Dreadlords What Lies Beneath

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group
Character Biography
Vel Tenebria

The light of flickering torches illuminated the cavern well enough that one could see the high ceiling above. The mosaic's, long ago carved into the wall depicted a battle of some sort, men fighting what appeared to be demons, dragons, and other creatures that Edric could not even begin to describe. His eyes floated over the massive expanse of the wall, lips thin as he tilted his head and looked up at the massive stone mural.

It was only one of a hundred different depictions that they had seen over the last two days of exploring the ruins beneath Vel Anir. Professor Theldwin claimed that they were older than the earliest human settlers of Vel Anir. More ancient than even some of the elven writings found in the Falwood.

Edric wasn't entirely sure if he believed that.

They had been sent down here by the Republic specifically at the request of Anir University. In the old days the Houses had never been much interested in Vel Tenebria, save for as a way to hide the Forsaken and hunt runaways. Now that the Republic ruled, the University of Anir had finally deigned it important enough to study the history of this place. A project supposedly encouraged by the Royal Family.

Yet that history itself was shrouded in mystery, danger, and blood.

So they had been told by the Proctors anyway. That was why the expedition was guarded by him and some of the others. They were to stand as wards against whatever lurked within the depths of the old Ruins. Whatever they might be.

"Edric, lad, come help me with this. You there, come too."​

It was Professor Theldwin who spoke, pointing to one of the others and then gesturing to a massive stone door that was at the end of the great hall they had been wandering through. Edric glanced up at the Mosaic for a moment more, and then went over towards where the Professor was standing.

"See if you can open the door, carefully."​

The massive stone slab that the Professor was referring to as a door was taller than him, if only barely, and marked with strange circular runes. Edric glanced to his companion, and then made to grab one side of the door.
Alistair had to beg to get assigned to this expedition. He had not been a part of the original group chosen, but when he learned about what was being done. There was no way he was going to miss out on this.

The mysteries of Vel Tenebria had fascinated him since he was a child. More than once had a young Alistair packed a small back with some poorly thought out plan to run away into the dark catacombs and disappear from his life. He had always backed out in the in, but his curiosity with ancient underground had never dimmed.

The worse part about this currently was that he was supposed to protect the actual scholars, but every part of his academic mind was telling him to take a look for himself. Thankfully, his professionalism kept him in check. He was utilizing a lull in their journey to look over some runes when one of the professors called out to him and Edric.

Alistair quickly made his way over only to find out he was just being asked to be some muscle. Disappointed, he nodded in affirmation and looked over to Edric when grabbed his own side of the door.

"Ready. 1,2,3..."

He activated a strength enhancement rune on his shirt and began to push.
The military had their concerns about what might lay within Vel Tenebria. Such was her ostensible purpose in being here. She would have turned down assignment to escort the University of Anir's expedition--First Levels had powers of "negotiation" that Second and Third Levels did not--but a note slipped into her possession from her erstwhile masters changed her mind. The remnants of House Sirl had an interest in seeing certain things--which may or may not be found within the depths--be expunged.

Ventress could not refuse. She was delighted, thrilled, that Sirl had reestablished contact with her, however surreptitious the manner. It was the flaring of an ember nestled within a campfire thought extinguished, familiar warmth warding off a winter's chill. Brief and comforting. Nostalgic.

So she was here at the military's behest, but truly under Sirl's command. She would not fail them. If Professor Theldwin or any of the younglings sent by the Academy tried to impede her, it would not be the first time she had made people disappear.

Two of said younglings were presently forcing open the massive stone door barring their passage. The Academy's Initiates were here for the same reason they went anywhere: to improve. Ventress would not hinder their efforts in this. Should a threat emerge it was theirs to combat. If they faltered, only then would she step in and assist--a requirement foisted upon her by new military guidelines. The Republic fostered a different...mindset in this regard. Faltering a year ago would have seen said Initiates dead and forgotten.

"Once we pass through this door, Professor, have we reached the end of charted territory." Ventress said. Her question was flat, without inflection.

