
  1. Afanas

    Private Tales Legacy of the Damned

    Akiza Sonshal Crowne Garisi Looking at it from afar, one wouldn't assume there to be much wrong with the city of Reikhurst, but the closer Afanas got to it, the more desolation he perceived unfurling before his eyes. Reikhurst wasn't as much of a city as it was a skeleton of one, a rough...
  2. Afanas

    Fable - Ask Greatness comes at a cost

    The inner city of Alliria was a sight to behold with its sprawling architecture dominated by private houses owned by various merchants and buildings of every kind of guild a man could possibly conceive. Although the outer city was, rather clean and orderly as far as the global scale was...
  3. Caeso Diemut

    Private Tales Graves Too Horrid to Dig

    Pernach was a town under siege. Not in the traditional sense, no. There was no army entrenched around imposing walls (Pernach's walls weren't imposing at all, as it were: wooden, small, an ogre could just barely peek over them on the tips of his big toes). There was no foe which presented...
  4. Victoria O'Connor

    Completed The Dead Queen's Wedding

    Greyrock castle was a heavy, unyielding structure. Thick square walls and stout towers stood tall against the purple eastern sky. The crash of the sea was a constant background, stretching infinite and cold behind the castle in a churning, velvet-black expanse. All was not darkness, however, for...
  5. Valborast Valchek

    Journal Book - The Vampiric Mind and How To Survive It by Valborast Valchek

    INTRODUCTION Ignorance is not armour. Disdain to the truth of the world and those that populate it is not a weapon. If you appreciate this truth, proceed on with my blessing. To know of something foul is not to invite corruption into one's heart, it is does not tarnish; it is an act of...
  6. Valborast Valchek

    Completed To Know and Write of Blood

    Midnight in the library of the knights of Anathaeum's monastery; candles were burning softly and pages turned with ever increasing tenacity as passages were scanned, paragraphs re-read and chapters critiqued, all enacted with the accompaniment of the rare hum of approval and the frequent murmurs...
  7. Saoirse Rose

    Private Tales Jeux d'Espionnage

    Saoirse Rose excelled in many things but assassinations had become one of her favorite pastimes. She got paid to kill vampires, humans, elves, and any other race that needed to be taught a lesson. Of course, vampires posed the greatest challenge and that is what Saoirse lived for...well...lived...
  8. Gideon Varnay

    Private Tales Rivers of life... Veins of blood

    Waltzing music drifts around the stone chamber as people dressed in gaudy attire dance amid stone support structures, some defy gravity as they dance upon the pillars themselves, or waltz on the ceiling. The room is a huge underground chamber, subtly illuminated by candlelight to accommodate...
  9. Victoria O'Connor

    Fable - Ask Malentendu

    The Allir Reach was a vast ocean of flowing green. Rich soils and temperate weather lead to wide expanses of farmland, and one could travel days, even weeks, without seeing a proper town. Nevertheless, small enclaves of wealth dotted the viridian quilt like gemstones, belonging to those who had...
  10. Samson Kraith

    Private Tales Be... Our... Guest!

    The Lord has brought a woman to castle Koscoria... It has been many years since they've had an actual guest in the castle. When he received word that Lord Paldwyn was bringing home a newborn Samson made sure to have the guest suite prepared for her upon her arrival. For so long he had given his...
  11. Emric Amadeus Paldwyn

    Private Tales A new life, A new world

    Emric stood incomplete in silence as he watched over the still cold body of Amira Renata on the bed, the room was simply decorated with bare stone walls made the edge of the room along with a wardrobe, dressing table, a chest of draws and finally the four-poster bed. the room was dark the only...
  12. Kristopher Mortas

    Open Chronicles Chapter I: Awakening of the Exalted

    THE FORBIDDEN CITY A mage by birth and a scholar by trade, Erita Kiran knew why her expedition was being financed. It was a legend of a coffin of great value, and a tomb of treasures. It was not because of the scholarly pursuit she so loved that it was being conducted, the great many logistics...
  13. Heike Eisen

    Private Tales Whose Deeds Are Daring

    There had to be someone willing. Heike Eisen had spent a good day and half scouring the massive Allirian harbor for an agreeable captain. Ships had come in, docked, she had sought the ship's captain to ask, she'd be turned down, the ship would leave and another would pull in. Vessels of all...
  14. Jakub

    Fable - Ask Purging the damned

    Kinniger duchy wasn't the most welcoming place, a fact easily discernable by anyone with more than two functional brain cells. Yet, Jakub hadn't turned down the offer presented to him. Jakub presumed his inviter to be of upper-class, possibly a noble. The stranger offered work in Jakub's field...
  15. Sir Eberwolf Kinniger

    Private Tales Misty Woodlands

    On the eastern side of the spine lies the Kinniger Duchy. Following the day that Kyla Scathach, Eberewolf Kinniger and Syvis had cut down the vampire who had been leading the many other smaller groups the war was effectively won. They still had to hunt them down, but now the enemy was divided...
  16. Lana Alaric Vladimir

    Private Tales Secrets in the Shadows

    They say that death is the final stage of life, that when you die your soul lives the realm of earth and travels to a far better realm... maybe a realm like heaven or even a realm like a hell. Your body sleeps endlessly as the rot and decay settle in, while your soul and mind live through a...
  17. Jakub

    Private Tales Strange tales of Jakub Corvinus

    If there was one thing that Jakub didn't want to do, then it was being caught. Especially while he was climbing on the roof of someone's home with the intent of kidnapping them. He just had to tho, the target in question was a vampire and Jakub had no other means by which to acquire a living...
  18. Captain Wark

    Fate - First Reply Reborn to the Night

    The hunger, it's insatiable, all consuming, driving... Driving him out of his mind! Captain Wark, yes his name is Captain. Former soldier and former city guard of Elbion. He drove everyone away once he died in his sleep and awoke as a vampire. He couldn't bear the thought of feeding on one of...
  19. Marianne Seyorio

    Fate - First Reply A Bite to Drink

    Centuries pass so slowly in a tomb, especially when one is not truly dead but simply asleep, trapped in this inanimate state unable to move, breath, or even think. There are no dreams in death, the aestivated sleep of vampires deprived of blood to the point that they cannot move and essentially...
  20. Enca Boralaine

    Fable - Ask Me? Oh I'm just a traveler!

    "So then I pick the guy up and rip his throat clean out of his neck!" The house roared with cheers of amusement and laughter as drops of blood peppering Enca from a few patrons who raised their drinks just a bit too high. This place stunk both figuratively and literally. When Enca first heard...