El'thulian Elves
Elongated ears by elven standards
Sharp features
There is little recorded history regarding the El'thulian Elves. All of their own history is passed down orally, and anything written is simple and incomplete. What is known of them is they are often hostile toward other races, often cautious of other elves, and typically keep to themselves. They are tribal, spread across several different settlements which also dispatch hunting parties that venture off for sometimes weeks at a time.
They are tall, quite sturdy, and their populace is comprised of a variety of skin and hair pigmentations. All of them however share an identical eye colour. Often they share a similar phenotype as well, with features quite sharp and pronounced, giving an almost cat-like impression.
They are often dressed in a unique tribal wear, otherwise they have also been seen in rather simplistic drapes. Both the men and women often braid their hair in a variety of fashions, and wear interesting jewelry made of anything from bone or stone to gold or jewels. Their bodies are often decorated in tribal ink, each individual choosing their own markings with their own meanings.
They are often dressed in a unique tribal wear, otherwise they have also been seen in rather simplistic drapes. Both the men and women often braid their hair in a variety of fashions, and wear interesting jewelry made of anything from bone or stone to gold or jewels. Their bodies are often decorated in tribal ink, each individual choosing their own markings with their own meanings.
El'thulian Elves live almost exclusively in swampy, marshy areas. They have adapted to thrive in these environments, and enjoy the relative seclusion these areas grant them. El'thulian's are also proficient climbers, and it is not uncommon to find refuges or even dwellings built high in the trees of Falwood.
El'thulian's are a resilient caste of elves, hardened through generations of surviving the harsher obstacles of Falwood's depths. They are expert hunters, efficient killers, and exceptional scouts. While in battle or on the hunt, they move quickly on their feet, and coordinate themselves with simple hand gestures and sounds.
And though some may refer to them as unsophisticated, they are in fact an educated people. Their way of passing information orally rather than via text is often looked down upon by most cultures, but if any had the opportunity to understand the El'thulian customs then they would come to see that there were a great many misconceptions about their way of life. They not only understand history, engineering, warfare and trade, but even some highly sophisticated metalworking, and magic.
However, due to a number of their own hinderences ranging from racial caution to flat out xenophobia or even superstition, El'thulians typically do not welcome outsiders, and have at times even outright attacked them on sight.
And though some may refer to them as unsophisticated, they are in fact an educated people. Their way of passing information orally rather than via text is often looked down upon by most cultures, but if any had the opportunity to understand the El'thulian customs then they would come to see that there were a great many misconceptions about their way of life. They not only understand history, engineering, warfare and trade, but even some highly sophisticated metalworking, and magic.
However, due to a number of their own hinderences ranging from racial caution to flat out xenophobia or even superstition, El'thulians typically do not welcome outsiders, and have at times even outright attacked them on sight.
It is said an El'thulian scout can spot their quarry anywhere between where they stand and the horizon.
Not much is known of the El'thulian customs or beliefs. Only their existence and general opposition to contact is known of.