Dreadlords Threads Within Threads

Threads open to all members of the Dreadlords group


House Lorel
Character Biography
Vel Odren - The Palante Estate

Liliana had to stifle a yawn as the Inquisitor continued to offer her and the others their briefing. Her eyes lilting ever so slightly as the man droned on and on. "Miss Lorel, am I boring you?"

Her eyes snapped to attention, drawing onto the man behind the desk. "Unequivocally."

She answered simply, no longer constrained by the title of Initiate, she found her tongue even looser than it had been during her time at the Academy. Though now technically a part of the 'reserves', Liliana had spent the months since graduation taking her proper place as a noble. She had used her cousins favor to make tremendous strides in the scenes of wealth and business.

Marking herself as an up and coming voice, bandying both her own families name as well as that of her main line to gain the ears of those who might otherwise ignore her. Slowly but surely Liliana had built herself a small platform, one apart from her father and siblings, one that she pulled her little strings from all on her own.

Now she just had to grow it.

Which was, why of course she had accepted this invitation from the Vigilite.

"You have a spy." Liliana said, her voice matter of-fact as she glanced around to the others. "Those you have assembled here each have a unique talent or knack which might help in finding them."

Hence her presence. Not only was she wealthy, of means and reputation enough to ordinarily attend events such as was being put on tonight, but her magics also made her uniquely suited for the task. "The task is to find the spy without letting anyone else know there was ever an issue."

She waved a hand dismissively, as though the task were as simple as taking a breath.

Truth be told though, it would not be an easy mission. Though not a Major House, the Palante family was incredibly wealthy. They had cornered the market on purple dyes nearly a hundred years ago, and due to that tight control had become exceptionally wealthy. Tonight's party would be attended by anyone who was anyone, Anirians, Cortosi, and probably even some folk from the Empire.

The Initiate, recalled Dreadlords, and whomever else the Vigilite had called on would have to sift through all those guests, finding the spy hidden among them and never showing any indication of their task.

"Are we done here?" Liliana said, peering across the desk to the Inquisitor who let out a loud sigh and simply nodded. "Excellent. I have a dress to put on."

Liliana said, smiling wide.
"I'm surprised they convinced you to assist in all of this, Liliana."

A familiar voice entered the room, as Alistair stepped through the doorway. Although now blind, his glassy grey eyes seemed to have a talent for piercing through everything in the room in a way that the younger Alistair never could.

He was dressed in his noble best for the festivities tonight as befitting his station, but it was never in doubt that he would be here assisting the Vigilite as he had been one of the members following this trail for weeks.

His prior knowledge allowed him to skip the debrief, and take the time to casually walk the Palante Estate. While others took advantage to speak with the quickly rising head of House Krixus, he took his chance to discretely place his eyes all around the estate giving him open access to much of the area.

Alistair had not seen Liliana in some time, in fact, it may have been the graduation debacle. The last time he had worked with her...well, he would not even think about such a topic. Still, her usual confidence bordering on arrogance was enough to make him smirk.

"It is hard to imagine failure with the talent we have here."

"This is becoming uncomfortably close to a reunion, you've not got Sable or Noel hiding back there too have you?"

Beatrix Umbra had travelled from the Wilds of the East in a matter of days to be here tonight. She was cranky on a good day but naturally with such little sleep and hard travel, she was in an even fouler mood than usual. Leant against the wall next to a woman she would only hesitate briefly before naming her a friend, she continued to toss one of her daggers in the air and catch it - something she had been doing the whole briefing. Having arrived only just in time she still wore her riding clothes that were flecked with dirt and horse sweat but like both of her contemporaries, she had grown into herself this last year in terms of power and confidence.

Pushing off from the wall she caught the dagger she had just tossed and slid it into the sheath on her thigh.

"With all this talent here, it is a wonder who we're hunting. Isn't it?" she flashed both her old classmates a crooked smile. Indeed. For the Vigilite to have told this many people, let alone gathered such a wide range of gifts, that had been the sole question she had been waiting for the Inquisitor to answer. An ordinary spy would not warrant this much force which meant they were lying. Trix didn't like being lied to.

She slid past Alistair.

"See you two in an hour," that was all they had until the ball began.
Vigilite invitation. Interesting. Different mission. Her? Mostly sent to battles. Combat. Not this.

But, as it seemed, Soleil's supervising Proctor was trying to diversify her experience, and thus had authorized Soleil's dispatch for the Vigilite's task here at the Palante Estate in Vel Odren. Soleil didn't mind at all. She had been working on a few subtle techniques for her Sandform, as it so happened, which could help tremendously here. Covert things. Clever things.

