Completed The Sewers of Elbion

Smiling One

Heartbreaker and Life Taker
Character Biography
"Ij zi zemar seeks ul zi trog." (A black heart seeks refuge.)

The entire sewers started to light up revealing a mostly grimy but intact sewer. A couple of fat Rats scurried around as soon as the sewers were lit heading for a more secluded place to hide. Smells of piss and shit invaded Willis' nostrils causing him to scrunch his face a bit in disgust he wished he had a shawl like Claire's but he'll endure. The young man was born and raised in shit besides the Sewers were fresh cut spring flowers compared to worse places Willis had been in namely a Dwarf's outhouse. The young man sighed and stared at Claire, he spoke Orcish but he didn't want to tell her what it meant besides considering her dislike of non-humans she probably wouldn't care. It was the password to light up the sewers it was said during the construction of Elbion a group of Orc mages helped build the sewers mainly so they perform their experiments in secret. Willis spotted a crate behind Claire and motioned her to sit while leaned against the wall arms crossed.

"That's the most sensible thing you've said all day Claire," Willis said. "Wait it out until the Flame Mortar leaves and the fires subside. Besides the Bloody Gate is just a name, remember our old friend Albert? The Bloody Gate was named after big battle took place near it, Albert lead a guard rebellion against the formerly corrupt Guard Captain: Rupert Baker. Blood flowed from both sides and even citizens caught crossfire. It ended with Albert killing his mentor and becoming the youngest Guard Captain in Elbion history. Though under his watch the guards haven't improved much, Albert is still trying to find the Black Market and lately he's been sending guards in the sewers."

Today the sewers are used for the transportation of forbidden items without the knowledge of the merchants guild who keeps a keen eye on which merchant goes in and out of Elbion. Any merchant or shop keeper caught selling items deemed illegal by the guild tends to disappear late in the night. It was a strong enough warning to those selling "exotic" goods that the Merchant's Guild isn't to be fucked with and when pressed, they will cleanse the problematic merchant's that are infecting their city. Which is why a man named Fabien created the Elbion Black Market so that Pirates, Smugglers, practitioners of the forbidden arts and thieves can get peace of mind.

Prices were exchanged and surprisingly not too many broke out partially because Fabien has strict regarding it. Those who break are punished severely. Willis remembered a Pirate killing a rival in the black market only for Fabien to summon flaming meteors on to his ship while sailed killing him and his crew. There was a low growl above them, the Flame Mortar is probably frustrated that it can't detect them underground stinks for it. Now Willis has ample time to question Claire about what the hell was she Kha doing. "Right," Willis said. "The only reason why you haven't a scratch on you is because I keep bailing you out Claire. I just need to know a few things from you. What were you and Kha doing in Elbion that was important? Does have to do with Trajan?"
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((Clarissa Mejeure))

Well, wasn't that a fancy little trick, lighting up the sewers like that? Some kind of spell or something of that manner? Why, she wouldn't have guessed that Willis had a touch of the arcane in him but she supposed it made sense that it was so, Monster Hunter and all. She'd not a whisper of magical talent in her, just made do with what she had. Frankly, it made her work all the more exciting. Where would all the fun be if she could just flick her wrist and have men fawning over her without a modicum of effort? Hmmm, well, to an extent that happened already--naturally, didn't you know?--but under the forced coercion of magic she meant. Ah the delightful dance, of course.

Clarissa glanced back at the indicated crate then back at Willis, head cocked and a look in her eyes and brow that could only mean I intend on not touching anything down here that I absolutely don't have to. Still she stood by the ladder, holding the shawl over her nose and mouth with one hand, lightly strumming fingers as if she were playing a lute on her stomach with her free hand.

"That's a fine story about the Bloody Gate. Pristine, even. Oh but it doesn't make it any more appealing, now does it?"

Good news. Despite the lighting, Willis seemed more keen on staying put and talking rather than galavanting about in a wretched sewer in search of the Bloody Gate. And Claire was just as keen.

Questions. Oh she could entertain him. Better this than running into yet more bothersome monsters and, well, running some more; she was quite tuckered out enough for one night. And by the looks of things with the lighting Willis had a rough go of things above. Why, perhaps he should have ran and just let some fool guards deal with that whole mess. Wasn't that just their sorry lot in life, hmmm?

Claire tittered, hitching up her shoulders for added effect. "Need to know? Oh was there something that was far more serious than I'd imagined and I've simply had not yet been informed?"

