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Aniria - Eridia 
Vel Anir was no longer safe for him.
Edric knew that. Knew that every time he returned he risked not just prison, but a fate far worse. His crimes were numerous and the authorities would like nothing more than to see him caught. By now he had lost count how many they had sent after him. A dozen? Two? He couldn't have said, but the last few months had made it perfectly clear just how dangerous coming home would be.
Trouble was, he didn't have much of a choice.
There was a root in Aniria, one connected to both he and Chas.
This time that root had traced itself to Eridia, a city which was less a home for the people and more of a Cathedral. Three hundred years ago before the Great Houses had outlawed the tenants of religion within Vel Anir, Eridia had been a place of worship. A distant reflection of Edric's home city of Vel Stratholm but more sacred. It was said that here in Eirdia Anirius claimed his Divinity.
During the time of House Rule, the city had been declared off limits. It's few denizens forcibly removed and the Cathedral sealed. For centuries only the caretakers had been allowed inside, tending to the ancient artworks and the hundreds of tombs which lay beneath it.
That seal of silence was broken when the Republic rose. As religious freedom was granted once more, the doors of Eridia were once again thrown open. The ancient practices of Anrius' religion lost, but not entirely forgotten. The Cathedral was repurposed, serving as a place of worship not just for the ancient herald of the Anirian people, but all faiths. Only the main chapel retaining it's original calling.
A place of worship, Edric could not help but notice the lack of Guardsmen patrolling the roads as he walked slowly towards the ever growing chapel. A thick beard covering his features, and his hair cut back in a way that Chasmine had said was unlike him. It was a meager disguise, but hopefully would last long enough for him to get what he needed.
Joining the throng of pilgrims upon the road, Edric did his best to blend into the city of worship.

Vel Anir was no longer safe for him.
Edric knew that. Knew that every time he returned he risked not just prison, but a fate far worse. His crimes were numerous and the authorities would like nothing more than to see him caught. By now he had lost count how many they had sent after him. A dozen? Two? He couldn't have said, but the last few months had made it perfectly clear just how dangerous coming home would be.
Trouble was, he didn't have much of a choice.
There was a root in Aniria, one connected to both he and Chas.
This time that root had traced itself to Eridia, a city which was less a home for the people and more of a Cathedral. Three hundred years ago before the Great Houses had outlawed the tenants of religion within Vel Anir, Eridia had been a place of worship. A distant reflection of Edric's home city of Vel Stratholm but more sacred. It was said that here in Eirdia Anirius claimed his Divinity.
During the time of House Rule, the city had been declared off limits. It's few denizens forcibly removed and the Cathedral sealed. For centuries only the caretakers had been allowed inside, tending to the ancient artworks and the hundreds of tombs which lay beneath it.
That seal of silence was broken when the Republic rose. As religious freedom was granted once more, the doors of Eridia were once again thrown open. The ancient practices of Anrius' religion lost, but not entirely forgotten. The Cathedral was repurposed, serving as a place of worship not just for the ancient herald of the Anirian people, but all faiths. Only the main chapel retaining it's original calling.
A place of worship, Edric could not help but notice the lack of Guardsmen patrolling the roads as he walked slowly towards the ever growing chapel. A thick beard covering his features, and his hair cut back in a way that Chasmine had said was unlike him. It was a meager disguise, but hopefully would last long enough for him to get what he needed.
Joining the throng of pilgrims upon the road, Edric did his best to blend into the city of worship.