Private Tales The Starling and the Bear

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
"I never said they were not vast, but I can't enjoy the bustle of the markets in the gardens, can I?" Her response was much more snippy than his, attempting to defend herself when all he cared about was her safety. All he wanted to ensure that she would be unharmed, and she felt that familiar need to fight back. She was embarrassed, not even knowing why she responded with such hostility in her voice. She had never had anyone care about her and it was, to her dismay, a hard adjustment to feel like someone could care about her. "I wasn't alone, anyway."

She did not share that she had intentionally lost Sarah in the crowds.

Isla failed to fight his grasp on her chin. She did not want to tell him, but it was clear that he would not accept anything until she spilled the truth he could so easily see on her face.

Still, she hesitated. "I had a run in with someone from my past. It caught me off guard. That is all." She fought off her eyes that wished to tear up. "It spooked me, but I am unharmed."
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus’s expression tightened as Isla snapped back at him, her defensiveness catching him off guard. The sharpness of her tone stung, and he could feel the familiar pang of hurt behind his stern demeanour. But he held his ground, refusing to back down until she gave him an answer.

"I realise this is a significant adjustment for you to make," he began, his voice measured, though a hint of pain flickered in his eyes. "But if I am what you want, if this is what you want, then there are things we need to consider. Isla, we can't just go wandering in the markets. Hell, if you want the market brought to the gardens, I can arrange it, but there are too many people outside of these walls who would see us harmed. I've already lost everything once—I won't lose it again."

His tone softened, though it still carried the weight of his concern. "Your handmaiden does not count as protection, Isla," he added with a quiet growl, his frustration evident as he tried to make her understand the seriousness of the situation.

When she finally spoke about the encounter, Lynus visibly bristled, his gaze darkening. The mention of someone from her past only deepened his concern. He knew all too well what her past involved—unsavory men who wouldn’t think twice about hurting her. It was exactly what he feared and precisely why he wanted to keep her safe.

"Do you understand why I’m pissed off about this?" His voice grew more intense, his emotions bubbling to the surface. "I made you a promise that you’d be safe, that I wouldn’t allow another man to touch you again. And then you go and test that promise without giving me any chance to protect you. Anything could have happened to you, Isla." His brow furrowed as he looked away from her, the anger and fear clear on his face. Even Duke, sensing the tension, whined softly from his spot by the fire.

Lynus took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm of emotions within him. "I won’t press the matter further, since you clearly have no desire to share it with me. Your supper is cold, but if you’re hungry, I can have something warm brought up." He spoke without looking back at her, his voice soft but laced with the remnants of his frustration and worry.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Isla
"Fucks sake, more people within these walls would be glad to see me dead than those outside of them." She muttered to herself, crossing her arms. His father, for one, would probably be delighted at the very thought of it. But even Isla recoiled after the words left her mouth. She froze and tried to back track, choosing her words haphazardly in an attempt to calm the situation.

He could hear her take a deep breath. "Lynus, if you want honesty from me then I will tell you. All I want is you. Everything else," she gestured around her, "I could not give a fuck about. I only want you." She wondered if it would upset him when she admitted that his title meant nothing to her. She would have loved him if he were a beggar in the street.

"I am sorry for not announcing my departure, I did not realize it was such an issue. I just wanted to experience freedom to explore for the first time since I was a teenager. I've been locked away for so long before I met you..." Her eyes burned. "I was not trying to test anything, I just-"

Lynus was right. Isla had no rebuttal and she knew he was not lashing out from a place of anger, but fear. And she fought him from that same place. "I'm sorry..." She whispered as she stood, pulling herself from his lap. As she walked away, she gave him another morsel of information, her voice absent of any emotion. "Nathaniel was out. It just frightened me."

Isla walked away, silently slipping from her dress and getting in bed. She wasn't hungry. She didn't want to speak anymore. She did not want to upset Lynus further or think more of the haunting look in Nathaniel's eyes.
Lynus visibly recoiled at Isla’s words, a flash of pain crossing his features. He shook his head slowly, as if trying to process what she had just said. “Is that what you think? That my family are capable of such things? Isla, you’ve given them even less of a chance than they’ve given you thus far.” His voice was tinged with disappointment, his frown deepening. “Do you seriously think I’d have brought you here if I didn’t believe it to be safe for you?”

