Fable - Ask Coiled Snakes[The Empire]

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


The Sultan
Character Biography

Amar stepped through the throngs of the unwashed masses wearing a small frown. His hand reached down to adjust the glove on his left hand, a scowl pulling on his lips as a man nearly ran into him.

"Watch it!"​

The man shouted as Amar slid to the side, resisting the urge to trip the scum and send him flying to the ground. His mouth opened to answer, but before he could the man had already disappeared into the crowd. The young Sultan shook his head, running his hand through his hair and turning back towards the palace which seemed to tower in the distance.

He had never been to this city before, and had never intended to come. If it were not for his late fathers advisors he would have avoided it all together, but each of them had quietly insisted that this was the right thing to do. The Empire was powerful, and it was often easier to crack a stone from within, than from without. That, and there was the little matter of his sister.

She was still embroiled somewhere within this mess, and he intended to see her returned to where she belonged.

With the weight of a city upon him, Amar headed towards the towering palace in the distance.
The network that was the Imperial Hands worked quick within the confines of Annuakat, especially now that the azure city was Medja's base of operations. The hustle and bustle of daily life in the Empire's capital was impossible to track in its entirety, but persons of interest were always being scouted for. Flying under the notice of the ever watchful Empress-to-be was no easy feat, especially if you weren't trying to do so.

"Watch it!"

The Sapphire Hand had shouted, looking no different from any other nobody in the crowd that migrated through Annuakat's streets. Amar, however, stood out. Within moments the Sapphire Hand had slipped into an alleyway and passed what he knew on to a Quartz Hand, and the Quartz quickly slipped back to the palace to deliver the information to Medja. The Vizier of Stars passed a token of favor to the Quartz, then kept him on standby as she briefly mulled over what she had learned.

After her brief moment of processing, she announced her decision to the courier that patiently waited before her.
"Nymeasha is still in the palace, yes? Fetch her for me, please, then tell the Emerald Hands to keep an eye on the young prince in our midst...have them detain him if he enters the palace, then bring him to me."
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Reactions: Amar
Nym was lounging on the balcony of her chambers, enjoying the cool breeze as she waited on her bath being drawn, still currently soaked in sweat after her training but a cup of wine was firmly in hand. The knock at the door was swiftly answered by the servant, who passed on the message. She rolled from the balcony with a feline stretch and finished the wine as she walked to her basin to splash water on her face and neck, and her bare feet carried her silently to find the one who'd summoned her.

Medja's cup barer had another cup of wine ready in anticipation as Nym wandered into the room, rolling her neck and taking the cup with a thankful smile as she approached the new Empress.

"You sent for me?.." she asked with a short dip of her chin, a respect she'd never granted the absent half-giant, but one that had been earned by the Vizier as opposed to expected.
  • Smug
Reactions: Amar
Amar did not enter the palace, not yet. He knew better than to traipse into the snake pit, knew that Gerra kept his watch close.

He was of course not aware of Medja's ascension, of Gerra's disappearance nor the creeds that were now held close in the empire. He had spent the last few months within the desert, and knowledge was a precious thing that many did not come by.

So he did not yet step into the lions den. Did not yet dare to maneuver his way into the jaws of those who would see his neck snapped.

Instead he spent time outside of the palace grounds. He moved through the crowds, slipped coin into the hands of merchants, spoke and whispered to a dozen different men and women who seemed to make their way here. He learned small bits of knowledge, glimpses into the Empire wrought by servants and those so often ignored.

Each one offered some tidbit of knowledge, some slice of information, but none had what he wanted.

None knew anything about Nym.

Frustration began to grow in his chest, his lips thinning as he stepped away from yet another market stall. That was when he noticed it. The subtle touch of eyes upon him. Guards. Predators trying to trying to treack their prey.

He frowned for a moment, and then just walked over towards them. "Excuse me. I'm looking for someone."

The men seemed to tense as he strode towards them.

