Private Tales The Starling and the Bear

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"Aye, you did, Brett." Arryn sighed in exasperation. "Sorry, he's a bit of a gossip." Arryn shot the boy a look, but the child only grinned back at him.

"I've been well looked after, thank you for asking." The guard offered a smile, looking between Isla and Lynus, his gaze falling to the bandaged wound on her hand. He was unsure of what Isla had told Lynus about what had happened, but the Prince would hear none of it from him.

"It's good to see you looking well, Isla. And you, brother." He looked to Lynus. The last he'd seen both of them, they'd been distraught, wounded in mind and body.

"Forgive me.. I thought Brett was mistaken when he said you were here. You are staying here, then?" he asked, his brow arching. Lynus had clearly not lasted the two weeks before going to see her, and he couldn't help but wonder what trouble he'd been in with his parents, his father particularly.

"I've missed much already, it seems." he rubbed at the back of his neck.
Her smile brightened her entire face upon hearing the young boy use her name- even though he slurred his words. She gave Arryn an amused, yet judgmental glare from where she sat, quite the opposite of the look on Lynus' face. After he was seated, she agreed with him. "Very well, indeed. Although, I do not think you are supposed to give children alcohol."

Isla hated to admit that something in her heart warmed at the little exchange between Arryn and Brett. Hated to see that Arryn wasn't the rude man who'd dragged her out of that house and told her everything she did not wish to hear- how awful she was, how badly she hurt others, how selfish it was of her to have real, human emotions that she had long forgotten how to control.

He saw no potential in Isla, he'd said it himself. He cares about you, though I can't fucking imagine why.

Seeing his eyes drift to her hand, she quickly hid it under the table. Her expression was readable, warning him not to mention that night. Lynus had seemed satisfied enough to never question her explanation, though she was certain he never quite believed them. The cut on her hand was believable enough, but he'd seen the scabbed up knees and bruises once she undressed. He never asked what happened. She would not have bothered him with the truth, anyway.

"Perhaps you don't get children drunk and expect them to tell you what is happening on the outside of this cell." She shrugged, eyeing the bottle of whisky. "I am staying in the Keep, yes." She spoke before Lynus could answer. "I apologize that we did not send word to you first." Her voice was laced with that same amusement on her face when she turned to Lynus. "Did you not consult your brother for his opinion?"
Brett grinned mischievously, earning him a look of disapproval from Arryn. “Oh, I don’t give him alcohol freely. He’s on his last warning.” His brow quirked, and the grin on the boy’s face faltered and fell.

They both looked to Isla at her accusation, the boy’s head shaking adamantly, fear in his eyes that the potential future princess might think so terribly of him. “Oh-oh no, Miss Isla, I weren’t spying, Arryn ain’t never asked me to do nothin’ like that neither. I’m sorry, Miss. Was just excited to see a lady here with Lynus, that’s all.” Arryn put a hand on the boy’s shoulder and pulled him close, wrapping an arm around his neck and playfully ruffling his hair to ease his panic.

“He meant no harm.”

The small smile Arryn wore was strained, his tired gaze falling on Isla as she spoke to him with such sarcasm. He was quiet for a while, a flicker of shame in his eyes. His jaw tensed.

“Of course not, Isla. I apologise if I offended you. I’m at you and my brother’s service, assuming that I live to see the weekend. Right now, I’m just a former slave in a prison cell for murdering his captain; nobody has any need for my opinion, I assure you,” he said quietly, his chin dipping. Brett was awkwardly silent, and Arryn patted him on the back.

“To bed with you.”

“Can’t I stay here with you?”

“No, but you can have my room. Make sure Onora is fed and watered in the morning. I’ll see you for breakfast.” He assured, seeking to assuage the boy who nodded and trudged from the cell with a quiet farewell to each of them.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Isla
Lynus remained quiet, looking between Arryn and Isla, the tension palpable. He wasn’t used to anyone putting Arryn in his place, wasn’t used to anyone ever having to. Whatever his brother had said to Isla, it’d clearly gotten to her, but when she’d demanded he be released from his cell, he’d assumed it’d been forgiven.

“You’ve nothing to worry about, Arryn. You did what you had to to keep Isla safe. You were following my orders; don’t lose another minute’s sleep over a noose. I’d never allow it,” Lynus assured.

“We just came to see that you were comfortable enough. But yes, Isla is staying.” He said, reaching to take the hand she wasn’t currently hiding under the table. “And parents are aware.” His brow arched, knowing Arryn would be concerned otherwise, that it might mean more trouble for him.

“Everything is quite well.” He assured.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Isla
Isla's own smile was strained as the child scrambled to apologize to her. The fear in his eyes, the realization that even a child was afraid of her was numbing. "It is quite alright, Brett. You are not in any trouble, I promise. I am not angry with you." Her attempt at reassuring him did not appear to shift his mood.