Arranged in the office were others with similar inclinations, similar magical aptitudes suited for the purpose the Inquisitor had already explained and which Liliana Lorel had repeated.

Most everyone else was dressed in finery. Expensive clothes. Soleil was not. She was dressed in the black and white dress of a servant girl—already her Sandform was infecting this garb, allowing it to become a part of her, a part of her magic. Even the luminescence of her eyes she tapered down to a natural normalcy.

Lorel, Krixus, Umbra, noble names aplenty, each destined to play the part of the somebodies that a party like this one the Palante family was hosting would attract. And though the Vigilite may have recruited Soleil for this task based on her magic (was it only for that?), and though it was apt for the purpose, it was hardly her specialty. Soleil's true power was that she could be nobody. She could drift from place to place, invisible yet visible, unheard yet available to hear. In being within the shadow of disregard, much advantage would be hers for the choosing. Controlling perception gave way to opportunity.

Soleil loved being overlooked, underestimated, ignored. No one ever suspected her.

They never did.

She watched Trix leave the room with her eyes only, turning her attention then back to Alistair, Liliana, and the others assembled before the Inquisitor. Her smile was delightful, just like that of a servant girl who was happy and content with her station, and eager to please.

Liliana Alistair Krixus Trix
  • Gasp
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Liliana and Trix
"Perhaps for once, those in charge simply desired competence." Liliana said to both Trix and Alistair.

Though she offered no explanation as to how she had been coaxed here, nor did she offer even a glance towards the pile of walking sand in the corner of the room. "It'll be delightful not to have to think for everyone."

She remarked before offering a small wave to her companions and departing down the hall. She really would need the whole two hours to get ready.

It was in fact, true to almost exactly the minute. Liliana, just as the rest of her companions(save for Soleil likely), arrived at the Palante Estate in a rather ornate wagons. Each one pulling up along the long wide driveway which curved just before the massive manor house. Though they had already been staying there anyway, courtesy of the Palante family, it had been decided it would look 'best' if they arrived like every other guest.

As the carriage door was opened for her, Liliana stepped outside. A beautifully elegant gown draped across her shoulders, colored softly, but accented with lengths of gold and jewelry that would have made a mimics stomach jealous.

Her heels softly clicked as she stepped onto the cobbles, rolling her eyes as she noticed the lack of carpet upon the walkway.

It was only a few seconds later that the young Noble entered through the main doors of the Manor. Each held by a separate butler, her name called as she stepped through. The elegance, finery, and luxury beyond something unlike anywhere else in Vel Anir.

Even the capital would have struggled to keep up with the sheer lavishness Vel Odren provided. The splendor of the party before them so gilded and dressed up that it would have been a simple matter to call it obscene.

Liliana only smiled as she looked upon the party, her golden eyes slowly drawing over those in the room. Searching in quiet amusement for the four suspects. Her eyes eventually managed to pluck out one; Ord Vedrin.

He was a Tyrian, if she recalled the dossier right. His bright red hair was tied into a tight top-knot, he wore the black lacquered armor of his people, and right now he seemed to be conversing with one of the Fedwin sisters.

She pursed her lips, musing. Ord, out of all four of their potential suspects, Liliana thought least likely.

The man, as far as they knew, still served Tyr, and relations with the city had been good. Last she'd heard Alistair had made some sort of trade deal with the far away city, and relations were positive, if not outright good.

So, that left her a question...where were the others?
Alistair could only smile at the confidence of his former classmates. It did feel comfortable to work with those in his class, especially since many were not around anymore. The other investigator, Soleil, did cause him to pause. He had worked with her before and she was...confusing to say the least. Hard to understand, but she was by no means incompetent, just confusing.

As the group separated to prepare for the festivities, Alistair took his time. He doubted he would need as much time as Liliana. The only thing that ever took time when preparing was his hair. With his new hairstylist, that he had bought using the funds from his new business ventures, this would all be rather simple.

Alistair arrived at the party in a sleek, yet expensive-looking carriage, while wearing dark fineries that caused a few heads to turn. This was one of the first social events where House Krixus was able to show off some of its newfound wealth. Yes, this was Alistair's chance to tell the city that they were no longer the same.

The other thing that caught partygoers' attention was the slender cane in his right hand that was just long enough to be understood as a mobility cane for the blind. Several rumors had spread through the nobility about Alistair's accident.

Even now, a few guests were looking at him with pity as he slowly and deliberately made his way across the floor. What most of them would never realize is that he could see, better than most in the room with the use of his runic eyes.

