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Iskandar Estate: Alliria - Tertiary Dining Hall
In recent weeks Petrus Ritus Iskandar, head of the Allirian merchant house of the same name, had put out quite the call among the Allirian underworld for those interested in "coin and possibility" as the hushed whispers, and scant few official dossiers that had been passed around, detailed it as. Indeed the gathering taking place now, in the third hall of one of Petrus's many estates around Alliria, was far from an official thing. Many unseemly and far from trustworthy contacts had been pried and cajoled with influence to bring an assortment of individuals from all walks of life to the hall this day. The only restricting factors, the only barriers to entry, being an unspoken mixture of influence and aptitude from those who wished to attend. Even hearing of the gathering to take place would require either an excess of one or a respectable amount of both. Like a feedback loop of signals looking for those who could reciprocate in kind.
For those present, from whatever walk of life they may have held, there were quite a few rumors and tidings they could have heard about their host for the evening. The most prevalent and obvious being the inordinate, draconian wealth he possessed. As much spoken of as it was, now, displayed in the lavish offerings of food and drink present in the hall. From cured meats to more spiced fungi it was no exaggeration to say that the sheer amount of food on offer alone would require the lifetime salaries of dozens of peasants. Rudimentary fountains, propelled by gravity and minor enchantments, would flow with dark chocolates and other confections, while a few small, entertaining contests were held for a small selection of a half-dozen personal, Iskandarian vintages of a half-century cinnamon wine. A novelty and exquisite brand all in one.
The room itself, ostentatious and elaborate, bore two dozen sentries clad in the elaborate black and gold coat of arms of House Iskandar. Though perhaps rather telling was the fact that the blades on their hips were not, to one experienced with warfare and weapon maintenance, decorative. Those half-dozen on the upper balconies also made no attempts at hiding the finely-crafted crossbows in their grasp, as it seemed well enough known by all parties involved that every person here today was contacted through means that did not make them exactly.... trustworthy. Even, perhaps, less so than the usual nobility Petrus entertained. A few individuals had been called into the office at the far end already, those who had arrived earliest to the 'festivities' now in full effect.
By now a half-dozen individuals had entered the office, stayed for several long minutes, before exiting the office without a word and returning to the festivities. No one who emerged from the private office gave any indication, if they had one to give, of what had transpired inside. There was a complete halt in the individuals called into the office, before a well-dressed attendant of the house stepped out of the office and cast a casual, scrutinizing gaze over the gathered crowd before announcing loudly enough to make their voice heard over the clamor of lesser conversations. The next person summoned to the office to be....
"The Lord Iskandar requests the presence of the Lady Seretha Ibnat Rezhe, if you please."
The attendant would await the approach of whomever this Lady Rezhe made herself known to be, his demeanor inscrutable, before he bowed politely and opened the door for her with a cordial muttering of...
For those still in the dining hall a small band would begin to fill the hall with gentle woodwind music, background supporting sounds in the form of gentle strings, in a tune meant to invoke feelings of calm and enjoyment.
Inside the surprisingly intimate, small office sat Petrus Iskandar himself. His expression somewhere between contemplative and furrowed as he turned a small object over and over in his hands. He did not stand to greet Lady Rehze, did not even raise his eyes from the object currently captivating his attention, before his voice would speak in a calm tone accustomed to being obeyed.
"Sit. You are the first prospect to bring me any sort of hope in your competence."
When Petrus did raise his eyes to Seretha he did not show any trouble in his expression, at least overtly, though the downward tilt at the corners of his mouth did deepen a bit at the sight of, of all things, an elf. With striking amber eyes did Petrus stare into Seretha's gaze without a bit of hesitation or, if one was to be critical of him, respect. Instead he sat, imperious even in the small office chair, over the elven woman and would slowly lean forward as he stared into her eyes. Extending the object across the table, whether intentional or not, it would draw Seretha's eyes down to a small vellum on the desk if she had not seem it already, where each and every of the half-dozen names above her own were harshly struck through in dissatisfaction. The black ink a heavy, merciless expungement from Petrus's interest and measure.
With a very soft 'tap' the square object would be set upon the table, an elaborate, thick thing of bone and inlaid onyx. A minor artifact, if one was to be generous, that murmured a low cloud of necromantic energy. It was no great, wondrous item, though a bit too potent to be a fool's bauble. Small engravings would line each side of the upper square, while the onyx center seemed carefully, mechanically inlaid into the bone it was socketed into. For someone of Seretha's skill it would be a moderate task to decipher. An interesting combination of energy storage and puzzle in one, something contained within, to be hidden and only unlocked by precise incantations of necromancy.
Having given Seretha a moment to ponder the device Petrus rest his elbows on the desk, motioned with a hand, and simply commanded one thing.
"Decipher this, if you can, you've two minutes."
That said Petrus would calmly extend his hand to something behind himself, setting an odd device to ticking in time with the seconds, before lacing his fingers in front of his mouth and watching Seretha with level, scrutinizing eyes.
"Sit. You are the first prospect to bring me any sort of hope in your competence."
When Petrus did raise his eyes to Seretha he did not show any trouble in his expression, at least overtly, though the downward tilt at the corners of his mouth did deepen a bit at the sight of, of all things, an elf. With striking amber eyes did Petrus stare into Seretha's gaze without a bit of hesitation or, if one was to be critical of him, respect. Instead he sat, imperious even in the small office chair, over the elven woman and would slowly lean forward as he stared into her eyes. Extending the object across the table, whether intentional or not, it would draw Seretha's eyes down to a small vellum on the desk if she had not seem it already, where each and every of the half-dozen names above her own were harshly struck through in dissatisfaction. The black ink a heavy, merciless expungement from Petrus's interest and measure.
With a very soft 'tap' the square object would be set upon the table, an elaborate, thick thing of bone and inlaid onyx. A minor artifact, if one was to be generous, that murmured a low cloud of necromantic energy. It was no great, wondrous item, though a bit too potent to be a fool's bauble. Small engravings would line each side of the upper square, while the onyx center seemed carefully, mechanically inlaid into the bone it was socketed into. For someone of Seretha's skill it would be a moderate task to decipher. An interesting combination of energy storage and puzzle in one, something contained within, to be hidden and only unlocked by precise incantations of necromancy.
Having given Seretha a moment to ponder the device Petrus rest his elbows on the desk, motioned with a hand, and simply commanded one thing.
"Decipher this, if you can, you've two minutes."
That said Petrus would calmly extend his hand to something behind himself, setting an odd device to ticking in time with the seconds, before lacing his fingers in front of his mouth and watching Seretha with level, scrutinizing eyes.
Seretha ibnat Rezhe Zulgrid Valkanthrandilax Tarsas Môdhryd Patrik Fetladral Quoril Dingo
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