She found it difficult to watch Arryn pull Brett close, ruffling his hair to console the boy. It seemed to work far better than her words had. Isla had never been one to interact with children, so her assumption that her skills in soothing adults would translate had been a disappointing reality. There was a tense silence that all four of them honored until it became unbearably uncomfortable. Lynus had wished to see his friend and Isla had ruined it. She should have let him go alone when he asked.

After Brett left, Isla finally chimed into their conversation. Her fingers laced with Lynus' when he reached out to her. "Having the Prince to vouch for you is certainly beneficial, but I promised you that I would tell the truth of what happened to whomever needs to hear it. Lynus' word is powerful, but he wasn't there. Forgive me for worrying that the man who admitted to murder's best friend's word may not be the most credible source." She glanced over to him, wincing at the pain shooting through her injured hand when she realized she had been clenching it too tightly beneath the table. She tried to smile at Lynus. The slight humor in her voice did not match the pain in her eyes.

If Arryn was executed for his crime, Isla will have broken her promise to Arryn and the Queen. There was no possible way she could pull him from the darkness of losing his best friend, his brother. She would testify if necessary. Tell only the pertinent details of that night. After all, while the boys' friendship may make Lynus' word less credible, a girl who had been drinking and trying to end her life probably fared no better in anyone's eyes.

If Lynus had seen through her lies, she was suddenly feeling grateful that he had not pressed for more information on the cause of so many injuries to her body. Or any detail of her whereabouts after she'd turned him into a spectacle in the middle of the street. Her expression shifted briefly, lost in her morbid thoughts. When she returned, she had been squeezing Lynus' hand harder than she had intended.

"Anyway," She had missed a portion of their conversation. "I wanted to thank you again. For...everything." For being an insufferable dick head. For saving the life I was ready to rid myself of. For forcing me to listen to the truth. For putting Lynus above all. Despite his palpable disdain for Isla, he had brought Lynus back to her. She would have given him the world for that act alone. "If there is anything I do for you or bring to you to make your stay less dreary, then please just say the word. I owe you more than I could ever repay."
Lynus's thumb absently caressed Isla's knuckles, a small smile curling at the corner of his lips as she offered her own truth of the incident, though there was apology in his gaze as he looked up. "There are many who can attest to Arryn's character, and to Varys'.. The fault was mine for sending him after you in the first place. I'm only glad I realised my mistake and Arryn found you before anything terrible happened to you." He frowned, his guilt palpable.

"What's done is done. You are safe, and that is due to Arryn's actions. You were upset; Varys saw an opportunity; Arryn stopped him from taking it. That is the truth of it. There is nothing else to say and no need for you to relive the night over. All this is just a ridiculous formality." He cast his eyes around the cell with a sigh.

He caught the pain in Isla's gaze, felt how tightly she clutched at his, and his own shifted to one of concern before falling to her hand. "I'll take you to visit Mabel before you retire for the night, let her see to those stitches properly." He frowned.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
Arryn nodded in quiet agreement with Lynus, noting how he caressed Isla's knuckles, seemingly without realising he was doing it, simply comfortable to do so. Their relationship had clearly moved on from when they had last spoken, and Arryn's lips twitched with a ghost of a smile.

His attention turned to Isla, his expression unreadable as he stared back at her. Listened to her. Her thanks were unexpected, and his brow rose slightly, his head shaking. "There is nothing to repay, Isla. I'm glad you're safe, and I'm glad you're here." He said, his gaze fixed on hers, pointedly. Here, alive, here, in the keep, here, with Lynus.

He had also noted the pain in Isla's face; his gaze shifted between the two, wondering if she had lied about the wound. Whatever she had told him, the Prince would not hear the truth of it from him, now that she appeared to be safe from harm by her own hand, he had little need to broach the subject.

Arryn's throat cleared. "My stay is made far less dreary here knowing that there is someone as formidable as you, looking after our Prince in my absence." He smiled at her, and then to Lynus, who grinned back at him.

"I'm sure you both have far better things to be doing than sitting in this place talking to me.. Go on, I'm fine. This is no place for ladies and Princes." he smirked.
  • Smug
Reactions: Isla
"Fine, you are right." She surrendered to the two of them, her offer getting her nowhere. Lynus' thumb grazing her skin did little to settle her guilt, however. A man was dead because of her. Arryn had given her the chance to live when she was so willing to throw her life away. She had been so hopeless and he forced her back into reality. She owed him far more than she could ever repay, but neither would entertain such nonsense.

She released her iron grip on Lynus' hand and nodded. "I am sure the stitches are fine. Annoying, but fine." She glanced at the bandages, ensuring there had been no bleeding through. "Though if she has something to heal the wound quicker, I'd say let us go now before I lose my mind. I am losing my mind without my piano." She frowned.

Arryn drew her attention to him and she rolled her eyes. She may have owed him the world, but hearing him call her a lady made her want to drive her fist into his face. She much preferred being the formidable beast that could take care of their Prince. "Fine Arryn. We shall leave you for the night. Apologies for disrupting your games. Perhaps Lynus and I can join you all next time."

