Completed A Secret Revealed


Character Biography
Lady Kristen Pirian
Dreadlord Academy

Lady Pirian your presence is requested at the Royal Palace in three days hence at high noon.

Amelia Pirian Anireth paced back and forth in one of the salons. It was not one of the huge, grand ones only because Amelia insisted that this meeting with her younger sister was not some huge, grand event. It was a simple afternoon tea with tiny fancy sandwiches, fruit, and pastries. A small table had been set with the tea pot, two delicate tea cups, and a four tier platter filled with the goodies.

Any second. Kristen would be here any second.

Amelia fiddled with her dark curls and soothed out her long, flowly blue gray dress that was overdressed for her but casual by royal standards. She rung her hands as she walked, she turned her ring, she wished that Lynus or Arryn were here with her. Unfortunately, they were off meeting with Lynus' younger siblings that were finally coming home.

Finally the door opened and one of the stewards stepped into the room.

"Princess, the Lady Pirian has arrived," he stepped aside once he had made the announcement.

Kristen Pirian
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Kristen's heart pounded in her chest. Not from stress or fear this time, thank Aionus and Astra and all of the Pantheon. What caused Kristen's heart to hammer so painfully hard within her chest was sheer anticipation, and it was a good pain.

She could scarcely believe it, even as the carriage was approaching the Royal Palace. Somehow it didn't seem to be true, as if it were a dream in which she had been granted one wish and she'd made it and the dawn's sun would surely come to cut out the fulfillment and cast her sprawling back out into the waking world. But it wasn't that. The letter had been real, the House Pirian attaché had been real, Proctor Magomo's reluctance and final allowance (after the attache whispered something in Magomo's ear) that she could go had been real.

This was real, and it was happening. Right now.

Eight years. Half of Kristen's entire lifetime had her sister Amelia been gone. Kristen begrudged her nothing, for even at the small age of eight she understood why Amelia was leaving to live abroad. Yet Kristen had cried her heart out nonetheless that very night once Amelia had left. She cried and cried and cried and felt like half of her soul had been ripped from her body. They were close, she and Amelia. Big sister Amelia was always there for her. Always there to play, always there to help. Mother often said that Amelia raised Kristen as much as (if not more than) she did. They kept in contact via correspondence after Amelia's departure. Kristen would come running down the stairs from her room whenever it was announced that a letter from Amelia had arrived, and she would stand, trembling with impatient and barely restrained eagerness, awaiting for the letter to be handed to her. It was the closest thing Kristen had to the eight years before, and though no hugs nor kisses nor shared laughter could come through those letters, she still cherished and kept each and every one, the stack in her room growing larger as the years went on.

So much had happened in those eight years.

And finally the chance had come to convey what could not be conveyed through the written word alone, no matter how beautiful the calligraphy. Those hugs, those kisses, just the wonderful sight of each other. How much she had grown since Amelia last saw her! Goodness, would she even recognize her? Oh but of course, yet her Big Sister's countenance would be a marvel to behold once she bore witness to how tall her little sister had grown! Funny! Perhaps this was would be the one time in which her height did not bother her!

The carriage stopped in front of the Royal Palace. A tall and imposing building, part of the grander complex of the Keep of Anir, nearly a city onto itself.

The door opened for her. A Pirian servant swinging along with the motion of the door with a brisk couple of steps himself, and then he gave an inviting sweep of his arm out of the carriage and toward the Palace. "My Lady."

Kristen wringed her hands. Once. Twice. Balled her hands then into excited little fists and pressed them into the underside of her chin and her smile could have turned midnight into the blaze of day.

"I'm..." Nervous almost came out of her mouth. It was both true and not true. But she instead said, " glad this is happening!"

The servant offered her a smile of his own. "I know, my Lady."

Kristen carefully exited the carriage. Her dress was an elegant (and expensive) affair, voluminous and immaculate, mostly white with some red, the colors of House Pirian. It was something she would have worn to all of the balls and galas of yesteryear, before she had enrolled into the Academy. Clad so and with her hair in a spotless braided bun, she looked the farthest she could be from an Initiate and the very model of a noblewoman once more.

