Sunset in the city was a marvelous time. Shops set up lights, the sound music and laughter rose up louder into the air, and the streets became more and more empty. Yet, at the docks, there was still a bustle. Business there often ran late now-a-days, and more and more it became obvious why. Pirates, and with each passing month they seemed all the more intent on raiding merchant vessels and other shipments.
They'd even hit Imperial ships.
"They're all fine, move along," said the dockmaster, finally satisfied with the manifest.
"Its about damn time, I could've been half way to Cortos by now... we might as well stay the night then," said one of the sailors.
Aiari shrugged, sauntering by the dockmaster and his armed guards. They were about his height, armed to the teeth, and didn't so much as cast him a look. He deliberately stopped alongside one, and leaned in closer to him.
No reaction.
Aiari narrowed his eyes, oh so tempted to lunge at him in some feign attempt to startle him, but he relented. Felt as though he might get a good jab in the gut if he made such a move. He did know better, and he trusted his gut. Don't stab the gut.
So he carried on, catching up with the other half-a-dozen sailors he'd been tagging along with for the last few weeks. There was a tavern just up from the docks they'd been told, and so what better place to go at this point. With the sun setting low, they may as well make themselves at home.
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