Thunder of Thanasis The Thunder of the War Drums [FULL]

Threads open to all members of the Thunder of Thanasis group
Eira nodded to Leovold, herself and Tyafainne out of sight the moment the heirs of the House Solherre and House Malennis made eye contact. Her orders were given.

From above, it was hard to notice anything out of the ordinary, but as rider and bonded weaved through the night sky, untraceable to other gazes, Tyafainne began to scent a thunder close by.

Her eyes were adjusted to the dark better than any not born from Malennis blood.

The skies were the domain of gods, but as the moons shone through cloud cover, Eira willed her bonded to take a lap in order to keep pinpoints of the other wings participating in War Games. The light wind carried several scents upon the air, Tyafainne huffing once they became clear of the directions they came from.

Below... the presence of black dragons would not be seen by Eira or Moon Dragon until they broke from the uneven terrain.
The Wingmates fell in, and it wasn't long before three of them had landed before the so-called Ravine of Death. It didn't take much more than a peak for Leovold to be reminded of exactly why the Jarlax had been so keen to hole up there in the first place. It was riddled with hiding places and treacherous terrain, a winding tube that was perfect for laying and springing traps. The fact that the "walls" of the ravine hung overhead in such a fashion that visibility from above would be denied to Eira was not lost on Leovold.

Everything about this made the hair on the back of Leovold's neck stand on end. Training exercise or no, he suddenly didn't care for what they were headed into.
"Both of you, be aware that we're almost certainly walking into a trap..." he cautioned the two women, though he imagined there wasn't much either of them could do about that knowledge.

"Slight change of plans: we're going to cling to the western wall, tight as we can without getting caught on any of the rock formations. Visibility is our opponents' ally and our enemy. Better to level the playing field. Iralux will be lighting the way."
Tuon eyed first the Wing Leader's sun dragon then her own glittering beast. Staying unnoticed seemed a particularly tall ask for their squadron, but that didn't mean she disagreed with the idea. At least Satia's black dragon would be able to all but camouflage itself against the shadows. Perhaps between two golden dragons they would go unnoticed and become their secret weapon in a fashion. Her eyes followed Leo's along the ravine walls and she suppressed a small shudder. The egg could be anywhere.

So could a Jarlax.

She wouldn't put it past the Ascendants to have brought in some to add 'accuracy' to their task. Her father had spoken of just such an exercise when he was a recruit and she had been waiting for it to be sprung on them ever since. Maybe they wouldn't risk a noble in that way...

"Maybe we should call down Eira - female dragons are usually able to scent out eggs," she suggested after they had flown a bare quarter of the wall with no incident.

From the Eastern Wall the squadron of Blacks began to take formation. A single rider rose into the thinner parts of the mist and shadow, where they could be clearly seen for a few moments, before vanishing once more into the gloom.
Satia fell in behind Leovold as the three descended into the Ravine of Death. It was dark and Satia knew the rest of them were thinking what she was thinking- the egg could be literally anywhere; the shadows did not make it easier to find it.

She was just about to agree with Tuon's statement about getting Eira down here when she saw something flicker in her peripheral vision. She thought at first she had hallucinated but Lyraxis growled beneath her, muscles across his back rippling in unease. His sight was naturally better than hers, and so when his beady gaze was trained to where Satia had seen the flicker of shadows, she knew there was something there.

"I think we are being followed," Satia said softly, surprised at the level of calm in her voice. It contrasted sharply with her pounding heart but she almost wished whoever it was showed themselves and attacked- she could use a good fight, and so could Lyraxis. He released a rumble deep in his throat as if to agree.

Eira Leovold Tuon
Tyafainne spied it the moment Eira felt the air shift.

Movement in the shadows of the ravine, enough to ripple and disturb the stagnant dark left there. Eira readjusted herself in her seat, willing her dragon to dip lower and take a better glance on the next pass overhead.

