Private Tales The Starling and the Bear

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"That is irrelevant." She still made an attempt to defuse his anger before he worked himself up too much. "Besides, I fuckin' deserved it." The latter half of her statement was delivered much more quietly, hinting at shame she refused to show on her face. "I am saying, Lynus, that he is a good person and a good friend for you. I'm sure I don't have to tell you the depths of hell he'd gone through to try and pull you-" She raised a brow.

"He's in a cell? For the guard? The guard who was trying to-" She choked on her words and quieted for a moment. "He did nothing wrong. Get him out."

She turned back to him after the guard had left, not exactly keen to be surrounded by eager ears and gossiping mouths.

"There are two things I want you to listen to, Lynus. You cannot hurt everyone that has wronged a person you care about. Even if you are the Prince. Secondly, you cannot fix people who do not want to be fixed. All of your efforts are fruitless when the moment you patch up one hole, he will open a new one. Let him be angry. Let him throw a royal tantrum because he blames you for something you had no part in." She wouldn't tell him to give up something that meant the world to him, but understood perhaps better than anyone else the rage and bitterness that came with being isolated from the ones you loved and tossed into a world full of cruel and unyielding strangers.

And while she expected Lynus to keep quiet and far from anyone who'd brought her sadness, she would not do the same if his younger brother dared to utter a word about how he was somehow at fault for his misery.

Her eyes locked onto his when he lifted her chin, the softness replaced by an all too familiar darkness. Still, she kissed him back and her smile was genuine, cheeks tinged with a pale pink when he said those four beautiful words.

Let's go home, Starling.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
"You didn't deserve it," Lynus muttered firmly, leaving no room for further argument. He already knew Arryn meant well, but it didn't stop him from feeling guilty that he'd subjected Isla to Varys, followed by harsh words from Arryn. Still, as Isla quickly came to his guard's defense, he nodded. "I know. My father had little choice but to detain him until his trial. Arryn will be fine. Trust me, his cell is quite comfortable. He was playing dice and drinking ale with the guards last I saw him," he huffed a laugh.

He stood there, staring at her as she berated him, his lips twitching as a small smile creased the corners of his eyes. He gave her a nod and sighed. He had done just that with his brother: allowed him his tantrums, his space, shown his understanding, and expressed his apologies. It was all he could do. "You're right, of course. And I know I can't hurt everyone who's wronged the people I care about... But I can hurt some, can't I?" he teased with a grin, ushering her outside.

They said their goodbyes to Bess and Renly. Bess burst into absolute elation that he was taking Isla home, insisting that they return as much as they liked, assuring them their room would always be ready. Renly, on the other hand, looked morose, unable to hide his jealousy as the Prince led Isla from the inn and helped her into the awaiting carriage.

As they traveled, the streets grew wealthier, the homes larger and more opulent. Cobblestone streets replaced dirt paths, and the once humble houses gave way to grand manors with ornate iron gates and lush gardens. The clothes of the people changed too, from simple fabrics to rich silks and velvets. The closer they got to the royal keep, the more evident the disparity in wealth became. Crowds gathered on either side of the streets, people stopping to stare at the small, royal procession, some cheering, others simply watching with curious eyes.

The carriage arrived in one of the more private courtyards, and as the door opened, Lynus took Isla's hand, glancing up at the towering fortress. "Welcome back... Welcome home," he said with a smirk, leading her up the steps.

A young boy came rushing out to meet them, accompanied by several stable hands to tend the horses. He stopped in front of them, giving the pair a quick bow.

"My Prince, My Lady," Brett greeted, looking harassed. "Your parents are expecting you. They wait in the east wing study," he reported quickly before getting to the question he wanted to ask. "Is he getting out today? Now that you're back, you'll let him out, won't you?"

Lynus sighed. "Isla, this is Brett, Arryn's young squire," he introduced. "His trial is in two days, Brett. But I assure you," he said quietly, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder, "I'll let nothing happen to my brother. You know that. Until then, let's let him have a few days off, right? Tell the guards you have my permission to join him for supper if you'd like, and take him some of the good wine." The boy, seemingly happy with his answer, nodded quickly.

"Aye, thank you, Lynu-- " his eyes widened as he looked to Isla and back. "Ah, eh, My Prince. My Lady, uh, welcome!" he smiled sheepishly at Isla and rushed off.

Lynus shook his head and led Isla up the steps, passed more guards, and into a grand foyer. The space was vast, with high ceilings adorned with intricate frescoes depicting scenes of royal triumphs. Grand staircases with polished mahogany railings curved gracefully upward on either side, leading to the upper levels. The walls were lined with portraits of their royal ancestors, each face stern and noble. Swords, armor, and shields hung proudly next to tapestries depicting great battles, their vibrant colors contrasting with the stone walls.

"Well..." Lynus looked down at Isla. "Are you ready to meet my parents again? I understand if you'd like more time. They're still angry with me for disappearing for a few days, and I may have disobeyed them once again to spend another night at the inn..." He shrugged. "I'm certain they don't have a tea party waiting for me, so I understand if you'd rather avoid all that until you're more settled.." he smiled.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
Isla was relieved slightly at the state of Arryn's cell, as Lynus put it. Feelings of guilt could subside for now, and knowing that her Prince understood that what his guard had done could be justified Isla could relax.

I can hurt some, can't I?

Her eyes narrowed as he tried to usher her out of the room, but she had a final thought before she would say her goodbyes. "No, you cannot." She huffed. "Do you wish to be known as a cruel person or someone people admire? If its the former, then by all means... But if its the latter, I'd suggest keeping your hands clean. As much as I'd pay to see Nathaniel in a pillory, you two have no connection and my past with him is not your problem." She hoped he understood that by keeping his hands clean, that included his guards' hands.

The hug with Bess nearly suffocated Isla with the old woman all but begging them to return. Isla, of course, accepted and told her she would return to play piano for her and finally learn to cook when the stitches were out of her hand. The woman looked nearly in tears seeing her boy go again. "I promise," Isla nearly begged Lynus to help her escape the woman's grasp. "I will be back. Often. Don't you worry. As soon as I've settled in, I'll be back."

It seemed to satisfy Bess enough to release her and watched as the pair left in the carriage.

Isla stared out the window, watching the change in the streets and its people as they neared the Keep. They had passed her old family home, the one she'd lived in and not the one her father conducted business on the first floor of. This one, fortunately, had no men bleeding out unless murder happened to be a hobby of the new inhabitants. As the keep loomed closer, she pulled her face from the window and kept out of sight as best as she could, even if it was unnecessary.

Welcome back. Welcome home.

Isla took his hand and stepped out of the carriage, taking in the familiar yet different sight. "I never thought I would see any of this again." She smiled, her words merely a whisper to herself.

A frantic boy approached and Isla nodded to him as they were introduced. "Hello there, little Brett." She smiled down at the squire and suddenly whatever lingering guilt she held onto over Arryn's conditions vanished. He would be alright. The prince wouldn't lie to a child, surely. "We should probably say hello as well." She added, words directed toward Lynus. "I need to thank him. Again."