He ran a hand through his hair, the tension in his body evident. “You knew what I was when you came here. All of this,” he gestured around them, “that you don’t give a fuck about—it’s part of that. Part of me.”

Her apology only seemed to heighten the sense of guilt that gnawed at him. He didn’t want her to feel trapped, didn’t want her to think he was taking away her freedom. “You are free to come and go as you please, Isla. I don’t wish to take your freedom from you—all I ask is that you are accompanied by our guards,” he added, his voice softer now, but still firm. He watched her stand and walk away from him, the distance between them feeling heavier with each step she took.

Lynus growled as he stood too. He’d been heading toward the door, though as Isla uttered a name he’d hoped never to hear again, he stopped in his tracks, his hand hovering over the door handle. He turned to face her, his expression darkening at the mention of Nathaniel. The tone in his voice shifted, laced with a dangerous edge. “He frightened you?”

Lynus’s eyes narrowed, his protective instincts flaring as he processed the information. The thought of Nathaniel being anywhere near her made his blood boil. He took a step closer to the bed, his gaze locked onto her. “What did he say to you?” he demanded, his voice low and intense, his concern for her overriding any anger he might have felt moments before.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Isla
She did not have the energy to argue further. In the morning, when she was less emotional, she would accept it all. She would go out with guards if he so desired. She would apologize for what she did not mean to say so harshly; of course she loved every part of him, prince or not. She gave a fuck about it all, but would explain to him that none of it mattered to her. She cared for him with or without the title. With or without his family. With or without his guards.

She knew the name shot the same icy arrow through Lynus' heart. Nathaniel. She did not turn to face him, pulling the blankets over her bare shoulder as she stared out the window. "His presence is frightening." She stated bluntly. Tomorrow, yes tomorrow she would apologize.

"Don't worry," She shifted under the covers. "He didn't do anything." It was a lie that made Isla nauseous to say aloud. She could still feel his arm wrapped around her waist, fingers gripping her skin as he spoke to her. She shivered at the icy chill it shot down her spine.

She went quiet for a moment before sharing any more. "He was there with his wife and children. A boy and a girl." She felt the ache in her heart again, reaching over into her bedside table to search for the little vial Mabel had given her of that foul-tasting tonic. She continued to speak as she rummaged. "He recognized me. That is all. Forgive me for finding his presence unsettling given our history."
  • Cthulhoo rage
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
He watched her pull the blankets over her shoulder, her back to him, and he could sense the exhaustion in her voice, the weariness that came not just from the day but from something deeper. It was clear that she didn’t wish to speak any more of it, but it was difficult to let it go, especially when she wasn’t exactly being forthcoming with details.

“His presence is enough,” Lynus muttered under his breath, his jaw tightening as he imagined the encounter. The fact that Nathaniel had dared to approach her, even with his family by his side, filled him with a quiet, simmering rage. But what bothered him most was the way Isla had dismissed it.

Lynus wasn’t fooled. He could hear the strain in her voice, the lie she tried to pass off as reassurance. “He didn’t do anything?” he repeated, his tone flat, betraying his disbelief. He walked over to the bed, his eyes never leaving her as she rummaged through the bedside table.

“You expect me to believe that?..” He didn’t. Not after how shaken she’d been. When she mentioned Nathaniel’s wife and children, Lynus’s expression softened just slightly, but the anger remained beneath the surface. His head tilted, watching her for a moment.

“Are you trying to protect me from the truth, or protect him from me?..”
  • Stressed
Reactions: Isla
"He didn't hurt me."

She didn't want to look up at him, now looking for anything to distract herself and keep her from doing so as she revealed more than she wanted to. "I am not trying to protect either of you." She snapped at him, grabbing the vial and slamming it down on the nightstand a little too roughly. She recalled the look on his face when he walked into the brothel, walked in on Isla and one of his guards. He wanted to kill that man, and she was sure he would have if she wasn't watching.

"You cannot just go and hurt any person that touches me. You are a Prince, not a vigilante." She turned her head slightly, Lynus looked angry and Isla just looked so...exhausted. The look that had been on her face when Arryn showed up to her house returned. A deep sadness flowed from her. She could not stop thinking about the little girl. "And I do not think mocking me is a crime."