She stood with her hands folded behind her back, watching with the steadiness of an eagle as Edric and Alistair forced the door. Three pink orbs of arcane energy floated lazily about her, tiny sparks of light flaring up and dying like ephemeral fireflies as they incinerated motes of dust with hair-thin beams of magic, preventing any and all from collecting upon and dirtying her white uniform.

Edric Alistair Krixus
Let me know if you boys need help,” Everleigh chimed teasingly, before showing off a bicep flex. “I’m nearly as big as Edric.” Her arms were nowhere close to the size of Edric’s, or Alistair’s, for that matter, but if she could tease her fellow initiates she would. Why? Because so far, she was bored. Everleigh was more studious than some other classmates, and she fully believed that the more knowledge one had, the more power they could potentially wield.

History just wasn’t that exciting to her. It was cool to look at things, sure, but she felt she had been promised an assignment that was going to be thrilling. There was mystery. Intrigue. The possibility to pick up something valuable and use it as a gambling piece to the right person. Yet, for the past two days Everleigh hadn’t done anything that interesting— or had a good opportunity to swipe something— other than watch some researchers use the tiniest brushes to brush debris off of a tiny figurine.

How lame.

She was the only fun thing in this little group. Edric was Edric, meaning he hadn’t been fun since he refused her coin toss game. Alistair was more fun than him but she noticed how he was keen on holding up his noble persona. And then there was this white haired lady who looked cool, but serious with her monotone voice at the same time, so she was no fun either. The poison eater couldn’t believe her bad hand but there was still hope. Perhaps once the muscle got the doors open a terrifying dragon could rush out at them.
  • Sip
  • Yay
Reactions: Ventress and Edric
Drastus had to stifle a yawn. He wasn't so sure about this dumpster diving, but with extra steps. It also didn't help that he could hear Rupert's questions in the back of his head. Could he? Or was he just imagining that? He couldn't tell anymore.

He watched Edric and Alison? No, that was a girl's name, be quiet Rupert. Alistair. Edric and Alistair work on the door. He was far more interested in what his next carving would be. Or maybe even his next hijinks. No, no, those weren't allowed.

His hand would slip into his pocket, where he let out a content sigh as he felt the carefully carved piece that some workers were brushing off. At least until he had liberated it. His gaze would drift to the lady with the white hair, but only briefly as he noticed her current use of magic was being used to keep her outfit clean. That, was nifty.

He would remove his hand from his pocket and crouch low, that newly freed hand brushing along the tunnel floor as he tried to see how much he could sense beyond the door. How much death. Or rather, how many new friends he could make. There was a momentary peace about him as he thought he could feel something beyond. There it was, some excitement at last. Rising to his feet, his arms crossed over his chest and he shot a grin Everleigh's way. "Oh yeah, I'd wager double his size."

Everleigh Ebersol Edric Alistair Krixus Ventress
Edric glanced at Alistair, then nodded his head. Muscles flexed as he drew upon the reserve, his strength growing. A grunt escaped him as he began to lift in tandem with Alistair, the two students drawing the massive stone slab to the side.

It moved easier than Edric had thought it would, as though it lay upon some sort of track. The stone shifted, and then on it's own momentum began to fall into the wall itself. Edric took half a step back, a wave of dust and must echoing out from the doorway.

He coughed as the smell filled the air, his nose crinkling.


The Professor said as the hallway beyond was revealed. So far it wasn't much more than than they had seen so far, though Edric couldn't peer too much into the darkness.

"Yes I am aware, Dreadlord. That is what makes this so exciting. A new frontier! It's wonderful, isn't it Initiates?"​

He demanded, looking at all the students. Edric glanced at Alistair, and then shrugged his shoulders. "Sure."

"Excellent, grab the torches. You boys can go first then."​

Edric sighed, he should have known. Though judging from Alistair's earlier reaction the boy would probably be over the moon.
Edric was correct with his assumption, as Alistair grinned as he raised his own torch. He would happily take the lead on this expedition deeper into the underground. Besides, he was probably the best to take the point anyways.

"Happy to professor."