One of those eyes was trained on Imanota Spie. Yes, that was apparently their real name, but...that had to be a joke right? The man was a handsome, dark-skinned man with a neat buzzcut. His dossier said that he was a well-known ship captain located in Oban who had made a name for himself breaking naval blockades.

Apparently, he had been invited to the party for services rendered to the Palante family, which Alistair had verified. His connection to the family made it unlikely he was the spy, but...

The name, was it some kind of joke?
"Impressive, isn't it?"

Despite her heels her footsteps had been silent as she had come to stand by Liliana's side. A server paused in front of them to offer them each an elegant glute of champaign, tiny gold specs floating amongst the bubbles. She raised it to her mouth allowing her to inhale the scents and taste the faintest bit on her lips. There was a pause and then she inclined her head, passing it off as a motion to flick the hair from her face, letting her friend know it was safe to drink. Usually she wouldn't have bothered with such pretenses; Trix had always enjoyed others knowing they were being hunted. It had been a part of the fun for her, but the Inquisitor had asked specifically that they take on their other personas for the evening. So the Lady Umbra was dressed in an exquisitely cut dress of deep purples in honour of the family hosting them this evening and her hair was curled and powdered in the latest styles.

She actually did look like a noblewoman for once, and a beautiful one at that. More than a few male eyes drifted their way as they headed further into the crowds smiling and nodding.

"Ba Mei Xiāng might take out the Lords eye with that headpiece," she half laughed as they stopped under draped silks that decorated the room. Her comment, if overhead, would be nothing out of place for a noblewoman to say. For one such as themselves who was trained however it was enough detail to pick out their third target with ease. Most of the noble ladies from Dornoch who had joined for the evening wore impressive headdresses but Ba Mei, youngest daughter to the Dynast, had trumped them all and as she leaned towards their host for the evening it did indeed seem like the sharp points of such headdress might indeed take out an eye on accident.

Most in this room would dismiss the royal but Trix had done her research. Mei commanded some of the secret services wing of the Dynast's army. Her warriors were said to be made of the shadows themselves and that it was almost impossible to focus on them even when they stood with a blade before you.

"It's certainly an interesting crowd."
Soleil, like all the other newly acquired servants for this event, was only allowed to enter onto the premises proper after a full inspection. This meant going inside the vestibule leading to the kitchen and submitting to a strip search. It wouldn't have bothered Soleil if the guard wasn't a woman, but the Palante family was kind enough to procure one for the task anyway.

The guard woman, after thoroughly searching through Soleil's servant dress (and even her underclothes), looked over Soleil's naked body and frowned. "Kress, help yourself to the leftovers after the party is finished, girl. You look like you're wasting away."

"Feel fine," Soleil said with a cheerful smile.

"Keep that attitude and Graves won't give you any trouble," the guard woman said helpfully. Then her eyes settled on something and she gave an inquisitive upward nod of her head. "What's that on your chest?"

"Tattoo. Branded when young." She mimicked a frown, feigning just a touch of sadness she had often enough observed in others. "Family gone. No home. Streets unkind."

The guard woman considered it for a moment, then seemed satisfied. She tossed Soleil's undergarments and her dress back to her. Soleil caught them and put them all on.

Inside the Estate's kitchen, the Headman of the Servants, one Johann Graves, had all of the servants, both the old and trusted as well as the new and inexperienced, gather around him. Graves was the kind of man who retained his position in the Palante family apparatus through his efficiency, his exactness, and his uncompromising nature. And he didn't give a shit what kind of sob story a prospective new servant might have, back out onto the fucking street they went if they displeased him in any way, shape, or fashion.

"Servants, this is what I, and more importantly, the Palante family expects from you," Graves began. "Either the first words out of your mouth, or the last words out of your mouth, better be the guest to whom you are speaking's honorific: 'Yes, my Lord.'; 'No, Councilor.'; 'Dreadlord, would you like more wine?'; 'Sir, shall I take your plate?'" Graves scanned over all of the servants, mostly younger girls like Soleil herself, with some women and a few men and one teenage boy. "You need to be ahead of our guests' desires, you need to anticipate what they want. Stay alert and use your intuition, servants. If I catch any of you, any of you, slacking, I will personally ensure you never work anywhere in Vel Odren again."

Graves went on and on, drilling in all of his specific and demanding expectations. Some of the newly acquired servants seemed outright intimidated by him. Soleil appreciated his directness. Was impressed by it, actually.

Soon enough, the first guests were arriving, and Graves had platters of appetizers, platters of wine or champagne, lined up in orderly fashion (as well as the servants), and like some sergeant ordering his soldiers one-by-one to assault through some narrow pass he assigned servants certain platters and sent them out into the manor's Grand Hall.