She shut her eyes and returned her head to the pillow for a moment before reopening them. She blinked back the tears that made it through. "You cannot hurt someone for calling me a whore, Lynus." The Prince's little whore. "It is more true than everyone here calling me Lady." Somehow, it felt less insulting to her as well.

"He approached me at a little jewelry stand. He recognized me. I didn't realize how quickly rumors spread," She paused. She supposed they weren't rumors at all if they were true. "He seized the opportunity to remind me of our history and accused me of doing the same to you." She left out the threat, still unsure of what the unfinished business even was between them. "I don't know if after ten years he still truly believes it was all intentional, but I don't care enough to find out. It was jarring. That is all. Any more questions?"
Lynus stood beside the bed, his fists clenched at his sides as he listened to Isla. Every word she spoke about Nathaniel cut deeper, making it harder for him to maintain his composure. His anger simmered, but he tried to rein it in, knowing that his fury would only push her further away.

She had been happy when he’d left her earlier. The thought of that man, of anyone, reducing her to the state she was in now, only fuelled his rage.

Duke, sensing the tension, padded over to the bed and jumped up beside her to lay down against her side. Good boy.

Lynus exhaled slowly, his anger momentarily giving way to a deep sadness as he looked at her, so weary and burdened by her past. “You are not a whore, Isla,” he said, his voice low but firm. “You’re a Lady. My Lady. And I care about you—whether you like it or not, you’d best start getting used to it.” he frowned, his expression pained as he watched her struggle with her emotions.

“I just want you to be safe, to feel safe.” He hesitated, feeling the distance between them grow despite his best efforts to bridge it.

Finally, Lynus sighed and turned toward the door, feeling defeated. “I’ll leave you in peace,” he murmured.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
Isla wrapped her arm around the giant dog, stroking his fur to calm herself as Lynus spoke. No part of her wanted to argue with him, but it came like second nature. Isla was always cornered, always defenseless. Armed with nothing but her vicious mouth. But he gave up, promising her nothing but wishes for her to be safe and not feel how she had been made to feel for so long.

"I wish they didn't say it with so much venom on their tongues." She whispered, pulling Duke close and burying her face in his mass of fur. She choked back a sob. "You are the only person who truly believes I am worthy of that word. Everyone else disagrees. I see how they stare, how they whisper when I don't think they can hear me. For fuck's sake your own father assaulted you because of me. I hate Nathaniel. He is a piece of shit, but he is the only person who hasn't lied about what they think I am. He said the same thing they say, but louder."

She didn't want reassurance, she just wanted him to hold her and love her the ways she couldn't tell him that she loved him. It would get better.

But she had bad days. Days he wouldn't understand even if she explained her feelings a thousand times over. But Isla did not expect him to understand unless he had lived her life. Just as she did not understand what it was like to be him.

Isla did not know if Lynus had left or if he still remained to listen to her talk to herself and the dog. "I am fucking tired." She rubbed her nose against the dog's head. How pathetic. I've been given the world on a silver platter and still, I am wallowing in my own misery.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus stood in silence by the door, hearing the raw pain in Isla's voice as she sobbed into Duke's fur. Every word she spoke cut into him, each one a truth he hadn't fully acknowledged until now. She felt unworthy, dismissed by all except him, and the weight of that realisation crushed him.

His heart ached as he listened to her, hearing the exhaustion and despair in her voice. She had been here only a short while, and already it seemed like the walls were closing in on her, the whispers and stares suffocating her spirit. Lynus had brought her here believing he was giving her safety, a better life, but had he truly considered what it meant for her?

He could barely stand the thought of her being so miserable, and the guilt gnawed at him. How could he have been so blind, so wrapped up in his own need to protect her, to keep her close, that he hadn’t seen how much she was struggling?

"I'm sorry," he finally whispered, the words almost too soft to hear. He bowed his head, feeling the weight of his own shortcomings press down on him. He had thought he was doing the right thing, that bringing her here would heal them both, but now he wondered if he had only been trying to heal himself, forcing her into a world where she felt even more isolated and judged.