She covered her laughter as she snorted when the little boy corrected himself and ran off. "And what should I be calling you? Prince? Your Highness? Darling?" She chuckled and took his arm up once again to be led further into the Keep. She had always loved how it looked inside. The colors so regal, yet so comfortable. They had certainly turned the Keep into a home. The manor she had lived in was so colorless, sometimes it felt more like a mausoleum than a home. White marble and white walls. Even the trinkets her father had collected and traded seemed so empty compared to the ancestors who could look down on the Anireths for eternity and surround them with family.

"I think. . . that I may vomit if I am being honest." She tried to smile, but the nervousness was not hidden from her face. "We should go now. Get it over with before I make it worse. Especially if I am to live under their roof. I can't hide away forever even if I might wish to."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus looked down at Isla with a boyish grin. "You can call me whatever you want, though I prefer darling, Lynus, Bear... Anything other than Your Highness." he laughed under his breath. "In company, however... My Prince, for now." He sighed, knowing it would irk his parents if she called him anything but that. Formalities and such.

As they approached the door of the study, two of the Kings' Guard stood outside, their expressions stoic. From inside, his father's voice boomed. "I don't know what has gotten into him, Elenora! I tell you, he disobeys my orders again and I'll put the fucking crown on Kassandra!"

Lynus cleared his throat, offering a quiet, reserved smile to Isla as they paused outside. "Clearly he is in no better mood than I left him in..." He sighed. "I apologise in advance," he murmured and nodded to the guardsmen who opened the door and announced them.

Lynus offered his arm to Isla to lead her into the study. It was a smaller and more informal room than the throne room or many other rooms in the keep, at least, and he hoped it would make things a little less intimidating. The study was cozy, with comfortable furniture in the same regal style as the foyer. A roaring hearth cast a warm glow over the room, and a table was set with refreshments. Large arched windows looked out onto the east garden.

"Mother, Father." He greeted them. They quieted abruptly, his father's face still red from the yelling he'd been doing, and his mother looking quite flustered. "Might I introduce you to Lady Isla Montesseret. My Lady, this is my father, King Randall, and my mother, Queen Elenora." He introduced.
The Queen glanced up at her King before looking to Isla and Lynus, stepping forward and reaching for Isla's hand. "Hello, my dear. We met long ago, though I'm not sure if you remember, you were but a child then." The Queen smiled softly, kindly, though there was an apology in her eyes as she squeezed Isla's hand. Turning to Lynus, the apology turned to something of concern as she reached to his face, turning it to look over the bruises there. Sighing, she patted her son's shoulder, and he pressed a kiss to her cheek.

"Lady Montesseret..." the King said with a hint of a tone that Lynus did not appreciate. The Queen quickly set her hand on her husband's elbow. The King gave a dip of his chin, trying to make his greeting more polite, but it did nothing to hide the anger he felt at his son.

"You must forgive us. Our eldest son is causing us quite a bit of strife, which I'm sure you're well aware of." He cast Lynus a glare and turned away from them to pour himself a cup of whisky. "You disobeyed me again." He grunted.

"A discussion for later, father."

"A discussion for now, son." He snapped back at him. Lynus's jaw tightened.

The Queen cleared her throat and stepped forward once more. "Why.. don't I show you to the guest wing, my dear? Perhaps take some air in the gardens?" She asked Isla, gesturing toward the door. Lynus sighed and gave an apologetic nod to Isla.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Isla
She felt the distaste in his tone as he suggested she call him my Prince if only to satisfy those who surround him and his family and although Isla certainly enjoyed calling him anything else, she would find pleasure in calling him her prince beyond the room in Bess' inn. Perhaps he'd see that same glint of mischief in her eyes as she did so. "As you wish, my Prince." He would see her smug grin as he looked down at her.

That knot in her stomach sank lower with each step towards the doors that failed to block out the shouting of the King- a voice she recalled well from childhood. Even as they played as children did, and even if he had no intention of being mean, the King had always scared her. Her unbandaged hand gripped tightly onto Lynus' hand. "I'm sure it will be alright. It cannot possibly get worse..." She looked back up, "Can it?"

There was no time for a response before the pair was announced and Lynus was ushering her through the doors to the study. The warm, inviting atmosphere was such a stark contrast to the shouting they'd heard that Isla had thought they had entered the wrong room, but there was no mistaking the couple they had interrupted.

My Lady, this is my father, King Randall, and my mother, Queen Elenora.

Isla released her iron grip on Lynus' arm to bow deeply before her King and Queen.

As she stood straight again, her hand was quickly grabbed by the Queen, who no longer seemed so flustered, but rather relieved after seeing her son return home. "Of course I remember, your Majesty." She returned the gentle squeeze to her hand. "You have not changed at all since I was a child, still as lovely as ever." She smiled, quietly sighing in relief as the queen turned her attention on her son.

Lady Montesseret...

Her attention snapped to the King, a chill snaking down her spine. She felt Lynus' posture shift and wanted to put a hand out to keep him there, to keep him beside her. "It is nice to see you again as well, your Majesty." She bowed her head to him. "I apologize-" She was cut off by Lynus as he suggested they talk later.

This was not a conversation for her.

The Queen, too, seemed to understand that whatever words were to be exchanged did not require the presence of either woman. Her eyes darted between the woman and Lynus. "Very well, I would enjoy that." She strode towards the door with the Queen, wondering how far the guest wing was from Lynus. She agreed that it was the proper, respectful thing to do after she considered how badly she'd already disrespected the family. But her thoughts did not mean she had to spend her days there and she figured Lynus would have concocted some sort of plan to prevent her from spending her nights alone as well.

Their walk was quiet for a while and Isla wondered if the Queen was as befuddled as she when it came to small talk. "I really am quite sorry about Lynus." She admitted softly, admiring the paintings on the walls as they walked. "I pray he does not return to me with another bruised cheek for bringing me here."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus stood firm, meeting his father's gaze with a mix of defiance and resignation. He knew this confrontation was inevitable, yet it was no easier for that knowledge.

"Yes, I disobeyed you again, and for that I apologise," Lynus offered.

The King snorted, his face a mask of barely contained fury. "It is not me you need to apologise to. Lady Tulisa missed you at her name day celebration. A fine match she would have made for you too." He turned to face his son fully, his eyes blazing.

"I'm sure she's lovely, Father, as lovely as the hundred or so other women that you and Mother have paraded in front of me for the past six months, but I am as disinterested in Lady Tulisa as I am in the rest of them."

"And this Lady Montesseret, this is what you bring to us, is it? A harlot? A bloody brothel whore?! Is this what interests you boy?!" The King's voice dripped with contempt.

"Careful, Father," Lynus cautioned, his voice low and dangerous, hoping that Isla was out of earshot already.

"YOU be careful!" The King's voice rose to a bellow. "Is it not shameful enough on this family that you were gallivanting off to a whorehouse—now you need to bring them home with you?! I will NOT have it, Lynus!" He downed his whisky in one gulp before slamming the glass down on the mahogany table.

