Aluicious Rosebury
Aluicious Rosebury is a clever creature who has built an entire empire in the Summer Court off secrets. He is the first to know everyone, the first to offer a favor or a drink, with the ultimate goal of furthering his grip on the entertainment industry in Vhora.
Rosebury runs gryphon races in the sky above Vhora, multiple casinos and gambling arenas, and conducts private games for high rollers in his personal abode. The House of Coins is aptly named, for one either makes or breaks fortunes there.
Rosebury is known to use mortals in his games, and is fascinated by the way humans, elves, orcs, and other short lived creatures live their lives. He uses gifts of gold, often wearable objects like pins, trinkets, rings, and cloak pins, to monitor the subjects of these games. Even his fellow fae aren’t entirely free of his influence, and Rosebury is rumored to have gold spies in the home of Mab herself.
Despite this power, Rosebury is seldom malicious. He is a light hearted and kindly soul, who isn’t given to physical violence. He unfortunately has very little concept of boundaries, and it isn’t uncommon to start finding gold trinkets around your home a short while after meeting him.
Rosebury is incredibly gifted with magic, and spying isn’t the least of its uses. He often sends his two warlocks, Saturninus and Oscar Viotto, out to spread gold trinkets.
If one wishes to summon him, an offering of whiskey in a wooden bowl, and a tiny gold bird or pile of coins is often sufficient.
Aluicious is shorter than other fae, and of average weight and build. He isn’t muscular, and seems more preoccupied on his clothing and cleanliness than any physical strength. Mischief dances behind his gold eyes, and his face is most often graced by a boyish grin.
Skills and Abilities
Roll the Die: Being the Lord of Luck, Rosebury can influence the outcome of events based on chance. This can be anything from dice rolls to whether a man slips going down a flight of stairs.
Big Brother: Spying is an art with Rosebury. He can witness in sight and sound anything around a charm he’s placed. It requires melting the object or coin to eliminate the spell.
Oh, I Know Him: Rosebury’s charisma is legendary. His affable nature and harmless looks often completely disarm those around him.
Friend of the Dead: Rosebury has unique status as a Friend of the Dead to the Autumn Court, due to having dead warlocks. This grants him entrance to areas the living often don’t get to go, and privileges amongst the dead. The Erlking Iren is a personal friend.
Rosebury is jovial and lighthearted. Like most fae he is the type to enjoy something heavily sugared while in the midst of his latest game. He is incredibly loyal to his friends, often to the point of overlooking fatal flaws, and vicious to his enemies.
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