Inside the Palace she was led, a steward at the lead of her entourage and a small grouping of servants both in front of and behind her. All of the glamor of the Royal Palace went unappreciated. All the beauty of Arethil could have been compacted into these halls and Kristen would have been blind to it all, for she only had eyes for one thing and one thing only this day: to see her beloved Big Sister once again.

Her heart was pounding the entire way. Pounding as the steward found the door he was looking for, a door which led into one of the Palace's salons, and asked for but one moment to see if Amelia was present and if Kristen was ready to be received by her. An eternity passed and the steward came out, giving Kristen the nod she had been waiting for.

And Kristen entered, only the light shuffle of her dress to be heard, and this barely so over the pulse of her beating heart thudding mightily inside of her ears.

The swinging door gave way, revealing more and more of the interior of the salon. Slowly. Slowly...

And at last.


Big Sister. Beheld at long last.

"Oh my god..." Kristen said, covering her mouth with the tips of her gloved hands. Her eyes immediately set to burning with tears of joy. "Am...Am...!"

She couldn't even finish. She was already in motion and crossing the gap of distance in the salon with an earnest intensity and her arms flung open and wide. Kristen threw her arms around Amelia the second she could, with a fierceness that was as sweet and tender as it was energetic and strong. It was an embrace eight years in the making, and with it came all the power of a fondness made ripe through prolonged absence.

"Amelia! I have missed you! I have missed you much! I love you!"

And those tears did flow. Wonderful, joyous tears.

Amelia Pirian Anireth
Amelia had started to move slowly towards the door. She had not seen her sister in so long and she was afraid that Kristen may not have missed her. Every single bad thing she could think of went through her mind as she waited for her little sister to walk through the door.

The few seconds between when the steward left and when Kristen appeared felt like a lifetime.

That giant of a young woman was not Kristen. There was no way that she had grown that much in eight years. She was so tall and Amelia was not a short woman standing at five foot eleven. Kristen had to be over six sixteen years old. Fuck.

As soon as Amelia registered that the young lady was Kristen, she started to move fast with her own arms spread out to catch her sister in a hug.

They collided and Amelia immediately wrapped her arms around the taller siblings waist.

"Amelia! I have missed you! I have missed you much! I love you!"

"Kristen! You are so tall!" She breathed in deep with her eyes closed for just a second to commit the smell of her sister to her memory once more. This grown up Kristen. "I love you too. I love you so much and I missed you so much!"

The tears were pouring from Amelia as she spoke and hugged and held her sister out to look at her and then hug some more.

"You are beautiful and so grown up, my little sister," she could taste the salty tears on her lips as she smiled like an idiot.

A very happy idiot.

Kristen Pirian
  • Bless
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"And look at you, Amelia! You're gorgeous!"

Another hug and then cheeks were showered with sisterly kisses. It was a feeling that was near overwhelming, the collapse and disintegration of those eight dividing years when last Kristen had seen Amelia to now, for here she was again, here in her arms, the sight of her making euphoric Kristen's eyes and the sound of her voice making overjoyed Kristen's ears. They were together again, and everything was fine.

Another parting, hands on Amelia's shoulder, and now they could see each other's smiles.

"Yes! I've grown quite a lot in the interim. I thought you would be surprised!"

Kristen flattened a hand atop her head and sliced it horizontally forward, hovering it over Amelia and illustrating the four inch difference.

"What a whimsical twist of fortune, such that I might be your big little sister now!"

Amelia Pirian Anireth
Amelia laughed and grabbed her little sisters hovering hand.

"You may be taller but I will always be the older, wiser sister," Amelia quipped and booped Kristen on the nose with her other hand.

She pulled her sister into one more hug before leading her over to an ornate sofa a few steps away from the small table with the tea and pastries.

"Would you like some tea, Kristen? Pastries? I do not even know what you enjoy anymore," the last sentence was sadder than the previous ones.