Lynus took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "It wasn't like that. It is not what you think. She is more than just her past, and I will not have her disrespected because of the life she was forced into."

The King shook his head, his anger unabated. "This is not just about her past, Lynus. This is about your future. You have a duty to this family, to this kingdom. Bringing a woman like her into our home—into your life—complicates everything. You need to think about what is at stake here."

"I have thought about it," Lynus replied, his voice steady. "And I choose her. I will not be bullied into a loveless marriage for the sake of politics. Whether you like it or not, Isla is the one I want, and I will fight for her if I must. I will leave with her, if I must."


The Queen led Isla down the corridor, her steps light but deliberate. The King's voice could still be heard, a low rumble of anger, but Elenora thanked the Gods that whatever he was bellowing was mostly muffled. Her husband's displeasure, however, was obvious.

"You have nothing to apologise for, dear," the Queen assured her, her gaze falling to the carpet as she mentioned the bruise. "Lynus told you about that, did he?.. It is not like our King to lash out like he did. It was just as out of character for Lynus to speak to me as he did. Still, my husband should not have struck him. Men have always been terrible at handling emotion, I've found..." She offered Isla a small huff of laughter, though there was sadness in her eyes.

They descended some steps and emerged onto a private courtyard overlooking the gardens. The scene was a beautiful oasis of green amidst the great stone city, with bursts of color from flowering plants, fountains, and ponds. Ruins of archways and a maze added a touch of ancient charm. Servants moved about, attending to various tasks or standing by to fulfill any needs as and when they arose.

The Queen took Isla's arm as they walked along a gravel path, under archways of wisteria. "They share a temper and are both fiercely protective of what they hold most dear. It seems you've captured our son's attention, my dear. There must be more to you than meets the eye. You are a pretty thing, but goodness knows my son has looked upon every pretty face in a pretty dress with every pretty title in this damned country and not once have we managed to conjure so much as a blink of approval..." She laughed softly, clearly exasperated.

"I must admit, my dear, that you are not at all what we expected him to bring home to us." She stopped, turning to Isla and looking at her with concern and gentle apology, her tone soft. "I must ask you, I must know, what his intentions are, what your intentions are. My children are so very dear to me. My son has... He has had a very difficult time, and, well, the road ahead is a challenging one. He will be the next King, as I'm sure you know... You, are aware of how this works..." she winced.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Isla
"Yes...unfortunately, it was not something he could hide easily," She nodded, tuning out the muffled shouting heard behind them as they walked. "And unfortunately I, too, have come to discover that men are rarely capable of regulating their emotions." She did not share the same laughter, instead matching that same sort of sadness that she noticed in the Queen. Her thoughts trailed back to the anger on Nathaniel's face that last time she saw him, hearing the angry words he spewed at her after months of what she thought was love.

She never told anyone how badly hearing voices raise terrified her, never realized that maybe that was why she fought back so violently any time she was shouted at. She'd never linked it back to Nathaniel in her own mind, so why would anyone else have?

She had been so engrossed in her own thoughts, that she did not fully take in the beautiful gardens until she was linking arms with the Queen and strolling beneath the wisteria. "That they do," She agreed, "But you must understand Lynus- my Prince's temper is not from a place of malice or even passion. He has been in pain for far too long, your Majesty. I'm not sure he ever had time or the guidance to process the trauma he had been through, if I'm being honest with you." Was Isla out of line with how she spoke to her Queen? Perhaps. But there was much to be said that it seemed even Lynus had not shared with his parents.

Her lips twitched into a forced smile at what she perceived to be a backhanded compliment.

"I am well aware that I am out of place. Unwanted, even, I am sure." Isla avoided the Queen's gaze over her, truly having no good answer for the Queen's questions. "To be honest, I don't know his intentions myself. That is something you will have to ask him, I am afraid. And I doubt this will help put you at ease, but when he came to the brothel, he and I...did not..." She felt her cheeks turning red at the embarrassment of her life for the past decade. "He did not pay to have sex with me. Actually, he paid for me to be quiet and leave him alone." She chose to tailor the story and eliminate the less desirable parts of their initial meeting.

"My intentions..." She looked back towards the Queen. "I am fond of your son. Even if he were not prince, if he was truly the same man who called himself a mercenary, I would feel no different. I have no ill motives for you or your family. I do not expect you to keep me in your home if you wish for me to leave. I do not expect a title and even being called Lady feels like an insult after the past ten years of my life." She sighed, certain that she was overstepping further than she had before. "But your son sees something in me that even I cannot see and I understand parts of him that no one has even attempted to understand."

There was no stopping Isla as she spoke. "With all due respect, I am sure you meant no harm to your son, but parading pretty faces and pretty titles for your grieving son did little more than to push him farther away until he found himself fleeing to a brothel to be rid of it all. None of you wished to listen to him or provide him the comfort he needed, choosing your country over the boy you curated to be its future." There was something profoundly angry and sad in her voice, her face as she spoke. "I care deeply for my Prince, your Majesty. I understand my past is not desirable, but I cannot change it nor can I change the way my heart skips when he stops looking so gloomy and finally smiles or how my stomach feels so strange when I catch him staring at me from the corner of my eye. I am not asking for anything except a chance to be here for him until he no longer needs me."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus kept his posture straight, his hands clenched at his sides, as he faced his father’s towering figure. King Randall’s face was flushed with anger, his eyes narrowing at his son with a mix of fury and disappointment.
Lynus felt a surge of defiance rise within him. He stepped forward, meeting his father’s gaze unflinchingly. "You think I don't know that I’ve disappointed you, Father? Do you think I don't feel the weight of your expectations every single day? Well aware. But I will not stand here and let you insult Isla."

"Insult her?" King Randall scoffed. "Insulting her would be to acknowledge her in any way other than what she is—a disgrace to this family and to this kingdom!"

Lynus’ jaw tightened. "She is a survivor. She is strong and kind, and she has been through more than you can imagine. She has been my solace in a world that feels increasingly empty and cold."

The King’s expression hardened, his fists clenching. "Your solace? You think a common whore can provide you solace? Is that what you paid her for?! You are a prince, Lynus! You have a duty to this kingdom, to this family. Your mother and I have worked tirelessly to arrange suitable matches for you, and you repay us by bringing a scandal into our home?"

"I never paid her for anything but her quiet company and a few drinks. Do you really think me the type to pay for a woman's flesh? And maybe if you had listened to me, understood me, you would know that I don’t care for these ‘suitable matches’ you keep parading in front of me!" Lynus shot back, his voice rising. "I am not a tool for your political maneuvers! I am your son, and I have my own heart and my own mind."

"You are a fool, is what you are," the King spat, his face reddening further. "You think this girl cares for you? You think she sees you as anything more than a means to an end? She sees an opportunity, Lynus, and she is using you."

Lynus felt a cold fury settle over him and his eyes darkened, his voice low and dangerous. "Do not dare to presume that you know her or her mind. She is the only person who has treated me as more than just a title, who has seen me for who I am, who has not simply tried to ignore what is broken in me, but soothed it. She had no idea who I was until your guards attacked her in the street."

