Petrus Iskandar
"You ask me if I had known that pursuing my passions would have cost me her, if I would have stopped? Why not ask me if I would trade the stars themselves for a pile of shit next?" - Petrus Ritus Iskandar
Petrus Iskandar is a man of relatively few words, dedication and a dour demeanor brought on by a life of duty, loss and pain. Born the first son to a relatively minor Allirian noble house he has single-handedly seen the rise of his house up to, and following, the Siege of Alliria. Prior to the sacking his house was simply incredibly wealthy for it's station but, now, in the wake of the attack, Petrus stands poised to introduce his house to a seat on the Merchant Council. Few of his businesses were damaged in the attack and following such an event, unsurprisingly, the number of patrons flocking to drink away their sorrows in his taverns has only increased.
Naturally, like any good businessman, the rise in demand saw a fitting rise in prices that has left his relatively empty estate flush with wealth enough to even make fellow Allriians conscious of just how much golden power House Iskandar has to throw around. Indeed Petrus seems to have a fair mind for business, people, and doesn't brook incompetence among anyone even remotely near his sphere of influence. An incompetent tavern keeper of one of his businesses is as likely to find themselves out of employment as a guard who falls asleep on duty if they fail to live up to his expectations.
Suffice to say Petrus approaches every situation with the mindset and perspective that regardless of who he faces they are there to prove their worth to him, such is only proper.
A man of distinct, if not universally handsome, features Petrus nevertheless cuts a distinct silhouette. With a nose that appears to have been severely broken and healed improperly, a strong jaw and regal, swept hair that arches over his head the singularly most striking feature one might ascribe to, or about, Petrus are his vibrantly amber eyes. Kept near-always in a studious, calculated squint that has lead to heavy crow's feet at their edges his eyes, nevertheless, are his singular most striking feature.
Perhaps fittingly almost all of Petrus' noteworthy characteristics are in his face as his build beneath his fine clothing is simply that of a surprisingly fit man for his age.
Perhaps fittingly almost all of Petrus' noteworthy characteristics are in his face as his build beneath his fine clothing is simply that of a surprisingly fit man for his age.
Calculating, callous and altogether unpleasant in most cases to say that Petrus is, at best, cordial would be an understatement. While he is never directly cruel to an individual, if not purely to keep up appearances as a well-meaning businessman, he is never one to be found degrading or chiding an unfortunate family for their destitute conditions. Raising the cost of their lodgings, their preferred choice of drink, or seeing to it additional taxes are levied to see to the repairing of their streets, however, he is more than willing to partake in. The only true exception to his penchant for lacking outright cruelty dwells in a deeply flawed and ingrained speciesism against Elves.
Petrus, more than anything else, respects competence and while he would never think twice about idly smothering the useless masses beneath his heel he would also just as gladly give a poor carpenter's son one chance in his employ to prove his worth and provide a superior life for that son's own children should he prove capable. Altogether, Petrus admires ambition and passion and if one does not possess the drive to pursue what they profess to want so dearly, then they are more than deserving of their fate in the squalor and slums.
Despite all of this, however, Petrus is a deeply introspective and troubled individual. His own drive having been tempered in the cold of loss and sorrow of his beloved wife years prior.
Petrus, more than anything else, respects competence and while he would never think twice about idly smothering the useless masses beneath his heel he would also just as gladly give a poor carpenter's son one chance in his employ to prove his worth and provide a superior life for that son's own children should he prove capable. Altogether, Petrus admires ambition and passion and if one does not possess the drive to pursue what they profess to want so dearly, then they are more than deserving of their fate in the squalor and slums.
Despite all of this, however, Petrus is a deeply introspective and troubled individual. His own drive having been tempered in the cold of loss and sorrow of his beloved wife years prior.
Skills and Abilities
Magical Aptitude
Petrus' greatest asset, even before he brought his family into it's current staggering wealth, was the truly impressive aptitude for magic he was born with. Truly, for a human, his analytical mind allowed him such an understanding for the arcane arts that even before he left to study at the College of Elbion for a time, those in his families social circles murmured that he would perhaps be quite the archmagi one day. Though this technical rank was never achieved Petrus nevertheless has staggering reserves of magical power despite his, comparative to other magi of his age, little practice.
A Noble's Art
Despite only passively practicing his magic in relation to his business practices, if one was to ask him, Petrus would describe his foremost hobby as refining the noble art of fencing. While far from useful in most battlefield situations he nevertheless takes the time to practice and train among his incessantly busy days to keep himself in shape, and more-so, for the principle of maintaining a steady, unceasing sense of self control. To dedicate himself to something completely, to it's mastery, is something he holds in high esteem.
