted to Faulkin, hearing the despondence in his voice, and she stared at him until the elven woman spoke again - hoping that despite her tremulous hands and her still-laboured breaths that she might ease his worriment even slightly with a quaint, assuring smile. Yvaine's mind and body were still tumbling down from the panic of almost losing him that the elven woman's words had barely registered with her, until death was mentioned. Until her uncle's people were foreseen and she matched the Captain's gaze once more.

"..Stay, your friends may join you, and I will share with you what we believe. And dear Joran will see he has misjudged you."
Yvaine's attention rose once more to the female, deciding within a quiet moment that she believed her words to be the truth, and also that she was more than a little curious of their 'beliefs'. She glanced across the slew of faces that stared at her, noting the visible venom in which Joran, Olwynn and Fen in particular gazed at her with - the latter still clutching his flesh wound. She let out a breath and made some effort to compose herself, the back of her hand dragging the blood from her lips before she straightened and lifted her chin.

"If you are assuring me that my companions and I can remain here safely then, thank you. We will leave once the frost has thawed." she nodded and swallowed. "For now, I think everyone could do with some rest." she frowned, trying her best not to appear as weak as she felt. It seemed at least everyone was in agreement, and with a few sneers, the rest of the elves slowly filtered back into the chalet to have their wounds treated and return to their meals.

Yvaine looked up at the elven woman, the desire to know more quite clear in her expression, but more obvious still was her eagerness to go to Faulkin. Questions could wait, and the woman stepped slightly to the side, clearing her path. She wasted no time, and in a few brisk paces she was at him. He was not hurt from what she could tell, and her arms were thrown around his neck.

She held on for dear life, and a few unspent sobs rose up in relief. "I thought..." she trailed off, her words catching in her throat as though her lips refused to utter them.

"I'm so sorry..."
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  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Faulkin
He forgot about everything else for a moment. Her arms around his neck, and he wrapped his too around her.

"I thought... I'm so sorry..."
He let out a slow breath, a firm hand running up and down her back in an attempt at comfort.

"Everything is okay," he whispered.

As he held her, he watched as the elves departed back into the chalet. But his eyes eventually came again to the tall woman, who remained, waiting patiently it seemed. But before he had the chance to speak again, she did.

"Take your time, captain. When you are ready, go and get your people. They have been without warmth for long enough..." she turned away, "I will send escort to my lodging... it is only a short while away. Do not fear the night here... I am watching."

Then she turned, and departed. Faulkin needed only a nod to Alwin, and he turned on his heel and head back to their camp. He seemed more than happy to get away from there. Faulkin however, was not in such a rush.

"Yvaine..." without thinking he brushed his hand through her hair, "...are you alright?"

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Yvaine
She breathed in the familiar scents of woodsmoke and pine, savouring the sound of the slow breath he exhaled and letting it ease her trembling somewhat.

Everything is okay.
Her eyes closed tightly then as she made an effort to stop the tears and calm her still thundering heart. Everything was okay. He was okay, Alwin and the others were too. Still she gorged herself on the solace she found whilst locked in his arms, and the comfort she'd been starved of these past weeks. She'd thought often of how much she missed her companions, how she'd missed him, but Gods; if he'd died tonight. Her grip tightened slightly, certain that her chest might split in two if he let go of her.

Yvaine could hear the elven woman speak, but there were far louder things in her mind for her to care what she was saying. It was only when her name tumbled from his lips that everything quieted again and her eyes finally opened, still glistening like polished amber as she glanced at the hand that combed through her hair.

'Are you alright?'
A short laugh she hadn't expected tore free of her throat and she looked up at him. "Me? I.. Yes I'm.. No." her head shook, and then nodded in confusion. "And yes.. I'm." she frowned and let a steadying breath tumble out. "I have no idea." she answered with a half smile, half grimace of embarrassment at her flustering.

"Are you?.." she frowned, slowly clawing back her senses as she gazed up at him, studying every inch of his face - one she'd moments ago thought she'd never see again. Her throat ached and she swallowed it quickly.

"I thought I was doing the right thing by staying away. I didn't want to upset them... I should have stayed with you, we could have found somewhere else to rest." her head dipped and she pressed it to his chest, remaining silent for a short moment before she snorted.

"I got a pretty decent chunk of meat out of Fen, though..." she muffled.
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  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Faulkin
Features which had just moments ago been as fixed as granite, melted into a soft smile as he said, "I am fine."