Alistair activated several of the eyes on his body. He was extra careful of any sort of trap, or unique runes or markings. Alistair was an academic at heart, but he was not gullible. Any of these runes he found could further his understanding of his own magic. It would make him stronger. The stronger he was, the slower people would be to start a confrontation with him...and the quicker people might be to offer kindness to him.

He took several careful steps into the next room, all the while having one hand on his torch and the other on his sword hilt. Once he was satisfied that nothing was going to spring up on him he called back.

"Might want to follow my path until we are sure the whole room is clear."

Edric Everleigh Ebersol Ventress Drastus Tal'deneshaar
Ventress scowled as dust billowing forth from the door's opening rushed toward her. The arcane orbs went into a frenzy, zapping the torrent of ancient dust which threatened to foul her clothing and her person mote by individual mote. It appeared as though a lightning storm had been temporarily summoned before her, such was the intensity of her magic in that moment. Still, she needed to take caution. What was a simple, efficient spell in normal circumstances, under such strains as these, could begin to sap a significant amount of her power if she carelessly allowed for it.

As loathe as she was to the possibility, it might mean getting dirty.

The way was open, and that was what mattered. Two days had elapsed without finding the object of House Sirl's concern. This did not mean that it did not exist, or that it had fled or perished. She needed to be as thorough as possible.

Torchlight ran along the walls as Edric and Alistair led the way into the new corridor. Somewhere along the way that orange blended into pink light--Ventress's arcane orbs doubled as magelights when they were not the doom of dust, illuminating what was around her in a soft pink glow.

As they walked, something was bothering her. Something she'd seen.

Seemingly with little cause, she looked right to Drastus, her head swiveling with an avian precision. "Initiate Drastus, present your hands."

He had touched the tunnel floor with his bare hands. They had to be filthy.

Drastus Tal'deneshaar Everleigh Ebersol Edric Alistair Krixus
Everleigh grinned playfully at Drastus. The only possible fun one. At least in this setting. Because sometimes something seemed off about Drastus. The same way that something was off about Tinker. Many people would’ve thought that may have been hypocritical coming from someone like Everleigh who chose to go out of her way to hang out with doll maker. But Tinker was different. He lacked charisma which meant everything he said was never a lie. And Drastus, well, he didn’t lack any sort of social skills. There was just something about him that made Everleigh consider him to be sneaky though.

Couldn’t place her finger on it now, and maybe she never would. But at least he was making jokes. Edric and Alistair was leading the way, the professor and Ventress following suit, and Everleigh and Drastus were bringing up the rear. She decided to respond to his little quip now in a hushed tone.

Yeah, double? So you’d bet on me to win if I were to arm wrestle Ed—“ Everleigh promptly clamped her mouth shut as Ventress turned around, staring straight at Drastus. The poison eater was reminded of an owl seeing a mouse shuffling in tall grass, meters away, just before it would fly off the branch and scoop it up into it’s talons. And just as soon Everleigh had decided that she would be hanging around Drastus for today, Everleigh took a large side step away from him.

Drastus Tal'deneshaar Alistair Krixus Edric Ventress
And just like that, 'the boys' had budged open the door. Rupert would have done it one-handed and in half the time, but he realized not every living could be as awesome as his faithful sidekick. Or maybe, he was Ruperts sidekick? That would be an excellent question for a different time. So he would go ahead and store that for later.

When Everleigh grinned, he winked. At least someone else on this little escapade knew how to quip. He was just one guy, he couldn't do it all. When Edristair began to lead the way, Ventress and their instructor would be the next to fall in. That didn't bother him one bit. That left him and Everleigh at the rear, which was a noble profession. At least, in his mind.

He watched as those little orbs continued to clean the scariest person in this little caravan of discovery. And when Everleigh began to spoke lowly again, his attention shifted to her. He was about to reply when he heard a name. His name.

Externally, he was the very product of calm and collected, he would even offer Ventress a smile. "Why, of course, ma'am." His hands were goners. Internally, he prepared for the worst. She was going to take his hands. Or eat them. Or eat him. He would naturally begin to think on a list of reasons why she shouldn't eat him. Too chewy, too much hair, he was... poisonous? No no, that would probably entice her more. His eyes would drift to Everleigh as if in preparation for death. Had to die with something nice in view, right? Smile still plastered to his face, he would wait with his hands outstretched.