Tyafainne scented the dragons, withholding a warning growl that would give away their position. They blended with the night, better than a shadow in the sky as a black dragon erupted from the darkness below and began to search for the scent it caught.

Land. Our scents will be dampened by the earth. The moon-touched bonded evaded the scouting dragon, weaving through before coming to ground in front of her wing. She could see them in the dark, but her eyes were better adjusted for the dark than any other not bonded to a moon dragon. Eira stilled her breath, watching them slowly wade through the terrain.

The dragon above was now circling, trying to follow Eira and Tyafainne's scent but to no avail.

There would be others, she thought to herself. That dragon came from the darkness of shadow, and she had not seen any other movement save for the rippling disturbance.
All as expected. Dimly glowing eyes met Tuon's first, taking into consideration her suggestion, then Satia's. Leovold grinned confidently.

"Good. Then there's no sense hiding any longer, is there? Shield your eyes," Leovold stated matter-of-factly, placing his hand on the back of his dragon's neck. Intent flowed between him and his bond-mate, and the sun dragon began to rile himself up. "Do it, Iralux."

For just a moment the glowing that began to emanate from Iralux built gradually, but suddenly the dragon became a burning beacon of light. True to his namesake, Iralux radiated light like the sun, scattering the shadows from all around them. The light shed out all through the ravine and beyond.

There would be no hiding for their pursuers, and no room for doubt for Eira: a signal so obvious would surely let her know it was time to rejoin the group.
As the shadows retreated, Tuon held her breath waiting to see what size of squad waited for them to tackle... but nothing appeared.

The ravine appeared completely deserted. Even the black dragon they had sighted earlier appeared to have dissolved with the shadows at the onslaught of light. A very bad feeling began to creep up the back of Tuon's neck, making the hairs along her arms stand on end. Nazharul growled beneath her, also unsettled by what was revealed.

"Maybe we should--" But Tuon would never get to voice her plan. The fist of black dragons hit them from the very side of the cliff to which they had been hugging. They dove from small holes and caverns into the side of the group, sending them scattering across the ravine.
There were a few moments where nothing happened, only giving everyone's hearts more time to race.

But then they were on them in moments. A squad of black dragons appeared seemingly out of the rocky ravine wall, sending the three dragon riders skittering away.

Satia jumped in her saddle, her heart leaping into her throat as Lyraxis dropped several feet to avoid the searching talons of his fellow black dragons.

"Holy hell," she muttered, pressing in close to Lyraxis. She tried to urge him to the side, to gather once more with their squadron but he pointed his maw upwards, a deep roar curling in his throat. He snapped his teeth at those sent to interfere with their hunt for the egg, sending them scattering just as they had done moments earlier.

It was all Satia could do not to slide off the back of her saddle. She cursed loudly and colorfully as Lyraxis righted himself. She knew she was going to get berated by Mr. High and Mighty for not being able to control her ornery dragon and not working with her squadron as a team.

She told herself that her thick-headed dragon was not stupid- just protective of his rider. That was definitely it.

Tuon Eira Leovold
Tyafainne made a move forward, but Eira willed her to stop, to wait and watch. Her dragon was young, still eager to show her worth, but Eira knew how humans would think in order to win. She had been shaped to think like that longer than she knew how to ride her bonded.

She watched as black dragons emerged from the pitch darkness, as if they formed the ravine themselves and not leaping out from the caves. Only when she realised there was a black dragon within reach did Eira now turn to her bond, willing to work with her dragon.

They will not see us, but they will scent us. Wound, do not kill.

It had been a necessary note to make. Moon dragons were protective, of their young and their riders. They had few hatchlings each year, and far fewer riders among their bloodline. It was hard not to be on the defensive.

Tyafainne rumbled before leaping into action, and Eira was glad to have a hold on the horn of her saddle to keep upright. The moon dragon barreled into the black dragon, who was only a few feet taller than Tya but their footing was not as surefooted as the moon dragon's.

Dragon and rider rolled down the ravine, rocks and trees cutting them on their way until they found a stretch of flat to catch themselves on.