He didn't know what to do, whether to go to her and hold her, or leave her to the comfort of Duke. He wanted to lash out, to find Arryn and ensure Nathaniel would never consider approaching her again, but he knew that wouldn’t help Isla now. He felt torn between wanting to take action and knowing that what she really needed was something he couldn’t easily give—peace, acceptance, a sense of belonging.

Lynus stood in silence, the room heavy with the tension of unspoken words and unresolved emotions. He took a step toward her, then stopped, unsure if she wanted him there, if his presence would bring her comfort or just more pain. He wanted to say something, to make it better, but the words wouldn’t come. All he could do was stand there, feeling utterly helpless as the woman he loved lay before him, broken by a world that had never shown her the kindness she deserved.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Isla
Are you trying to protect me from the truth, or protect him from me?

The question lingered in her head. Her unwillingness to answer him was because her answer would make things worse when she said them aloud. She was sure of it. She was scared of it. There wasn't a single piece of Isla that didn't feel anything but hatred for Nathaniel. Not after everything he took part in. But still, she feared Lynus might not believe that when she finally spoke upon hearing the floor creak under his feet.

She shifted slightly, watching him from the corner of her eye while she still faced away.

He had given her everything she could ask for, but all she wanted was him. Did he think she was not satisfied with that? She wondered, her heart aching as she tried muster the courage to talk.

"I am protecting him from you." She admitted with a sigh. "From you, from the Arryn, from the other guards." She rolled onto her back to study his face. "I hope you don't misunderstand this, though. Every part of me would have been ecstatic to see him locked away or as badly hurt as I had been. None of this comes from a place of affection. That is a part of me that died with...that died ten years ago."

Duke wriggled up closer in her arm. "But I can't let you or Arryn hurt someone because they hurt me so long ago. Even if it is something I will carry forever. Those kids...they don't know him how I did. They looked at him with so much love and admiration. Even his wife. They seemed so happy." She patted the bed for him to sit down. "Hurting him would hurt them, and they don't deserve that."

Even if he deserved to lose every person he loved and was forced into a life of loneliness as Isla had.

"I'm sorry I worried you, but I don't want either of us to go to bed upset. I need to work on that part of myself. I've never been good with...any of this..." She looked up at him, her eyes were still full of tears. "Opening up has always seemed to hurt more than bottling things up...Especially when I had no one to share my troubles with until now."

She still neglected to share the threat with Lynus.

"I promise to bring a guard next time. Or I'll wait for you. Whatever makes you happy."
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus's fists clenched at his sides as he watched Isla struggle with her words, her reluctance to speak, the hesitation that weighed heavy in the room. He couldn't help but wonder, and when she finally did speak, admitting she was protecting Nathaniel from him and his men, his initial reaction was a bitter, mirthless laugh that escaped before he could stop it. It was a laugh filled with disbelief and frustration, not at her, but at the situation they found themselves in. He shook his head, dropping his gaze to the floor, trying to contain the mix of emotions swirling inside him.

As she explained her reasons, her selflessness in considering Nathaniel’s family, his anger began to wane. He realized that she wasn’t protecting Nathaniel out of affection, but because she couldn’t bear the thought of causing pain to innocent people, even if it meant sparing a man who had hurt her so deeply. It was an act of compassion that he could admire, even if it was difficult for him to accept.

When he finally looked up at her again, his gaze was softer, though still filled with the remnants of his frustration. "I wasn’t considering having him killed, Isla," he said, his voice low and strained. "That’s not who I am. But he should know there are consequences for what he’s done. He should be made aware that he’s not allowed anywhere near you...And that he’s fortunate to still be walking after what he put you through." he added with a huff.

He couldn't bear the way she looked at him, teary eyed and apologetic. It pulled him back from the door, his rage displaced by the need to console her, to hold her. He crossed the room in a few swift steps, his resolve softening with each one. He couldn’t leave her like this.

"I’ve never been much good at it either," Lynus admitted, his voice gentler now as he climbed onto the bed beside her. He reached out, his hand finding her cheek despite Duke's nuzzling. He let out a small, almost amused sigh, the moment lightening just a fraction as he allowed himself to relax.

"I’m sorry," he whispered, his thumb brushing against her skin as he looked into her eyes. "You don’t need to explain any more. Just get some rest, Isla." He leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead before pulling back just enough to lie beside her, his arm resting protectively around her.

