Private Tales There's always two.

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk

When there's no more room in hell
The Empire
Character Biography

It was time for Sparhawk to lay back for a while. He'd been off doing adventures for almost 11 years, and decided he deserved a little break. He of course loved the adventures he'd been on, going into the open world, meeting new people, seeing new things, going on quests; it was what he lived for. Living in local villages for labour, working the fields in trade for bedding and good, local food. However, he needed a long rest, a few months would do fine. He'd used a connection from a friend he'd met in the north of Alliria, telling him of a lodgings that would be happy to take him for a more than reasonable price

Travelling there was easy enough, his mount had sadly passed on the way there, so he had to join a caravan travelling in the area, and took the long 2 week journey. It'd been pleasant, seeing the environment pass him by, the timid weather lovely on the face, not too cold but not so hot that it made you tire and forget yourself. He couldn't stop thinking of the short nights he'd be having: sleeping all night long to the birds sounding their call and the night life of the trading city lighting up.

Once he'd arrived at his lodgings, he made himself very comfortable very quickly. He loved it, he simply loved it. The bed was far comfier than anything he'd slept on before, and the simple window looking out onto the market street below was a lovely sight both in the morning, and in the evening.


He'd had his rest. It'd been 2 months since he'd arrived in the city, and as much as he'd loved it, it was ample time that he left, and began once more on his endless journey.

He'd heard rumours of a quaint Bookstore on the outskirts that was well respected by many who'd 'perused' it's collection of books and tomes. He decided to make for it, after being given some rough directions by a trader he'd bought some new boots from.

He'd made the long trek through the city, the bazaars and merchant stands littered about the place, always claiming they had the "Best Bargains!" when they clearly didn't. He didn't mind though, they all needed to make a living, and they clearly wanted to sell the best side of themselves, relishing in the naivety of passing buyers.

After walking across cobblestone paths that seemed to span a generation, he'd finally reached the Bookstore.

A r y n ' s B o o k s t o r e
This seemed to be the place. Not very big, but it was definitely the place. He opened the old wooden door, to be greeted by an older looking man sitting across from the book shelves.

"Welcom- Ahh, a wizard!" The man noticed Maho's cloak and staff. He got up, and brought Maho to the back of the store.

"Start from here, you'll find some real hard-to-find books here. Feel free to ask me if you need help with anything..." He walked back to his seat, and sat back in it.

Sparhawk began to 'peruse' the large collection of Tomes. The man was right; there was quite a collection he was amounting, time to spend the rest of the day looking through them...

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Walking along the cobblestone path, Myles folded his father's map and pocketed it in one of the many belt pouches as he pressed onward. He could hear the river flowing through the city in the distance and that would be a sound he would miss. The river brought him much comfort on bad and good days. Each step he took was surging him with adrenaline but he was also startled over the fact that he would be venturing into unknown territory for him.

It was a nice day out but he would have to figure out where he would head to...perhaps to the next town over? Town skipping until he found something? He wasn't sure.

Myles came to a stop in the familiar alleyway where a sign hung above him that read Aryn's Bookstore.

Taking a deep breath he opened the wooden door and saw Aryn at his counter, reviewing ledgers more than likely.

"Welcome to--Myles?! You're back? Everything alright son?"

"Never better Aryn. I am leaving Arillia to study the world...find a teacher in magic and study ancient civilizations. My parents were more than willing to let me explore my own path. You were right....nature would be a better teacher"

"I don't believe're really leaving aren't you? Now who could I talk to about the history of the Kavosh? I'll miss ya Myles."

Myles shook the man's hand and was looking through his inventory one last time before he left. Sure there were other bookstores but Aryn is why he came to this establishment. Aryn was like a grandfather to him and he would surely miss him.

"OH! Wait, there was a wizard lookin' fellow that dropped by. Maybe he could point you in the right direction? I....I think he is still here...somewhere. You'll just have to find him. Before you go though, take this"

Aryn handed Myles a small book that was leather-bound but the pages were blank. "What's this for?"