Amelia felt like no time had passed at all in regards to their relationship and, yet, she was still eight years older and at least a foot taller.

Kristen Pirian
  • Bless
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Kristen took her seat on the sofa, adjusting her voluminous dress before she sat and brushing it straight and prim once seated.

"Tea would be wonderful, Ammy. Amelia! Goodness, beg your pardon." Like slipping her foot cleanly back into a pair of venerable shoes without truly she'd done it, Kristen had slid into calling her big sister "Ammy" just then. Would it be strange, now? She'd been but a child when she had last said her sister's name like that and now she was older. She was a woman now. A young woman, but a woman nonetheless. "Amelia" was more proper.

Kristen glanced at the pastries. They looked like tasty confections, and no mistake. But...

A sheepish smile crossed her face as she found her sister's gaze again. If "Ammy" was a callback to the past, then this would most certainly be as well.

"'Tis a shame we do not have a plate of...snickerdoodle enjoy."

Kristen raised a hand to cover her mouth, yet this barricade couldn't keep in the few rogue titters and giggles which escaped.

Amelia Pirian Anireth
Amelia just looked at her younger sister with a smile and shook her head. Honestly, she did not care what Kristen called her as long as she was real and here after so many years.

The Princess walked over to the table and started to pour some tea from the pot. Next to the other things on the table was a medium sized box. Amelia picked it up and went to set it on Kristen’s lap.

“Open it,” she prompted.

When she opened the box, she would see a delicate tea towel resting on something. The tea towel had flowers along the edges and Amelia’s new monogram. APA. She had just wanted her maiden name to move to her middle name. Under the monogrammed cloth, there were two dozen fresh snickerdoodle cookies.

“Do you really think that I have all these resources and I would not make sure my baby sister has fresh snickerdoodle cookies?”

Amelia returned to grab the two cups but she did not hand one to Kristen until after her excitement was done.

Kristen Pirian
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The box in her lap. Was it a present? How thoughtful! If only she'd been allowed more time, she could have gotten Amelia a present as well. Oh well, if anything, she could simply ensure that Amelia's forthcoming birthday present would be twice as grand!

Kristen opened the box. Saw the monogram on the cloth. APA? What could that stand for? It couldn't be Amelia's initials, that was all wrong, her middle name didn't start with a P and her family name certainly didn't start with an A. Mayhap it was the guild or merchant seal for whatever lay underneath the cloth?

She lifted it up then, the cloth. Peeked.

And squealed with delight. She clapped her hands and bounced in her seat, her dress making a slight puffing noise as the silk rustled and air went in a rush out from under the hemline.

"You did bring some!"

Kristen slipped her gloves off and set them aside. Her smile tremendous and with a childlike satisfaction, she lifted one of the cookies out of the box and held it in both hands and took her first delicate bite. Her eyes rolled up with pure delight as the taste of her favorite confection once again graced her tongue. They were something of a guilty pleasure, snickerdoodle cookies, but the pleasure always outweighed the guilt. She wasn't thinking about those times when she had gotten caught by Josephine and scolded, no, she was thinking of all the wonderful times of her childhood instead, and it was a marvel how the simple taste of this particular treat could be like opening an old chest full of cherished memories.

She finished the first cookie and accepted the cup offered to her.

"Once I have more adequate time for such pursuits, I would so love to learn how to bake a batch of snickerdoodles for myself!"

Amelia Pirian Anireth
Amelia smiled as Kristen opened the box and dig into the cookies. Amelia was glad she brought them because snickerdoodle cookies made everything better. She took a seat on the couch with her tea in hand.

“I am sure you heard the news of my engagement, Kristen? I tried to find you at the festival and I swear I saw you then you disappeared.”

She was sitting straight up like the proper Noble Royal she was as she sipped from her glass.

Kristen Pirian
  • Wonder
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Kristen sipped her tea. The cup froze, however, with the tea inside lingering just on the cusp of touching her lips, once Amelia said the word engagement. Amelia's mention of perhaps seeing her at the Festum Libertatis Celebration went right past her; there was only a tiny awareness and vindicated feeling of Oh, yes, so that was you who called out my name, I wasn't imagining it!

