Ubnara Debadn
Human-tainted blood cursed this orcess with the desire for more than the simple tribal life. She took her skills out into the world, where she strives to find her place. But a gruff, uncivilized she-orc is not always welcomed.
Like most of her kind, Ubnara presents an impressive stature compared to other races. Her frame is wrapped in thick muscles and covered in skin that bears a number of scars and tattoos, both permanent and temporary. Her face bears the sharp, rugged features of orc blood, but retains a human softness, lacking tusks and heavy brow. The human-genes have also tinged her black hair with violet strands, and given her lighter skin for an Orc.
Ubnara lacks the modesty of civilized folks, preferring simple, sparse clothing, both for ease of movement, pride of physique.
Ubnara lacks the modesty of civilized folks, preferring simple, sparse clothing, both for ease of movement, pride of physique.
Skills and Abilities
Hunter: Ubnara is an expert in tracking game (both non-sentient and sentient) and taking it down with bow or spear. trained to hunt from childhood, when emplying shaman magic gives her exceptional sense of hearing and low-light vision that helps her track her prey.
Shamanism: While never taken in as an apprentice, her uncle, a shaman, secretly initiated his mongrel niece into the spirit arts. He called the strong and agile girl his 'little panther.' Fate and the ancestral spirits gave her an affinity for the mountain panther. She is able to draw upon the animal's superior sense of hearing and low-light vision.
Melee (ambidextrous): Like most Orcs, village life included intense training in combat. Ubnara tends to lean towards lighter weapons, one in each hand, which she wields with incredible speed and power.
Smarter than your average Orc: Ubnara's wanderlust has taken her to many lands, where her keen intelligence and curiosity has helped her gather a considerable body of knowledge for an orc.
Shamanism: While never taken in as an apprentice, her uncle, a shaman, secretly initiated his mongrel niece into the spirit arts. He called the strong and agile girl his 'little panther.' Fate and the ancestral spirits gave her an affinity for the mountain panther. She is able to draw upon the animal's superior sense of hearing and low-light vision.
Melee (ambidextrous): Like most Orcs, village life included intense training in combat. Ubnara tends to lean towards lighter weapons, one in each hand, which she wields with incredible speed and power.
Smarter than your average Orc: Ubnara's wanderlust has taken her to many lands, where her keen intelligence and curiosity has helped her gather a considerable body of knowledge for an orc.
Fiercely determined, intelligent and often crudely direct, Ubnara's demeanor, if not her appearance, makes her more approachable than many of her kind. She engages in conversation willingly, and rather well, given her language skills. She can be amenable and even sardonically humorous. But she is Orc, and when it comes to facing an enemy, being disrespected or mistreated, a fiery temper can flare.
Biography & Lore
Ubnara's tribe for the most part occupied a wooden fortification not far from a trade route between Bharhairk and Belgrath. This Orc settlement took advantage of the proximity to frequent trade caravans to sell or barter not only fresh meat, furs and other by products of game, but other commodities, such as the herbal products produced by Ubnara's mother. It was in this trade-minded environment that Ubnara was raised to both hunt and learn her mother's herbal craft.
While traditional orc values and skills were indelibly carved into the young orc woman, including warfare, survival, endurance and independence, Ubnara's keen curiosity about the world of the traders that passed through stirred her desire to learn more.
This desire to learn language and the ways of other places and races only exacerbated more inherent traits that earned Ubnara harassment from peers. Her maternal grandmother was human, whose blood left telltale features in the she-orc. violet tint to her hair, lighter skin and more delicate facial features made Ubnara different enough to earn harrassment. Far from knuckling under the haranguing of others, Ubnara only became more determined to be herself, to prove herself.
Barely an adult, Ubnara began to travel with the passing caravans. First as an escort (even a female orc is a formidable deterant to bandits), which gave her the ability to start learning the Common language, as well as others. She watched traders, learned how to haggle, learned the nuances of different races. She began to trade her own goods, furs and herbal concoctions, or even escort services, learning the game and plants of a local area so she could work in a variety of regions.
Fate brought her into the company of a group of rouges leaving Amol-Kalit to sail to Alliria. A storm blew the far off course, and they shipwrecked near Cerak At'Thul. They work to survive, and thrive, in the dark city.
While traditional orc values and skills were indelibly carved into the young orc woman, including warfare, survival, endurance and independence, Ubnara's keen curiosity about the world of the traders that passed through stirred her desire to learn more.
This desire to learn language and the ways of other places and races only exacerbated more inherent traits that earned Ubnara harassment from peers. Her maternal grandmother was human, whose blood left telltale features in the she-orc. violet tint to her hair, lighter skin and more delicate facial features made Ubnara different enough to earn harrassment. Far from knuckling under the haranguing of others, Ubnara only became more determined to be herself, to prove herself.
Barely an adult, Ubnara began to travel with the passing caravans. First as an escort (even a female orc is a formidable deterant to bandits), which gave her the ability to start learning the Common language, as well as others. She watched traders, learned how to haggle, learned the nuances of different races. She began to trade her own goods, furs and herbal concoctions, or even escort services, learning the game and plants of a local area so she could work in a variety of regions.
Fate brought her into the company of a group of rouges leaving Amol-Kalit to sail to Alliria. A storm blew the far off course, and they shipwrecked near Cerak At'Thul. They work to survive, and thrive, in the dark city.
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