"Perhaps you can help me." His hands gently rested on the hilts of his hook like blades.
  • Nervous
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Nym and Medja
"You sent for me?.."
Prompt as ever, Medja looked over her protégé with pride as she entered. She returned the slight nod out of respect for her, taking a cup of wine for herself as well. There was no reason to mince words here.
"I've been informed that one of your brothers has entered the borders of our fair Annuakat. He's alone from what I gather, no herald of his arrival or entourage of any kind." Medja apprised Nym, pausing a moment to sup at her wine. "I wanted your input on how to proceed before I went ahead with anything. I have no way of knowing what his business is, nor of he means harm."

The Emerald Hands knew what their orders were: observe, detain only if Amar attempted to enter the palace. While traditional guards might've lacked the discipline to resist taking such a challenge, the men and women of the Hands knew better. They would make no move to attack Amar, only to defend themselves if he struck first.

In particular, a hulking, crocodilian beastfolk that towered over the rest of the crowd took a step forward. He made no attempt to hide his intentions, looking down the bridge of his snout at Amar with a low grumble. An emblem in the shape of a clawed hand grasping an eye was displayed proudly on his chest, and though he seemed to bear no weapons, his bulky forearms and fists were wrapped in pugilist's cloth.
"Depends. Who ya lookin' for?" He answered in an impossibly deep voice.
A dark brow arched and emerald eyes settled on Medja over the rim of her cup as she drank, long and slow as she considered the Empress' words, her jaw tightening as she swallowed and a wine-soaked sigh tumbled from her lips. "It'll be Amar." she surmised, having known fine well the boy at the palace had not been her true brother, but his whereabouts had remained unknown.

"I am not sure of his intentions." she admitted with a roll of her shoulders, her full lips pursing in thought as her fingertips traced the lip of the cup in her hand, her gaze distant. Given that her uncle had no idea that the young prince under his command had been a decoy, she could only assume he'd come here on his own volition. Whether he'd be looking for her, she wasn't sure, nor could she be sure of the reason why if he was. To speak to her, to kill her, perhaps.

"I can't say we share any such closeness and so I'd find trouble anticipating his thoughts. I suppose, allow him to go about his business under a careful eye, find out what he wants. If it is me, then I'll speak with him." she gave a lazy wave of dismissal, and threw back the remainder of her wine. She wouldn't underestimate her brother's mind nor his abilities, at fifteen she'd murdered countless, and he'd been trained well enough and she knew he was more than capable of causing trouble.
  • Thoughtful
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Reactions: Medja and Amar
Amar looked the beast of a man up and down for a moment, his lips thinning as he observed the creature and studied it's hands.

The unsettling white of his eyes took a while to fold over the massive man. He was considerably shorter than the crocodile, though that didn't matter much to his mind. He frowned for just a brief moment, taking half a step back so it was easier to actually address the man. "I am looking for my sister."

He told the man simply. His voice was even, neutral.

"Nymeasha Soleiman." It felt strange saying her name, he could not remember the last time that he had done so. Father had always forebade it, and after the fifth beating Amar had learned not to test that particular edict.
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Reactions: Medja and Nym
Medja hummed in thought for a moment as if weighing her options. Of course, there was nothing any individual shy of a dragon could do within Annuakat's walls that would cause any significant harm, but one didn't get to be where Medja was by being reckless. If nothing else, she valued the princess' opinion, especially if this was to be a family matter.

What was more, Nym seemed to be somewhat apprehensive on the matter. That much bode poorly, and Medja's own lack of information on the individual in question was somewhat disturbing. The Sapphires would be working overtime soon enough...
"Very well. I'll arrange things accordingly, darling." The Vizier turned to address the patiently waiting Quartz Hand. "Coordinate with Rhix and the other Emeralds. Have them bring this 'Amar' here if he asks, otherwise he is to be left alone, but kept under watch."

Without further ado, the Quartz gave a quick bow and made his way out.

Rhix folded thick, scale coated arms across a rippling chest with a huff. The inhuman anatomy of his face made him somewhat difficult to read, but if he was put off by Amar's own unique features he certainly didn't show it.
"I'm familiar with the name. Hey, Marwan!" The crocodilian grunted, then called over his shoulder to another member of the group of Imperial Hands that had assembled near Amar. Entirely too casually, Rhix instructed his peer on how to proceed. "Guy wants to see the princess lady. Go let the Mistress know or somethin'."