And he was, for the most part. He was relatively unscathed if not a little bruised, but he'd managed with far worse. He gave his head a gentle shake, mourned by her insistence on blaming herself. But he gave no reply, and instead only ran his hand again through her hair as she pressed her head against him. He did offer a throaty chuckle at her final remark, though. But despite his humour, her actions elicited something in him that was almost uncomfortable. His heart pounded furiously in his chest. His hands wanted to shake. His breath nearly trembled. He felt weakness in his legs, but a defiant strength refused their buckling.

She'd fought for him with desperation that he never wanted her to feel again.

"I'll not be parting from you again, Yvaine."

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Yvaine
'I am fine'

Yvaine had paid attention to the lack of comfort she'd felt within his absence, listened to her heart break at the prospect of watching him die, and now she did not want to let him go. That he was here providing her solace after what he'd moments ago endured was somewhat pitiful on her part, but the guilt could not claw its way through the relief nor the moments peace that followed.

That raspy sound he made as he chuckled seemed to reverberate into her very bones, her lips curling until her teeth were bared instead in a smile to hear and feel it. "I will hold you to that.." she answered gently, and stood a while longer, allowing him to feel her settle under his assurances and soothing gestures whilst she silently counted the beats of his heart as they gradually returned to a steady pace.

"Lets get in out of this cold." she said finally and looked up, having forgotten about the smeared paint on her cheeks and dried blood on her chin until she smiled and felt it. "And let me wash up.." she added, dropping her gaze quickly and pushing gently out of his hold to take his hand instead.

The sound of footsteps caused her to turn, and she narrowed her gaze through the fog to the elf who seemed to be waiting on them. Yvaine drew in a deep breath and began the walk to their new lodgings.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Faulkin
"Lets get in out of this cold...

And let me wash up.."

Her hand in his.

The journey was not very long, but it did take them a little ways from the settlement. There was torchlight to guide their way, as well as a peculiarly quiet elf. But Faulkin paid him little mind, for he expressed none of the contempt nearly all of the others had for him and his kind, and no particular interest in Yvaine. It seemed he was but a faithful servant of... whoever this strange woman was. He led them to a great tree, one which appeared to be made of many, each of them enormous in breadth, but their height was no greater than any of the others close by. It was clear that this growth was unnatural, and that it was also where their mysterious saviour dwelt. He could see through odd openings that within it was illuminated by strange light, which had a green tinge to it, and the entrance was wreathed in a brilliant green flame.

"You may enter," said the elf, who stepped to the side. It was clear he wished for them to go in first.

Faulkin looked to Yvaine, offering her a comforting smile, and then he looked behind them. There, Alwin, Tor, and the others had all joined them. How they were all to fit inside comfortably was beyond him, but perhaps there was more to this place than what he saw.

They stepped forward, and the door gently parted at its center and slowly swung open. Inside appeared bright after the dimness of the evening and fog, and the light did indeed bare a strange iridescence. After a few cautious steps inside Faulkin's vision adjusted, and there, set upon a pedestal in the center of a room far greater than the outside appearance would have revealed, he beheld one of the many strange orbs he had observed throughout the El'thulian settlement. After a moment he tore his eyes from it, and looked around. There were winding stairs on either side of the large, round room, and several archways leading different directions - one directly ahead, and one either side. Everything was made of the tree itself, but rather than the appearance of bare wood it was all covered in bark and moss. But it was warm, and relatively dry, and paired with the orb's light there were also strange green torches that burned but gave no heat.

"Welcome," came her familiar voice, "please, make yourselves at home," her figure became visible in the dark of the archway straight ahead as she approached, and as she came out into the light she gestured to the archways on either side, "you'll find that I have sung dwellings for each of you to stay in. There is room for all." She continued to approach, and halted just there before Faulkin, but more specifically Yvaine, "you, however, may come with me, and you as well captain."

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  • Wonder
Reactions: Yvaine
Yvaine spent the time of their walk in contemplative silence, watching the little vixen criss-crossing the path ahead of them, her ever-twitching nose low to the mossy ground and ears pivoting toward the weary creaks and leafy whispers of the forest around them. The air was frigid with cold, and Yvaine had absolutely no doubt of the pending frost the elven woman had prophesied.

She had expected another cabin of sorts, but the sight of the dwelling caused Yvaine to pause and a breath of a laugh to fall from her mouth as it opened in wonderment. There was something strangely discomforting about the unnatural flames, however, and she glanced up at Faulkin with a hint of dubiety when they were invited to enter. She wondered briefly if she really was so easy to read, for she hadn't had to say a word and there was the warm, succouring smile that so easily doused her apprehensions. The sight of the others arriving too only helped in bolstering her courage that bit more.