Not one to waste opportunity, Tyafainne and Eira moved closer to Satia and her own black dragon. "We should work in pairs." Eira's dark eyes made a quick count of the fist of black dragons, cursing. "Two riders and dragons unaccounted for." She called out, so that Leovold and Tuon could become aware their attackers were looking for the egg.

Leovold Tuon Satia Lyris
Bloody hells. There they were. That their assailants had managed to stay hidden in spite of Iralux's light spoke to the competence of those they now dealt with. Or perhaps there was still some sort of trickery at work here...time would tell.

"Mind the terrain as you engage!" Leovold hollered to the group. Eira had already made to rejoin, and the tumbling black dragon she'd struck on her way down did not go unnoticed by the wing leader. Satia seemed to be struggling with keeping her bondmate in check, and Tuon had flown way out of formation to avoid being struck. Leovold let out a "tsk," annoyed at the lack of discipline.
"Defensive formations, now! Eira with Satia, Tuon with me! Keep eyes on each other, call things as you see them!"

No sooner had he delivered his orders did one of the missing black dragons strike up from a nearby cavern. Leovold pulled, on both reins and will, and Iralux did a tight barrel roll. The sun dragon unleashed a stream of light from his maw that chased the black dragon even as it glanced Ira's side, the beam chasing its target with a violent hiss before the assailant once again dove into the cover the caves provided.

All the while, Leovold's sharp eyes watched. Not just for signs of further attacks, but of feints. Of blurred edges on so-called "dragons" and indistinguishable features of their "riders." Illusion magic was rare, but never something to be ruled out.
"I'm okay," Tuon reassured Nazharul with a gentle pat to the dragons neck. He had reacted in taking them out of harms way before she had even registered there was harm to be faced. His muscled were bunched and tensed beneath her and through the bond she could feel the confusing bundle of panic and stress brought on by memories of the wyvern attack where he hadn't been quite so fast. Her assurances seemed to soothe him however and she was able to guide him back into position by Leo's side.

This time, when a cluster of black dragons emerged both in front and behind the group in a well orchestrated pincer movement, Nazharul and Tuon didn't flinch. Instead the jewelled dragon's signature jet of flame speared one creatures wing, pinning it to the side of the mountain like a butterfly caught in amber.
Thankfully, Lyraxis got his head straight on his shoulders again as they took formation. The big black dragon was able to focus his anger on their enemy without sacrificing Satia's role in her squad's defense formation.

As Nazharul pinned one dragon with flame, Lyraxis took advantage of how close the other black dragons were and pushed forwards, his huge maw stretched wide to take a good chunk out of one of the black dragon's forelegs. Roars echoed from both Lyraxis and the dragon he had chomped on.

Satia focused on the enemy dragon's rider as Lyraxis battled in mid-air. They were cloaked in black and bent low on the dragon's back, nearly blending in with the dragon itself.

Eira Leovold Tuon
Tyafainne did not need to be given anymore instruction. Quiet, striking quickly, the moon dragon blended in the dark as well as black dragons moving to disrupt them. As much as the young dragon wished to let out her piercing shriek unique to her bloodline, she understood the importance of this testing game.

When the black dragon caught in blows with Satia and her bonded began to swing their tail, Tyafainne and Eira were there to take the brunt of the hit. Eira steeled herself, kept herself rigid as her dragon too swung around her tail to take the majority of the hit meant to unseat Satia.

Eira felt the air leave her lungs as she gripped tightly, feeling her shoulders turn cold at the sudden pull to keep herself seated, but soon turned to see where Satia still fought against the other rider. A swell of pride filled her momentarily as she saw her squad mate now had the upperhand, the other rider dropping their oncoming attack to grab a hold to keep upright.

Tuon Satia Lyris Leovold
"A good start!" Leo shouted as the riders fell into position and began their work. He had to trust that Eira and Satia would know what to do; he and Tuon would have to handle their aggressors before aiding the other duo.