A dismissive flick of her wrist. "Oh, no matter. Kha and I do work all the time in and around Elbion, as it so happens. Nothing so special. Well, perhaps you could count the troublesome fact that that little thing we were after happened to grow ridiculously large spider legs and quite literally run away from us. Oh well. I played my part perfectly, so I believe I'm entitled to say that at least someone did a stellar job. And this was my dear little Kha's work, and her little oopsie now. Trajan scarcely had anything to do with it; wouldn't you know it, he's not even here right now. Ah, but that is the beauty of what we do and how we work. No one's strictly 'in charge,' you see. Natural leaders emerge all their own, and natural talent--hmm, like mine of course--flourishes under them. Everything's voluntary, and you get out what you put in. A beautiful little system. Trajan had a word for it. Hmmmm. Ah, yes, meritocracy. Quite the expensive scholar's word, that one. And yes, I'm well aware I've said this after Kha's little bump in the road, but on the whole our system functions fine. Just fine."
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"Meritocracy," Willis leaned against the wall his mind focused on the word. It was a term that the Professors at the College of Elbion preached constantly to students. They said if they want to change the world it would start by taking on the system. "Where a person can advance in rank based on their deeds and accomplishments rather than family ties or legacies."

It was an ideal concept unfortunately meritocracy is just that: A concept, an idea when put into practice will fail miserably. People have biases and they'll ultimately come up with an excuse not to advance that Elf or Dwarf who manages to have more credentials than a human. As much as the College loves to brag about the diverse races who attend their campus, they don't seem to realize that a school full of diverse races and cultures will inevitably clash especially up top where applicants with magical talent will always be favored over a non magic user regardless if they can provide more for the school or not.

Willis observed people abusing their power too much for them to not come to the conclusion that meritocracy would work. Why should the system based on what Trajan has do the same? "So the Lumanari employs meritocracy?" he asked raising an eyebrow. "So you mean to tell me that everyone has a chance for advancement? A peasant can rise to top no problem as long as he does good things for the Lumanari?"
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((Clarissa Mejeure))

Claire regarded him. Playful and deliberate little movements of her eyes. Back up to his own.

"That's the general idea, love. Oh but words like 'rank' and phrases like 'the top' are just poor fits, aren't they? You'll have your leaders of course, why that's just human nature. Just can't do without them. But everything is voluntary, as I've mentioned. Think militia moreso than military. A rough comparison, I'll grant you that, but it gets at the heart of the difference. We're like a family more than anything; we look out for each other. Hmmmm. Lovely, isn't it?"

She curled up her fingers on her free hand and danced her gaze about on her nails for a moment. Back up to Willis.

"Now I know what you're thinking. Why, if we're a family, wouldn't that make Trajan the father? Well, you really ought to meet him. You'll see for yourself what he thinks about such little notions. He has, oh how shall I put this...? Hmmm. Ah, a remarkable mindset. Yes, that rings quite nicely."
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Willis never knew his father the only snippets of information he knew about him came from his mother who looked at the man unfavorably. "You're just like your father!" she would shout Willis whenever she would beat him. "A good for nothing fucker!" It was one of her many possibly drunken rants about Willis' father. She will drone on and on about how Willis will eventually grow up to be like him: A murdering, lying hypocrite who will abandon women.

Considering that Willis' mother abandoned him when he was 7, it was probably a good thing that his father abandoned a heartless shrew like his mother. From then on out, Willis didn't think much about his father he didn't have to since the closest person he had to a father was Captain Davis. He saved Willis from that miserable life at the docks, gave him a new identity and a new life. Willis was thankful for him.

"Well if this Trajan man is a father figure to you guys," Willis said crossing his arms. "Perhaps I should meet him. Not often you get a sense of comradere when you're working for militias. I assume that the Lumanari is that kind of place."

He remembered Claire telling him that the Lumanari was more than an organization but an ideal to strive for. To bring about the best of humanity. Vel Anirian talk by the sounds of that though Vel Anir has the good sense to at least tolerate the rest of the cities. "Is there any way I can meet the man?" Willis asked looking up at the ceiling. There were sounds of dull stomps on the surface, the Flame Mortar was trying to find a way into the sewers. It'll be futile considering that the place is magically sealed.

"So," Willis asked. "What little you're talking about? You said it grows Spider legs? I know of a couple of Spider monsters that are common in the spine but none of them fits the description you're saying. Care to elaborate?"

More stomps were heard above which made Willis sigh. "Considering we'll be stuck for a long time," he said shurgging. "Might as well be as specific as you can."
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Reactions: Trajan Meng
((Clarissa Mejeure))

A father figure. Hmmm. Yes and no. Despite his best efforts, her dear little Kha and plenty of others saw him as such. Just a precious little thing, wasn't it? Oh sure, she could see where that affection came from. Why, Trajan seemed to care more about each and every man and woman in the Luminari than many of their own blood relatives did. Claire included. What a bother, her actual family.

Is there any way I can meet the man?

Claire smiled. An effort she realized only after the fact was wasted. "That can be arranged."

She glanced up at the source of the stomping above with a smug expression. Stupid beast.