She smiled, standing and grabbing Lynus' hand to lead him from the cell in what may possibly have been the only productive interaction between Isla and Arryn.

He lead her through another labyrinth of stairwells and corridors until they reached the dimly lit chambers. The room was filled by the overpowering scent of antiseptic herbs, which Isla found nauseating. Mabel sat beside her, peeling off the bandages until the marred palm was exposed. Isla winced as the bandaged tugged the suture.

"You've been keeping the wound clean, I see." Mabel examined her hand, palpating along the scabbed laceration. Isla, once again, flinched and reached out to grip Lynus' hand. "The sutures are intact and it seems to be healing nicely. Slowly, but nicely." Mabel gave them a small, but reassuring smile.

Isla breathed a sigh of relief.

Mabel placed Isla's hand onto the table and stood, walking over to a table of salves and tonics. She reached for a small jar, a pair of forceps and a blade. "I'm going to take the sutures out. It may pinch a bit, but they have done a well enough job. I'll apply a salve that should help close the rest of it." She tugged one of the threads and sliced below it, pulling it through her skin and dropping it onto the table. "I will rebandage it tonight. Please, keep the movements to a minimum for the next day or two. Until the flesh is closed completely."

Mabel scooped some of the salve from the jar and rubbed it into Isla's palm after the last suture had been cut. Isla grimaced, but the moment it touched her skin she felt its soothing warmth spreading rather than the stinging pain of her wound. Her hand was rebandaged by skilled hands and just as quickly as they had entered, they were already being allowed to leave.

Isla paused in the doorway and looked up at Lynus. "There is one more thing I need to ask Mabel. Give me one moment." She released his hand to walk back up to Mabel, whose kind eyes were curious as looked up from her work.

"Is there something else you need?" She set her tools down.

Her voice was low as she spoke, "A tonic to prevent pregnancy?" It was not embarrassment that caused her to speak with caution, nor was she hiding from the gossiping maids. She did not want to see Lynus' reaction again, the way he'd attempted to hide it when he found her in Bess' kitchen in the middle of the night.

"Certainly," Mabel smiled, standing and moving back to a cabinet of supplies. She returned with a small vial and handed it to Isla. "It should be taken once a day, consistently."
  • Peek
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
The days were passing in a blur of quiet moments and tender exchanges, with Lynus finding his solace in each Isla's company. They spent most of their time in the comfortable seclusion of his chambers, or wandering through the lush gardens and playing with Duke. He had found a sense of peace he hadn’t known in a long time, wrapped in the warmth of her presence.

As the evening light began to turn to gold, he led her through the winding corridors of the keep, his hand warm and steady in hers. The walls echoed with centuries of history, and the faint scent of polished wood and candle wax lingered in the air. When they finally stopped before a grand set of double doors, Lynus turned to Isla with a soft smile.

“I’ve been wanting to show you this,” he said, gently pushing open the doors.

The library was a sanctuary of light and elegance, a hidden gem within the dreary stone walls of the keep. Towering arch windows took up one side of the room, their dark wooden frames gracefully curved like the branches of an ancient tree, the mottled glass panes flooding the room with a soft, golden light that danced across the polished, marble floor.

The walls were lined with ornate bookshelves that stretched up to the vaulted ceiling. Each shelf was filled with volumes of every size and color, their spines worn from years of use, yet carefully preserved. A few small tables were scattered throughout the room, lanterns and fresh flowers decorating each one.

In front of the windows, atop a small dais, stood a white grand piano, intricately painted with branches of spring flowers and leaves. Ever the romantic, Lynus had ensured the room had been prepared for her enjoyment. On every surface, flickering lanterns and vases of fresh flowers; roses, lilies, and wildflowers had been carefully arranged.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
Despite how much she enjoyed each day wrapped in Lynus' loving embrace, adjusting to life in the Keep had not been easy. Sleeping had not come easy to her, just as it hadn't outside the keep. Long after Lynus had succumbed to exhaustion, she spent her time wondering if everything would be as difficult and hostile as the first day. She wondered how long he would want her here. Her heart wished to stay forever, even if she must learn to tolerate the remarks of the King and the gossiping maids. Her head told her wishing only wounded the heart. Everything had been temporary in her life since the day she left home.

When he woke, blue eyes back on her own, she abandoned the thoughts and allowed herself to be pulled back into their sanctuary.

He pulled her from bed in the evening, something that had not become uncommon in an attempt to avoid most of the prying eyes and the chance that she would somehow find herself in the King's path. But unlike most evenings, he did not lead her into the gardens for a dusky stroll that more often than not led to a tumble in the flowers. This time, he brought her inside, pulling her along through the labyrinth of hallways that made up the keep. She noticed his excitement, the way he was unable to hide the smile even when he faced away from her.