Perhaps surprisingly for a wealthy, aristocratic noble Petrus harbors quite the respect for nature and the natural order. Including, naturally, the Laws of Magic. While his active practice of the art in it's totality took place long ago in his youth Petrus still actively utilizes the principles of the Magic Discipline he learned to fuel his house's truly unnatural practice as vintners. Both hastening the fermentation and aging of the stored wine, but also allowing the grapes that produce them to grow out of season and continuously produce yields of exceptional quality. Giving Petrus a very refined magical ability for healing, growing, withering and desiccating organic matter.
Long-Lived Legacy
As a result of his many years channeling life energy Petrus is exceptionally long-lived for a human and, despite his age, is much more physically similar to a man in his late-30s than someone of his true age-range. Indeed he is particularly resilient, even, when compared to your average human and has noticed over his long life that even particularly vicious wounds that do not kill him tend to heal on their own given enough time. Though exactly HOW much of this residual magic lingers in Petrus he cannot say. Though it may just as well have something to do with the fact that he also routinely expels decaying energy from himself to help age his families wines as much as he channels life-giving energy.
Aside from current business partners and employees Petrus' only notable relationships are those he held with his now-deceased wife, his siblings, and his estranged, likely-deceased child.
Among Petrus' usual attire are a necklace with the symbol of his house, a finely gilded and honed rapier on his hip, and a ring with solid amber set into it as a focus to help with his use of magic. Other accoutrements are brought on a case-by-case basis.
Biography & Lore
"I was born on a foul, storm-ridden night in the back of my families' carriage. Indeed from how my father spoke of it it nearly cost him his life, hurrying in and out of the carriage with the nursemaids to catch rainwater in their hats and goblets as he nearly slid into a large ditch...... he also said I was both the greatest blessing and curse he had ever received before or since. He's gone now but I do appreciate the sentiment. Regardless, I grew up as most young noblemen should, with a fine education and plenty of..... contemporaries to associate with. Though it wasn't long before differences began to appear. I remember being only a young lad when it first occurred, a sort of.... tingling upon the palms, a rush of something up my spine, a connection that even now years later I struggle to put into words to any who have never felt it themselves. But... ahh.... sod it that's enough for tonight, begone with you." - Petrus Iskandar to his Chronicler, circa 367
True enough to his description to his chronicler Petrus did indeed find himself separated from his peers among the nobility. Found to profoundly gifted in the art of magic and spell-craft. Seeing this as a fantastic opportunity to expand the families influence and prestige Petrus was signed up, by his father, to attend the College of Elbion as a young man. Wherein Petrus began his studies into magic and, having been raised by his father to respect authority above all things, whether laws or trade, bargains or outright power, this led the young Petrus to be incredibly conservative among his younger magi peers. He did not tempt the laws of Magic, ever, and as a result made somewhat slow, but steady and thorough progress in his learning.
It was not long, however, before his aptitude for the art and his comparatively reserved progress began to create some internal conflict within Petrus. Expressing itself in a sense of intense dissatisfaction with the Disciplines of Magic he was learning about, and indeed devouring knowledge on ravenously, he nonetheless sneered at them as particularly.... inefficient. Though this was, naturally, only his own brand of rebelliousness in fruition. If he could not question, or refused to question the Laws themselves, and saw his progress slowed by a lack of innovation, then surely the issue must lie within the Disciplines themselves?
Unable to stand his boredom with the College of Elbion, and unable to reconcile his own caution as the culprit of his boredom internally, Petrus instead set out to study the magic out in the world itself. If the college did not possess the answers he sought, or indeed enough to satiate his restrained but ravenous desire for knowledge and power, then the world itself would surely provide his answer. Using an allowance saved up from sending magical creations and formulae back to his father Patrus set out on his own expedition to explore the world in his own caravan. Traveling first west of Elbion out toward Lazular Petrus chronicled much in his time there and, indeed, even briefly skirted through the Seret Mountains and perilously close to the Forbidden City. Though he dared not lead his caravan there he did make note of the enigmatic place in as much detail as he could from a safe distance.
Once done with his studies in the west his caravan then journeyed south and east. Through Vel Anir into the Falwood and it was there Petrus would truly begin to be shaped into the man he was today. Deep within the Falwood Petrus met Druids of a sort he had never heard of or read about during his time in Elbion. Elven Druids of an art that comingled with nature in a way as to make their magic seem almost.... natural. Effortless even. Though, of course, this would come to not be the case Petrus was enthralled by finding what seemed to be the answer to his dissatisfaction with the College in a place wholly opposite from his aristocratic upbringing. It was there that he settled for a time, it was there truly began to learn, and it was there he truly began to love.