A little change of subject. Back to the dreadful business with the Black Circle and their catalyst. Oh what a shame, that. Losing it.

"I can assure you it wasn't anything like that, whatever nasty things you might be thinking of. Not that this thing was any less nasty. And, you know, it wasn't even supposed to be nasty. Oh but how were Kha and I to know, hmmm?"

Perhaps a tiny twisting of the truth here. Willis was uninitiated after all. Best to tread with care.

"Now I know this may be shocking news to you, darling, but can you believe just how infested Elbion is with dark and sinister magic and silly cults and all the rest? Why, Renaldus and his despicable bunch were just the tip of the iceberg, as those lovely northern sailors say. As it so happened, Kha and I were here in Elbion seeking to liberate someone from such unenviable company. The Vicar, they called her. They'd implanted something called a...erhm, 'Symbiote', yes, that's correct, a Symbiote into her. Why, since you fancy specificity and elaboration, I'll say that this thing looked like a giant leech. And this part is absolutely dreadful, but, well, you asked, dear: it was sticking out of a nasty wound in the Vicar's chest. Like some kind of...hmm, I don't what, I've simply run out of metaphors. Supposedly this Symbiote and Vicar combination was something that these men--oh yes, the Black Circle, that was their silly little name for themselves--anyway, it was something these men used for arcane rituals and all that wiggly-waggly finger nonsense."

Claire let out a staged huff of air. Coughed a little as the smell of the sewer ruined a perfectly good moment.

"Months, Willis. This little effort we spent months on. Did I tell that I performed my part perfectly? Because I did. Oh there's no need for applause, love. Where was I? Ah yes, well, we finally got access to the Vicar and...hmmmm...suffice it to say we did not expect anything like what happened in the slightest. You know, the whole Symbiote growing those aforementioned spider legs and rushing off to gods-know-where in Elbion, dragging the Vicar along. Why, a terrible shame, a terrible shame, but what could Kha and I even do to help the Vicar at that point? Nothing, clearly. That Symbiote thing was obviously going to cause quite the commotion along with all the rest of those loathsome monsters up there, and I had the good sense to know that such business was better left to Elbion's sterling guard force. Kha didn't, but she'll come around. Probably already has."

She rocked on her heels a bit. Regarding Willis.

"But the heart of the matter is the same, isn't it? Renaldus, the Black Circle, all the rest still out there. Elbion has quite the problem festering within. Clearly this city needs a touch of cleaning up, remodeling shall we say...wouldn't you agree?"
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"That can be arranged."

There was Claire with that sultry smile that made Willis weak kneed. She knew how to press him without even trying. Then again admittedly Willis wasn't a hard nut to crack when it came to women. Claire was a woman of around 25 seducing and bringing men to her. She definitely dressed for the job a skin tight leather suit which left a huge window to expose her massive cleavage. The young man can get lost in there if he buried himself in there which he has......

"Looking forward to it Claire," Willis said. "Maybe you can stop being vague so I understand this organization you're working for once I meet the man."

Apparently they were like a mercenary company anything that needed killing or defending they answer the call, though people like Claire are summoned for spying and recruiting. Trajan Meng sounded like a visionary for humanity it seemed. Most likely Vel Anirian but more devoted to the humanity's cause than the average citizen. After all he did organize a loose band of people to do the good work it seems.

Willis did hear of a man named Trajan during the Pandemonium incident he and a couple of people were injured in a massive demon attack. It was only a story though told to him by a drunk sailor in a tavern in Elbion so he didn't put much stock into it. Claire continue to explain Willis about the cults that were plagued the city since its inception. It's always weird that towns who tolerate magic always seem to attract cults of all kinds. "I remember Renaldus," Willis said. "And his cult of Eunuchs they were sacrificing for the red skinned species from the south."

He and Claire had a major conflict with the cult and they both ended up barely defeating them. However they were one of many cults that plagued Elbion. "I'm not surprised Claire," Willis responded. "Elbion has always had a cult problem. I wouldn't be surprised if every citizen you talked dabbled with a cult before."

Claire went on to explain about a person named The Vicar who had a symbiote planted into her. She and Kha were supposed to liberate this symbiote within her but ANOTHER cult called the Black Circle casted a spell on it and transformed into a spider like ink monster. "Sounds like a curse," Willis mumbled. "Whoever this Vicar probably has a high level curse on them."

Curses were a tricky thing to deal with much of it depends on whether or not incantations were used at the target. Willis was capable of dealing with low level curses and hexes curses like the Vicar probably has is beyond his expertise. "Perhaps Kha wants do good," Willis said. "She wants to get rid another cult in this city. I've been aware of the problem as well as you. If anything with the fires going around I wouldn't be surprised will be taking advantage of the situation."