Everleigh Ebersol Alistair Krixus Edric Ventress
"Of course, of course My Lad."​

The Archeologist said to Alistair as they stepped into the room.

Edric stepped into the room directly behind Alistair. His torch swung left, then right. A frown pulled at his lips as he noticed the room around them seemed to be almost exactly the same as the one they had just left. "It looks like more of the same."

He commented dryly, glancing back to see the Professor stepping inside just a few seconds later. Ventress and the other two were a few feet back, and Edric couldn't help but frown at the Sirl woman. He had been ignoring her for the better part of two days, or rather had kept as much distance as possible.

Before the Revolution she had approached him, specifically with an intent to recruit him.

There had been many over the years of course. Once it had become clear what Edric would be once he graduated, but...Sirl had been convincing. Enough that he had even faltered on his plan for a few moments.

"It does seem to be!"​

The Professor's voice snapped him back into the moment.

"But of course, except for that."​

Edric frowned for a moment, then glanced in the direction that The Professor was pointing. He regarded a great stone mural in the floor, except it wasn't just a mural. There were dozens of stones, each one sitting on a track that was clearly meant to be moved.

"It's a door! One with a lock at that."​

He sounded far too happy about this.
"Better than just a lock, a puzzle."

Alistair moved to get closer to the mural, but he still had to do his due diligence. He meticulously went about searching for traps in the room. Every few minutes, he would look back to the mural, before continuing inspecting the rest of the room.

Eventually, Alistair looked back, to Edric and the Professor, satisfied. "The rooms clear. You may move about freely...Except for the door. I haven't checked that, yet."

The comment seemed to remind himself as he quickly made his way over to the door. Alistair seemed to be more entranced by the mural itself before he even bothered looking at the movable parts. Something like this was impressive for how long ago this place was built. Of course, with a little bit of magic, it was probably much easier.

Alistair glanced looked back to Ventress, Evie, and Drastus in the other room. What were they wasting their time with, in there? This was far more important than whatever they were doing.

Edric Drastus Tal'deneshaar Everleigh Ebersol Ventress
Just as she suspected.

Ventress lifted her chin and glowered down the bridge of her nose at Drastus's hands. Circumstances in the future might dictate enduring a certain level of filth--of this Ventress was not inexperienced, her service to House Sirl necessitating on occasion the privation of cleanliness. A horrid memory of being completely covered in mud came to mind, this after being submerged in a pool of it and breathing through a reed for forty-eight hours, waiting for her target.

But this was not that. For now, while conditions were well, there was not an excuse which this Initiate, or any of them, could give her which would prove satisfactory.

"Initiate Everleigh," she glanced curtly to her, "produce your waterskin. You were observed drinking less than Initiate Drastus." The implication: you have water to spare.

A command followed. "Wash his hands."

Ventress undid one of the clasps of her jacket and reached a hand within. She pulled out a set of white gloves, identical to the ones she presently wore. She intended to forcibly give them to Drastus once his hands were cleansed--but first they would need to be resized. She would need to acquire an estimation of his hands.

The others were busying themselves with the old architecture and devices of their new surroundings. That was fine. She had assessed a low probability of House Sirl's noted concerns being present in that room.

She would allow Drastus and Everleigh to join them. After she was finished with them.

Drastus Tal'deneshaar Everleigh Ebersol Edric Alistair Krixus
Everleigh was ready to walk her happy ass out to the next big room that everyone was gathering towards but then that gold gaze landed on her. It was a habit, to put that facade back up, and Everleigh expertly dipped her heads and covered her mouth to hide her irritated expression. When she looked back up at Ventress, she nodded, looking completely resolute in this order.

Yessir.” She said in response to Ventress’ command, the only way she would openly diss a dreadlord. She then took out her waterskin, the corners of her lips tilting down ever so slightly. So what if she had been drinking less water? She preferred to use saliva to coat her weapons, meaning she needed her mouth to not be dry or she could accidentally cut her tongue— hardly ever happened but still. But whatever, she’d just take a piss and use that instead. Poison for everyone.