Yvaine had no idea what she'd find in this female's home, nor what she'd learn. She wanted to know, she was far too curious and interested in learning more about her kin to turn away from it. Perhaps she might even find answers about what was wrong with her, but despite it all, she thought of what she'd learned of her uncle and of how much that knowledge had caused her entire life to shift and she couldn't help but feel a little dread about digging deeper.

A gentle squeeze at Faulkin's hand pushed her over the threshold, her golden eyes blinking at all they had to take in. "Oh.." She let out the sound involuntarily as she wandered in further. She had never seen anything like this before, and her lips slowly curled into a wide smile until the female's voice drew her attention toward the archway she had appeared in. Yvaine offered a silent nod in thanks at the welcome, and she was still holding onto Faulkin's hand which was instinctively squeezed tighter for the brief moment when she assumed she was being separated again.

'and you as well captain.'
Yvaine's lips thinned and she let out a soft sigh as her vice grip loosened again. With another glance up at him, she followed the female through another archway and down some steps to another room that appeared to be ribbed by the roots of the trees, and which would have been in complete darkness had it not been for the same green orbs as there had been above. In the centre of the room was a large basin, hewn out of a single piece of wood and carved with climbing ivy.

"Please, you are welcome to use the water to wash up." the elf gestured. Yvaine frowned and looked around. It wasn't a washroom, and the basin seemed to be of far more importance than for washing the blood and grime from Yvaine's face. The strange room was sparse, otherwise. Save for a few chairs around a large table scattered with books and parchments, there was nothing else of note.

"Oh.. Thank you." she answered hesitantly and cleared her throat. "Your hospitality is appreciated, as was your intervention earlier.. What shall we call you?" she asked, letting her hand slip from the Captain's only to approach the basin. She peered down at the reflection of herself in the water and grimaced, though when she reached her hand toward it, the surface rippled and she recoiled.

"Why are we here, exactly?.. What beliefs do you have that you have to share with me?"
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  • Love
Reactions: Faulkin
Faulkin was content to more or less tag along. He had a feeling the coming discussions would be far less about him and his understanding, but nevertheless he'd meant what he'd said to Yvaine. He had no intention of leaving her with any of these elves alone, not again. And despite her benevolent intervention, least of all this new elf. There was something about her that made him uneasy. He could not deny she was very beautiful, but there was far more to it than that. The way she moved was just so alluring, even gestures with her hands while talking candidly seemed sensual. And he'd noticed the others, Alwin, Tor, the elven men, and even some of the women - captivated by her. It was like they could tear not their eyes from her, nor protest against her desire. They did as she asked, without question.

But while he saw in her rich reds and deep purples the others lusted for, his eyes were drawn instead to gold and pearl.

As they entered the strange room, he cast a quick look around. He found some of the things to be odd compared to the other things he'd seen her - or rather out of place. But as Yvaine was invited to wash in the strange pool, Faulkin was drawn to the table. As he went near, his eyes fell upon the parchments there, and he saw markings both familiar and foreign.

"Why are we here, exactly?.. What beliefs do you have that you have to share with me?"​

"That you are El'thulian. Or rather... of a tribe that parted from us long ago, into the east. Joran suspected so, and sought to determine it for himself..." she cast Faulkin a curious look, "...and his ways a far different from mine."

  • Wonder
Reactions: Yvaine
"That you are El'thulian. Or rather... of a tribe that parted from us long ago, into the east. Joran suspected so, and sought to determine it for himself...and his ways a far different from mine."
Yvaine felt a spark of emotion at the female's revelation. Some sense of belonging that she'd always sought and had never quite found in Drennantor. It had been her home since she'd been a child, but as much as she'd tried to fit in, she never could. She couldn't deny the draw she'd had to the elves, the deep rooted curiosity that she'd never have been able to sate in the human city.

"I..How would you know that?" she frowned dubiously. She hadn't shown up here with braided hair and ink on her skin, nor with an accent or any specific tell that she was aware of. The Broken Tribe, she'd called them. What was it about her that made them think she belonged to them?..And what did it matter if she was?

"What does that even mean? Where are they? Why didn't Joran mention them to me?" she frowned. It'd all seemed so secretive, that those she'd supped with for these last two weeks had believed her to have descended from this tribe and hadn't spoken a word of it to her, but had thought it necessary to inform this female.

"You still haven't told us who you are.." she pointed out with a hint of frustration in her tone, but before she could ask anything else, movement drew her golden eyes deep into the small pool of water in front of her. The top of it rippled and warped, and darkness swirled under its surface, first taking the shape of a decaying forest, then of monstrous beasts and lastly of flames before Yvaine stepped back and closed her eyes as those indiscernible whispers threatened to creep back in.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Faulkin