Far more was she focused on the exciting news! There was a memory like the buzzing of a fat bumblebee near the back of her mind, one of Liliana and a small confrontation in the hallway of Building A at the Academy, where the young Lorel had said some venomous things and Kristen had said her own poisonous retorts. Bothersome, this memory, but it was soundly dwarfed by the breathtaking excitement.

"So casually you say that, Amelia! Your engagement! Gosh, I'm—"

She set the cup of tea down on the table before them and leaned over to hug her big sister once more.

"—I'm so excited for you, this is fantastic news! Lovely! You must tell me everything. Everything, of course. First and foremost, my goodness..." Kristen giggled, bringing a hand with curled fingers up to partially hide her mouth, speaking in a near whisper, "...Who is it? Who is it, who is it, who is it?"

Amelia Pirian Anireth
Amelia enjoyed watching her sisters excitement. She wished she felt it with her but this was the way of high class arrangements. She and Lynus were working on it but it was a slow process.

“It is Prince Lynus Anireth, Kristen,” Amelia said slowly. She would let this news absorb before she told her sister that they had actually married in secret.

“But it is not just the engagement I wish to speak about…”

Kristen Pirian
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She couldn't believe it.


And then, all of a sudden, she absolutely could believe it and it absolutely was true and she was absolutely ecstatic for her sister and for House Pirian and for everything this day!

"PRINCE LYNUS!" Kristen said, her eyes alighting like magical flares launched into the night sky, her steepled hands covering her mouth and her nose, and her brows ascending to the heavens. "Amelia! You're going to be a PRINCESS!"

Kristen couldn't take it. She couldn't take it. She just had to wiggle some of her excitement out through the thrashing of her shoulders and the kicking of her legs. Then, as if scolded by Josephine herself, Kristen cleared her throat and reined in her exuberant displays of best she could, anyway. She tried to reset herself into the picturesque noblewoman but, gosh, was it difficult!

"Oh, Amelia, what could possibly top such extraordinary news?" Kristen laughed and joked, "My heart can only take so much!"

Amelia Pirian Anireth
Amelia just smiled in pure delight as her sister took in the news and reacted to it. She was that little girl on her birthday morning running downstairs to beg her parents for her favorite breakfast and to see what she had gotten this year. Amelia had missed Kristen so very much and it hurt to think about the years they had lost because she needed to leave Vel Anir.

"Well, my dear sister, I am already a Princess..." She let the words hang there so Kristen could absorb those too. Amelia did not want her sister to think that she had not been invited to the wedding so she continued before those questions could come.

"We married secretly with a promise of a Royal wedding in the future. The rest of Vel Anir believes we are just engaged and planning. The reason we did this is because the original plan was for me to take you and leave for Elbion once we were married..."

Again the words hung in the air. She would let Kristen process before continuing.

Kristen Pirian
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Confusion was Kristen's initial reaction to Amelia's clarification, and the curious tilt of her head, mild parting of her lips, and minute slant of her brow made this evident. Shock and hurt hadn't the time to manifest, which was good—Amelia had quickly headed off those by adding that the ceremony itself would indeed be taking place in the future.

What ended up capturing Kristen's attention was what Amelia finished with.

"Elbion...?" she said, puzzled and quietly prompting her sister to tell her why. Kristen was well aware through their correspondences that Amelia had not been exactly thrilled to hear about her enrollment into the Academy, yet never would she have thought that Amelia and Prince Lynus would have intended to whisk her away elsewhere.

Amelia Pirian Anireth
Amelia sighed and set her tea back on the table. She reached out and took one of Kristen's hands.

"Kristen, I know going to the Academy was not your choice and I was going to take you away from here. That was the plan. That was always the plan. I came back for you and our parents," Amelia stopped and shook her head. No need to drag them into this even though they were pieces of shit in her opinion.

"Anyways, I am so sorry but the plan has changed. I am staying here with my husband. I am so sorry that I could not save you from the Academy, Kristen. I failed you," Amelia squeezed her hand and looked down.