Just then a loud thump was heard above. Cracks were forming on the ceiling, the Flame Mortar was likely using magic to break through. "Shit," Willis muttered staring at Claire. "I think we should move."
((Clarissa Mejeure))

Vague. Oh but of course she was vague. Nevermind the whole "secrecy" and "awareness of the xeno" and "delicate balance" stuff that Trajan preached, that just happened incidentally. Why, mystery was at the heart of seduction, wasn't it? A shade of coyness here, a touch of intrigue there, the smart woman never let on more than she intended. Naturally she could talk for days and days about things of little to no consequence, dear, of course she could. Ah, but the things that mattered the most, those burning unanswered questions, those unexplained hints and enigmatic double-meanings and that one little thing she kept on doing at specific times? All of it needed to be, as a gambler might say, kept close to the chest. Played when and where she wanted it to be, for whatever purpose she so desired.

So she merely lowered her shawl from her mouth and let Willis see her smile after he said his part. And she raised it back up and covered her mouth and nose again. This damnable sewer, ugh.

Hmm. A curse. The Black Circle never mentioned a curse during her time with them. Then again, they left out a few choice details. Or did they? Maybe they had no idea that the Symbiote would do...that...spider leg growing feat. Maybe the Vicar or the Symbiote or both even had a curse for all they knew. Well, clearly this had to be the case, the Black Circle not knowing certain things that is. After all, Claire had done her job perfectly, of course.

Kha wanting to do good. Oh perhaps Claire could credit her that much too. She was effectively Trajan's right hand woman, a true believer in the cause. Which wasn't to say that Kha didn't have her own spots of fun in her work. The look Kha got on her face when she devised some new enchantment was absolutely pristine, a welcome break from the normal routines of seriousness and pent-up tension. She really did need to let loose more. Claire ought to kidnap Luc again; play forced matchmaker with them. If nothing else it would simply be hilarious to watch.

Claire was about to speak when--


Claire looked up, tracing the ascending ladder and the circular shaft up to the metal sewer cover and Elbion above. Um. There were cracks in the stonework. Seriously, did monsters not have anything better to do?

And Willis suggested that they move.

To which Claire immediately protested. "Or! Or! Now hear me out, darling. Why should we go traipsing through these disgusting sewers more than we absolutely have to? Doing that while the big fat thing is pursuing us from behind and while we undoubtedly run into filth, general nastiness, and whatever other godawful creatures have scurried their way into these squalid little tunnels. Why, that's a disaster waiting to happen."

She tip-toed away from the ladder some. "You're the Monster Hunter here. Why not ambush the stupid beast when it comes down, hmmm? Just be done with the dreadful thing? Oh and since you were so insistent and this place truly is wretched and I'd much rather not go for an evening stroll down here in this reeking cesspool, I'll go have a little hide wherever you point out while you deal with that thing. I did need to file my nails a touch anyway."
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Claire really did not want to go deep inside the sewers.

Willis can't blame her even though the sewers were secured by magic and the occasional summoned beast, it was still an unpredictable place. Even if a person overcomes the stench of the sewers, they still have to deal with the monsters who lurk beneath the sewers or shady merchants who look to ambush competitors heading to the Black Market. Of course the leftovers of the experiments left behind by crazed mages over the years.

The young man heard tales of people in the sewers being ripped to pieces by monsters looked unnatural. The sewers was a place of great fortune you just got to wade through all of the shit first. At least Claire was going to do the sensible thing and hide, the Flaming Mortar would be dead set in finding Claire so Willis had to be ready. Rifling though his little black bag, Willis felt two Ice bombs and an extra dragon bomb he bought to deal with a Leshen a week ago. They could come in handy......

More cracks on the surface began to show as the place began to shake more violently. Drawing his Cutlass, Willis looked behind to see a metal box straight ahead at the intersection. "Claire!" the young man said in a quiet whisper. "There's a metal box ahead of you if you can reach it, the Flame Mortar won't be able to detect you with its thermal vision."

The cracks became wider as holes began to from, Willis can feel the heat simmering through the rocks. The growls of the Flame Mortar became louder as it began to charge up another flame spell. "Once you're there," he said. "There's a room a foot away from the Metal Box run towards it and close the door, it's metal so don't worry!"

A small, skinny leg smashed through the weakened ceiling causing the young man to jump a bit before turning to Claire. "When we get out of here," Willis said. "I was wondering if you and I can fuck our brains out? After today's shitshow I really need a good fucking."

