Three days later...
"You should rest," the Erlking leant against the doorway to the forest arena and cast his eyes critically over the scene before him. Two of his shucks lay groaning on the floor but the third had managed to pin the Princess when she had been too busy dealing with one of the others. The thunderous look on her face suggested she knew her own mistake so he didn't point it out. His sons mate required a more... delicate touch.
"Go," he intoned to the Shucks. The one pinning his future daughter in law warily stood, backing off a good few feet to ensure she didn't launch another one of her gruesome attacks. The other two were slower but scrambled to their feet before all three melted into the background.
"I don't need your help," Maeve snapped and rolled to her feet, rubbing at a bruise that was already forming on her cheek. Midir watched with quiet curiosity as before him her fae healing took hold and the bruise faded from black to a mottled green.
"I'm more concerned for the structural soundness of my home," he drawled and her sniff told him how much she believed that. He struggled not to smile. By all logic she must have heard the worst of the stories surrounding him from his son, yet still she treated him no different to an annoying old lecturer. It was quite endearing.
"You said you would help me."
Midir pushed off the wall and walked towards her. Instead of flinching back she only set her heels in and raised her chin.
"Pushing yourself too hard all at once will burn you out. Control takes time," he waved a hand and the arena began to knit itself back together again in an almost lazy manner. He took hold of her chin.
"You are done for today. We can begin again tomorrow, if your mate doesn't tear my heart out when he arrives," finally emotional flickered in those cold emerald depths.
"He's really coming?" Was that hope he saw in her eyes beneath the rage? He let go.
"I don't want to see..." The lie choked in her throat and Midir offered her a cold smile.
"I shall tell him you're resting and unable to see him," she nodded jerkily and then stepped around him, heading back inside the Palace proper. The Erlking sighed and glanced to the skies above. A darkness was moving in, a sure sign as any his son was finally here.
Midir sat down on one of the benches and waited.