The beastfolk looked back to Amar and shrugged as the other Hand moved off towards the palace.
"Give it a minute."

Several minutes passed in awkward silence as the Quartz Hands exchanged instructions and information, while the Emeralds stood about Amar, content to watch and wait. After awhile, the one called 'Marwan' from before returned, mumbled something to Rhix, then made himself scarce. The reptilian groaned again and rolled his shoulders forward.
"Alright, let's head up, then. You wanna see your sis, ya gotta come with me." He grumbled and jerked a thumb towards the palace. "No funny business. The Mistress has eyes and ears all over this damn city, ya won't get far if you do somethin' dumb."
  • Sip
Reactions: Amar
Nym dipped her chin gratefully, respectfully, trying not to look as perturbed by the presence of her brother as she was. She had never been granted the permission to develop any such bonds with them, with anyone but her father. They were a permanent reminder that she was not a part of her own family, and she'd have been lying to herself if she hadn't envied them.

It wasn't long before Medja's hands had filtered the news back to her that Amar was on his way. Her jaw tightened, and she sunk into a comfortable couch to lounge casually, her wine cup promptly refilled and a quiet thank you offered to the server. "And now we wait.." her neck rolled, and her fingers ran into her hair to finger the venom-dipped spikes she wore to keep the dark waves back from her face.
  • Sip
Reactions: Medja and Amar
"Excellent." Amar said as he let his hands reach around the small of his back and clasp around his wrist, a small smile tugging at his lips.

He didn't seem to care much for the Guards dismissive nature, back in Salitra his own men would have been beaten for such attitude. This was not Salitra though, and he expected that the Standards here were flippant at best.

Slowly they made their way through the twisting corridors of the palace.

Amar had never been here before of course, having been hidden away by his mother before his family had been taken by Gerra. He made careful note of the interior, marking the steps and the twisting corners until eventually they reached a great doorway.

There he waited to be anounced.
  • Devil
Reactions: Nym
And wait they did. It wasn't long before Amar was brought in by the entourage of Emerald Hands, Rhix pushing past the great doors to herald the young noble's arrival in his deep, growling manner.
"Amar Solieman of Salitra, here to speak to Princess Nymeasha Solieman of Salitra, mistress." The crocodilian boomed as he entered. Medja went rigid a moment; while Rhix was both effective and fiercely loyal, he'd never quite mastered the art of volume control. It was a trade off that she'd accepted some time ago, however, as the results he put forth couldn't be denied.

Medja floated just in front of the empty throne; she dared not seat herself in it before being officially made regent, lest she anger some hapless devout of the God-Emperor and incite rebellion, but she still spent much time occupying the space and envisioning what she'd change once she was properly crowned. Nonetheless, she gave Amar a polite smile as he entered, addressing him accordingly.

"Good day, young Amar...my informants tell me you've come in search of your sister. To what do we owe the pleasure of your presence?" She asked, ever composed and dignified.

The Emerald Hands that had walked the boy in took positions at the sides of the room to observe or dispersed back into the palace's halls now, Rhix in particular moving to lean weightily against a pillar, arms folded across his chest. All eyes were on Amar now, watching cautiously to see what his intentions were.
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Reactions: Amar and Nym
Amar simply observed the throne room for a moment.

His eyes flickered over the lavish opulence. The golden throne and the great pillars that seemed to stand. It reminded him of home in an odd way, perhaps because their father had also enjoyed a certain amount of garishness.

The Sultan let his gaze continue to sweep over the room, until he finally spotted his sister. A smile played over his lips, though the expression was somewhat unnerving, inhuman. "I have come for reconciliation."

He announced, his head turning back slowly towards the not-yet Regent.

"Our father is dead. Our city broken." His hands tightened, still clasped around his back. "It is time to rebuild and reunite."