He wanted her to know that she wasn’t alone anymore, that whatever battles she faced, they would face them together. For now, though, all he wanted was to hold her close and let her know that she was safe, that he was there, and that they would figure everything out—one step at a time.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
"Lynus," He told her there was no need to explain herself anymore, but Isla felt compelled to add, "It is...was...horrible to live through. I was too young...But it was just a part of the work. I was not the first and I am sure that I was not the last girl to experience that." She let him wrap his arm around her as she continued, not entirely convinced by her own words as she spoke.

There was a haunted look in her eyes when she looked up at him. "I was too young...Far too naïve. But, I'm sure it was for the best that it all happened." She yawned, looking back at the dog. Part of her knew what she said was true- the lifestyle she wanted and the family she wanted was all the young girl's delusional fantasy. None of it planned, but she was more than willing to accept it and dream of the happy life that she could never have.

But that other part of her still yearned for everything she wanted all those years ago.

"Some days I wish I could burn that place down, you know? But then I think of all the girls like me who have nothing but that place. I don't know what I would have done or where I would have gone when I had no home and a family who refused to acknowledge my existence beyond the money I sent them."

She wedged and arm behind Lynus, wrapping the other around his waist, and pulled herself tightly up against him. "Maybe when you are King, you can come up with something to save them all." She said with another yawn, "But let that bitch burn in hell where she belongs."

Isla had rambled quite a bit more, though each word grew less and less coherent as she drifted off and let sleep finally take her for the few good hours it promised.

When Lynus would awake in the morning, he would not find Isla by his side. The windows had been opened to let the breeze in. Duke had very willingly taken her place in the bed. There was giggling heard beyond the heavy wooden door to the room. A quiet crash and howling laughter echoed through the hall.

After a few deep breaths, the door opened. Isla and Sarah had clearly been up for hours- Isla because she struggled to sleep, and Sarah because she might be insane (Isla considered). Each woman carried a tray. Sarah had a tray with tea and coffee. Splashes of the hot liquid flooded the bottom of the tray- the source of the quiet crash. Isla carried various baked goods: scones, croissants, biscuits, and muffins. If the flour dusting on her dress and cheek had not made it clear, the inconsistencies in the shapes and sizes of the foods did. Isla, under the guidance of Sarah and the chefs, had been the one to make the foods.

"Good morning!" Her mood had improved since the last night, though some puffiness to her eyes suggested the lingering effects of her tear filled argument. "Get up, get up!"
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus had listened to her words the night before, each one carrying the weight of a life that had demanded so much from her. Isla had been forced to endure pain, to protect even those who had hurt her, and the thought of it filled him with a quiet, simmering anger. She deserved better—so much better. As he held her, feeling the exhaustion in her voice and the heaviness in her heart, he wanted to tell her that she didn’t have to carry this burden alone anymore. She didn’t need to protect anyone at her own expense. But he realised, as he listened to her, that this was a part of who she was, something so deeply ingrained from years of survival and self-reliance. Even with him by her side, she was still learning how to let someone else share that load.

As she yawned and nestled closer to him, Lynus felt his resolve harden. She had been through enough. From now on, he would make sure she knew what it was like to be truly safe, to be truly loved, without any strings attached.

When she murmured about how he might, one day, as king, save the girls who were still trapped in the life she had escaped, Lynus pressed a soft kiss to her head, his heart swelling with emotion. "I will try," he whispered, "I promise."

Long after she had drifted off to sleep, he remained awake, feeling the need to watch over her, keeping her close and making sure she slept, letting sleep take him only when the first light of dawn was beginning to filter through the window.

When Lynus finally awoke, the cool breeze from the open windows greeted him, filling the room with the fresh scent of morning air. He reached out instinctively, expecting to find Isla still curled up beside him, but instead, his hand met the warm fur of Duke, who had happily taken her place in the bed. Lynus chuckled softly, giving the dog an affectionate rub behind the ears as he sat up, his brow furrowing slightly as he found his chambers otherwise empty.

He was about to get out of bed when the sound of giggling and clattering reached him from beyond the door. A small smile tugged at his lips, curiosity piqued, and he ran a hand through his tousled hair as he tried to shake off the last remnants of sleep.

