Vivienne Summers

Vivienne Summers

Biographical information
Elbion 23 Alliria
Physical description
Human Female 5'7 121 lbs Ginger Hazel Lightly Fair
Political information
Mage Advisor (formally), Herbalist
Out-of-character information

Vivienne Summers, born and raised in Elbion, parents Gen Summers and Vars Summers. Upon the attacking Templars and untold secrets that surrounded the Summers family name, Vivienne moved to Alliria. There she would become a well know Herbalist on the outer skirts of the city. Living a life of an outlaw and an outcast, but helping who every she can.



Vivienne Summers

Her hair was as Auburn as the Autumn leaves that gently fell through out the fall Season. It brought color to her fair skin tone, and let her Emerald green eyes shine brightly like a dragon's treasure or even the own warmth of her kind heart. She stood at about a 5'7 height and her body in size was slim, nothing to extreme on either side. She wore clothing that added to her personality, showing off whatever beauty she had. It was Ironic that her last name was Summer because everything that she wore, the way she looked, even her personality was the very definition of what summer was.

Skills and Abilities


Powers And Abilities

  • Teleportation (Blinks)
  • Healing
  • Alchemy
  • Telekinesis
  • Fire manipulation
  • Summoning
  • Sealing
  • Longevity
  • Ice manipulation
  • Force Field creation
  • Paralysis inducement
  • Transmutation
  • Memory manipulation
  • Illusion Creation
  • Visionary


  • Blood Magic
  • Mystical Sword
  • Mind Control


Vivienne Summers, a bright and clever young woman, who would rather use her powers for people in need than for people who's greed would never be satisfied. Her favorite symbol, is one of the fox. In a way that symbol represents a little of who she is. Clever, Independent, Playful, Mischievous (when she wants to be), beautiful, protective, and maybe even charmed with luck.
Although she is has a lot of upsides to her personality, like everyone, she has some downsides as well. Vivienne can be hard head in her own way but is always willing to listen to listen to the other people's opinion. She is given but gives way to much sometimes, which can end up in her being disappointed or hurt. Her mischievous ways can get her in trouble and her protectiveness can be overbearing but her heart always remains in the a good place.

Biography & Lore

<This is where your detailed biography will go. Feel free to complete this section later and add to it as your character develops>


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