Curiosity did not prepare her for what lie beyond the double doors. The library held the same charm as Lynus' room had, hints of nature existing in each detail. In the place she had dreaded while he slept beside her, he had given her a room so light. So different than anywhere she could imagine the King enjoying himself. But it wasn't the books or the furniture that held her attention. No. It was the grand piano, whose intricate paintings seemed more than lifelike as the golden sunset poured in over it.

It was beautiful.

She said as much, releasing his hand so that she could move faster without his weight attached to her.

"You never cease to amaze me, Lynus" She opened the lid that covered the keys. Not a hint of dust anywhere. As if he'd ensured it would be perfect and clean for whenever he was ready to show her to it. There were tears in her eyes as she pressed down on one of the white keys. Perfectly tuned. Her hand recoiled and she looked up at him. "May I play it?"
  • Melting
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Her delight was infectious, igniting a warmth within him that spread through his chest like a gentle flame. For all the complexities of their new life together, moments like this made every challenge worthwhile.

He followed her up onto the dais, his arms wrapping loosely around her waist from behind, his chin resting atop her shoulder as he looked down at the polished keys.

“Of course you can,” he murmured, turning his head to press a gentle kiss to her cheek. With a playful grin, he settled into the seat and pulled her down into his lap.

“It’s all yours,” he rumbled.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
"All mine?" Isla whispered, letting Lynus pull her into his lap on the piano bench. She turned her head to look at him, look at the soft boyish grin that made her heart flutter. "I can't believe you...I love it." She met his warm gaze for a moment before turning back to the keys.

She shifted until she was nestled in his lap with her back pressed against his chest. Her eyes shut and she paid attention only to the steady rise and fall of his breathing as he surrounded her. Her hands lifted, fingers hovering over they keys. Isla hesitated for a moment and took a deep breath of her own. Her fingers finally met the keys and the first few notes rang out in a tentative melody.

It was a song she had not heard before, something she was creating as she sat with his arms wrapped around her. Guided by his breathing and the steadiness to which he held onto her, the melody quickly grew into something more confident and she allowed herself to surrender to it. Surrender to the melodies she heard in her head every time he touched her.

She felt safe. For the first time in so many years, she felt safe.

The final notes rang out and her hands fell into her lap, her own breathing uneven as she wished to hold onto the moment and never let it fade away. When she no longer heard the ghost of the melody echoing through the bookshelves, she leaned back and twisted only slightly so she could look up at him. But she couldn't muster any words to describe how she felt, how the song felt. Not yet.
  • Melting
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Her reaction was everything he had hoped for, a sweet confirmation that he had done something right, something meaningful. When she turned to look at him, her eyes filled with emotion, his heart squeezed, and the soft, boyish grin he wore widened.

As Isla shifted in his lap, her back pressing against his chest, Lynus held her a little closer. It was a moment so intimate, so perfectly theirs, that it felt like the world had fallen away, leaving just the two of them in the quiet sanctuary of the library. He could feel the slight tension in her as she prepared to play, her fingers hovering over the keys, and he instinctively pressed a gentle kiss to the side of her neck, offering silent encouragement.

And then, she played.

And Lynus could feel the music resonating within him, understanding them as though they were words spoken, as if she was pouring her heart into the keys, translating the depth of her emotions into a song that spoke directly to him.

He closed his eyes, letting the music wash over him, and for a moment, he lost himself in the harmony of their shared existence. The melody was tender, full of the warmth and safety that they had found in each other. It was a sound he wanted to carry with him always, a reminder of this moment, of her, and how he felt for her.

As the final notes faded into the silence of the library, Lynus opened his eyes, his heart still beating to the rhythm of the song. He felt her lean back into him, twisting slightly to meet his gaze, and when their eyes locked, words felt unnecessary. There was so much he wanted to say, but the raw emotion in her eyes left him momentarily speechless.

Instead, he simply captured her lips with his, trying to convey everything he felt. "You are... Amazing." he finally whispered as he kissed her again. "Outstanding.." and again, "Incredible...Stunning...Breathtaking..." he smiled, punctuating each word with another, longer kiss.

His hand moved to cradle her cheek, thumb brushing softly against her skin as he gazed down at her. "You play, and it's like, I see your soul.." he frowned. "I've never heard anything so fucking beautiful in my life."
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
Her silence lasted far too long. Isla could not stop herself from just staring up at him, the man who had been the source of inspiration of the piece she had never known. He smiled down at her, placing kisses on her lips and she returned them, the look of wide-eyed bewilderment still there.

She could not read music, no, but she could mimic it with startling accuracy. This, however, was no written piece of music. It was not a melody she had heard aloud. It was the music she felt any time he looked down at her and smiled. The tune in her head any time his fingers grazed her skin. It was him.

He was her muse.

He was her everything.

Finally, she cracked and her smile peeked through. She pulled one of his hands in her own, lacing their fingers together. "You see my soul when I play?" Her head tilted, leaning into the hand that cradled her cheek. "I see you. I hear you. I feel you. And that is what I hear in my head. That is what you sound like to me."
  • Melting
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus felt the weight of Isla’s words settle deep within him, the sheer emotion of what she had said catching him off guard. For a moment, all he could do was stare at her, his heart pounding in his chest as her words sank in.