Soleil had been assigned a platter of white wine (whether it was Diemut or Alwine or even Obanese import, she did not know nor care). For her, it was heavy, uncomfortably heavy, but she could hold it up for as long as she needed—some large percentage of this certainty being her delusions of grandeur, part and parcel with her psychopathy.

By the time Soleil entered the Grand Hall, a good many guests were already inside, mingling and talking, gathering into small circles, socializing and laughing—among them were her cohorts, Liliana and Alistair and Beatrix. Each had spotted a particular personage on the roster of suspects, and Soleil, after a short time of gliding about on the Grand Hall's floor, was no different. Whom she spotted happened to be none other than Thurbin Hofnel, a wealthy Allirian who owned multiple brothels in multiple cities, all—fittingly enough—adorned in their interiors with purple silk curtains, hence the close relationship with Palante family and the common street name given to Hofnel's chain of brothels: the "purple districts." The man was elderly now, well into his sixties, and still as much a lecher and a lowlife as he was a successful businessman. He had throughout his life no less than sixteen wives, neither claimed nor supported any of his legitimate children (or bastards), and, in support of his business, often recruited "exotic" girls from the far corners and remote races of Arethil by scamming their families with unscrupulous deals designed to prey on their invariable poverty.

Hofnel had, in his elderly years, the habit of exclusively bedding vulnerable girls hardly a third of his own age. And for this reason, he, too, was one of the men whose eyes drifted toward Trix and Liliana...but only for a short while, for soon he determined them to be just a touch too old for his (highly repulsive) tastes. Soleil, however, figured that she could get his attention. Get him alone, even, and easily. He was her primary target this evening.

But first...appearances.

Soleil approached Alistair (eyes? what happen? unaware) who was, at present, by himself, and said with a sunny and deferential tone, "Dreadlord, like some wine?"

She didn't know if he would be able to actually see it, but...she did it anyway. While no other eyes were upon her, her flesh just beneath her cheekbones split open into small and controlled fissures, spelling out the words in sequence:

H O F N E L.

F O U N D.

Y O U?

What target, if any, had Alistair found?

Alistair Krixus Liliana Trix
  • Wonder
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Trix and Liliana
"Ostentatious." Liliana said with a roll of her eyes, giving a sideways glance over towards Trix. "More like."

A smile played over her lips. "Sadly."

She said, letting her eyes slowly gaze around the room. Drawing over some of the guests in attendance. Her lips pursing as if in disappointment. "It seems that Vel Anir is still lacking our exceptional sense of taste."

This wasn't the first time the two girls had been sent to a lavish party together. More than a few of their missions over the years had entailed such environments, and each time Trix and Liliana delighted in slowly tearing down those around them.

A sing song laugh escaped Liliana's lips as she watched the Dornochy woman practically impale Lord Palante through the eye. "Well, if she kills him, it might mean we have a little fun."

She mused, though shook her head.

"Alas." Liliana continued. "My money is on that one from Oban. What a ridiculous name."

The Noble said with a shake of her head.

Of course, had they not been stymied by the Inquisitors outrageous demands of stealth, they could have simply lined all of their suspect up and she could have turned them into drooling imbeciles who would tell her every truth they had ever had. Unfortunately, their hands were bound, and thus they had to play this stupid little part.

Taking a sip of her drink, Liliana mused for a moment more, then gestured towards one of the long banquet tables where the Tyrian, Ord, was engaged in some sort of conversation. "Why don't we introduce ourselves."

Liliana said, slowly beginning an elegant stride towards the man.
Alistair had become quite skilled at small talk, offering small compliments here and there while discussing small unimportant things occurring in Vel Anir. The only strange part was how everyone kept staring at his eyes. Eye contact was considered respectful, but he had never received so much in his life. Of course, they didn't think he could see it, but it was still unsettling.

He took a moment to step off to the side, watching the movements of the crowd with more freedom than he was used to. A servant offered him a glass of wine, only for him to realize it was Soleil. He made sure to make a show of reaching out like he was looking for the glass of wine before he perfectly took it up in his hand.

Turning his magical sight on Soleil was strange, she was easy to see being a mage, but even more so because of how deeply her own magic was integrated into her body. He did not just see Soleil, but he saw every little grain of sand moving within her. Most people did not meet people with moving flesh, it was abnormal.

"The Obanese have quite the sense of fashion, I hear." He said, not clear to who exactly he was speaking. His glazed-over eyes seemingly staring off into the distance, but look right at Imonata.

However, his focus was on looking through one of his runic eyes to find the Hofnel that Soleil had mentioned. He spotted the elderly gentleman in the crowd and made sure to make a memory of his location and his looks.