The Solherre rider expressed his will and Iralux answered, barrel rolling over top of Nazharul and swatting away another black dragon as it charged in. Another stream of searing light shot out of Ira's maw and more of the assailants scattered, unwilling to let themselves be vaporized by its touch. Iralux was restraining the strength of his blasts, but only barely. Anything that got caught by his breath would still suffer terrible injuries.

Even still, the numbers their foes were putting up seemed...unlikely. Almost unreasonable. What was the trick here?
"Don't let your guards down, stay wary!"
Suddenly a call went up from amongst the black dragon squadron. An order to retreat. Those who were injured spared no time in spearing their way towards the caves, and those who had the upper hand threw the fresh faces a sinister smirk before following suit.

"Is it me or has it got... darker?" Tuon said softly as Nazharul reined in to fly wing tip to wing tip beside Irlax. Indeed, the cadet was right. Above them the sun had vanished and a dark fog had moved in to obscure all trace of the sky above. The unnatural fog rolled down over the valley edges and filled in the gaps. Soon it was hard to make out any of the dangerous ragged rocks.

From the fog came the tell-tale chittering of Jarlax.
Something wasn't right here.

Satia, Tuon, Leovold, and Eira fell into formation quickly and fought together well, but it lasted all of fifteen seconds before there was a call from the enemy squadron to retreat. Lyraxis had just given an almost human-like snicker of victory when a strange darkness descended upon them, heralded by Tuon.

Satia tightened her grip on Lyraxis as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. It was difficult to make much out, but she knew her black dragon could see more than her. Even still, she didn't need to feel his muscles tensing beneath her legs to know that something was not right.

And then she heard it.


Eira Leovold Tuon
Eira whipped her head to where the blemish of darkness was descending upon them, her eyes seeing the dreadful silhouettes.

"Jarlax." It was scathing on her tongue as she hissed through her teeth. Tyafainne was not the only dragon to move into immediate action; her ease of seeing through the darkness gave her better lead to show the small group towards a small clearing that was enough open space for them to take off into the air. The sky was the domain of the dragons, the breeze that carried many wings of gods.

"Go!" She called out, voicing the urgency. For the black dragons slithered into the caves, they were left out in the open. Their bonded drakes were better suited for combat in the air than here on the earth.

Leovold Tuon Satia Lyris
Chittering darkness. Leo had encountered this madness before, and there was generally only one other creature he was less enthusiastic about encountering. At least Thagretians had the courtesy to keep their Nephilon abominations out of Thanasian territory...Jarlax had no such qualms.

The trainers had made the correct decision, to get the hell away. The caves odd decision if they were trying to avoid their ancient enemies, but perhaps they knew of safe exits that he did not. He had to hope that was the case, as Leo, too, was smart enough to know the first rule of engagement with Jarlax scum:

"UP! UP! Get as high into the air as you can, as quickly as you can!"

Unnatural darkness or no, Solherre eyes were ever vigilant and the clearing was easy for him to spot. Whatever games had been planned would have to wait. The adepts were about to get a taste of real combat, whether they liked it or not.
Nazharul let out a low growl as the group climbed upwards, desperately seeking to get above the darkness that had rolled in. Her father and mother both had told her of the odd, unnatural magic the Jarlax possessed and the reasons why they were so dangerous for dragon-kind. A single touch and they would begin to leech the magic from their dragons very scales, making them weaker and in turn strengthening themselves.

The High Ascendant's really weren't fucking around with tests this year.

They broke from the unnatural darkness and Tuon felt the tension in her chest ease a fraction, even though the unnatural chittering still continued. It was hard to pinpoint it in the fog. One moment it seemed to be close to them then another moment far away.

"They can't have released many, they will have to feel confident about controlling them or the egg would be in danger," she wasn't sure if she was trying to convince herself that their trainers weren't attempting to kill them, or give some confidence to her fellow cadets.

"It could even be a mimic dragon down there and not a jarlax at all."