Don’t worry, I promise to not kill you.” She chimed, beaming at Drastus, hiding the fact she had no idea how she was supposed to wash the initiate’s hands. Pouring some water onto his open palms before she poured a bit into her own hand, she glanced at Drastus curiously. She placed the waterskin back at her hip and went straight to work.

The poison eater took care in cleaning his hands, sliding her thumb into the soft grooves. Each and every finger was cleaned individually, despite the obscene gesture of Everleigh capturing the initiate’s finger inside her fist to then quickly rub up and down. Her longer fingers traces the lines in his palms, her nail slightly digging into the rough skin so that every speck of dirt was gone. She even took care in wiping the dust off his wrists before turning his hands over and gently rotated her thumb along the knuckles and joints of his fingers. They were spotless. Absolutely and utterly spotless.

I feel… like I just violated you.” Everleigh said, grimacing a bit and looking at her own hands. “I feel violated, actually.” Who knew there was a punishment worse than getting the ever-living shit beat out of you. She patted her hands along her tunic and pivoted around, jogging over to Alistair and Edric before Ventress could tell her to lick Drastus’ toes next.
Wash.. his hands? This was going to be perhaps the most awkward moment of his short life. And he had zero idea how it would play out. He would even steal a glance at his own hands, were they that bad? He thought he had at least dusted them off.

When Evie looked at him, he offered her an apologetic look, that would fade when she beamed at him. Responding with a grin, he would take a casual tone. "Ya know? I could think of worse ways." He would follow her direction, cupping his hands to start to let the water gather a bit.

Had anyone told him handwashing would be the most intimate experience of his life, he would have called them a liar. But no experience could currently compare. He would keep that devilish grin ready for when she ever looked up at him, after all, had to keep the facade. True calm.

When she reached the cleaning of the individual fingers he would bite his lip so as to not laugh or make a comment. He wasn't going to lie, this felt amazing and apparently was something his hands sorely missed. He would make a mental note to arrange for a servant perhaps. The real pressing issue, however, was what should he be doing? Obviously making any noises of enjoyment would make it weird. Should he smile? Should he keep grinning? More eye contact? Less?

He just tried to make it as bearable for her as possible. And upon completion, a thankful smile. When she spoke, that grin returned. "Well.. I didn't mind, there are worse people in the Order to be violated by." He laughed lightly before leaning in, his voice a whisper. "I won't tell anyone.. if you don't.. for what it's worth, sorry you got dragged into this."

That grin returned to Ventress as he put those beautiful, scarred, and immaculate hands on display. She too, could bask in the glory of clean hands. He would glance after Evie before pausing. He hadnt been released by the Dreadlord.

Everleigh Ebersol Ventress Edric Alistair Krixus
Edric glanced back towards the others for a brief moment, wondering if one of them could take him away from the Professor and his apparently favorite student. When he noticed Evie apparently rubbing up on Drastus and Ventress nearby he quickly turned his attention back to the other two.

"So puzzle?" Edric asked, deciding it was the better option after all.

"Yes. Just as Alistair said, well done lad."​

Praise was rare in the Academy, even with the new 'face' that came with the Revolution. Edric frowned for a moment, though he wasn't entirely sure why. His head shook and he simply stayed quiet as the Professor continued to explain.

"I suspect it's a simple enough thing, likely kept in place to keep out those new to the Tenebria."​

The Archeologist moved.

The puzzle itself wasn't too complex, a grid of nine stones, each one with a pattern that could have been some kind of letter or word. Edric wasn't entirely sure, and he was hardly the most bookish of the Initiates. "What did they need to lock?"

He asked quietly.

"None of the other doors have needed it." The Professor glanced towards Edric, and then towards the door.

"I'm not sure, but finding out is half the fun. Alistair, help me with this. Edric, hold the light."​

The Archeologist said with a gesture.
Yeah, what would they need to lock? It had to be something important. Maybe it was old records, or forgotten tomes on magic, or weapons of rare enchantments. It could also be something back like some type of creature. It did not really matter to Alistair. He was going to open this door, no matter what.