"Send the privateer your finest wines. As my welcome to our fair city." He gestured to Imonata.
"Yes, Dreadlord. Right away!" Soleil said with the friendly and courteous tone Johann Graves had made it abundantly clear he expected from his servants at all times. Perhaps some of the newer servants, especially in lieu of Graves' intimidating brief, had some trouble in conjuring and maintaining this tone. Soleil was used to it; in a very definitive way, her natural disposition had become just that, a carefree bliss peppered with a degree of aloofness, this from an early age.

Soleil turned, started toward the man so indicated by Alistair's gesture. Eventually, as she got closer, she came to recognize his appearance, his dark skin and his very short hair, from the list of descriptions of their suspects.

Imonata. Name? Peculiar. Obanese people stupid.

Regardless of Soleil's disparaging thoughts, she came within proximity of the storied ship's captain. Waited for him to finish his conversation with a beautiful woman wearing a billowing dress of whites and blues (him? Craving her bosom. Eyes almost falling into cleavage) and then said to him while presenting the platter, "From Lord Alistair Krixus. Wine! As welcome to Vel Odren."

Soleil calculated that using Alistair's status as a noble lord, rather than his title as a Dreadlord, would likely carry more weight with Imonata than the other way around.

Alistair Krixus Liliana Trix
  • Aww
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Liliana and Trix
It felt like an odd homecoming being here with Lilianna again. They had not seen each other in months though they had continued to exchange letters, and yet she felt as though not a day had passed from their last mission together. They were well versed in working together and slipping back into their double act was like slipping back into a pair of well worn shoes. With a glance across towards the Obanese target and noting Sol seemed to have that well in hand, she glided after her friend towards the Tyrian.

Ord had matured into his later years in the same way a good wine did. Touches of silver speckled his beard and the temples of his dark hair, but that only seemed to add to his overall look. He stood at ease in the armour and from his movements Trix knew it was not just a piece he wore for the thrill of it. She could see the way he watched them from the corner of his eye whilst still talking with the man to his left; Jasper Ki'th. Another prosperous Tyrian merchant.

"Well met, gentlemen," Trix painted on the pretty smile of a young noblewoman eager to get the attention of any handsome - and rich - man in the room. "Would you mind if we join you?"
"Of course." It was Ord who spoke, bowing his head respectfully as the two ladies joined their company.

Liliana took the second in their beat of conversation to study the man. Her eyes darting up and then down, inspecting the overlapping plates of his armor, and noting the odd segmented nature. Different than what Anirian's used, though her knowledge in armoring were hardly enough to tell her why.

"May I introduce Mr. Jasper Ki'th, and myself." Tyrian said, gesturing first to his companion, who bowed as he was introduced, and then to himself. "Ord Vedrin."

Liliana Smiled at the man, noting the lack of title in his introduction. A Tyrian custom? Or was he simply lacking one entirely? Jasper was a merchant, they knew, but they were severely lacking on the other man's home life.

The thought would have brought a frown to her face if she were not keeping a tight control of expression. "I am Lady Liliana Lorel."

She said with a smile before gently gesturing to her companion. "This is Lady Trix Umbra, a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

There was no kissing of hands, such nonsense was left to the romantics in Oban. Vel Anir was a militaristic society, and offering ones palm for a kiss in greeting had often been seen as lunacy to the more war-like nobles of ancient Anir. "I assure you, the pleasure is all ours."

Mr. Ki'th said, though neither his tone, nor the way he peered at the two made his words off-putting.

"May I ask what brought you to our presence? Truly, it's a marvel as an outsider to be awarded the attentions of the two most beautiful women in at this party." The line was said with a smile that easily revealed Ord knew what he was doing. A jest on the usual ass-kissing that happened at this place. Meant to make light of the occasion, and endear the women if only a sliver.
Imonata was using big bold gestures as he attempted to captivate the lady before him with an extravagant tale of one of his many escapades, and it seemed to be working. The woman could not take her eyes off of him, and he could not take his eyes off of...something else.

Slowly, he noticed another standing next to them, mainly because the woman was now looking at the servant. Imon turned to see a servant girl with a nice-looking bottle of wine.

"Well, well, don't mind if I do."

He looked back at the lady with a smile and then glanced at the bottle of wine like this gift was even further proof of the greatness that he had been telling her about. For just a moment, Imon looked behind Soleil for what he hoped to see was the Lord, but quickly realized he did not know what this Lord would look like, so he would not care.

"It seems my stories have stretched further than I thought. And you Anirians sure know how to welcome a man."

He popped the bottle, and without waiting for a glass, took a hearty glug of the wine capped off with a satisfied sigh.