The old man chuckled "To document your journey! You will want to write things down my boy! Perhaps you can bring it by so I can read it! I may not be able to travel but a good story always gets me hooked"

Myles nodded with a smile as he walked around the bookstore looking for this stranger that could potentially tell him where he could hone his magic.

Walking to the back of the store, Myles heard books hitting the shelves and he approached the sounds each second and would soon be face to face with this stranger that he hadn't seen in Alliria before.
Whilst looking through the various tomes on offer, he found some real good finds:

  • Elemental Magicks and it's various Applications
  • 23 ways to Conjure a Herald
  • The purpose of Language in the Usage of magic
  • Amplifying weaker arcane runes
  • Oskavosh: Where did it go and who still speaks it?
He decided he'll most likely take these and 'peruse' them in his own time. They'd be great to read whilst he makes his long journey to back to Elbion, to observe their new apprentices and help them with their various study. Seems to be the only way he keeps afloat these days...

Suddenly, this scholarly looking fellow approaches him. Looks about the same build and age as himself, also looking like he was observing the offerings of the bookstore.

"Well, uh, Do you need help with something?" He brought out his hand to meet his, a gesture of friendship.
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Seeing this stranger who wielded a staff and donned a cloak...could this be?
"Forgive my intrusion...Aryn was telling me that you are a wizard perhaps?"
Myles brought his hand out to shake in a friendly gesture.

Glancing at the stack of books that this stranger had reinforced his theory. The book on top was 'Elemental Magicks and it's various Applications' which is a book he only glanced over but in his novice status, he was unable to apply the applications correctly.

The man didn't look like anyone from Alliria and he noticed a white scar covering part of his face but he dare not bring attention to it. Laying his walking stick against a bookshelf he returned back to this new acquaintance and was eager to hear his story.

"If you are a wizard by chance, perhaps you could point me to where I could learn under someone....or perhaps tell me if the College of Elbion is the only place to go?"
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"Yes, Sparhawk, i studied at Elbion..."

Interesting. Of course Maho had met other young warlocks in his time that wanted to start their magical careers, always eager to run off to the College of Elbion and became great sorcerers and spellweavers. However, he didn't expect to find someone like this rummaging around in a bookstore; he always found that calibre of person hanging around outside, practicing second-rate spells they'd seen someone perform once. This was interesting.

"Well, i know a few wizards who travel through here who might be able to take you on. Tell me, what's your magical experience?" He eagerly asked.

This was an important question, every aspiring Sorcerer had to have some base knowledge before Starting as an apprentice, especially at the college.

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While shaking Sparhawk's hand, Myles introduced himself politely.
"Myles Widogast, a pleasure to meet you Mr. Sparhawk"

This mage seemed to be around the same age as Myles or vice versa. The fact he was already well studied in Elbion made him eager to study magic. He didn't want to look like a fool in front of someone who could potentially show him the way to a better understanding of magic.

"I would be most grateful!....I know the five laws of magic extensively and I have studied excerpts written about and by Gildesh. As far as real experience, I did save a man last week by forcing him to move out of harm's way. I practice basic spells in my spare time such as lifting a small rock from the ground or something limited. I get drained if I practice too much but that's what I wish to improve. Well....I wish to improve everything really."

Given his answer, Sparhawk could see that Myles wishes to prove himself as he couldn't find a viable mentor here in Alliria.

Maho Spahawk
Very eager indeed. He could tell that Myles was very enthusiastic about the study of magic, clearly taking a lot of time to study the various laws that comprised the Arcane, and could count himself lucky that he had such a good Collection of Books to study from.

"A shame you don't live closer to Elbion." He scratched his head, thinking.

"Well, you seem to have the capacity for it. Good to hear you're trying to apply yourself in the correct ways." He took a seat out from a nearby table and sat.

"Indulge me. Why do you wish to practice magic? Important first to know the why before the how."

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When Sparhawk mentioned Elbion he frowned slightly, wishing to have had a chance to study at the prestigious college. Instead of maintaining the frown Myles engaged further in the conversation.

"What's a shame is that I waited so late to really engage on my journey. I appreciate the kind words friend. I have read accounts on some mages being killed by the very power they thought they mastered."