And if there was one thing Claire is really good at is fucking. That's probably the reason why Willis is risking life and limb for her much to his dismay. "Go!" Willis said as the Flame Mortar jumped down into the sewers glaring at the young man.
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Reactions: Trajan Meng
((Clarissa Mejeure))

Claire tip-toed, dainty little movements of her feet and her legs, a mighty effort to not inadvertently step in something she'd much rather not and to keep the splashing to an absolute minimum. Oh yes she heard him, the box and the door, and she was on her way and she'd follow his particular instructions on account of the nastiness of the sewer and, well, admittedly she also had a touch of prideful spite wrapped up in how it may or may not turn out.

Yes. She heard him. Him and the growls of that fat monster breaking in.

But as it turned out, a few niggling little questions floated about in her mind. The box, for one thing. She was almost by it. But...why was there a box--a box made of metal, expensive, mind you--down in the sewers in the first place? Hmmm? Somebody had to put it there. Who would even bother to do such a thing? Were they coming back? Furthermore, what had gone so terribly wrong in said person's life that they were reduced to hauling metal boxes around in the most disgusting locale in all Elbion?

Also, how'd Willis know there was a door there, nearby the box? Sure, Claire could see it now, now that she was aware of it and so close to it. But Willis just...knew. Like he knew it was there before either of them came down to this dreary place. That, and well, he did seem to suggest that he knew precisely how to get to that so-called Bloody Gate. often did Willis subject himself to the filth of the sewers? Was this a regular occurrence?

Claire reached the metal box and the adjacent door, and Willis had one more thing to add. She smirked a bit, turned around, touched a finger to her jaw, and said, "I make no promises."

And she disappeared through the doorway, swinging the metal door shut with some effort. At least she stood on mostly dry stonework floors now. Hmmm.

She didn't even look around the room she was in. Didn't wonder further about why this room down here in these rancid sewers had a metal door or anything else.

Claire took her file from her small pants pocket and set about whistling a fanciful little tune and observing her fingernails and carefully filing.
  • Sip
Reactions: Smiling One
Willis has navigated these sewers multiple times when he smuggled items to Elbion. It was long and mazelike deliberately designed to throw off the guardsmen or unwanted visitors. Willis himself got lost a couple times trying to get to the Black Market. He remembered running into Fluffy one of the sewers many guardians and the monster who was beloved by most of the people who inhabit the sewers. Willis liked Fluffy as well but he got her when she was in a foul mood. The young man barely escaped her lair with his life.

If anything the irony is that the sewers are probably the safest place in Elbion. It played a role in hiding fleeing citizens during the undead incident 200 years ago. Some thieves guild decided to magically unseal the entrance to the sewers for the people. It was unknown why the did it some people said that it was to save family members while say it was because they didn't want to clients. So far the sewers did a good job of hiding Willis and Claire It just that this Flaming Mortar is particularly stubborn.

Of course Claire loves to tease but like Willis she can't resist a good fucking. "Something to fight for I guess," Willis mumbled taking out the ice bomb and turning the that was located on the top.

The Flame Mortar roared raising its yellow, tubular arms red flames starting to form in it. Willis found the proper setting of his ice bomb and furrowed his eyebrows preparing for the right moment to strike. Two massive fireballs the size of giant boulders were unleashed from the Flame Mortars tubes. At same time Willis threw the ice bomb on to the ground. The grenade shattered and instantly formed an Ice Wall which shot up to the ceiling. The fireballs hit the ice wall penetrating some of it. But the wall remained in tact.

"Ha!" Willis held his Cutlass in front of him in case the beast tried to punch its way through in which it did. The Flame Mortar pounded against Ice Wall trying to break through it but to no avail. A smirk formed on Willis' mouth as he backed up. The wall was only temporary after about five minutes it'll disappear just a enough for Willis and Claire to create some distance from it.

Inside the room Claire was hiding in a low growl came from with in the shadows. It slowly crawled towards Claire raising its Elephant like feet waving its tentacle tails. The Monster leapt at Claire opening its huge maw ready to bite the woman's head off.


"Claire!" The door kicked open just in time for Willis to see the monster leap at the woman. "Fuck!" he said quickly taking out his mini crossbow and shooting it in the neck. The creature recoiled in pain and retreated to the corner growling at Claire and Willis. "Flame Mortar is occupied!" Willis said. "That Otyugh a friend of yours?"