King Randall’s eyes flashed with anger. "And who are you, Lynus? A prince who disobeys his king, who disrespects his family, who jeopardises the future of his kingdom for a woman of no standing?"

"She has standing."

"Not any mo-"

"AND I am a man who is tired of being a puppet on a string, who wants to be happy, who wants to find peace!" Lynus shouted, his voice echoing through the room. "I will not let you dictate my heart. If you cannot see the value in someone who brings me happiness, then perhaps it is you who is blind."

The King’s face contorted with rage. "Enough! You will end this foolishness, or you will face the consequences. Do you understand me? You will cut ties with this woman, and you will attend to your duties as a prince of this realm, or so help me, I will make you regret it."

Lynus felt the full weight of his father’s threat, but he refused to back down. "No, Father. I will not end this. I will not abandon Isla. If you want to disown me, if you want to strip me of my title, then so be it. But I will not give her up."

The King’s eyes blazed with fury. "You are testing my patience, boy. Do not think I won’t follow through on my threats."

"Do what you must," Lynus replied coldly, his resolve unshakable. "But know this: I will not be broken. Not by you, and not by anyone."

With that, Lynus turned on his heel and walked towards the door, leaving his father standing there, seething with rage.


The Queen absently patted Isla's hand, her thoughts drifting to the hardships the young woman must have endured. When Isla mentioned the challenges men had regulating their emotions, Elenora felt a pang of empathy but chose to remain silent. She held up a hand to Gloria, her ever-present lady's maid, who promptly stopped and gave the pair their space. Elenora then drew Isla to join her on a curved, stone bench in front of her favorite fountain—a grand, tiered structure adorned with intricate carvings of mermaids, and cascading water that sparkled in the sunlight.

The Queen listened without interruption, her expression carefully schooled with the elegance and grace befitting her status. However, subtle shifts betrayed her emotions: the soft narrowing of her eyes when Isla spoke of Lynus' pain, the small twitch of her lips at the young woman's honesty, and a fresh blush on her cheeks when Isla mentioned sex so openly.

Drawing a deep breath, Elenora let Isla's words sink in. She gazed at the fountain, tears pooling and glistening in her eyes. "I do hope you do not think me a terrible mother, my dear," she began softly. "We may have titles to uphold, but we are still a family. I care deeply for my son and I am well aware of his pain. I too, have lost a child, so I understand in some degree the loss he has felt. He has never lacked warmth from me, but there was no amount of guidance that he would listen to that could bring him back to me. There were times I feared..." She paused, the pain of unspoken words catching in her throat. "I tried to be there for him. His father tried, in his own way, but he didn't know how to deal with it... He had Arryn, Lady Virak, even." She sighed and shook her head.

"That he felt he had to escape us brings me more shame than you can possibly know. I wanted my son back. I thought if he found love again, he would heal. His father and I were an arranged marriage, and a happy one. I wasn't trying to force him to forget her, I was just so very worried that nobody could get through to him, that he would follow them into their graves if he did not find someone who could break through that darkness." A tear slipped free, quickly swiped away with a fingertip. "He would not leave the keep for so long, bringing the world to him was all we could think to do."

Elenora's lips quivered as they curled into a soft smile at Isla's fondness for Lynus. The woman's heart ached, and she reached to take both of Isla's hands in hers, noting the stitches and being gentle as she squeezed. "Oh, my dear, you will stay right here and bring me my boy back. Be fond of him, understand him, let him be fond of you, let him take care of you. He raised his voice to me in anger, but as shocked as I was, oh, my dear, I had not been so happy in so long to know that he felt something. Anger or not, it had been so long with just... nothing. The anger he felt, how hurt he was, it came from a place of love. I saw it, the heartbreak in him when he thought he had lost you." She smiled and shook her head. "I knew he would not go to that name day celebration as his father commanded. Oh, I knew. It was my idea that he go in the first place.." she sighed with a quiet chuckle. "And, I know all about that little Inn he's been running off to since he was a child, but, lets keep that between us." she smiled warmly.

Elenora took her gloved hand back only to settle it on Isla's cheek, her eyes still glistening. "You have healed something in him already, it is so very clear. If you are what he needs, what he wants, then you will stay here. My son's happiness means more to me than anything else. You are Lady Montesseret, and you are most, most welcome here, my dear girl."
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  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Isla
"When I came here as a child, you always seemed to be the perfect mother. As a girl, you were the mother I aspired to be when I was finally married off to whatever man my parents deemed fit for me. Now, I truly do not know, though I have no intention to bear children." There was still sadness in her eyes, a kind she tried to mask as she turned her face away from the Queen. "I do not think you are a terrible mother, but I wonder if it took someone who had been trapped in their own misery to recognize that in someone else. I know nothing of your life before you were married to the King, forgive me, but I know you are well aware of where I have been since my father died."

She felt herself choking on her words, struggling to push through it. Her posture shifted, shoulders slumping forward as she stared at the ground. "I never knew one could live such in such a hopeless, dark place for so long and not realize it until someone else joined me. And then, there were two people in such misery who seemed more keen to hurt one another than try to escape." Her eyes burned, hot tears threatening to spill. "There is no amount of coddling or parading suitable partners that would have helped when you cannot see through the darkness. I cannot fault you for trying, no. You never knew."

She still chose to omit certain details. The verbal sparring during the first time she and Lynus met. The ring of bruises around her neck. The slap to his face. His own hand full of broken glass that she cleaned meticulously. The way it somehow led to them talking as if they had known one another as long as they truly did.

"He still hurts." She wiped one eye with the back of her hand. "And I know my presence does not help to put your or the King at ease, but I fear that punishing him for finally seeing a way out of his own darkness will push him further back into it. To a place he may never truly escape from."

There was a look of confusion on Isla's face as the Queen demanded she stay and shared her own scheming to lead him back to Isla. She was impressed. The Queen had gone against her husband to push Lynus back to a place where he could simply be. "I promise your Majesty," She finally calmed herself enough to look back into the Queen's eyes, a gently hand on her cheek. "There if nothing I care more for than ensuring my Prince is healing. If it takes forever, so be it. If you and the King decide he must marry another woman for his country, let me remain a friend and confidant. If he needs me here, I shall remain for my Prince and for his family. I do not wish to make your lives difficult with my presence. Once again, I apologize, but he is my priority."
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Queen Elenora listened intently to Isla's heartfelt words, her chest tightening with the weight of the young woman's pain and the echoes of her own past struggles. A warm, though sad smile settled on her lips as she heard Isla speak of her childhood admiration of her. There was a gentle sadness in her eyes when Isla mentioned her lack of desire for children. Elenora understood that some wounds ran too deep for simple remedies, and she expected that Lynus likely felt the same, though that was an issue for another time.

"We need not speak of such things right now, my dear," the Queen said softly. "And yes, though I know now where you ended up, I assure you, Isla, had I known sooner, had I been aware of your family's struggles, I promise you, dear, I would have seen to it that you and your mother and siblings were looked after. Please believe me, I did not know," she said sincerely. "We shall speak more of it another time, perhaps, but not today."