Alistair watched Soleil make the delivery and spotted Trix and Liliana making contact with the Tyrians. He would have to remember to see if he could speak with them, as well, simply to see if they had any connections to his business partner.

However, for the moment, he was going to force himself to do something far more uncomfortable. He set his sights on Thurbin Hofnel. A brothel owner with a reputation for poor taste. His brothels had been a popular travel sight for his father. In fact, some of his father's records showed less than legitimate business dealings with the man.

He shuffled his way across the crowd before he finally stopped next to the man and his retainers.

"Thurbin Hofnel, glad you could make it to Vel Odren."

Thankfully, his new blindness offered him one other bonus. He did not need a reason for his smile never making it to his eyes.
Soleil blinked, as if struck by the genesis of an idea formed from Imon's remarks. She cocked her head, as if coming to a slow realization. Then she grinned broadly, as if pleasantly and happily surprised.

All recognized patterns. Easy to imitate. The human face was a system, receiving inputs, manifesting outputs. It was a system she had seen at work for many years, and the patterns were clear. For Soleil, thinking of it this way was far easier, far more intuitive to her peculiar mind (and in some cases, the only way in which her mind could grasp it), than how it was for normal people—which was to say, simply by second-nature maintaining social and emotional awareness.

"Captain Spie?" Soleil said. A confirming question was with overwhelming probability asked during these sorts of "sudden" realizations. This question, with slightly less certain probability, was usually not given time for the answer. Cue excitement. "Wow! You? Very daring! Siege of Alliria? Break through Geladryx's forces! Then ferry soldiers! Make flank attack possible! Help drive off dragon and orcs! Hero!"

All this would help impress busty woman. Busty woman could get Imonata talking. He craved her breasts, so many words would be spoken to gain permission to see them, touch them, in some private place.

* * * * *​

Hofnel turned to regard Alistair as soon as his name was mentioned, a charismatic smile crossing his features. In Hofnel's eyes was a genial warmth as if he and Alistair were old friends, at last reunited.

"Good to see you—" one of his retainers leaned in and whispered in his ear and then pulled back, "—Lord Alistair Krixus. Oh. Wait. Wait, wait, wait, hold on there for just an Allirian minute!"

Hofnel's friendly smile somehow bloomed into an even sunnier grin.

"Ahhhhhhh, those blue eyes of yours! They're too remarkable! You're Amadeus's son, aren't you? Ah ha ha, it's nice to put a face to a name, ah ha, a face to a name!"

Hofnel practically stole one of Alistair's hands in both of his own, and for a man his age his grip was firm and his shake vigorous.

Alistair Krixus Trix Liliana
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Trix
The theatrical man turned and stared at Soleil with a rather straight face for several seconds, before he broke out into a large grin, revealing sharpened teeth likened to that of a shark.

"Right indeed! You're a smart one." He turned back to his drinking acquaintance and quickly began to explain.

"The Siege was quite something, but they never expected someone daring enough to pass through the strait of Darktow. Needless to say, it took them completely by surprise."

Imon seemed to cap off every sentence with a large swig from his newly gifted bottle of wine.

"Of course, it was dangerous, but I knew I had to do it. Not just for all of Alliria, but...for the future." He looked over to Soleil to show he meant the youth like her.

Alistair firmly shook the man's hand making sure to never let the smile drop from his face. He glanced momentarily to the others that surrounded Hofnel before he continued speaking.

"Yes, I am glad to get the chance to meet with you seeing as you and my father shared such a benevolent relationship."

He would not bring up his familial drama, the man had likely heard of his father's death whether he was the spy or not. It was best if he could keep this conversation as contained as possible

"It is rare that the Palante family throws such a wonderful party, but when they do, you have to experience it for yourself."

Explaining why he was here just as much as he was asking Hofnel how he was experiencing the visit.

Soleil Verdane
"R-e-ally?" said the woman in blue, drawing out the word, her interest clearly piqued and visibly shown.

Imon went on to further detail his exploits during the Siege of Alliria, adding a touch more detail than the dossier had on him. The man's own charisma was working, and that was significant: Soleil couldn't tell now who craved the other more, Imon or the woman in blue. Good. More drinks, looser inhibitions, craving for sex, good combination. If Imon was the spy? He might ask a suite of innocuous questions of the woman in blue (whose identity Soleil did not know, but who was likely to be an Anirian personage, minor noble, or even of the Palante family herself). This could help build a good case against him.

And whatever private place they went to, Soleil could be there. Watching. Listening.