Hearing the Flame Mortars screams at the distance and Otyugh ready to pounce, Willis picked Claire up in a bridal carry. "All right Claire!" he said kissing her on the forehead. "Let's the fuck out of here my love!" closing the door with his the young man carried Claire through the sewers. Otyugh are strong creatures so It won't be long before the metal door was thrown of its hinges.
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Reactions: Trajan Meng
((Clarissa Mejeure))

Ah yes, work it there. Hmmm. That could be rounded out a touch more. Just a touch more. Claire always did prefer the almond shape to the oval shape. Don't even get her started on square and squoval shapes, ugh, that was for women who obviously didn't put much stock into how they presented themselves. Why, she'd say that only a thin veneer of pretense separated those so-called 'civilized' women from utter barbarians. Don't forget the pinky finger there, love. What was that noise? Oh nothing, of course it was nothing. Willis wouldn't send her into a room that wasn't safe. After all, he knew the place inside and out; it had to be the fat monster growling out there. Sounded awfully close though. Oh what a bother, these nails weren't going to file themselves, now were they? Right, back to the pinky. And what about that new fad of stilleto nails making the rounds through Elbion? Ha! Did Claire miss the news or something, that vampires were dictating fashion now? Please. Stilleto nails. What are you supposed to be, some manner of cat or something? Love, acquire some class, then you can make the right decision concerning your nails. Honestly, stilleto nails. Are you dating a werewolf? Ugh, just seeing a women prancing about with stilleto nails of all things was just...tragic, really. Hilarious, of course, but tragic all the same. Now here's a question. Hey, was that Willis calling her name? Seemed he was done with that dreadful monster. Oh it was about time. But first, that question, which was worse? Stilleto nails or--?

The door flew open, and Claire finally looked up. Willis had come in and shot his crossbow. What on Arethil did he do that for--?

She saw it, the elephant thing staggering back, and shrieked. "Willis! What the hell is the matter with you!?"

Sure it was a delicious shot of renewed adrenaline. Sure. But why even listen to Willis if listening to him put her in an even worse position than she had been in before? Just imagine if she'd listened to him back up on the streets. Imagine. She hides behind some flimsy wooden barrel--some incredibly flammable flimsy wooden barrel--while a good half-dozen or more of those flaming imp things maraud around. Hmm. He seemed to be having enough trouble with just one little monster as it was. Why, she could still hear the fat monster screaming out there; he hadn't even killed that one yet. What was it, blind luck that he killed those two imps back on the surface?

She barely noticed that Willis had picked her up and was carrying her. She said sharply, "I simply can't believe you'd tell me to go in there! Oh listen to me, he says. Don't go running around, he says. Is that your idea of 'bailing me out?' Hmm? Casting me off into a room with yet another monster in it? Why did we even come down here in the first place? I'd wager to say it's just as bad if not worse than the streets! Honestly, I could've made it to the College purely on my own."

A dismissive and petulant little hmph from her nose, and she looked away, crossing her arms. And she noticed that they were moving. And that she was being carried. Well...that wasn't so bad. She didn't have to wade through the filth of the sewers nor did she have to run herself; she still was quite tired from all that earlier sprinting. At least Willis had done one thing right tonight, she supposed she could credit him that much. Well, might as well let Captain Willis sail the ship and see if he wrecks it yet again.

Claire uncrossed her arms and curled the fingers of her left hand and tried to keep the nail file steady in her right. Focused her gaze back on her nails.

"Do try not to bounce around too much."

Now where was she? Ah yes, which was worse? Stilleto nails or...?
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"Oh for fucks sake...…" Willis muttered to himself watching Claire continuing to file her nails. Women.... Willis can't enough of them but shit can they be a burden at times. "I didn't anticipate that there was a Otyugh prowling in that room." Willis said. "Normally smugglers use that to hide their stolen goods in. The Otyugh probably snuck in somehow! Some of them have the ability to turn invisible."

Not that it helped them much, Otyughs are notoriously impatient creatures and would lash out as soon as it smells blood. While the monster normally lives and eats thrash and filth, it greatly prefers to feast on live flesh. "I'm really sorry Claire!" Willis said hearing boom behind them accompanied by a roar by Otyugh. Ah shit it broke out more sooner than he anticipated. Things are turning even shittier for him.

"I should've went with you instead of killing monsters!" Willis yelled trying to make sure not to bounce too much. "You were right about that shit! I guess my Monster Hunter instincts kicked in! I mean hell! I'm not getting fucking paid slaying these monsters!"

Payment was always a problem for Monster Hunters, while Wyvern's Nest and the Safehouses were funded by the Merchant's Guild and The College of Elbion. Getting a commonfolk or even a noble to pay a Monster their full price was like trying to tear off your own toenail. Both of them just want save a coin. Which was why sometimes Willis wondered why did he even bother slaying monsters if the pay was inconsistent? Perhaps because it felt good to take out their anger and hate on a beast, maybe it felt to do good for the people? Ah shit not again with the philosophizing.

"I should've listened to you Claire because not only you're beautiful but very smart!" Okay the former was true but to Willis the latter was up for debate. He can't count the number of times that he had pull her out of a predicament, it must've been in the hundreds. "Please forgive me Claire! If need be I would run away with you out of the city! I promise to protect you the proper way!"

Willis does not know why the hell is he even kissing up to Claire. It must be the huge breasts, it had to be. "If anything Claire!" Willis said taking another turn. "The sewers are a paradise compared to the bullshit on what's going on the surface."