She sighed, a look of genuine regret on her face. "But yes, I think you are right. None of those other Ladies could ever truly have understood what it felt like to be broken, nor the strength it takes to face true hardship. They were not right for him. I see that now."

When Isla made her assurances, the Queen's smile reached her eyes. "That is all that matters to me. Let me worry about my husband, and worry not about other Ladies. I think my son has made his wishes quite clear." She chuckled softly. "Come. Let us get you settled in."

The Queen led Isla back toward the keep, their steps measured and serene amidst the vibrant beauty of the gardens. They had not made it far before a large hound came bounding toward them. The dog was a magnificent creature with thick brown fur, its eyes bright with intelligence and playfulness. He barked, though his disposition was clearly friendly as he padded up to greet the Queen and Isla with a wagging tail.


"Ah, hello Duke," the Queen sighed fondly, reaching down to pat the dog's head.

Not far behind the hound, Lynus appeared, following at a brisk pace. The tension in his posture eased somewhat at seeing his mother and Isla in the gardens, the Queen seemingly smiling in her company. He looked between them both as he approached, hoping his mother's welcome had been as warm as Duke's.

"Mother, My Lady," he greeted them both, a hint of tension in his voice.

The Queen reached for her son, and Lynus drew her into a hug, feeling her hold onto him for dear life, ignoring all propriety in company. He laughed under his breath and held her, his eyes falling on Isla over his mother's shoulder, silently asking if she were alright.

"Welcome home, my son.. Go now, and get your guest settled in.." she ushered, wiping a tear from her cheek with a sheepish laugh under her breath.
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  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
When Isla finally managed to silence herself and the outpouring of thoughts, she sighed a heavy, tired sigh. Too many years of grievances aired in such a short time. The poor Queen deserved none of it, yet needed to hear the truth from someone outside their little royal circle. The woman, by some miracle, seemed to more than understand each word she said, even if she looked hurt by some of them. And after all she said, the Queen was not angry with her, much to Isla's relief.

Still, she felt she had much more to apologize for, but the Queen suggested they speak of it another day. As she stood from the bench, she allowed a small smile to creep onto her face. "Yes, I'd like to have a moment to settle in. Life has been increasingly overwhelming since my Prince all but carried me out of that brothel." She slowed her pace for a moment. One last apology before she was certain the Queen would be ready to throw her back onto the streets. "I am sorry for dragging your family into my own mess. Arryn told me that my own mother may not have been entirely truthful when we lost our home. But I agree, we can put it to rest for now."

As the Queen led Isla back, she felt relief. Enough so, that she took her time to look around the gardens and admire their beauty. It was not a garden she had spent much time in as a child, she realized. Perhaps a private one they did not allow the children to run amok in. The thought brought a warmth to her cheeks, now tinted a light shade of pink. But the thought was cut short as she heard the padding of a creature running towards them, footsteps not too far behind.

"Oh, a dog!" She smiled, crouching down to wrap her arms around the fluffy beast's neck as her Prince halted before them. "Well hello there, Duke! Aren't you a gorgeous little man!" The dog licked her face and Isla laughed, wiping her cheek. She looked up, her face glowing with happiness and relief as Lynus looked over his mother's shoulder as she held him close. She wondered if that was the first time his mother had held him so tightly, for it looked like she might never let go. Her heart warmed at the sight.

It was plain on Isla's face that she was more than alright. The fear of his mother's hatred seemed to have vanished after their conversation.

She let go of the dog after his mother released him and let Lynus take her hand to guide her back towards wherever this guest wing was.

"I believe a thank you is in order, my Prince." She glanced up at him with a look of mischief in her eyes, whispering as they walked. "There shall be no more parades of women to pester you anymore."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus watched Isla interact with Duke, her smile—the same one that had sparked like a flint on her lips and rekindled an answering light behind his ribs— lighting up her face. That smile, more frequent somehow more and more precious, seemed to dispel the remaining tension within him. He noticed that his mother, too, no longer seemed upset but rather content, a happiness he realised he had missed. He knew how much his own wallowing had cast a shadow over the Queen for far too long, a fact that had only caused him more pain of his own. To see her smile at him as she did now was a gift.

He laughed quietly, his voice filled with affection and relief. "I've only been gone a day, Mother," he smirked at her, understanding her deeper meaning. He pressed a kiss to her cheek, offering her the warmest smile he had given in over a year, and a quiet "Thank you." before he left her with her Lady's maid, and took Isla's hand in his.

Duke barked and bounded happily ahead of the pair, leading the way. Lynus grinned at the dog, his eyes warm as he looked down at Isla. When she spoke of thanks, his brows rose, and he laughed incredulously. "You're here five minutes and accomplish what I could not in months." He lifted her arm and spun her underneath it, pulling her close against his chest. His arm encircled her, holding her near as he groaned a sincere "Thank you" to her too, a sigh of relief tumbling free of his chest.

His expression softened as he searched her eyes, knowing he could find her true feelings there—whether worry, sorrow, or happiness, he'd see it there before ever asking a question.. "I hope my mother was kind. I wouldn't have left you with her if I thought she'd be otherwise."

He led her inside and up a grand staircase, or rather, Duke did, the hound stopping occasionally to greet the staff who wandered here and there. Each paused to greet Lynus and Isla with a bow or curtsy and a polite "My Prince, My Lady," and Lynus greeted each of them by name until Duke came to a stop and barked once more.

The large oak doors were a masterpiece of craftsmanship, each panel a work of art in its own right. The wood was richly stained to a deep, warm hue, accentuating the natural grain that swirled elegantly across its surface. Intricate carvings adorned the doors, depicting a sprawling forest scene. Towering trees with detailed bark and delicate leaves interwove with vines and flowers. Tiny woodland creatures—squirrels, birds, and rabbits—were hidden within the foliage, the edges of the doors were framed with an intricate border of intertwining vines and blooming flowers, and heavy ornate handles of polished brass, shaped like twisted tree branches completed the enchanting tableau.

"Your room, My Lady," he smirked, pushing the doors open.

The room was breathtaking. Large arch windows streamed sunlight, illuminating a grand four-poster bed and rich furniture adorned with the same intricate designs as the doors. Tapestries and paintings of forests, and one of Duke sitting regally, decorated the walls. A balcony overlooked the gardens they had just walked through. A hearth burned, surrounded by plush sofas and armchairs, and bookcases lined one corner. From another open door in the corner of the room came the steam and scent of lavender and vanilla.

Inside several maids came to stand in a row and curtsy before them, greeting them as the others had. "Welcome, Lady Montesseret, we are still arranging your things, though you will find gowns hung in the armoire. Fittings have been arranged for you, and a bath has been drawn. My Prince, the bath has been drawn as you requested, and dinner will be served in your room tonight." the woman smiled, looking between them both.

"Very good, thank you Sarah. Isla, Sarah will be your personal Lady's maid. She will ensure you have everything you need. As will I. Your personal Prince." he smirked.