He handed over his own torch to Edric, before moving to help with the door. The puzzle was not too complex. It was an old variant of the language still used today, although with more runic influences. It took him only a minute of analyzing some of the marks before he had an idea of where one or two of them went.

Satisfied with his prospective answers, he went about moving some of them. Although, he would need Professor to help with the others. He would need to brush up on his old languages when he made it back to the Academy.

"If it needed a lock to it then it must be something important, right?" Alistair looked to Edric to see if he agreed with him. His eyes were lit in excitement as his curious nature got the better of him.

The Initiates of the new generation could bemoan their lot to what degree their impetuous emotions desired. That was not for Ventress to correct. That was for their Proctors to correct. But while they were here, under her temporary and ostensible supervision, order would be maintained--a standard of order that met Ventress's satisfaction. Cleanliness was part of that order. Allowing filth to unnecessarily mar one's person displayed a lack of overall discipline that Ventress found to be intolerable.

She observed Drastus's hands once presented, only her eyes moving. Then she held up a hand and removed a single glove--her estimation needed to be precise. Without preamble she pressed her hand to one of Drastus's, mirroring it. She held it there for a moment, eyes flickering with little mental notes and calculations, comparing the difference between hers and his.

Then she pulled her hand away and got to work on the spare set of gloves. Casting a spell. Alteration--part of the suite of general College magic taught to Dreadlords.

"Everything has a use," Ventress said, eyes on her work, tiny motions of her fingers manipulating the spare gloves to resize them with magic. "Some dismiss spells which carry no inherent lethality. They hinder themselves and their mission with a lack of ingenuity. What threat does a swordmaster pose..."

The gloves grew to be perfectly Drastus's size. By corollary, the inverse could be deduced. That a simple set of gloves or gauntlets could be dramatically collapsed in size.

"...when he has no hands."

Eyes up to Drastus. She offered the gloves to him, and did not allow them to be refused.

"Do not lapse in your studies," she said.

Ventress turned sharply on her heel, the smart taps of her shined dress shoes announcing her arrival into the puzzle door's chamber. Beside Professor Theldwin she came to stand, observing the new obstacle before them.

And what Initiate Alistair said was most astute.

Drastus Tal'deneshaar Everleigh Ebersol Edric Alistair Krixus
Tell anyone?Everleigh snorted. It was a wise choice that Drastus hadn’t gone out of his way to try and make the poison eater uncomfortable, after all Ventress had only said to clean his hands, which technically meant that Everleigh could’ve broken them if he had made the wrong move. She may have physically been the weaker of the initiates here, but it didn’t make her any less deadly. “Go ahead and tell others, see what happens.” It was most definitely a challenge evident by the malicious smirk.

She almost wanted to see if Drastus would even dare to do such a thing. There had always been two sides of her: the one that was more sneaky and would create a plan of revenge that guaranteed she wouldn’t be caught and then there was the part of her that was willing to punch someone without a care of who would witness it.

Ooh.” Evie had caught the last bit of the conversation with the professor, Edric and Alistair. She decided not to comment it, there was something more exciting enticing her. “I love games.” It was the truth, and puzzles were a game. She watched Alistair move stones about and tilted her head. The mural was neat. Reminded her almost of the night sky if it weren’t for the out place representation of— “The Sun and Lessat.” She said, pointing out at the first grid row then the second and finally the third.

Each column represents when Lessat eclipses the sun, it happens three times each year. The rows must be descriptors for those days.” She paused. “Or seasonal descriptors.” Looking at the pattern she saw pictures, not an old language or runes that two smartest in the room probably recognized.

This one looks like rain, that sorta looks like lightning, this reminds me of a growing tree…” Everleigh trailed off and looked at the professor, realizing that what she said was probably the farthest thing from the answer. Alistair was being far more rational, understanding the language and here she was saying the runes looked like a tree or a lightning bolt as if she were a child. The poison eater clamped her mouth shut, only fools continued to speak.
  • Thoughtful
  • Yay
Reactions: Edric and Ventress
That malicious smirk was met by another casual grin. It was an effortless expression for Drast. "Oh, hold on." He reached over and would tuck a rogue strand of hair before winking. "Have fun up there, yeah?"