When the door creaked open, Lynus found himself greeted by a sight that instantly brightened his morning. The sight of her, smiling like that, and the comically endearing dusting of flour that she wore. The sight of her like this—playful, alive, happy—filled Lynus with a warmth that chased away the last of his concerns.

“Morning to you too,” he replied, his voice still rough from sleep but filled with affection. His eyes widened slightly in surprise as he took in the scene. “You... baked?” he asked, raising an eyebrow, though his smile only widened at the thought of her in the kitchens.

He got up and crossed the room in a few easy strides, leaning in to press a kiss to Isla’s flour-dusted cheek before nodding his thanks to Sarah. “You’ve both been busy,” he remarked, his tone light with a hint of admiration as he looked over their efforts. “I’m impressed.”

Reaching for one of the scones, Lynus inspected it with mock seriousness before taking a bite. The moment the pastry hit his tongue, he exaggerated a groan of approval, his grin broadening. “Delicious,” he declared, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “You’ve outdone yourselves.”

As he chewed, Lynus caught the look in Isla’s eyes—the lingering traces of the emotions they had shared the night before, but also something more. There was a resilience there, a strength that made his heart swell with pride and affection. He knew she was still working through everything, still healing, but seeing her like this made him feel more determined than ever to be the person she needed, to be worthy of her.

He set the tray down on a nearby table, pulling Isla gently into his arms. “Thank you,” he murmured, his voice low and sincere. He pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, then glanced back at Sarah with a smile. “And thank you, Sarah. I hope you didn't give the cooks any trouble." he smirked as he looked between them.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
Sarah nudged Isla forward, encouraging her to take all of the credit. But Isla laughed and held out the tray, "We baked." She demanded the respect that Sarah deserved, the chefs as well, for their part in breakfast. She did not share with him the details of the kitchen that morning. Isla had shown up just as Lynus finally succumbed to his exhaustion. The chefs were confused, but Sarah was adamant that they train her, if only to prevent herself from doing something stupid.

She had been concerned, herself, when Isla was wandering the halls. She asked for no details- it was not part of her job. But the expression Isla wore did little to ease her concern after Isla responded to 'are you okay?' with a tear filled, 'I'm fine." So she demanded that they both try something new. They may have lied to the chefs claiming it was an order from the Prince that Isla learn something useful.

Isla did not realize how deep she was lost in her own combination of misery and sleeplessness until Sarah had pelted her with some form of dough.

Had the chefs not believed their white lie, they surely would have been kicked out of the kitchen when Isla returned fire. It was childish- fighting with food- but something in it had forced her to leave the sulking behind and enjoy the moment. She was still enjoying it, fighting off giggles, when she watched Lynus take a bite and enjoy their creations.

Before she could thank him for his own praise, he was pulling her back in his arms and thanking them.

"I don't think we'll be allowed back in there," Sarah admitted with a chuckle, understanding that it was not just his thanks but also a dismissal. "Perhaps you can put in a good word for us, your Highness." She bowed to him and turned to take her leave.

Isla laughed into Lynus' chest and waited until the door clicked shut. "Do you really like it? Bess never had the opportunity to teach me with the stitches in my hand. Said it was a liability if I was getting blood in all the food." She looked up at him and kissed along his jaw, trailing down to his neck. "Eat up. I made breakfast so you get to plan what we do today. Take me somewhere new. God knows this place has a million rooms that I've yet to explore."
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Lynus let out a warm, genuine laugh at Sarah's admission. “I’ll do my best, Sarah,” he smirked, glancing down at Isla, savoring the feel of her laughter vibrating against his chest.

“It’s not half bad,” he admitted with a smile, a quiet sound of approval escaping him as she kissed at his neck.

“Actually... I did have something planned for today,” he said, his brow quirking as he fondly brushed the flour from her cheek with his thumb. He followed the gesture with an equally floury kiss to her lips. “But it doesn’t involve staying inside.”

He refused to reveal any details about his plan, even as they ate and he dressed for the day. When they finally headed down the stairs, Brett came rushing up to meet them, a wide grin on his face.

“She’s ready! Er—My Prince, My Lady,” he stammered, attempting a bow but stumbling on the step, just catching himself before he tumbled back down.

Lynus snorted, shaking his head with amusement. “Thanks, Brett.”

