Graella is a tallish female, muscled from growing in a nomadic tribe. She is not as dense as the other she-orcs, but she still has some growing to do and may yet grow into her bones. Her honeyed whiskey eyes are usually used for getting her way, though that works less now that she's older. She has short, slightly curled tusks that part full lips. Her brown hair, in the right light may appear to have a red tint to it, and is kept either wild and free to flow down her back, or braided for hunting purposes. Though Graella prefers the first in casual instances. She is athletically toned, more so than normal as she spends plenty of time hunting for her tribe.

Skills and Abilities
Hunter! She's quite skilled in finding meat! Having learned quickly, Graella took to hunting like a bird to the air.
Graella has a resourcefulness that is almost unheard of. She's smart for an orc. Smart enough to get herself in trouble oftimes, though it seems trouble finds her no matter what she does.
Warrior, as with any nomadic group and more so with Orcs, she possesses an innate talent for violence. Some years of training have given her a better prowess for battle.
Graella has a resourcefulness that is almost unheard of. She's smart for an orc. Smart enough to get herself in trouble oftimes, though it seems trouble finds her no matter what she does.
Warrior, as with any nomadic group and more so with Orcs, she possesses an innate talent for violence. Some years of training have given her a better prowess for battle.
Graella is a sweet thing, having an innocent side to her that keeps in the good graces, but don't be fooled. She is fiercely protective of her tribe, her family and especially her twin brother.
h=1]Biography & Lore[/h]
Graella was born in the spine as one part of a set of twins. She grew up in the Ashland tribe as the middle set of children. She's worked tirelessly to try to become a full-fledged member of her tribe, and loves to bring a smile to her mother's face. Graella spent her days learning the ways of the tribe, hunting and trapping, to skinning and making. She is a bit of a tinkerer, something that helps when resourcefulness is needed. She aims to have fun, and to enjoy herself.
(Will add more as time goes on and Graella gains more experience.)

h=1]Biography & Lore[/h]
Graella was born in the spine as one part of a set of twins. She grew up in the Ashland tribe as the middle set of children. She's worked tirelessly to try to become a full-fledged member of her tribe, and loves to bring a smile to her mother's face. Graella spent her days learning the ways of the tribe, hunting and trapping, to skinning and making. She is a bit of a tinkerer, something that helps when resourcefulness is needed. She aims to have fun, and to enjoy herself.

(Will add more as time goes on and Graella gains more experience.)
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