When she walked away, he removed his flask to pour some water on his hand that he touched her hair with, smirking at Ventress while he committed the act. Cleanliness was key... apparently.

Now for probably the second most awkward experience of his short life: glove fitting? He wouldn't lie though, it was pretty impressive seeing her do the work of a skilled craftsmen in seconds. Not only that, he was receiving a lesson. "Woah... what do I have to do to learn that kind of magic?" He would ask. He almost laughed thinking of Rupert with tiny gloved hands.

He would bow his head to her. "Yes ma'am." He replied, taking the gloves from her. "Never lack ingenuity, always think outside the box." He would then pull his fancy new gloves back on.

Gloved hands would clasp behind a more straightened back, after all, he had ascended to gentlemanly battle mage. He would follow behind Ventress, his steps falling in line with hers.

Once they reached the other room, Evie had just started her description of the doors glyphs. Drast had personally slept during the old language lesson, so to him, he also saw the pictures for what they were. "Why not both?" He would ask, supporting Evie as well. "Its not uncommon for the images to represent an important prophecy."

Everleigh Ebersol Ventress Edric Alistair Krixus
"Very astute observations!"

The archaeologist seemed utterly thrilled that the Initiates had taken an interest at all. He had likely suspected that the students would be more of a hinderance than an actual help. The man was practically beaming from ear to ear as he listened to the students weigh in on what was going on.

Edric, unlike the others, did not comment.

Instead he simply listened and watched as Alistair began to move the tiles, with Evie and Drastys both offering their opinions on where everything would go. The Professor of course also weighed in as the stones shifted.

In the end, it almost seemed as the puzzle was a depiction of Vel Anir a annual weather patterns. As though the lock were designed for those who lived within the area, thus solvable by those who made their home in the ancient city of Tenebria.

Edric frowned throughout the whole exercise.

He had largely ignored the more...acedemic side of their upbringing, always focusing more on the their physical training. A trade off, he supposed. Lips thinned, and then suddenly a loud mechanical "CLICK" resounded. It echoed out, and then suddenly the doors in the floor began to rumble. The whole room shook as the heavy stone parted, dragging open and revealing a staircase that ventured even further into the darkness.

"Fascinating. We never even theorized the ruins went this deep."

Edric glanced at the others, then shrugged and began to move down the steps.

This time there were no mosaics on the wall, no carvings, nothing. The party moved down the stair, winding further into the earth until suddenly the hall around them broke open, and a massive cavern appeared before them. Pale light shone through the huge expanse, revealing a city carved into the cliff side opposite them, a single bridge spanning a canyon massive enough to fit half of Vel Anir.

Edric froze in place at the bottom of the staircase, but not because of the sight before him. But instead because of the tiny prickles of life he could feel beyond the bridge.
The puzzle was rather easy once Alistair figured out the trick. He had almost slipped up on one part but made the corrections when he realized that weather patterns had changed slightly from the time Vel Tenebria. Still, it was nothing too difficult.

Even so, Alistair felt a twinge of pride when the door began to open. His years of studying had paid off for something. When the large doors finally opened up, he took back his torch from Edric and followed behind.

His eyes were constantly scanning about hoping to see something new and interesting. He nearly ran smack into the back of Edric when he stopped but he held up just in time. Something had stopped him.

"Edric, what is it? Something wrong." He knew of Edric's incredible power, but he did not know how versatile the power was necessary, but he would not put it past him.

Edric Everleigh Ebersol Ventress Drastus Tal'deneshaar
  • Popcorn
  • Bless
Reactions: Edric and Ventress
Ventress observed as the Initiates solved the enigma of the door. Working as a team, she noted. Which was good. The Academy did on occasion produce Dreadlords who were wholly unusable. If they had no capacity for loyalty, of which teamwork and cooperation were components, then they were unfit to serve a House, let alone Vel Anir. Houses in the old regime, whether they were part of the alliance of four or not, would often enough commission House Sirl's expertise in solving these problems. Ventress had a history of expunging unsatisfactory Dreadlords--her record perhaps surpassed only by her mentor Isbrand (or, to her infinite chagrin in the post-Revolution world, the Butcher of Vel Anir herself).

