Ashlander Orcs



The ashlanders were always united people, tied together by a common origin. But for the land usage to be sustainable and to quell conflicting disputes, the ashlanders parted into five. But to keep relations good, many intermarriages happen, contact is held via buzzards and celebrations are held annually. [1]

Mabess, Mav Stormcaller [Stormcaller]
Graella [Stormcaller]
Lagakh Morgkhul [Shadovreaver]
Helna [Snow-wolf]
Dragox [Snow-wolf]
Keraka Stormcaller [Stormcaller]
Bula [Stormcaller]

Dormak Nighthowl [Blackhawk Warchief] [2] Also called Ironside, due the large metal gauntlet over his dominant side. He is stout, proud to a fault and very militaristic. Seemingly good with the children though!
Do'Ras Silvermane [Snow-wolf Chief] [3]
Voratyr [former Snow-wolf]
Gromnar [Former Silverstone]
Hyorhal [Stormcaller]
Ubabe [Stormcaller] [4] Ubabe is a modest huntress, most often seen alongside Mabess and Sheeha. She is very calm and reserved with her words.
Sheeha [Stormcaller] [5] Also called 'Sheesh'. She is very sharp tongued and direct. Seemingly standoffish and rather shortworded.
Arda [former Stormcaller] [6]
Waarga [Silverstone Chief] [7] Waarga is very distrusting and rarely outspoken. His arms are most often crossed over. He picks his words wisely otherwise.
Kalhe [Snow-wolf] [8]
Mahhor [Snow-wolf] [9]
Mk-garul [Shadovreaver Chief] [10]
Shoratan [Shadowrever Chief ✝] [11]
Ghaavel [Stormcaller?] [12]
Gorsgoya [Stormcaller elder] [13] An elder in the tribe, the oldest woman in fact. She's very cheerful and wheezes a lot while laughing. Whimsical.


The Ashlander orcs are led by a Chieftain, also more commonly called a Warchief. This term is generally interchangeable unless there is a second orc stationed specifically as a Warchief. The current Chieftain is Mabess, Mav Stormcaller, while the current warchief is Dormak Nightpain.

The ashlanders are made out of 5 clans of equal worth that share a common history and ancestry.
  • Stormcallers, Led by Chief Mav Stormcaller. Generally considered to be the most diplomatic branch.
  • Blackhawks, Led by Chief Dormak Nighthowl. The most warlike of the Ashlanders that hold the greatest pride to boot. They are known to paint themselves and their mounts in ashen white and black banding akin to poisonous snakes. [14]
  • Snow-wolves, Led by Chief Do'Ras Silvermane. Considered to be the noblest and well balanced between a spiritualistic approach to life and the warrior code.
  • Silverstones. Seem to be the most xenophobic and least diplomatic when it comes to dealing with outsiders. Very closely knit to Blackhawks. They are led by Waarga.
  • Shadowreavers. Whom are marked by black beasts of burden and dark clothes. Far more centred with a shamanistic approach in life. Currently led by Mk-garul. [15]

Leadership and organisation

Current Chieftain:
Mav Stormcaller
Current Warchief: Dormak Nighthowl
Warband leaders:
Higher Shamans:


Located in the spine, but almost never in the reaches south of Belgrath. All Ashlanders are nomadic at their current state, so their settlements vary a lot in location and are generally cycled as per seasonal need.
Current known settlements: Narmashan [Stormcaller]
Past settlements: Maskaroth [Stormcaller] Roshkamar/Roshkamae [Communal]

Culture & Tradition

  • Ashlanders don't name their children until they are 8 years old, before that, the children bear the name of their parents + a suffix, which depends on which parents' name is taken and the gender of the child. (Mother's name + wa(daughter) we(son) Father's name + ri(daughter) ro(son))(roughly equivalent to Mirgolri = Mirgol's daughter)
  • Roles are generally divided by sex but never strictly.
  • Everything tends to be the village's business and cooperation is expected. Children thus tend to be raised by the whole village and if somebody is in trouble, everyone pulls together to help them out.
  • Great respect is put in elders and the care of them.
  • The shamans of the ashlanders believe in the eternal cycle of birth and death. The concept that inanimate objects have a lifetime of their own (including their villages) is also deeply rooted in their belief.

Eve of starry nights[16]
The eve of starry nights, which takes place in Starry-eve, is perhaps the most important celebration in the life of a young orc child. All the clans unite in a settlement to spend time together during the worst of winter. And on the second day of celebration, all of the 8-year-olds finally gain a name of their own. The celebration starts a few days before the end of Starry-Eve and proceeds onto the first day of the next month.

Village naming ritual
The most important ritual relating to the beginning of new settlements. The elder shaman (in the case of shadowreavers, the chief) would scry from the remains of the first hunted beast on the fortune of the newly named settlement.

The Ashlanders use an appropriate variant of the Northern Hunter's Calendar. The most notable difference is that the new year begins with New Earth and ends with the last day of Fall. The winter months are considered an empty void, or rather the time when the 'year is dead', thus there is a delay of 3 months between the end of the old and the start of the new year. The winter months are considered an especially sacred time when the rift between the spiritual plane and the earthern realm is most interwoven.
Ashlanders also employ a 5 day week named by the clan founders:
Stormday, Hawkday, Wolfday, Silverday, Shadowday.
Certain rituals or practices are obly held on certain days.


Ashlanders usually keep each other in line through shunning and shaming, for honour is their greatest virtue. There is no space for physical punishment of clan members since the ashlanders generally know each other rather well.
Theoretically the worst ever punishment reserved for horrible crimes could be execution, however, considering the familial nature of the ashlanders, it is in fact excommunication.

Martial code

  • Face & Honour, Having honour or appearing to have face as a core value. It is a shameful act to stoop down to dirty tactics or to use magic in ceremonial or traditional fights
  • Duelling, Any duel has to be accepted to conserve face, duels are often nonlethal and limited to showing off pure strength without other aids.
  • Cowardice, this trait is generally shunned. All orcs shall go into battle fearless, however, this is not an excuse to act stupid. If a situation is hopeless, it is better to leave and attempt another day than waste life.
  • Comradery, never shall one leave another behind. This is considered treason and can quickly get the scorn of the entire tribe.



The Ashlanders originate from the blightlands, where they worked the lands east of the spine under the reign of the orcish king Mar'Galok, which is a taboo word, shortned to Magala, which means 'he-who-died' in ashlander orcish.


Post pandemonium

Past leadership

These are former IC recorded leaders

Former Chieftains:
former Warchiefs:
Mav Stormcaller, Do'Ras Silvermane
former Shadowreaver chiefs: Shoratan


Humans generally look down upon the Ashlanders, however, out of them, at least the Stormcallers have been regarded as rather welcoming to strangers. [17]

Ashlanders and you

While Ashlanders make up for exciting characters, not everyone desires to experience them just as such.
Ashlander hunting bands and traveling individuals are a common occurances in the Spine. While Silverstones and Blackhawks may be hostile if their warband is encountered, Stormcallers may invite you into their settlement, thus relations with strangers can come in a wide array of different responses to suppliment your wild encounters in roleplays.


[lore] Fire from the spine - the Ashlanders make their debut | Eve of starry nights - Lore heavy rp on the Ashlander's naming ceremony |
[chronicles] Pandemonium | Post pandemonium | after the red mist - Takes place shortly after Pandemonium |
[adventure] | Infestation | To kill a mocking orc | The great rites | Post pandemonium | Troubles and Turbulences |

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