Whether it was due to finding him, in his own way, exotic or due to his talent with magic Petrus quickly began to form a relationship with an elven woman by the name of Nar'Maya. An apprentice of the Druids herself the two learned together happily, and it was she who drew him out of his shell and dissatisfaction fully, coaxing him into experimenting and truly expanding his gifts. The art of these Druids, he came to discover, was wholly centered around weaving the natural world in ways with as little drain on the caster as possible. They did not conjure trees from nothing, did not force the heavens into storms at their convenience, instead it was all about using the resources at hand to create the greatest effect possible and this curious blend of conservation of energy, mixed with a challenge of creativity, sparked the perfect desire for learning in the young Petrus.
After spending a few years in the Falwood, and shortly after he and Nar'Maya declared their love for one-another Petrus received a missive from his family. Reporting to him that his mother had been slain and his father gravely wounded in an attempted assassination Petrus' time of joy in the Falwood was cut to a horrible end. Though, thankfully for him, his pleas to Nar'Maya to join him, to come and see his world, were met with joyous approval. Thus so it was that he and his love journeyed back to Alliria together but, arriving too late for Petrus to say his good-byes, he was met not with his family but with the crown of responsibility being lain upon his head.
Spurred on by his relationship and subsequent marriage to Nar'Maya Petrus devoted himself fully to bringing about as much prosperity and success for their family as possible. Utilizing his newfound magics to push his families production of wine to unseen heights it was only because Petrus wished to wait to bring their child into the world when they were a true noble family that caused his grief to come. For now his ambition and drive had nearly consumed him, his efforts in his work pushing him to his limits, and though Nar'Maya's company was comfort enough to relieve him he was still not satisfied. She had awoken a passion, an ambition, within him that would not, could not, be quenched, and suffered all the more for it.....
After years of work and toil the day Petrus and Nar'Maya moved into the Inner City, close to Allir Keep itself, was the day they conceived their child. Wealth, property, business, fame and renown flowed like the wine they sold to their house and for a brief, fleeting time of a year, Petrus was truly happy, but far from content. So it was that on a stormy, dark night not too dissimilar to the one he was born into, Nar'Maya went into labor. Unbeknownst to he and his beloved Petrus' years of channeling decaying magics in the amounts that he had left him with a lingering effect to match his prolonged lifespan. A terrible price that shattered the happy man he could have been, into the beginnings of the man he is now. Nar'Maya did not survive giving birth to their child and even as Petrus held his dying wife's hand he could feel the decaying, desiccation-ridden magic emanating from their deformed child being swaddled by their nursemaid. With a cold, wounded heart, beset by sorrow and anguish did Petrus bid the nursemaid to leave. He provided her enough wealth to perhaps make her a minor noble in and of herself and, heart weeping with anguish, bid her take the newborn with her and out of his sight. He never laid eyes on his child, never held them himself, and never even knew if he had sired a son or daughter. All he knew was that he could not bear anything that reminded him of his wife's passing, their child included. The child's fate, as of yet, is unknown.
Now with nothing to restrain or temper his endless ambition, and with a heart hardened by loss and grief, Petrus set about slowly growing his house's influence and, now, infamy. Where once he had been pleased with proving his house's aptitude in competition, now his practices became something much more ruthless. Choking, squeezing the life from those less fortunate and only the faintest glimmer of mercy remained in him by way of allowing them to ascend, should they prove themselves worthy.
True enough to his description to his chronicler Petrus did indeed find himself separated from his peers among the nobility. Found to profoundly gifted in the art of magic and spell-craft. Seeing this as a fantastic opportunity to expand the families influence and prestige Petrus was signed up, by his father, to attend the College of Elbion as a young man. Wherein Petrus began his studies into magic and, having been raised by his father to respect authority above all things, whether laws or trade, bargains or outright power, this led the young Petrus to be incredibly conservative among his younger magi peers. He did not tempt the laws of Magic, ever, and as a result made somewhat slow, but steady and thorough progress in his learning.
It was not long, however, before his aptitude for the art and his comparatively reserved progress began to create some internal conflict within Petrus. Expressing itself in a sense of intense dissatisfaction with the Disciplines of Magic he was learning about, and indeed devouring knowledge on ravenously, he nonetheless sneered at them as particularly.... inefficient. Though this was, naturally, only his own brand of rebelliousness in fruition. If he could not question, or refused to question the Laws themselves, and saw his progress slowed by a lack of innovation, then surely the issue must lie within the Disciplines themselves?