But they did well. These Initiates. Everleigh and Drastus provided possibilities, collaborative thinking, experimenting. This enabled Alistair to figure out the riddle of the mechanism. They did well.

Except for Initiate Edric. For clarity, though, matters of these kinds were not the reason House Sirl had taken an interest in the boy. The primary value found in his skillset lay elsewhere.

Ventress dismissed the thoughts. Thinking on her brief and past association with the boy brought to mind the loss of a bygone time. A time when her loyalty was fulfilling. And she found this...upsetting.

"Good work," she said in general. Those who had earned the praise would know that it was meant for them.

Down the staircase.

And her first impression about reaching the landing at the bottom was concern for the structural integrity of the land above, so expansive was the cavern and so far down the depths of the underground canyon. It brought to mind, and gave some small credence to, the ludicrously wild tales told amongst mostly drunken fools: that dwarves were all across Arethil, undermining every single major city for this nefarious purpose or that.

Regardless. She did not know if the object of House Sirl's concern was beyond the bridge and lurking within that city or not.

But if he was.

She would find him.

Edric Alistair Krixus Everleigh Ebersol Drastus Tal'deneshaar
Everleigh debated breaking Drastus’ nose the moment he thought he could touch her. She had it all planned out, give him a smile before nailing his nose with one of her swift open palm strikes. While he would be in shock, his hands would instinctively go up to cover his nose— nine times out of ten this is what many who didn’t grow up in the academy tended to do— and then she give him a front kick to his torso and watch him go flying back to land on his ass.

It was Ventress’ presence that kept that from happening. In Everleigh’s mind, just a broken nose and the wind knocked out of you was like a playful slap to the hand. But what would this dreadlord think? Obviously she was still around, perhaps she was even happy with the revolution taking place? Everleigh couldn’t mess up when she was so close to graduating.

In the mosaic room, the poison eater made sure to take wide steps away from Drastus, and even when that staircase was revealed she had done her best to hurry down them. He was supposed to be fun, but at this rate it seemed like he was trying to get her killed. Attempting to touch her? How lame. Did he have no clue about what she could do?

Perhaps she had gotten soft. And if that were the case she’d make sure Drastus learned that academy girls, unless they were Meredith, thought very little of romance.

Everleigh was so lost in her thoughts it took her a moment to really take in the sight of the underground city. At first she frowned. It was suspicious, and she didn’t like that lonesome bridge. She also didn’t like how it seemed this had been hidden away— a total city, right under Vel Anir? But because it was in her nature to do so, Evie grinned excitedly, dipping her head down a bit and pretending to straighten her bangs with her hand to hide it. She couldn’t wait to discover the secrets that resided within this place.
  • Popcorn
  • Yay
Reactions: Edric and Ventress
The door had opened. What a shock. Stone doors that opened to a stair that headed farther down. A simple look around and he noticed the amazement of the teacher. What. A. Tool.

He would bring up the rear of the party and once he reached the base of the stairs he would take a look at the Undercity. It was cool, but he wasn't exactly sure why everyone was so shocked.

He would pause but only because Rupert kept whispering to him. He was getting louder this time. Drastus was starting to think maybe Rupert was from here. Another thing was the faint pings of life. They went hand in hand with the pings of death.

Crouching once more, he would exhale slowly, his gaze fixed on the bridge, his clean gloves, not on the ground. The usual jovial tone in his voice would disappear when he spoke again. "They'll see us approaching while we cross." Potential enemies were nearby and it had been awhile since he had last taken a life. He was sure that would change. Whatever was in the city had a major advantage, only a fool wouldn't be watching the bridge. His gaze would then trail to the Undercity before sweeping the walls for perhaps a less obvious approach.

Everleigh Ebersol Ventress Edric Alistair Krixus