"An honour, My Lady, truly." the girl nodded sincerely and curtsied again. Lynus flicked his gaze toward the door once the two had been properly introduced, and the girl smiled warmly and turned to rush off.

"It's her first time as a personal maid.." he laughed under his breath. "She is, rather excitable."
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
She leaned into him, head resting on his chest while they walked. "She was as lovely and kind as I remember her to be," She chuckled quietly, watching Duke race ahead. "Misguided, perhaps, but her intent was not ill." She hoped he understood that his mother had only been trying to save him all this time, not cover up the tragedies he had been dealt. Her voice lowered. "I know she does not care for me, but she cares for you. And for you, she allows me to stay here."

Isla had never imagined walking to a room could be so exhausting, but with each member of the staff they were forced to stop and greet them. Of course she did not mind, taking a moment to try and remember every face and every name as she returned the bow or curtsy. And though some gave her a subtle look, as though they had seen her or had known of her, they were respectful.

Your room, my lady.

Her cheeks grew warm, returning the smile he'd given her as he pushed the doors open. "And where might my Prince's room be?" She laughed, following him inside and stopping in her tracks the moment she stepped inside. It was enormous, certainly larger than an entire story of her old home, and decorated so beautifully with lush forests and his mountain of a dog.

Her gaze traveled across the room to the four-poster bed. The bedding was a rich, deep green that seemed to effortlessly blend with the woodland theme. Cushions embroidered with wildflowers of vibrant hues were sprinkled about, some on the armchair near the hearth. She felt excitement, but there was a lingering touch of apprehension as she stepped forward. It was unlike anything she'd seen before.

She watched quietly as several maids lined up to greet her. "My things?" She looked up at Lynus, raising a brow. What things do I have? Gowns? Fittings? All of this was entirely overwhelming and unnecessary and she would have protested had Lynus not looked so happy about it all.

"Personal Lady's maid?" One surprise after another. "Thank you Sara, but you can call me Isla. I insist. Just Isla, please." She smiled and watched as the girl scurried off.

She turned to Lynus, laughing quietly. "And you, my personal Prince?" She found herself drawn to the lavender-vanilla scented steam pouring from the bathing room. "What does a personal Prince do?" She asked as she entered, delighted to find the continuation of the touch of nature with vines extending around the window-frame and the tiles, a mosaic of greens that almost created an illusion of the forest floor. A large tub dominated the room, steam curling out in inviting tendrils.

Charlotte, another maid, stood nearby, ready to help her undress and bathe her, but Isla waved her off and beckoned her Prince over to unbutton the back of her dress. "The maids may be dismissed, but I require your assistance." She smiled. Her dress fell to the ground an she stepped away from him and towards the tub. She dipped a toe and then all at once, slipped into the warm water, sighing in contentment. The heat seeped into her, lavender soothing her mind and relieving the tension she still held upon meeting his parents.

"Join me, Lynus." She finally broke her silent relaxation to wave him over. "It would be a shame to waste this on just one person." Her smile was beaming, amusement in her eyes as she waited. "And I need help with my hair. Unless you'd like to fix my stitches again."
  • Melting
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus closed the ornate door of the bathing chamber and obeyed without question, unfastening her dress and watching as it sighed from her skin and pooled at her feet. "A personal prince does exactly as his lady commands him to do... Like so," he murmured, his cheeks dimpling with the last of his tension leaving him now that they were alone, now he knew they'd be undisturbed.

"I will try my best to ensure you are not too overwhelmed by everything.. It can be, a lot to deal with." he said, watching her as she stepped into the tub, admired her body slipping below the surface of the water and bubbles.

Her next command was met with a husky laugh "Oh, I intended on it," he answered, kicking off his boots, his clothes soon unfastened and piled atop her own. Lynus stepped in behind her, sliding down the curve of the tub and pulling her back against his chest, sighing deeply at the scent and the feeling of her skin against his, warm and impossibly smooth beneath the water's surface.

His arm wrapped around her, his lips grazing the porcelain slope of her neck. "I hope the temperature is to your liking, My Lady..." he smirked against her neck, kissing a trail to her shoulder, his free hand already slipping beneath the surface to roam over her.

"Oh," he quirked a brow, realizing he hadn't answered her question before. "And, this is my room, Starling."
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Reactions: Isla
"It most certainly can and is a lot to deal with." She admitted with a sigh, sinking deeper beneath the bubbles until it rose to just below her collarbones. "But I am sure I can manage with my darling Prince beside me." She scooped a handful of bubbles and blew them at him while he undressed. She eyed him, chin resting on the side of the tub to support her shit-eating grin as she watched him undress.

There had never been a point in her life when she wanted to watch a man in nothing but his flesh. Not until now, at least, when there was the guarantee she would be feeling his skin on hers for another moment.

"Good, because it was an order, not a suggestion." She turned away so he could slide behind her, occupying most of the tub with his larger frame and pull her tight against his chest. Goosebumps covered whatever skin was exposed to the air when his lips trailed along her neck. "It's perfect now." She arced her neck to the side, letting her flaxen hair dip into the water while he kissed skin.

But her head snapped to face him when he mentioned the room. "Your room?" A brow raised. "Not the guest wing? What will your mother think? Your staff? Your father?" She spoke with a nervous tone, but the smile on her face was unconcealable. She would not have to suffer nights from her prince as she feared. She would be able to console him during his nightmares and feel his arms wrap tightly around her during her own sleepless nights.

"You know, I told your mother that I fancy you." She spoke after the shock wore off, quietly laughing to herself. "And she told me that she had sent you to that nameday celebration because she knew you'd stop at the inn, which she also knows about. I always admired how wonderful of a mother she seemed when I accompanied my parents to dinners and balls. There was a part of that Isla who wanted to be just like her- kind and caring so fiercely about her own children." She spoke with fondness, dipping her unbandaged hand below the surface to rest on Lynus' thigh. "I am eternally grateful that she is allowing me to stay here with you."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
"My room... Not the guest wing," Lynus confirmed, his kisses punctuating each answer. He couldn't help but laugh quietly, his lips grazing the shell of her ear. "I really don't care what they think. They all know I've been visiting the bordello, they all know I've failed on several occasions to return home. Is it not more of an insult to them for us to pretend?" he asked. "Let them have their scandal; it's the most interesting thing to happen to this house in a while. The staff enjoy it, my mother seems pleased that I am home, and my father... Let's not worry about my father."

The Prince grinned boyishly. "You fancy me, do you?" he laughed, his arms tightening around her. His expression paused slightly at the mention of his mother and her schemes and secrets. "I see..." he rumbled, his lips twitching slightly. That she'd known he would go looking for Isla instead of attending the soiree he'd been sent to amused him, but he did not know whether to be angry or grateful that she'd known about Bess. She'd known all along, known that he was safe there, and let him be, regardless of how much it must have hurt her that he'd felt the need to escape.