When she smiled, a warmth flooded through him, but the depth of her confession stirred something more primal, something raw and powerful. "Starling," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion, and something more. His heart raced, every beat echoing the intensity of his feelings. The way she had spoken, with such honesty and vulnerability, left him breathless. She had poured her heart into that melody, and now she was offering it to him, along with every part of herself.

Without another word, emotion took control, and he stood, lifting her effortlessly as he captured her lips in a kiss that was both tender and demanding. The kiss was fervent, filled with everything he couldn’t express with words—the love, the need, the overwhelming gratitude for having found her. It was as if he was trying to merge their souls.

He sat her down atop the piano's polished surface, his hands cradling her face as he kissed her, deeper and more passionately, as though trying to show her exactly what she meant to him.

Lynus’ heart stumbled, and he pulled back just enough to look into her eyes, his breath ragged, his voice barely a whisper. "You are everything to me, Isla. Everything." he frowned, hoping she could see the sincerity with which he spoke before leaned down to kiss her again, his lips moving with a new urgency, desperate to show her just how deeply he felt. Desperate to make her feel more as his hands slipped down the contours of her body to grasp at her skirts.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
Isla felt his heart racing, her own hand resting just over it when she turned to look into his eyes. Slowly, her fingers gripped the fabric as if she feared he may flee after her confession. He knew she was enamored. Even the blind could see how much she needed him. But sharing that need only seemed to make her stumble when she tried to speak it aloud. Gods, it might take an eternity for her to confess, completely, how she feels.

She was content, staring up at him as his eyes clouded and he seemed to contemplate what it all meant. But he wanted to give her more and caught her off guard. She did not protest being lifted, meeting his lips with her own and accepting everything he had to offer.

He placed her on the lid of the piano, her own hand slipping from the edge and slamming into the keys eliciting a breathy laugh into his own mouth. Silently, she prayed this library was really as secluded and unused as it had seemed. The maids did not need more to gossip about.

"Please," she begged him, her own hands going to her skirts to pull them up over her thighs. Her voice was soft, trembling with raw emotion and the weight of fears she had yet to speak aloud. She had never seemed so fragile, so easily broken. "Promise me. Please. Promise me that you will never let the music turn into something that hurts."

Her lips claimed his, kissing her back with the same frantic hunger. "I need you." She pulled the fabric until it bunched up around her waist. Her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer until she could feel the searing heat of him radiating against her.
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  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus felt Isla's trembling words reverberate through him, the rawness of her plea slicing through the haze of passion. Her vulnerability, the way she clung to him as if he were the only thing keeping her from breaking, made his heart ache with the need to protect her. She was trusting him with the delicate parts of her soul that she had hidden away for so long.

He cupped her face in his hands, holding her gaze to his, conveying the depth of his vow, the assurance that he would protect her from anything that could cause her pain. "I promise, Isla," he whispered, his voice filled with all the tenderness he felt for her. "I swear it."

He wanted to give her everything, to be everything she needed. He wanted to shield her from all the pain, to make her feel safe and cherished. Loved. If only he could bring himself to say it.

As her arms wrapped around his neck, he let his own hands travel down her sides, savoring the feel of her beneath his fingers. He pressed himself closer, feeling the warmth of her, the way she fit perfectly against him. Her skirts were bunched up around her waist, and he could feel her bare thighs against him, her skin soft and inviting. The anticipation between them was electric.

He kissed her again, deeper, more passionately, his hands roaming over her back and hips as he let himself get lost in the moment. She was everything to him, and he wanted her to know it, to feel it in every touch, every kiss.

Definitely longer than 39 seconds later..
Lynus chuckled softly against Isla's neck, the sound a mix of amusement and disbelief as he pulled back slightly to look up at her, straddled in his lap. His hair was tousled, his breathing still unsteady, and a grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. "I’m honestly surprised no one’s come to complain about the racket we just made," he murmured.

The piano had produced a cacophony of notes, an unintended melody of their desire. The dissonant keys still echoed faintly in the room, a stark comparison to the delicate music she had played before. He pressed a kiss to her temple, his grin widening as he met her gaze. "Who knew we were capable of making such… interesting music together?" he smirked, the humour in his tone matched by the warmth in his eyes as he brushed a stray lock of hair away from her face.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
40 seconds later...

Isla shivered, his laughter tickling on her neck. The flower Lynus had put behind her ear at some point that was now a blur in her memory fell, landing on his chest. She looked down at him and placed a hand on one side of his face, the other moved to brush through the mess she'd made of his hair. Her gaze was full of amusement and she had seemed to be thinking the same as him.

