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"War games? The others got to go on a real mission."
Tuon glanced sideways at the boy standing next to her. He towered above her by a good foot or so and his build was the sort that kept others from getting to close out of self preservation, but the expression on his face made him look like a petulant child. She only resisted the urge to roll her eyes because she too questioned their assignment. Last night several of their year group had been swept off on some mission to the Borderlands, to actually fight. The rest of them had been patiently waiting all morning for their own call to arms only for the High Ascendent before them to announce they were to take part in a game. Was she being punished? It made no sense. The Instructors had given her little to improve upon and she had gone from strength to strength during the last month. Even her father had given her a rare piece of praise.
So why was she only being given games?
"You will be split up and join one of the established squads temporarily. This will be as much a chance for them to lead as for you to learn to follow orders in heated situations," the woman on stage was practically smiling. Clearly she wasn't bothered about not going to the Borderlands. Tuon gave a quiet huff and folded her arms across her chest. "Treat them as you would any Wing Leader. Your mission is to try and rescue an egg which had been taken from the Hatchery. It will be fiercely guarded and only by working together will you succeed in locating it, and defeating its guardians. There are no rules to this match for there are no rules in war. Perhaps, if you survive, you will earn a place in the squad permanently."
That caused a murmur to ripple along the newer recruits. Tuon rocked onto her feet to take a look at the cohort of older riders and weighed up their pros and cons.
"Listen to your names, when called join your Wing Leader. Tuon Stryker - Fourth Squadron."
Tuon glanced sideways at the boy standing next to her. He towered above her by a good foot or so and his build was the sort that kept others from getting to close out of self preservation, but the expression on his face made him look like a petulant child. She only resisted the urge to roll her eyes because she too questioned their assignment. Last night several of their year group had been swept off on some mission to the Borderlands, to actually fight. The rest of them had been patiently waiting all morning for their own call to arms only for the High Ascendent before them to announce they were to take part in a game. Was she being punished? It made no sense. The Instructors had given her little to improve upon and she had gone from strength to strength during the last month. Even her father had given her a rare piece of praise.
So why was she only being given games?
"You will be split up and join one of the established squads temporarily. This will be as much a chance for them to lead as for you to learn to follow orders in heated situations," the woman on stage was practically smiling. Clearly she wasn't bothered about not going to the Borderlands. Tuon gave a quiet huff and folded her arms across her chest. "Treat them as you would any Wing Leader. Your mission is to try and rescue an egg which had been taken from the Hatchery. It will be fiercely guarded and only by working together will you succeed in locating it, and defeating its guardians. There are no rules to this match for there are no rules in war. Perhaps, if you survive, you will earn a place in the squad permanently."
That caused a murmur to ripple along the newer recruits. Tuon rocked onto her feet to take a look at the cohort of older riders and weighed up their pros and cons.
"Listen to your names, when called join your Wing Leader. Tuon Stryker - Fourth Squadron."