The young squire hurried ahead, leading them out into the courtyard. Lynus’ black Friesian horse stood beside a white horse of the same breed. Both were impeccably groomed, their coats gleaming in the morning light, and both were saddled and ready. Brett beamed up at Isla, his hand gently grasping the white horse’s reins.

“Ain’t she pretty, Miss Isla?” he asked, looking up at the horse, who bowed her head to nibble at his hair. “Ey now, girl, behave!” he chuckled, patting her neck affectionately.

Lynus smirked, watching the interaction with a fond smile. “Brett has a kind way with horses,” he remarked, turning to Isla. “This is Opal. She’s yours... I thought we might go for a ride today, if you want to, that is.”

His voice was warm, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his gaze as he waited for her response, hoping she would be as excited about the surprise as he was.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
Actually... I did have something planned for today.

"Oh you do?" Isla laughed, enjoying the trail of flour and kisses. But just as it started, it stopped, and she lingered on that last kiss.

She asked a plethora of questions as he ate breakfast. Where are we going? What are we doing? Are we leaving the Keep or just our room? Do I need shoes? A jacket? Are you enjoying the scones? She would have joined him, and had planned on doing so, had she not eaten half of the dough and batter while cooking that morning. She did have a cup of tea, happily enjoying the berry flavors in lieu of her usual licorice. It made for a good change, even if she would still brave the disgusting tea later on.

Isla had almost exhausted herself of questions- and Lynus of his patience, she was sure- just as they ran into the young lad, Brett. Isla giggled at his entrance, stepping forward to reach out and grab him if he were to fall. "Good morning to you too, Brett." She watch the little boy's face turn pink and grinned.

Isla chatted about the morning with Brett, who had managed to hear the rumor of the two girls destroying the kitchen from some disgruntled chefs. By the time she stopped talking, they had paused before a pair of magnificent horses.

She looked nervous, glancing at Lynus and then Brett. "She is beautiful. And so...big!" Despite her reputation in childhood of being a wild animal, she had never actually been one to partake in things like riding horses. Her parents probably thought she might never come back, which was partly true.

This is Opal. She's yours.

"Mine?" She asked, brows raised. "I'm sorry Lynus, but if I'm being honest I have never ridden a horse before." She felt bad. She wanted to join him, eager to see more of the land and show him how much she appreciated the gift. But she was equally afraid of breaking her neck or embarrassing herself in front of someone she adored so much. "Could you teach me?"
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
Yours,” he confirmed with a nod, seeing the mixture of excitement and apprehension in her eyes. “And there’s no need to apologise."

He could sense her hesitation, the fear lurking behind her words. Stepping closer, he took her hand gently in his, giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Of course, I’ll teach you,” he said, his voice warm and encouraging. “We’ll take it slow..”

Leading her toward Opal, he gave the horse a gentle pat on the neck. “She's a sweet girl. She’s patient and calm, and she’ll take good care of you.” He guided Isla’s hand to the horse’s mane, letting her feel the softness of the hair beneath her fingers. “The most important thing is to relax. Horses can sense how you’re feeling, so just take a deep breath and trust her.”

He moved to stand beside Opal, positioning himself to help Isla mount. “I’ll show you how to get on, and we’ll start with a walk. Nothing too fast, just enough to get you comfortable.” His eyes met hers, filled with encouragement. “You’ll be a natural in no time, I promise.”

With that, Lynus demonstrated how to place a foot in the stirrup and swing up into the saddle, making it look effortless. He hopped back down, offering her a supportive smile as he prepared to guide her through her first ride.
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
Her breath caught in her throat as he gently guided her towards the magnificent beast. She was even more stunning and terrifying up close. The horse was towering and powerful, but her coat was sleek and shiny. It appeared to be shimmering in the morning light. Isla stood before her and agreed that any name other than Opal would not be befitting of such a beauty.

Her hand trembled slightly and lingered on the horse's mane. Running her fingers through her hair, she felt a smile tugging at her lips. Patient and calm. Just like Lynus. It seemed he knew exactly what Isla needed.

The horse's large eyes met hers and she swore it was taking in Isla, just as Isla was taking in Opal.