She felt so ashamed of herself at her failure to get Kristen away from the torture.

Kristen Pirian
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Kristen blinked. Once, twice, and then in quick series.

"What? Ammy, no, you haven' have not failed me. No, I would never say such a thing."

She scooted over and leaned in for another embrace, a one-armed hug with their clasped hands resting between them. And she parted.

"This misunderstanding is most certainly my fault. I was scared and nervous and definitely shocked upon enrolling into the Academy, yes, for it is a wholly different world from the one whence I came, and this likely colored my first letters to you after such in a starkly negative fashion. Father and Mother proposed the idea to me, and yes they were quite insistent, but, Amelia, it was I who decided in the final hour to become a Dreadlord. It was my decision and I made it. For House Pirian, and more so, for myself."

And then to drive the point home, she smiled and said, "I want this, Amelia."

Amelia Pirian Anireth
Amelia was crying now.

The last year of guilt for not being able to stop her parents from sending Kristen to the Academy seemed to come flooding out of the eldest Pirian daughter.

"I have felt so guilty about everything, Kristen. I thought you would hate me for not taking you away from the Academy and for wanting to stay with Lynus..."

Stay with Lynus. That was a stretch still. It was more akin to for wanting to stay here because I would be a coward to run away again.

"Are you really happy there, Kristen? Truly?"

Kristen Pirian
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Amelia's tears threatened to bring forth Kristen's own. It was hard to see her big sister crying not tears of joy but tears of sorrow, to see her tormented so by worry and guilt. She wanted nothing more than for her touch to have the power to cast it all away, to bring forth the sunshine their mother often spoke of.

"Oh, Amelia, I would never hate you," Kristen said, coming in for another comforting hug.

Are you really happy there, Kristen? Truly?

Kristen gave Amelia a confident nod. Perhaps one of the most confident actions she had ever taken in her life. "Yes. Vel Anir is our home, and I possess the rare gift of magic. I feel I have an obligation to waste not this gift, but to hone it and perfect it, and to use it to protect my home and the people I love. This is a duty that I am more than happy to fulfill, no matter how challenging and harrowing it might be."

For she knew what it was like to be weak and powerless, completely at the mercy of sinister men. She wished for no girl living in the Republic of Vel Anir to ever feel so afraid, so diminutive, so helpless as she had.

She wanted to become a protector.

Amelia Pirian Anireth
Hearing the assertion that Kristen was happy and this is what she wanted made Amelia wipe her eyes and nod solemnly at her grown up bigger little sister.

"If I find out you are lying to me, I will kill you myself," Amelia threatened. She wiped her eyes again and chuckled, "okay, I will have someone else kill you because I can do that now!"

She picked her tea back up. "So tell me about how you have been, Kris?"

Amelia took a sip from her cup and smiled at her sister once more.

Kristen Pirian
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"I shall swear upon my precious pinky finger that I am telling the truth!" Kristen said, holding up the finger in question and wiggling it once and twice and laughing softly. Amelia only wanted the best for her, this Kristen knew and felt deeply. She understood that it was hard for her big sister to accept, but the Academy was what was best for her. Kristen herself didn't even realize it until nearly a year in, but now she had, and she would have it no other way than to be where she was now, training to become a Dreadlord.

So tell me about how you have been, Kris?

Kristen likewise picked her cup of tea up again. "I have been doing much better as of late. I've made sound strides in my training! What is it that Father is fond of saying? 'Great feats are accomplished one step at a time.' Yes, that sounds right. The estimated time of completion for my experimental training regimen is four years, and I will continue to strive for that goal such that I may bring pride and honor to House Pirian."

She took a sip of her tea. Turned red with embarrassment as she knew, just knew, that it would be best to get ahead of what was surely a quickly circulating tale.

She spoke quickly and quietly, hiding her lips behind her upturned cup. "And I may have vomited on Dreadlord Zana whilst attending the Festum Libertatis celebration."