Unable to stand his boredom with the College of Elbion, and unable to reconcile his own caution as the culprit of his boredom internally, Petrus instead set out to study the magic out in the world itself. If the college did not possess the answers he sought, or indeed enough to satiate his restrained but ravenous desire for knowledge and power, then the world itself would surely provide his answer. Using an allowance saved up from sending magical creations and formulae back to his father Patrus set out on his own expedition to explore the world in his own caravan. Traveling first west of Elbion out toward Lazular Petrus chronicled much in his time there and, indeed, even briefly skirted through the Seret Mountains and perilously close to the Forbidden City. Though he dared not lead his caravan there he did make note of the enigmatic place in as much detail as he could from a safe distance.
Once done with his studies in the west his caravan then journeyed south and east. Through Vel Anir into the Falwood and it was there Petrus would truly begin to be shaped into the man he was today. Deep within the Falwood Petrus met Druids of a sort he had never heard of or read about during his time in Elbion. Elven Druids of an art that comingled with nature in a way as to make their magic seem almost.... natural. Effortless even. Though, of course, this would come to not be the case Petrus was enthralled by finding what seemed to be the answer to his dissatisfaction with the College in a place wholly opposite from his aristocratic upbringing. It was there that he settled for a time, it was there truly began to learn, and it was there he truly began to love.
Whether it was due to finding him, in his own way, exotic or due to his talent with magic Petrus quickly began to form a relationship with an elven woman by the name of Nar'Maya. An apprentice of the Druids herself the two learned together happily, and it was she who drew him out of his shell and dissatisfaction fully, coaxing him into experimenting and truly expanding his gifts. The art of these Druids, he came to discover, was wholly centered around weaving the natural world in ways with as little drain on the caster as possible. They did not conjure trees from nothing, did not force the heavens into storms at their convenience, instead it was all about using the resources at hand to create the greatest effect possible and this curious blend of conservation of energy, mixed with a challenge of creativity, sparked the perfect desire for learning in the young Petrus.
After spending a few years in the Falwood, and shortly after he and Nar'Maya declared their love for one-another Petrus received a missive from his family. Reporting to him that his mother had been slain and his father gravely wounded in an attempted assassination Petrus' time of joy in the Falwood was cut to a horrible end. Though, thankfully for him, his pleas to Nar'Maya to join him, to come and see his world, were met with joyous approval. Thus so it was that he and his love journeyed back to Alliria together but, arriving too late for Petrus to say his good-byes, he was met not with his family but with the crown of responsibility being lain upon his head.
Spurred on by his relationship and subsequent marriage to Nar'Maya Petrus devoted himself fully to bringing about as much prosperity and success for their family as possible. Utilizing his newfound magics to push his families production of wine to unseen heights it was only because Petrus wished to wait to bring their child into the world when they were a true noble family that caused his grief to come. For now his ambition and drive had nearly consumed him, his efforts in his work pushing him to his limits, and though Nar'Maya's company was comfort enough to relieve him he was still not satisfied. She had awoken a passion, an ambition, within him that would not, could not, be quenched, and suffered all the more for it.....
After years of work and toil the day Petrus and Nar'Maya moved into the Inner City, close to Allir Keep itself, was the day they conceived their child. Wealth, property, business, fame and renown flowed like the wine they sold to their house and for a brief, fleeting time of a year, Petrus was truly happy, but far from content. So it was that on a stormy, dark night not too dissimilar to the one he was born into, Nar'Maya went into labor. Unbeknownst to he and his beloved Petrus' years of channeling decaying magics in the amounts that he had left him with a lingering effect to match his prolonged lifespan. A terrible price that shattered the happy man he could have been, into the beginnings of the man he is now. Nar'Maya did not survive giving birth to their child and even as Petrus held his dying wife's hand he could feel the decaying, desiccation-ridden magic emanating from their deformed child being swaddled by their nursemaid. With a cold, wounded heart, beset by sorrow and anguish did Petrus bid the nursemaid to leave. He provided her enough wealth to perhaps make her a minor noble in and of herself and, heart weeping with anguish, bid her take the newborn with her and out of his sight. He never laid eyes on his child, never held them himself, and never even knew if he had sired a son or daughter. All he knew was that he could not bear anything that reminded him of his wife's passing, their child included. The child's fate, as of yet, is unknown.
Now with nothing to restrain or temper his endless ambition, and with a heart hardened by loss and grief, Petrus set about slowly growing his house's influence and, now, infamy. Where once he had been pleased with proving his house's aptitude in competition, now his practices became something much more ruthless. Choking, squeezing the life from those less fortunate and only the faintest glimmer of mercy remained in him by way of allowing them to ascend, should they prove themselves worthy.
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