"Orc army? Come here. Could have. But stopped. Lost at Alliria. Me? Helpless! But Captain Spie brave. Help stop them." Soleil glanced around the Grand Hall, this while wearing a plaintive look on her face. "Quill? Parchment?" With that same plaintive look she returned her gaze to Imon. "I would like keepsake. Very much! Please?"

* * * * *​

Whether Hofnel knew of Amadeus's death or not, he gave no outward indication.

"Ah, yes, the Palantes, our magnanimous hosts. I wouldn't miss this for the world, as they say. I've got quite the history with the Palantes, as you yourself may well be aware."

Hofnel produced a pipe from coat pocket and handed it off to one of his retainers who dutifully departed to light it for him.

"You're an up and coming nobleman, aren't you? A strapping young man. Listen, Alistair," he leaned in just a hair closer, "I might have a business proposition for you. An opportunity in this brave new age of Vel Anir that no one else has had the balls to come up with, hmm."

Alistair Krixus
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  • Popcorn
Reactions: Liliana and Trix
Trix snapped open her fan to hide the faint blush she willed into her cheeks and her coy smile; the perfect picture of a flattered noble woman.

"Really, you are doing us the favour by saving us from tedious conversation with the Obanese. There is only so much of grape growing a woman can take," she sighed dramatically and rolled her eyes skywards. The Tyrians smiles deepened a little. Two bored ladies were a common enough occurrence at events such as these.

"And you thought we would be the better conversationalists?" their target mused, glancing up and down their outfits.

"Judging by your armour, Sir, we thought we might have more in common. Lillian's family here is heavily involved in our infantry, and my own house our country's cavalry. We were both marvelling at the use of scales - it's not common in the East."
"Ah yes." Ord said as he glanced down at his armor. "An adaption of the Ogres."

Liliana raised an eyebrow, feigning interest. House Virak may have long supported the Guard and Vel Anir's more militaristic ways, but that didn't mean she gave half a shit. What did she care for armor and swords when she could bend the minds of armies with but a crook of her finger?

"Their people say it is an inspiration taken from the great wyrms of Sheketh, an imitation of their Scales." Liliana nodded along, staying silent before she added.

"Fascinating." She said, shaking her head. "Is that why you are here? Hoping to spread such innovations to lands beyond?"

The Merchant let out a laugh. "Close enough to it!"

He declared with a shake of his head.

"We must keep some secrets, of course." The man continued. "But, with ties between our fair cities recently beginning, I had hoped to make make my fortunes. Ord here, thought he would tag along and see some of Vel Anir's famed military."

Liliana's eyes flickered to the man, smiling.
Imon was smiling at Soleil, recognizing her for the godsend that she was. This girl was going to get him laid tonight. He began to check his pockets for parchment, but he already knew he had none. Sighing, he feigned contemplation while shooting a glance at the woman next to him ensuring that she was still interested.

He reached and plucked a simple gold button from his attire, which just so happened to expose more of his chest to open air, and handed it to Soleil with a soft smile.

"I am thankful that I could same an innocent such as yourself. Cherish this, and tell your friends of the day that you met CAPTAIN Imon Spie."

The man had originally thought of handing her one of many rings on his fingers, but there was no way he was giving those away. That was real gold.

Thinking the conversation over, he turned his full attention back to the woman.

Alistair detested the idea of this man being closer to him, but he held back his vomit and leaned in to hear Hofnel's offer. He made sure to look contemplative, almost concerned, before steeling himself.

"Do tell. Riches can only be seized by the bold."

His interest was peaked in actually, hopeful for something he could use tonight. And, maybe it was a good business opportunity, and Alistair would be sure to step in before Hofnel could ever sink his greasy claws further into Vel Anir.
Soleil accepted the "gold" button in her free hand, cradled it in her palm and pressed it to her breast. She was observant, and this vigilance had led her all her life to study and scrutinize the people around her, how they interacted with one another, and, more importantly, how these interactions clarified in that systematic way things Soleil simply did not understand. Gift-giving still baffled her, yes, but the act had a selection of faces, reactions, to how one "should" respond.

And here Soleil's face lit up with the soaring heights of joy. "Thank you, Captain Spie!" Then she said eagerly of herself, "Will show friends!"

This was all the time she could feasibly spare, lest her lingering start to prove detrimental to her purpose. Now, she needed only to observe and wait, to glide through the party, simply one of many among the servants, keeping an eye on Spie but also an eye on Hofnel and the others on the list. At present, however, her arm was starting to tire; holding up the platter of wine glasses was no easy task for her. But her imitation arm, though weak, would recover quickly: she just needed a place to set her platter down for a moment.