Amelia Pirian Anireth
Even though Kristen was happy, Amelia was still angry with their parents. The mention of their father made her lip curl for a brief second before she smoothed her expression again. She needed to remember that her anger with their games did not need to be put on her sister. It was adult bullshit.

Amelia had been in the middle of taking a sip of the tea when Kristen dropped the bomb of embarrassment.

"And I may have vomited on Dreadlord Zana whilst attending the Festum Libertatis celebration."

The Princess choked on her tea and started to cough at the same time as she was trying to not laugh. Which, of course, made the choking and coughing worse.

"You didn't?!" She finally managed to speak as a tear broke free of her lashes.

"Oh Kristen, that is terrible!" She corrected herself before she hurt Kristen's feeling for laughing.

Kristen Pirian
  • Stressed
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"I didn't meeeean to!" Kristen said, now with a shade of some of that embarrassment coming back to her and turning her cheeks pink. A few laughs of her own, albeit guilty ones in her case, accompanied it. Then she let out a contented sigh and her expression leveled out into a prim smile. "It was unbelievably embarrassing, but I have been doing much better since the incident. Looking at it in a more positive light, you could even say that it was exactly what I needed. It served as the rallying call to get myself in order."

She finally took that sip of tea. Gosh, this was delicious. Who prepared this? Certainly the Royal family had the most skilled servants of the culinary arts available to them, and it showed.

"You must tell me, Amelia. How has it been? Living now amongst the Royal Family as a Princess of Vel Anir?"

Amelia Pirian Anireth
"If throwing up on one of the greatest Dreadlords in history is what it took for you to rally," Amelia smiled at her sister sweetly (still holding back a laugh). "Then I suppose that is really great that it happened."

Amelia let out a low sigh before she answered Kristen's question. It was certainly something and she was curious how much she should tell her sister about the Prince.

"Kristen, you know that none of this is me," she flicked her wrist to indicate the ornate room they sat in. "The Prince barely likes me and, while we have made some strides since I decided to stay, he still reminds me too often that I would be better off without him..."

She took a sip of her tea to cover the frown that had replaced her smile from moments earlier.

"It has been difficult and it certainly never how I imagined marriage..."

Kristen Pirian
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Evaporated in a near instant were Kristen's idealistic notions of princes and princesses, and her expression sank. Queerly, it felt to her like Amelia had somehow been betrayed by the numerous tales and tomes which painted wonderful visions of royalty and love. They were of course fiction, all of the bumps along the tumultuous journey settled by the end in neat and tidy fashion in a way that could not possibly mirror real life, and expectation, however fragile, had regardless been formed. Formed, and now shattered.

What hurt the most was Amelia saying that Prince Lynus reminded her often that she would be better off without him. By Aionus...what a cruel, double-edged sword the Prince had chosen to strike both her and himself down! It was a horrendous thing to say. Unthinkable.

Kristen felt fortunate, most fortunate, that she had met and fallen in love with Drastus Tal'deneshaar, and that this love was requited and true. Her poor sister seemed mired in a joyless quagmire of a marriage and it was purely awful to hear.

"My goodness, Amelia...I...I can hardly think of what to say."

She just stared down at her knees for a moment, mouth open wide and aghast, as she tried to indeed untangle her pulsing thoughts into a coherent form.

She did, at last. "How can you possibly endure it? The flame of love needs not to roar as an inferno in each passing day, feels wrong that there is not even an ember of warmth."

Amelia Pirian Anireth
"Such is the way of an arranged marriage, my dear sister," Amelia said with a small frown.

Kristen read way too many romance novels and Amelia felt bad for shattering the happily ever after allusion those stories presented. Of course, she did not want her younger sister to hate the Prince especially since he had a good reason to be weary and closed off.

She decided that she needed to tell Kristen the whole story. Kristen needed to understand that Lynus was not just an asshole.

"He was married before, Kristen," Amelia started. "He was in love and his wife got pregnant. He lost both his wife and his son during childbirth a little over a year ago..."

Kristen Pirian
  • Stressed
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