She couldn't help but laugh, bringing her lips to the top of his head. "You call it interesting. I hear a masterpiece. Maybe someone did hear and they knew better than to interrupt a magnum opus." There was a spark in her eye as he brushed the hair from her face. She supposed she looked as disheveled as he did, still perched in his lap. She wasn't ready to leave that position yet. She still had yet to stabilize her breathing and calm her heart which was beating so loudly in her chest. Lynus could certainly feel it.

"I don't know how I could ever live without such beautiful music in my life." She wrapped her arms around his neck again, pulling him into a tight embrace. "Thank you for giving that back to me, Bear."
  • Melting
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus's grin widened as he looked up at her, his eyes filled with a mixture of mischief and genuine affection. "Magnum opus? Is that what you call it? I just call him little Lynus. Not that he's little, he's definitely above average..." His grin was playful, and he laughed, the sound resonating with the contentment he felt.

His hands moved to her back, his fingers tracing soothing patterns as he listened to the steady rhythm of her heartbeat against his own. "Well, you never have to worry about such things again. You will always have music from now on" he said, his voice softening, his blue eyes reflecting deep sincerity. "Thank you for sharing it with me."

The sudden knock at the door and Sarah’s hesitant voice interrupted their tranquility. "Uhm, excuse me, My Prince, My Lady.. My Queen has requested the Prince's presence in her study.. If you please."

Lynus groaned softly, his head falling back as he sighed, reluctantly breaking their embrace. "Duty calls," he murmured, his eyes still warm as they met hers.

"I'll be right there, Sarah." he called back as he began to dress, his movements slow and deliberate as he pulled on his garments. He straightened his clothing, smoothing out any creases, and then made his way to the door. With a final glance at Isla, he opened it to find Sarah standing there, her cheeks a delicate shade of pink as she curtsied, avoiding his gaze.

Lynus smirked, a teasing glint in his eye as he dipped his chin in acknowledgment. "Sarah."

As he passed her, he could see Sarah’s relief and embarrassment, her hurried steps carrying her back into the library. Lynus, still smiling, turned back to Isla one last time, his gaze filled with warmth and promise before he left to wander down the corridor, ready to face the royal duties that awaited him.
  • Smug
Reactions: Isla
Her skin took on the same shade of pink that Sarah's did when she realized the maid had been there and had caught a glimpse of the pair still locked in the position they remained in. Her eyes locked onto Lynus' and her lips twitched into a tight smile that held back the laughter she wanted to release. "Mortifying," She whispered as he broke the embrace and pulled himself into his clothing. She was lucky to only have a few layers of skirts to rearrange. "Did you even lock the door?"

Another chuckle escaped her lips when the girl turned bright red, hurrying into the library. "Good afternoon, Sarah." The sun was setting, but there was still plenty of time in the day and she was eager to get some fresh air now that she was alone-ish. Meetings with Lynus always seemed to take an unnaturally long time and there was no sense wasting the evening waiting for him to return.

"I think I'd like to visit the markets before the close for the night." She mentioned, fiddling with her skirt and slipping on her shoes.

"Now?" Sarah was still flustered with whatever she had wandered into, barely processing it all while Isla threw the door open.

"Yes, now. I'd like some fresh air. Join me, will you?"

She needed this air. Air that was free of prying eyes, disapproving royals, and overbearing guards. Gods, just how did they live with every move being watched? She wondered, picking up her pace as she shoved her way through the crowded town square. She had allowed Sarah to join her. Well, it had been a choice between Sarah and Arryn. Sarah seemed easier to lose.

As predicted, after a while Sarah was nowhere to be seen. Whether she had allowed Isla to roam alone like she had hinted at or truly lost her in the crowd, she did not know. She also did not care. They would find one another eventually.

It was strange that the marketplace was bustling so late in the afternoon and Isla slowed to a stroll, relishing the rare moment of freedom away from the Keep. It had been a long while since she’d seen the busy stalls with colorful fabrics, fresh produce, and trinkets. Even while she worked so near, she had never been allowed to visit. She paused at one, a jewelry stall, and admired the display of delicate rings and necklaces when a familiar voice sent a chill down her spine.

“Nice to see you’ve never changed, Isla.” He sneered in a low voice, standing beside her as he mimicked her, admiring the jewelry. His eyes narrowed on the ring she placed on her finger. “So the rumors are true, then. Isla is the Prince’s little whore?”

Her heart skipped a beat, but she refused to show her fear. Instead, she pulled the ring off and placed it back in the display. “I think you have the wrong woman.”

“No, I’d recognize your pretty face anywhere. From a brothel to the Keep, quite the leap, eh?.” He laughed, his expression twisting into something Isla couldn’t read. “How did you manage to worm your way into the Prince’s bed after the meltdown you had in the street? Did you use the same tricks that you used on me? Should we be expecting the Prince’s bastard any time soon?”

“I don’t know what you mean.” She clenched her fists at her sides.