Lynus demonstrated the basics and Isla loosed a sigh when she had somehow had the sense to ask Lynus if she should wear a skirt or pants and that, by some stroke of grace, he had actually responded to that question. She watched him mount the horse and come back down before he encouraged her to try it.

"You're taller than me," She pursed her lips, crossing her arms as she contemplated how exactly she was meant to get up onto her. She hesitated before she approached the horse and demanded Lynus stand beside her in case she were to fall. He showed her where to place her foot in the stirrup, but anything after that was her poor attempt to mimic his motions.

She could hear Brett laughing to himself as she flung herself over, barely making it onto the saddle as she grunted and turned the brightest shade of pink.

"You're doin' great, Miss Isla!" His words of encouragement were scattered between laughs.


She finally managed to push herself up and stabilize herself. For a moment, she thought she might fall off, but the horse seemed to refuse it and only a moment later Isla was seated atop the horse. The bright smile failed to hid her nerves as she realized just how far down the ground was and how white her knuckles looked as she gripped the reins.

"I did it! I'm up!" She panted, her body tensing and hands gripping tighter when the horse shifted its weight. "How do we look?"
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lynus Anireth
When Isla hesitated before mounting, Lynus nodded reassuringly and stood beside her, ready to catch her if needed. He could tell she was anxious, but he admired her determination. As she awkwardly flung herself onto the saddle, nearly missing, Lynus stifled a laugh, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he offered a hand should she need it.

“You’re doing great,” he encouraged warmly. Brett’s laughter was infectious, and Lynus couldn’t help but chuckle quietly along with him.

When she finally settled into the saddle, a bright smile on her face despite her nerves, Lynus felt a swell of pride. “You did it!” he echoed her. He placed a comforting hand on her leg, giving it a gentle squeeze.

Opal shifted slightly, but Lynus was quick to calm her with a gentle pat to her neck. “Just relax, she’s just getting comfortable with you. You’ve got this.”

He stepped back to get a full view of her atop the horse, his smile widening. “She suits you,” he nodded. "Alright, take a firm but gentle hold on the reins, and give her a light nudge with your heels, and she'll move."

As he took the reins of both horses, Lynus walked between them, making sure Isla felt secure. “Just trust her, and trust yourself.” He looked up at her, his eyes full of encouragement as he guided her on a gentle walk. Brett scrambled atop Onora, Arryn's mare to trot along beside them.

"Arryn says I'm almost tall enough for my own horse soon. Then maybe we can go for rides together, Miss Isla!" the boy beamed.

"Seems I've got competition.." Lynus mused with a smirk, and continued his instruction.

"Now, when you want to turn, gently pull the rein in the direction you want to go. If you want to go left, just pull the left rein towards your hip. If you want to go right, do the same with the right rein. Horses are very sensitive to your touch and your body language, so you don’t need to pull hard. A small, gentle pull is enough.”

"If you want to slow down or stop her, gently pull back on both reins at the same time, and lean back slightly in the saddle.. How does it feel?"
  • Melting
Reactions: Isla
" this?" Isla reached pulled the reign, hands still trembling slightly from her nerves. She followed instruction, nudging Opal a little too roughly and earning herself a loud huff. But, to her surprise, the horse moved beside Lynus. Little by little, the horse and Isla seemed to open up to one another's subtleties and Isla was shocked when the horse actually turned when she gently tugged the rein on the left side.

She hadn't realized she had been silent all this time, focused on not falling off and breaking her neck, until Brett had joined her and Lynus. "I would love that, Brett!" She struggled to turn her head to face him and maintain her balance. "How about you and I ride together when Lynus is stuck in his boring meetings?" She laughed and eased up enough to glance between the two of them. Lynus seemed to be finding the little boy just as humorously charming as she did.

She followed his final instruction and the horse slowed to a halt.

"It feels...good?" She smiled down at him. "A little scary, if I'm being honest, but I think I like it. She makes me feel very free." She looked down and stroked the mane of the horse. "Like when I was younger, climbing trees and living like a little rascal."

Isla paused and looked down at Lynus again. "Do you think I'm competent for a slow ride?" She asked, feeling eager and nervous to tread beyond the fifteen feet they walked. "Where do we even ride? Outside the keep?" She had so many questions, but her excitement stopped her from drowning him in her curiosity.
  • Melting
Reactions: Lynus Anireth