Willis rounded a corner and pressed his back against the concrete wall trying to catch his breath. "Wait a minute," Willis said remembering what Claire mentioned. "We're almost halfway to the Bloody Gate or if you don't want to go there we can take another route to head to other gate. The south gate is closest but it'll a while to get there."
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((Clarissa Mejeure))

Hm. Capitulation. Apologizing and idolizing and begging for forgiveness. Claire wouldn't have expected it from Willis, but there it was. Oh but of course it fed into her ego and ah yes that delicious little warm and glowing feeling of 'I was right' was quite the treat, that sizzling vindication of aforementioned prideful spite, but at what cost did it come? Well. Maybe she was wrong about Willis. She hoped he was being sarcastic but he seemed dreadfully sincere about everything he'd said. Why, there were simply dozens of men available at her beck and call who were overly kind and courteous and altogether too considerate and who were in total an absolute bore to be around. She enjoyed being catered to, naturally she did, but it would be a ghastly lie to say that it wasn't painfully common.

My, how she fancied Willis when he was angry, that firm and dangerous tone of voice, direct and confident and in charge. She could never say as much out loud, oh no, of course not, that'd simply ruin the integrity of the game now wouldn't it? Ah, the grabbing of her body back up on the street and the taking of her hand and even now the sweeping her up in a carry without so much as asking. Oh perhaps there was a fledgling shred of hope yet. There were certain things a man could do, a certain resolute attitude he could carry himself with, that would override any driving fears and worries she might have and overwhelm her with an infectious surety and feeling of safety that was oh so wonderful, especially in the face of such horrendous monsters. Sending her into that awful room, however, wasn't one of them.

But look at her. Fussing about this right now.

Claire merely shrugged at everything Willis had to say and kept observing her nails. Oh no, she wasn't actually going to try filing her nails while on the move, that'd be silly; think about it, sure, but that was the extent of it.

They stopped for a moment. Hm. Consulting her on what to do. She flicked her eyes up at him and then back down at her nails.

"I don't know. You're the Monster Slayer here, and you're the one who knows these sewers best. Is the Bloody Gate just a name or is it not? Hmmm."

Oh she'd rather not take charge of the situation, this dreadful ordeal of monsters and filth outside her field of expertise, but sometimes heroines just didn't get the luxury of choice, now did they?
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The sounds of the Otyugh stomping echoed throughout the sewers. They have a terrible sense of smell but makes it up by having a heightened sense of sound and like the Flaming Mortar have the ability to isolate heat signatures. No doubt that It would've recognized Willis and Claire's heat signature and the Ice Wall holding down the Flaming Mortar would've dissipated by now. "Two Monsters," Willis thought. "Both of them are trouble."

Willis had faced an Otyugh before, he took a contract where an Otyugh was devouring separated children in a village located near the Gold Road. He fighting the thing and getting bit on the thigh by its infamous poisoned bite. For years, the Otyugh's poisoned bite usually meant death it started with the victim coming down with a massive fever followed by a painful seizures. It lasts for about 2 days before the victim dies in agony. Willis would've suffered that same fate but he drank an experimental antidote created by Madame Valkery before Willis left Wvyern's Nest, the woman was conducting experiments with Otyughs. She wanted to test if her antidote would be a possible cure for a Otyugh's poisoned bite.

The Madame saved Willis' life much to his annoyance, he was a bit wary of her and endured a bragging spree by the Madame. "It is just a name," Willis growled still holding Claire. "So yeah it's best that we go there like I keep on fucking saying."

The young man sighed. "Just wanted accommodate you Claire but it's nice that of you to respect my expertise and knowledge of the sewers. It makes my balls feel big, now my love hold me tight as we are going to get the hell out of here."

Holding Claire tight, Willis began to run through the sewers hoping to lose the two monsters pursuing them.
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((Clarissa Mejeure))

Just a name. Well, what were the chances that lightning would strike twice in the same spot? Low, hopefully, she'd much rather not have yet another monster bearing down on her. Honestly, now that she knew what was quite literally lurking under everyone's feet here in Elbion, how was she to sleep at night? Oh if only she had the power to blow up the entire city and have it all start over from scratch. Fanciful dreams. Even in reality she'd be hard-pressed in convincing Trajan to gather a massive force of Luminari warriors and purge these sewers. Too much risk, not enough positive reputation to be gained, better alternatives, she already knew his rebuttals. Shame.

Get the hell out of here. Oh yes, that sounded pristine. But here they were, traipsing through the sewers now, the fat monster--which wasn't dead, stellar ambush--chasing them. Oh, and don't forget the elephant thing now too. Why, if they ran into even more trouble along the way to the Bloody Gate, then call her a prophet. Ugh, it was such a burden to be right all the time.