She was on her way back to the discreet little kitchen door for just this purpose, having successfully emptied half her platter of glasses given to other guests, when the door opened the moment her free hand reached for it.

Johann Graves was there in the doorway, looking incredibly stern.

"Avery Verdane," he said, using the pseudonym she had given. "Come here."

* * * * *​

Perhaps more to Alistair's repulsion, Hofnel placed a hand on Alistair's back and huddled close to him, this to add a layer of confidentiality to his business proposal. In a low but enthused voice he began to say, "Right you are, Alistair, right you are. And this a bold stroke indeed."

Hofnel sniffed with what one could only ascribe to a sense of pride.

"That Elven Quarter of yours," he said. "It's been there in Vel Anir for a couple years now, hasn't it? Now listen. I don't yet have any business ventures in Vel Anir, but I know a good few Anirians, let me tell you, and their tastes are...adventurous. Pleasant nights with beautiful human women are easy to come by, but...given the environs these gentlemen have to work within...it can be tedious to have to travel so far for a little bit of the novel. These men—" Hofnel let out a raspy chuckle, "—and not just a few women, I should add! These men and women of great standing and great wealth would very much enjoy, and pay, for a certain kind of convenience. And that's where the Quarter comes in."

A devilish grin spread across his weathered lips.

"It can be built in a manner to emphasize discretion, this brothel I'm planning, to better serve the clientele. The Palante family are astounding hosts, astounding, but their reach, their influence, their knowledge only goes so far. You, Lord Alistair, would make an ideal business partner in this, rising star that you are, eh? Eh?"

Another raspy chuckle.

Alistair Krixus Liliana Trix
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Trix
It took an incredible amount of effort for Alistair to keep his face from curling in disgust. He could quickly see why this man and his father had been friends. They both had horrible tastes. The hot breath of this man on his ear was enough to make his blood curdle.

"It's...certainly a good idea for the clientele you already have, but aren't you worried about Vel Anir's views on the elves and other races? We aren't exactly known for acceptance or understanding."

Alistair was not a big fan of the elves, he had fought and nearly died at the hands of too many of them. It was enough that he was always a little high-strung around them, but...the idea of treating them like this. Like pieces of meat in a butcher shop...that was how his father had treated people.

Forcing a smile to his lips, "I would very much be interested."

Soleil Verdane
  • Gasp
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Liliana and Trix
Two different goals, then.

The merchant looking to make his fortune, and the more quiet... soldier? Ord's file had been surprisingly slim, the Inquisitor seeming to have all but dismissed him as the possible spy. They couldn't find a motive unlike the others and so they had discarded him; but everyone had a motive. Even if it was as simple as finding a wife or husband, every person here had come here with an intention. What was his?

She smiled pleasantly to the merchant before glancing once more to Ord.

"I am afraid there is very little in the way of armies here tonight, My Lord. Is there perhaps something... else which brings you here this evening?" she made her lashes flutter just a little, the way most men interpreted as a sure sign of interest. Trix resisted the urge to throw up.
  • Smug
Reactions: Liliana
Liliana listened to the words carefully, parsing through them with the added understanding of her informants.

Most gave more away when they spoke than they thought. A fact which she had come to realize quite quickly over the years. If properly coaxed, the average man and women were more than happy to tell their own life-story, but it seemed that Ord Vedrin was not one of those men.

As Trix offered the warmth of her smile and a flutter of her lashes, the man was as stoic and yet genial as could be. “Yes, that was quite the disappointment for me.”

The Tyrian admitted with a slight chuckle.

“I was afraid I misunderstood the nature of Vel Anir’s…sprawling influence.” He shook his head, and then regarded the two women. “But, your presence has already reinvigorated my spirit.”

The words were said with another of those winning smiles, and Liliana couldn’t help but feel the slight sting of annoyance flicker through her. The man was almost as vague and avoidant as they were. Perhaps he did have something to hide.

”Will you be continuing on your visit to Vel Anir proper then?” She asked curiously. ”There is much to see still.”

Liliana said the words almost absently, but Trix would she what she was doing; setting bait.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Trix
Alistair and Hofnel continued their discussion, Alistair using his innocent business questions to dig for more information from the old man.

It was rather clear from early in this conversation that although the man had a ruthless and deceptive nature. Almost all of his other personality traits were overshadowed by an overbearing and disturbing suppressed sexual appetite that Alistair was struggling to ignore.

As the conversation came to an end, Alistair assured Hofnel that he would be in touch as he offered the man another drink. He never even got a proper exit from the conversation as the old man's eyes followed one of the servants.

A shiver ran down Alistair's spine as he happily stepped away from the man and his entourage

Liliana Trix
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Trix