“Bullshit.” His eyes darkened as he leaned in. His voice, a low and threatening whisper. His arm wrapped around her waist. “I still remember how you looked when you begged me to love you. When you tried to trap me. Do you have to beg the same of him? Or is he just a fool who found comfort between your legs? I wouldn’t blame him after his wife’s death…”

“Stop talking.” She pulled out of his grasp. “You know nothing."

“You and I have unfinished business, Isla-”

“I didn’t do anything. You were the one who lied, who forced me to-”

Before either could finish their thoughts, a woman’s voice called out from a nearby fabric stall. “Nathaniel! Come here, darling!”

Nathaniel straightened, releasing the grasp on Isla’s waist. His expression shifted from whatever darkness lurked there to one of feigned annoyance for his nagging wife. He stood to face her- a tall, beautiful woman with bright red hair stood a few paces away holding the hands of two children, a boy around twelve and a girl who looked to be ten.

Isla’s heart ached at the sight of the younger one. Her child would have been around the same age if they hadn’t…

She fought back tears, her vision blurring as the woman approached with a warm smile plastered across her perfect face. “There you are, I’ve been looking for you!” She glanced at Isla, something crossing her face that made her smile falter. Her nose crinkled. “Who is this?”

Nathaniel forced a smile. “An old acquaintance. We were catching up.”

Isla stammered a quiet, shaky, “I need to leave.”

She turned to leave, Nathaniel’s voice stopped her with a promise. “I’ll see you again soon. We can finish talking then.”

She didn’t respond, steps quickening as she fled the crowd. The image of that little girl haunted her thoughts. The pain of her lost child, the betrayal and trauma she had suffered through alone, the thought that Nathaniel may truly find her again all swirled in her mind. A hand grabbed her arm and turned her around.

“Gods, I was looking everywhere! Where the hell did you go? I was about to fetch Arryn because I thought I'd lost you!” Sarah’s voice brought her back to reality, her tone shifting when she noticed the tears in Isla’s eyes. “Lady Isla? Are you alright? What happened?”

Isla shook her head. “I need to go home. I’m fine. I just…” She paused, allowing Sarah to usher her into a carriage. “I just need to rest. I think the weather has gotten to me.”
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus returned to his chambers, finding them empty. A sense of unease gnawed at him as he moved quickly through the Keep, searching the familiar places where Isla might have gone—first the library, then the kitchens. But each room he entered only deepened his worry. It wasn’t until he finally crossed paths with a guard on the stairs that he received any information.

"I believe the Lady left the Keep about an hour ago, My Prince," the guard reported, standing rigidly at attention.

Lynus’s eyes narrowed. "Without guards?"

"W-with her handmaiden, My Prince," the guard stammered, his unease palpable.

Lynus’s patience, already frayed, snapped. "Well, she’s not a fucking guard, is she?" His voice was cold, the frustration evident as he glared at the trembling man.

"N-no, My Prince," the guard stuttered, his face paling.

Lynus exhaled sharply, forcing himself to rein in his temper. "Take ten men. Go find her and make sure she’s safe. Keep a distance and do not approach her. Am I understood?"

"At once, My Prince." The guard bowed quickly, nearly tripping over his own feet as he hurried away to carry out the orders.

Time stretched painfully thin as Lynus returned to his chambers, his mind racing. The news that she had been seen getting into a carriage, looking troubled, did little to calm the storm within him. He sank into a chair by the fire, Duke’s head resting heavily on his knee, the dog’s presence the only thing keeping him grounded as his anxiety threatened to morph into anger. The tension in the room was thick, suffocating, as he stared into the flames, trying to keep his fears from consuming him. Dinner had been brought earlier, but it now sat cold and untouched.

When the door finally creaked open, Lynus glanced up, though he quickly turned his attention back to the fire, trying to mask the depth of his emotions. The soft rustle of fabric told him she was there, but he needed a moment to steady himself, to push down the panic that had been clawing at him.

"Had I known you were so desperate to escape the Keep," he began, his voice low and controlled, "I’d have arranged an escort for you."

There was a quiet in his tone, but the underlying tension was unmistakable. He wasn’t just upset—he was afraid. Afraid of what could have happened, of the dangers she might have faced without him there. And in that moment, as his words hung in the air, the firelight flickering across his features, the weight of his worry was clear.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Isla
Isla had spent the carriage ride eerily quiet. Sarah took the opportunity to mask the tension by chatting. Non-stop. Isla had drown most of it out, ears ringing with the promise that Nathaniel would see her again, claims that they had unfinished business. Isla hadn't a clue what he was referring to. While he left a permanent scar on her heart and in her soul, one she worried would never be mended, any tie they had to one another was severed with the end of the life inside her. The Lady had made sure that he knew.

Perhaps it was the gifts. Jewelry, mostly obnoxious costume pieces, could have held some significance for him. Kress knows the Lady wouldn't return any of the money he'd spent there. The worst, she considered, was that she was the business. Locked away in the brothel, Isla had no power. The men she'd been with would have never been exposed to their wives and loving families. She held so many secrets from so many lovers. Perhaps he was as afraid of her exposing him as she was of him existing.