Myles walked over and grabbed a seat across from Maho and continued the conversation.

"When I was a boy, a traveling mage came to town and I saw him practice magic and he told us stories about the wild things he had seen in his travels and would enlighten us by demonstrating spells for us. He was sent out of the town for 'endangering children' ever since then I wanted to harness magic more. I studied at the Allirian Academy and majored in Arcane History.

I guess in wanting to harness magical ability I seek knowledge of the world. I wish to find The Forbidden City and explore its origins and I wish to become a well taught mage. I can't fully explain the why to it. I just feel really drawn to magic."

Maho Spahawk
Sounded familiar. As much as a town being visited by a mage is very different than a slave being saved by one, he could relate to Myles' situation. Not being able to do what you truly want to do, even when you work so hard; it struck a chord.

"The forbidden city? I remember going there when i was not yet a man- beautiful of course, there's nothing stopping you." He sat and pondered for a moment. Sparhawk was going to head towards Elbion of course, and there could be many adventures awaiting him, especially for a young aspiring wizard.

"Listen: if you really want to see what the life of a sorcerer has to offer, i'm heading towards Elbion to pick up a few things. I'll be making many stops along the way..." He stood up, and heaved his pile of books.

"It wouldn't be right of me to not offer what i am able. If the life of a mage is what you seek, you're welcome to come along."

He knew the path would be long and arduous, but it simply wouldn't be right to refuse him his dreams, knowing without his master, he wouldn't of reached his.

"Unless, you want to keep reading books of course."

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Myles tried to hold his excitement back when Maho mentioned that he had been to the Forbidden City
"Wow the Forbidden City? I always wanted to delve in the secrets housed there....if there are any"

He listened intently to Sparhawk and absorbed everything he said.

"The life of a mage and scholar is what I truly want. I don't think I could ever repay you for the kindness you are giving to me. I will say that I have worked general labor around here so I can assist with any tasks that you may have. I wish to learn and I am willing to work and fight for it"

The thought of staying in Alliria reading books for the rest of his life was not piquing his interest. He enjoyed reading but he would have time to do that later when they were both on the road.

"It's funny. I was actually about to leave Alliria for good, so I stopped by here to say my goodbyes to Aryn. Elbion is where we are headed though? My this will be quite a journey."

Myles sat in a proper manner and was ready to hear what Maho had to say next.

Maho Spahawk
"Good answer." Sparhawk thought to himself, laughing a little, he liked the tenacity of him, and the fact he was willing to take the advice and go under the tutalige of a man he just met. Worrying, but brave.

"It will be. But i have much to teach you before we reach there. A labourer eh? Well, first--" Sparhawk dropped the books he had just collected into Myles' hands.

"You can start your training, by carrying those for me." They weighed a ton, and he might as well take the offer whilst it was still on the table.

He picked up his robe he'd put on the chair, and fastened it around him once more. Taking hold of his staff, be began to make his way to the front of the store.

"I'd say your peace whilst you're still home lad. We've got a long road to traverse. I'll wait for you outside." He smiled at Myles, and began his way through the door, nodding to Aryn as he exited. Nice to have an apprentice...

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"There will be much to learn but I am willing to--"
As soon as the books were dropped into his hands, he acknowledged this was the price of admission to learn under a mentor and he greeted it. He stowed the mage's books into his rucksack so he still had the ability to use his hands.

"Sure thing! I'll carry them."

Sure Myles was weary of people that were not from Alliria but something exciting told him that this was his chance to make a name for himself. The man seemed reasonable enough and he was in Aryn's shop perusing the various selections. Not many came to his shop.

"All I have to say is my goodbyes to Aryn and then we can leave whenever you wish Maho."

Myles went over to Aryn and thanked him for the tip on this stranger and departed the bookstore for one last time....for a while at least.

"Alright, I am all set. I do however, have a map with points of interest marked on them should you need me to take a look. Other than that I will be following your lead"

Being an apprentice would be hard work but he remembered his Arcane History thesis he had to write and he soon changed his mind. Apprenticeship would be a fun but arduous journey. He was ready though.

Maho Spahawk