Lynus cleared his throat and leaned back. "She is quite something. Though I fear I've been a terrible son at times," he said quietly. "Anyway, let's cease this talk of my mother while we're bathing together," he huffed a laugh, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on her skin beneath the water.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
His confirmation settled something deep in her, a relief that she would not be far from him and some emotion she could not quite place when he stated that he did not care what anyone thought of her. She hated that a little part of her, too, enjoyed in the reaction to the scandal of her improper Prince. "Does it bring you pleasure to drive everyone mad?" She laughed, listening to him speak and ultimately agreeing that perhaps now was not the best time to speak of his parents.

She dunked her head beneath the water for a moment, soaking her hair through completely. When she returned to the surface, water streaming down her face, she caught him watching her with hands still tracing over her skin beneath the surface. Her eyes softened, and she leaned back into his chest. Her own fingers grazed his thigh gently, suddenly noticing how the bath water felt hot as the nerves began to wake up anywhere he touched.

Her eyes shut, a quiet groan escaping her lips as he ignited a fire within her. A groan which she had failed to conceal, and found herself amused by. "I thought I asked you to wash my hair," She twisted slightly to look up at him. "You are not doing a very good job at following instructions as my personal Prince."

Her smile widened as she pulled herself from his arms and turned fully to face him. "But you have done more than I can ever repay you for." She leaned over him, halfway out of the water as she reached for something behind him. When she returned she leaned close, her lips trailing kisses down his neck. "Let me spoil you." She breathed against his skin, hands brushing over his chest with a layer of the lavender soap. "Its the least I can do."
  • Melting
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus watched the laughter dance in her eyes, feeling a warmth spread through his chest that had nothing to do with the heat of the water. Her smile was infectious, and he couldn't help but smile back, sighing deeply as he pushed a wet tress of her hair back from her face. "Perhaps a little," he smirked with a light shrug. "Being a Prince has to have some benefits, after all."

He chuckled quietly at her playful reprimand. "My apologies, My Lady," he said, amusement in his voice. "I seem to have already failed to live up to your high expectations of me. I'll endeavour to do better."

He reached for a small bottle of thick liquid, the scent of honey and vanilla filling the air as he poured a little into his hands. Slowly, he lathered it into her hair, his fingers massaging gently into her scalp as she washed his skin.. "There is nothing to repay. You..." Lynus paused, laughing quietly to himself as he considered how difficult it was to explain just how much she'd given him. If she'd seen him, truly seen him just a few short weeks ago... "You've given me so much that I can't even begin to explain, Isla."

He found her gaze, ensuring she could see the sincerity in his own. "I don't deserve you. You spoil me just by being here, by listening to me. By trying to understand me, by being honest, by laying against my chest the way you do. By smiling like that, even when my jokes are terrible..." He smiled and shook his head in quiet awe of her.

His fingers worked through her hair with gentle care, the rich lather cascading down in soft, fragrant bubbles. The sensation of her closeness, the intimacy of their shared space, made his heart swell with gratitude. He realised just how much her presence had come to mean to him. That beacon she'd spoken about, that she'd promised to be.

"My world was quite different before you came storming into it and put me in my place." he smirked, recalling the first night he'd met her, though the smirk faltered as his gaze fell to where that ring of bruises had once been around her throat. Never again would he, nor any other man, lay a hand on her. "You make me want to be better. And for that, I will always be grateful."

The outside world, with all its challenges and expectations, faded into the background. In this moment, it was just the two of them "You are my light," he whispered, his eyes locking onto hers, his soapy hands cupping her face. "And I will do everything in my power to make sure you never feel the darkness again. You have my word."
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
"You deserve so much more than I will ever be able to give you." She smiled at him, scrubbing in light circles over his chest. A sadness lingered on her face for a moment. Isla wanted to be happy in the present, sharing a bath with the man who had saved her from her own destruction. She wanted that desperately, but she wondered if there would forever be an uncertainty. His mother was allowing her to stay for now. His father wanted her gone. Would she be trapped in Lynus' bedroom for the rest of her life in some attempt to avoid his father's wrath?

His fingers had a way of easing her worry, pulling her from the way she was overthinking once again. She willed that blank look to vanish and watched him as his eyes dipped below her face, halting when they reached her neck. She wondered what thoughts were brewing in his own mind, his expression shifting so slightly from the cocky grin to something darker. Shame, maybe.

The bandaged hand held his chin, forcing his stare back onto her face, into concerned eyes of navy blue. "I have known you nearly my whole life, Lynus. Yet, I have only truly known you for such a short amount of time. In that time, however, you have proven to be a better man than any other I have had the misfortune of crossing paths with. I cannot fault you for reacting how you did when I had been lost and angry for so long." She sighed. "You are a good person. Whether you believe it or not, I am telling you that deep down, you are good and I can promise you that everyone else can see it. They can feel it."

She let his hand cup her own face and allowed him to pull her close. The hand that scrubbed his chest trailed lower. "And I promise that I will be here to bring that light until you find that you should no longer need me. If that day shall ever come. Lynus, I will not allow your world to fall apart again." She pressed her lips to his. "I promise."
  • Melting
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
His heart ached, to think that she thought he'd ever discard her. "I told you already. I will always need you."

Her lips met his in a kiss that spoke of promises and devotion. Lynus' hand slipped to the small of her back, pulling her closer until their bodies were pressed together. The heat between them ignited a passionate fire, and they lost themselves in each other, the world outside their intimate haven forgotten.

By the time they were through, most of the water had soaked the floor, and what remained in the tub was cold. Lynus wrapped Isla in a sheet, her wet hair clinging to her skin, and carried her to the fire to dry off. With only a sheet around his waist, he soon answered the knock at the door, finding a slew of maids who had come to deliver their meal. Their lips twisted in amusement, he noticed the barely concealed gossip in their eyes and could only smirk back.

"Thank you," he said casually, taking the trays from them and kicking the door closed behind him to a quiet chorus of giggles.

On the bearskin rug by the hearth, they shared the meal of roasted pheasant with stuffed figs, and peppermint tart. Lynus couldn't recall a time where he'd dined on the floor, even as a child, though the meal certainly took far longer than it should have due to his difficulty in keeping his hands off of her. Isla, sitting there bathed in firelight, was irresistible.

Once again, he found his limbs tangled with hers, propped on his elbow as he smiled down at her, kissing the taste of peppermint from her lips, her skin flushed once more, and he felt a surge of contentment. He wasn't sure how long they'd lay there for, but the fire dwindled at night began to fall before he knew it.

"I thought I might pay Arryn a visit, if you care to join me," he sighed quietly, lacing his fingers with hers, kissing her knuckles. It was literally the only reason he could possibly have for leaving this room tonight.
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  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
Isla shivered slightly, wrapped up in the sheet as Lynus carried her from the freezing bath to the bedroom. Her wet hair, cold as ice, clung onto her exposed shoulders. There was a relieved sigh as Lynus set down on the rug before the crackling hearth. She could not hide the blush, heat seeping into her chilled skin, as she watched him step away, wrapped only around the waist, to answer a knock at the door.