Slowly Amar looked over towards Nymeasha. "It is time for a new chapter."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Nym and Medja
He could've been their father returned from the dead the way he stood there and smiled, but Nymeasha wasn't easily unnerved, and her chin rose at his words. She offered a small smile of her own and her head tilted to one side as she regarded him.

"Hello to you too, little brother." she gave a slow nod. "Though, I'm afraid there's nothing to reconcile. We've already begun a new chapter and we're more united than ever. Are we not?.." she asked, her lips pursing as she gave him a troubled frown.

"If you've come to join us I'm sure the Empress could find a place for you in her ranks. I can vouch for your capabilities." she smiled over the rim of her cup as she took a long drink of her wine, studying her sibling cautiously.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Medja and Amar
As his sister spoke Amar slowly turned his attention fully on her. He smiled at her. "Are you?"

He mused for a moment, letting the comment hang in the air.

The words came as though he knew something that they did not, but such was not the focus of why he was here. The smile on his lips did not disappear as he continued to speak, his eyes focused entirely upon Nym now. Different than they had been when she'd last seen him.

"Our father failed us, Nymeasha." Amar stated simply. "Our city, me, our brothers, but perhaps most of all you."

This time his smiled seemed more genuine. "Give me a chance, to break his legacy."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Medja and Nym
While Medja was confident that Nym could handle this ordeal with ease, there was one thing that irked her: this teenage son of the late Emir seemed to be of the mind that this wasn't Medja's business by the way he promptly forced her out of the conversation. How sorely mistaken he was. He was young, after all; perhaps by some chance he didn't know who the floating figure before him was, or how deep he was diving. All mistakes that the Vizier would soon remedy.

"Excuse me, young Solieman," She addressed him, at first maintaining her polite composure. Then an old, familiar streak took her as she levitated herself a bit higher and looked down the bridge of her nose at him. Wicked, piercing, emerald eyes stared down upon his empty whites. "You seem to speak as though you have any modicum of authority here. Let me be clear, in case you happened to misplace your confidence when you walked in here: you do not."

Several of the remaining Emerald Hands bristled visibly at their mistress's admonishing, Rhix in particular leaning forward and standing more upright than he had been before. Medja did so love to put on a bit of flair, that much her Hands were aware of, and they were all too happy to aid in the matter.
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Reactions: Amar
Nym gave a short laugh under her breath as Amar stated the obvious about their father, but it was cut short. Most of all you? Her brows rose in surprise at his statement. Her family never took any notice of her, they were told not to, of course, but it had prevented them from bonding with her like they'd bonded with one another. She was an outsider, but that her brother may have felt a shred of something for her was enough to render her speechless for a moment.

Her lips parted to speak, but they closed again as Medja spoke up, and she along with the rest of her hands bristled slightly. She'd been lucky enough to have never been on the wrong side of the Vizier, fortunate enough to have been ever in her good graces, for whatever the reason. Nym respected her, but though she'd never had to fear her, the woman's power was legendary and she knew well enough that her enemies would be stupid not to.

"What exactly are you proposing, Amar? Our city has fallen out of our hands. Our people don't trust our name." her head shook and she stood from her seat to take a slow step toward her younger sibling. "What is it that you want from me?"
  • Sip
Reactions: Medja and Amar
Amar blinked, turning his head to fix the not-yet Regent with a listless stare.

"I spoke under no authority but what was given by you." He reminded the woman. "You asked for the reason of my presence, and I gave it."

He seemed slightly perplexed. "I advise that if you do not want answers, you do not ask questions."

When Nym approached him his attention once again turned to her. The expression on his features softening for a moment. He smiled, a tinge of genuine warmth touching his eyes.

There was still something off about it, the way he looked. The lack of pupils made his gaze somehow more empty of emotion, yet predatory in some way. He peered at her for a moment, then answered.

"Reconciliation and restoration." Amar repeated.