And now, seeing that she had somehow 'wormed her way' into the heart of the Prince, maybe he felt threatened. Isla would never...never. Sharing secrets with Lynus was one thing, but Isla would never expose any of them to the public for being pieces of shit. Even if they deserved it. She wanted more than anything to separate herself from all of that.

"Are you even listening to me?!" Sarah huffed, crossing her arms as the carriage came to a halt.

Isla's expression softened, giving a sheepish smile. "Sorry," She forced a laugh that Sarah did not buy. "Was a bit lost in thought."

This, Sarah understood to be true and accepted it. "Fine, fine." She rolled her eyes and hopped out first, allowing Isla to take the hand of the driver and hop out.

Isla noticed eyes on her. Guards seemed to be staring, as if they'd heard something they shouldn't have...or as if they had been ordered to follow her when she had been trying her best to avoid them. She wondered how long they had been lingering.

She and Sarah walked back into the Keep, the younger handmaiden notably more quiet as they approached the bedroom. She said a quick goodbye, and scurried off. Isla pushed open the heavy wooden door and made her way over to the fireplace, lingering behind Lynus as he finally addressed her.

His voice had grown more cold than it had been only a few hours prior, in the library. There was a hint of unease, worry. Isla took another few steps forward until she stood between Lynus and the fire. Before she even mustered any explanation, she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry," Her own voice was shaky and she tried to cover it up. "I wanted to visit the market while you were called away. Your meetings have usually taken quite a bit longer. I thought I would have had time..."
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
As Isla stepped into the warm glow of the firelight, Lynus could feel the tension that had been coiling in his chest start to unravel. He didn’t turn to face her immediately, his gaze still fixed on the flames, but the moment her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him into a tight embrace, the rigidness in his posture began to melt away.

Her voice, soft and tinged with something she was trying to hide, sent a pang of concern through him. Lynus closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the shakiness in her words as she apologised, explaining herself. He exhaled slowly, the weight of his earlier anger dissipating as relief took its place.

Without a word, Lynus wrapped his arms around her waist and gently pulled her into his lap, holding her as if to reassure himself that she was truly there, truly safe. He sighed, pressing a tender kiss to the top of her head, the warmth of her presence settling the storm inside him.

"I don't mean to imprison you here, Isla," he murmured, his voice now softened with regret. He knew she had endured more than her share of confinement in her life, and the last thing he wanted was to make her feel trapped. "I just want to know that you’re safe. If anything were to happen to you..." His words trailed off, the fear behind them lingering in the air.

He tilted her chin up gently, searching her eyes, the concern clear in his gaze. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper, as if he were afraid of the answer. He could see the hint of something in her expression—something that hadn’t been there before. Something that worried him.

Lynus waited, his heart pounding in his chest, for her to tell him what had happened, for her to share the burden of whatever had shaken her.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
"Imprison me?" Isla's chuckle was genuine, her voice full of confusion with an edge of nervousness that she could not hide. "Lynus, I just wanted to get some air while you were occupied. I did not mean to worry you. I didn't realize it would..."

When he tilted her face up to study her, he would see that she still seemed pale, shaken by the encounter. "I'm alright. It's nothing, really, just an unexpected encounter." She tried to reassure him, but the distress seemed to latch onto the smile she forced.

"It just caught me a little off guard, but nothing happened." She kept it vague, but added, "I'm sure your guards would have taken care of it if anything did happen. How many did you send, anyway? I didn't see them in town, but when I got back they'd all been watching me like a hawk."

She laughed again, leaning into his chest to avoid his eyes fearing that they may see through the fear she tried to suppress.

"What was your meeting about this time? Tell me." She demanded, trying to move the focus onto something else. Anything else. As long as it wasn't Nathaniel.
  • Frog Sus
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus listened as Isla tried to downplay her excursion into the city, her words filled with nervous laughter and reassurances that rang hollow to his ears. He could feel the unease radiating from her despite her attempts to mask it. Her smile, usually so warm and genuine, was forced, and the pallor of her skin only heightened his concern. When she leaned into his chest, trying to deflect his attention to something else, he huffed.

"The gardens are vast, Isla, and believe it or not, there's plenty of air out there," he began, his tone calm but with an underlying seriousness. "And they’re safe." He couldn’t hide the tension in his voice completely, though he tried his best to keep it gentle. He sighed again, his fingers tracing soothing patterns on her back as he spoke. "I sent a few guards, but only after I learned you’d been gone for over an hour. They can’t keep you safe if they don’t know where you are, and I can’t protect you if you run off into the city on your own."

His words were firm, but the concern in his eyes was unmistakable as he tilted her face up again, his hand gentle but insistent, making sure she couldn’t avoid his gaze this time. He frowned, searching her eyes for the truth she was trying to hide from him. "What encounter, Isla?" he asked, his voice firmer now, cutting through her attempts to steer the conversation away.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Isla