She heard the giggled, and turned her head to face the curious faces of the maids. She pulled the sheet tighter around herself, trying to hide herself from their amused stares. As quickly as she glanced at the giggling maids, she was staring back into the fire, discomfort clear on her face. Acutely aware of her past, the whispers would follow her. The judgement in their eyes would never cease. Perhaps Isla was to blame, in her eagerness to feel him again so soon after arriving to a place where her past had certainly spread.

But Lynus seemed to find no harm in their observing, smirking back at them as if he was proud to have her on his floor. A woman who had no self respect or decency, they probably thought. Their Prince had surely lost his mind if his prize was a woman who'd been conquered by half their city.

He had a way to ease her worries. Feeding her peppermint tarts and replacing the tarts with his lips when they had run out, replacing the sheet she wore with his own body, she did not want the meal to end.

Isla had never understood love. It was something, a word, tossed about so carelessly. A hollow promise whispered by men seeking comfort in the dark to the girls seeking affection. She thought she had known it when Nathaniel had declared it, showering her with gifts. He claimed to love her, but it was the thrill of his encounters and the secrecy that he loved. She would have loved their child, she had thought for years while quietly mourning the loss. Her heart had shattered that night in the brothel, planting the bitter seeds of resentment.

Her heart hardened by each passing year and the longing for something meaningful had shifted to cynicism. Affection was a currency, a roof over her head, a meal in her brother's stomachs. Something to be traded, not felt. She wore the bitterness to block out the feelings. To keep herself at a distance even when in the arms of a stranger.

Lying beneath Lynus, she found herself staring up into his eyes with the firelight flickering in them as it died out. There was a tenderness she had never known. Something that seemed to pierce through the armor of bitterness she had spent a decade constructing. Each moment, whether his lips grazed hers or he simply looked down to smile at her, she felt something shifting. Cracking. She did not want to believe that love was real. She was afraid. Afraid it was another illusion that could shatter her and somehow leave her more broken than even Nathaniel had.

She often found herself searching his face for deception, hints of insincerity. But she never found any. Perhaps love was not a means to an end. Perhaps it was spending hours enjoying the company of the person beside you. And maybe, just maybe, he thought she might be worthy of love. But what was she so afraid of-

I thought I might pay Arryn a visit...

She squeezed his hand as their fingers became interlaced. "Of course I'll join you," she said softly, hearing the reluctance in his voice as he spoke. She wondered if he was having similar thoughts of his own. Thoughts he had to pull himself from before he went too far. "I am intrigued to see what luxuries he's been provided by his Prince."

Isla released his hand, letting it drop so that she could dress quickly. There was little to do with the damp blonde waves, so she chose to leave them where they were. In a few short minutes, she was no longer wearing a sheet for an outfit. She was dressed in one of the more casual gowns. Modest and appropriate, she deemed it as she admired herself in the mirror while she waited for Lynus to dress.
  • Melting
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus couldn't help but admire her as she stood before the mirror, a deep sigh tumbling free of his chest. He dressed in loose breeches and a shirt, then took her hand, murmuring a quiet "Beautiful" into the crook of her neck as he did so.

He led her into the hallway and down a set of spiral stairs, and down, and down, into the bowels of the keep. The guards stationed in the stone hallways stood to attention, the walls down here were adorned only with sconces and chains. They reached a large door that opened into a stone chamber with an unmanned desk. The door to the largest of the cells was slightly ajar, and the sound of laughter echoed from inside..
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Reactions: Isla
Arryn sat in his cell, the door ajar. He lounged on a chair with his ankles crossed atop the table that had been brought in, his arms arms folded. Two guards, Ollie and Vin, and his young squire occupied the other chairs around the table. A game of dice was clearly going Arryn's way, as it so often did, his pile of coins significantly higher than the rest.

"I did warn you, Vin," Arryn said, his cheeks dimpling with a grin as he shook his head at the man who was currently cursing his name for taking the last of his coin. Brett, his squire, giggled hysterically, stealing a sip of Arryn's whisky.

"Oi. That's enough of that," Arryn chided, taking it back much to the kid's displeasure.

"Prince Lynus!" Ollie blurted, the young guard's eyes wide as he jumped to his feet so quickly the chair he'd been sitting on crashed to the floor. Vin followed suit, standing straight.

"It's alright, lads. He's with me," Arryn muttered with amusement as the two guards quickly shuffled out, dipping their chins in sheepish greeting.

"My Prince, My Lady."

"My Lady," Arryn greeted too, though he took his time getting to his feet and offered a short bow, nudging Brett to do the same.

"Eh uh, My Prince, My Lady," the young boy greeted, copying Arryn's bow as he jumped to his feet beside him. "I got dinner brought here, Lyn--My Prince, like you said. A-and the whisky too," he said with a grin up at Arryn who gave the boy a stern look, unable to hide the amusement in his gaze.

"Aye, that he did. The pheasant was sublime as always. Pay Elsie my compliments, won't you?" Arryn asked of Lynus. "And please. Make yourselves at home," he gestured to the chairs. A soft mattress and bedding had been brought down too. It was as comfortable as a dungeon cell could be.
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As Isla stepped into the dimly lit dungeon, laughter was the last thing Isla expected to hear. The air was thick with dampness and the lingering scent of mold. She knew she was safe, but her heart picked up with each step. She clutched Lynus' hand tighter, eyes adjusting slowly to the flickering sconces. How could one find joy in the dark, cold dungeon?

It was even less expected to hear laughter from multiple men and a child, but Lynus seemed to find it unsurprising as he pushed open the door to allow for the both of them to enter.

She had felt guilty, knowing he was here because of her. Knowing he had to face a trial because he killed to save her own life. That although Lynus claimed he would be free, there was still a chance...Her breath caught in her throat, sorrow swelling within her all while everyone seemed so...happy.

She flinched when the chair hit the floor, pushing herself behind Lynus while the two guards passed the two and allowed them to enter.

"Please, just call me Isla." She smiled at the young tipsy boy, though the look on her face was unable to hide how badly she wished someone would take her up on the offer. Heavens knew she was no lady, so why pretend to be?

Her attention turned to the two men, Arryn thanking Lynus and allowing them to get comfortable. Isla strode to where the chair had been knocked down and replaced it so that she may sit beside Arryn. She propped her hands on the table, fiddling idly with her own fingers as she finally addressed him.

"Have you been well?" She asked. "I suppose that question was unnecessary as it appears your cell is more akin to an apartment in the city."
The boy looked to Lynus as Isla insisted that the formality be dropped, and the Prince nodded. "S'alright, Brett. You can relax," he laughed quietly and gave the same nod to Arryn. Formality was one of those things that Lynus hated about court life. Unfortunately, it was one that he'd had to suffer when in the presence of his parents or any other nobility, but otherwise he had always insisted that those close to him called him by his name, too.

"Good to see you again, Miss Isla. Ent it, Arryn? Told you she was here, din't I?" the boy smirked.

Lynus caught Arryn's eye, knowing now that he had had words with Isla, had upset her, and his gaze cautioned him to be welcoming. He sat down across from him, glancing at the pile of coins he'd acquired.

"I'd say he's doing very well," he commented.