"I intend to take my place as Sultan." He explained. "To begin again, and return Salitra to it's proper station. To forge new bonds and rebuild the trade that once made us so strong. I will restore the Lighthouse of Amul-sur, rebuild the public baths father had destroyed, and open the academies that were shuttered. "

He paused for a few seconds, then continued. "With the grace of the God-King and the opportunity of this Empire Salitra can flourish once more. Father nearly brought our ruin, but we are not yet gone."

Amar was arrogant, but not a complete fool.

"And I want my sister at my side for all of this. For you to have a voice, and a place, as you are and were always due." He finished, never wavering in his tone even as the Hands seemed to shift around him.
  • Thoughtful
  • Nervous
Reactions: Medja and Nym
Such insolence from this one. He was pushing his luck with each passing statement. What could have possibly given one so young such unbridled audacity? Then he finally stopped dancing about the true nature of his visit.
"I intend to take my place as Sultan."

"That is precisely what I meant by 'undue authority,' Solieman. You have neither right nor the ability to take such a position. If you wish to help rebuild such wonders then do so with your hands." She chided the boy once again, her countenance falling into a stern glare. "The God-Emperor now decides what is best for Salitra, but he is far from Amol-Kalit now. Even if he were here, he would not be so foolish as to put a perfect stranger into a position of power."

Medja floated forward after Nym, then past her to circle Amar. She gave him a cursory examination as she rounded his side, arms folded pensively behind her back.
"No, I believe he would make the same choice I will be when I am made regent. To put a trusted associate on the Salitran throne, one who has both the birthright and garnered the public image in her favor." The Vizier expounded, circling back to Nym and placing a hand on the princess' shoulder, her lips curling upwards. "Your sister, Nymeasha Solieman, will not be an advisor. She will be Sultan."
  • Wonder
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Reactions: Amar and Nym
The atmosphere chilled her. Her emerald gaze moving between each of them as they spoke, the tinge of warmth in her brother's smile conjuring so many that her father had given her in the years before. But he was not the same, his eyes were unnerving and the tone of disagreement between the pair was making her more than uncomfortable.

She listened to Amar speak, her gaze slightly narrowed as he outlaid his aspirations and plans and offered her a place that hadn't been his to offer. She'd been about to say so when Medja approached and spoke first, and her jaw clenched at the mention of Gerra.

Nym watched the woman float her way around her, her brow slowly furrowing as she spoke and her eyes dropping to the hand that rested on her shoulder. Nym's shock at her mentor's words was clearly evident as her gaze rose to her face, searching it for any modicum of a joke. Sultan?

"I.." she paused, and schooled her expression. She believed she knew for certain that Gerra would not have made the same choice, but he couldn't trust her like Medja could. Still, fear crawled up her spine at the thought. Ragash had been far more of a home to her than Salitra ever had, Medja had been more family than her own.. And Settra. Here and now wasn't the place to discuss such things. She wouldn't contradict her.

Words failed her and instead she swallowed and turned her attention back to her brother, and lifted her chin, wondering if he'd still hold that apparent warmth that he had moments ago.
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Reactions: Medja and Amar
If Medja's words tripped him up in the least Amar did not show it.

His expression never changed, his straight back didn't waver. It was like he had been carved from marble, a statue rather than the boy he should have been.

Nym was correct. There was something off, something that had changed since they had last seen each other. He was only fifteen, a boy really. He should have been petulant, indignant, yet there was an air about him that spoke of age.

More than he should have had.

As the not-yet regent made her declaration Amar simply watched. "When you are made Regent."

Amar said, reiterating the words with that same smile, but not commenting further. Then slowly he turned to Nymeasha.

"I can hardly claim to wish to destroy fathers Legacy and deny you your place as Eldest of our blood." He said calmly, not even a twitching crossing his features. "Is this what you wish?"
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Medja
Obviously such a matter was not to be taken lightly, and the sudden announcement clearly shook the princess. It was, however, no joke. Medja leaned in and attempted to assure her with a soft whisper.
"It is, of course, your choice to make, darling."

