LFG 1x1 The Summer Song Of The Prey

Vivienne Summers


I'm not going to go into much detail about what happened but my RP partner was sadly banned. I don't know for how long but I would love to keep writing the story that I've started. I don't want to cause drama with any of the admins, this isn't the reason why I'm posting this. I just need a new RP partner that's willing to help me finish out my tale. I've a lot to share and tell, and I can't do it alone. I preferably am looking for another mage but any character/warrior can help tell this tale.

The Summer Song Of The Prey:

This tale is (or was) about two mage who left Elbion, going into hiding in a place called Alliria. Each of the mages has a secret or horrible past they don't want known and each are being hunted from that past. I think what I was going for was to tell a story about finding yourself while also having a destiny to find others. I feel like is a really good message to share with people and It really hits home for me.

I wanted to write a story that makes everyone laugh and cry and get excited because as humans it's alright to show emotions and it's important that we learn how to communicate those emotions.

I don't mean to sound like a counselor or teacher but I just wanted to share what this story is about and what it means to me. I hope that I inspire people to write about these thing and also to inspire people to write with me. I would be grateful to have any new faces on board.

Thank you for you time,

Writer of Vivienne Summers