"When you are made Regent."
The Vizier's eyes snapped back to the overly confident Solieman boy. Something was definitely odd about him, that much was certain, but it was difficult to place what exactly. Medja had never known him personally, and before Nym's return from Salitra she hadn't even been aware that the 'Amar' that was kept among the rest of the Salitran royal family was an impostor. The only thing that would surprise Medja about that family by this time was if one of them was a well adjusted, mundane member of society.

Even still, the Vizier didn't skip a beat.
"Yes, boy, 'when' I am made regent. It is certain, and only a matter of days. Even if I weren't, I am still the Empire's Vizier of Stars, one of the ruling members of the Imperial Divan. If I wish something to be, I can make it happen." She told him, holding her air of superiority and conviction despite his unflinching smile. She was not pettish in her replies, instead stating things in a very matter-of-fact way.

As he asked his question of Nym, Medja cast her gaze back to the young princess, her expression softening. Medja would not pressure her to take the position, but there were about a thousand people in line to the role that stood ahead of this Amar.
  • Cthuloo
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Reactions: Amar and Nym
Nym quite frankly wanted to retreat as the tension rose and both sets of eyes were upon her. Her mouth was dry, and her jade hues moved between them before settling on Medja, her soft smile the more settling of the two.

There was a lot that she wanted to say, things she wouldn't say in front of her brother, and so instead she opted for the diplomatic and let out a breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding. "I'm honoured that you'd consider me for such a position. I will need some time, to give it some thought." she answered quietly with a polite dip of her chin.

"And also that you would seek me out to stand by your side, brother, albeit, somewhat surprised." she said as she turned to regard her brother with a soft frown. He was about as unreadable as she could be when she wanted to be.

"Where have you been, Amar?" she asked curiously as the server graciously refilled her cup with wine right on cue.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Medja and Amar
"Yes I am sure that it must be so." Amar stated plainly to the not-yet Regent, his face holding that same impassiveness.

He did not show the slightest hint of emotion, the tiniest bit of feeling.

It was an unsettling and inhuman feature. His expressions as discernible as those of a marble statue. His eyes slowly pulled away from Medja and turned to Nym, waiting for her answer. He smiled slightly, some warmth tinging the expression this time as she asked for time.

"Mother sent me away." He offered in explanation. "To the desert with Raifk and Surav."

Nym would recognize the names, two of their fathers most trusted guards. Neither of them had been good men, though both loyal to a fault. "I lost myself within the Golden Wastes."

It was what many nomadic tribes called the Deserts of Amol-Kalit.

"But that story is for another time, is it not?" He asked, his head cocking slightly. "As I am sure yours is."

Slowly he glanced towards Medja.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Medja and Nym
It certainly was unsettling...Medja had been around for a very long time, but this boy's odd combination of unorthodox looks and eerily self-assured attitude was off putting. The Vizier felt as though he was liable to magically explode at any given second, and she wanted him gone.
"If you're quite finished with your...business here, I do believe it's time you left. Time is a resource I cannot afford to waste on cryptic conversation with vaguely threatening undertones." She shot at Amar venomously. She glanced at Rhix and made a dismissive shooing gesture with her hand. The beastfolk brawler straightened himself and lumbered over to the prince to guide him out of the throne room.

Whatever this child's intentions were, Medja was already starting to surmise that he was a threat. Her lack of existing information on him was disconcerting at best. As if she didn't already have enough on her plate, now she'd need to take time to properly suss out Amar's history. The Vizier of Stars didn't like this one bit.
  • Nervous
  • Smug
Reactions: Amar and Nym
A muscle feathered in Nym's jaw as she watched her brother, her gaze narrowing slightly as he seemed to be testing Medja's patience. She wouldn't have blamed the Vizier for having the boy beaten and dragged to a cell, quite frankly.

"Ah." was all she said when he explained his whereabouts. "Well I am glad that you're safe and well, but yes, another time." she agreed, sensing Medja's well justified rising tension. She shifted as the woman spoke and looked between them.

"I..Have some things to discuss with my Empress." she affirmed the word with a quirk in her brow at her brother. "I will seek you out later." she told him with a dip of her chin.
  • Smug
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Reactions: Amar and Medja