Well, at least she wasn't made to choose. Willis was keen on the Bloody Gate instead of that longer roundabout way to some other gate. And the sooner this was all over the better, now that simply waiting it all out in relative safety was no longer an option.

Claire half-heartedly took a fistful of Willis' shirt as he ran. Not tight but it seemed sufficient enough. He was doing a marvelous job of carrying her along, that much was true.

She really didn't want to be right again.

Such a burden. Hmmm.
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Willis continued to carry Claire deeper into the Sewers. The roars of the Flame Mortar and the Otyugh seem to subside. "We're safe for now," Willis said still carrying Claire. "But there's going to be a ways off before we get to the Bloody Gate."

The young man broke into a jog making sure that Claire felt comfortable. He thought that she weighed heavier given her huge breasts but she was light and easy to carry. That was the last time Willis will listen to Long Dick Johnson a mercenary and Sailor that Willis fought with in the past. He would say that the women's tits were like boulders and he accidentally strained his back carrying a woman with big tits. It was more of a case that the old man needed to increase strength.

The way to through the sewers was getting misty a familiar sight for Willis. "We're about to enter the resting places of the Lich Kings," he said. "It's just a name not actual Liches here. If they did this entire sewers will be struck with major curses."
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((Clarissa Mejeure))

Claire's expression dropped. A smidge of horror, only to be immediately replaced by an odd look of puzzled, deadpan annoyance.

"Willis," she said, "you wouldn't happen to know why everything down here has such a godawful name, would you? Honestly, what beastly madmen even built this horrid place? You know, I'll confess that I've not an ounce of care I could spare for this city. Not an ounce, Willis. Why, if I wasn't so invested by the sole virtue of my inopportune presence here then I'd be cheering for the fires and the monsters. Hmmm. Even that I fear may not be the requisite amount of purging this city needs. Surely if enough mages got together and wiggled their fingers fast enough, they could simply blow this city up from afar. You think that's possible, Willis? Blowing up a whole city with magic? No need to worry, I'll settle for a more creative non-magical solution if you've got one."
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Willis chuckled while putting Claire down. "The entire sewers has an interesting history," Willis said. "It's mostly used for smuggling and other Underworld stuff." He explained getting close to a statue. "Before it was built by Orc mages who were part of the cult of Urogosh." Willis sighed looking around the area sewers in general were always filled with plenty of shit. With the Elbion's sewers it was filled with more shit than even he imagined.

"So it was built around the time at the end of the Age of Urogosh," Willis said. "About century after Urogosh herself died. Anyway the reason why the Orcs built this place was that they wanted to practice their dark magic away from the population. They've cast illusion spells to make the sewers constantly change their locations as to throw off any guardsmen or Templar. Many places in the sewer requires a passcode in Orcish."

The young man slowly rubbed his fingers against the hilt of his Cutlass. "Like what I just did," Willis said locking eyes with Claire. "I've just lit up part of the sewers with the right phrase and before ask, I don't all of the passcodes to get deeper in the sewers. Just the basic ones enough to get me through the sewers."

Willis wasn't surprised when Claire said that she couldn't care less about the people of Elbion. She was selfish with her first impulse to flee rather than fighting to protect. It was one of the things that Willis and her shared in common but there are times that Willis felt that he had no choice but to help others much his charagin. Which was why that Willis held respect for Kha, at least she seems to care for the people of Elbion or perhaps it was due to her loyalty to the Lumanari.

"There are a few cases," Willis said crossing his arms. "Of Kingdoms being blown up by a magical explosion. In the Age of Expansion, the Kingdom of Aragolosh was wiped out by a magical bomb created by a religious cult in their rebellion against King Grichen. Aragolosh was one of the King's closest allies and it was considered major factor in Grichen losing his mind."

Willis frowned at Claire his gaze becoming suspicious. "Don't tell the Lumanari are performing acts of terrorism," he said. "What is the Lumanari's goal here? I have a feeling that you guys want to do something."
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((Clarissa Mejeure))

Why were they stopping. Surely they were still being chased; just because those dreadful monsters weren't making that bothersome racket didn't mean they'd stopped, especially that fat one. Persistent bastard.

Claire stood on her own again, hugging herself as if there was a terrible chill in the air, glancing up this way in the tunnel and down that way. Antsy. Nervous. The filth and the stink were all but secondary now, deep as they were in these awful sewers and while not being near an easy means of escape and while having two frightful beasts stomping around after them.

But Willis didn't seem all that concerned. In fact the man thought it the perfect time to launch into a small lesson on history. She took some measure of solace in his lack of concern about the monsters rampaging around some indeterminate distance behind them, but...but could they at least walk and talk?

Well, if anything--as she stood and listened--maybe Trajan would be more keen on purging the sewers of Elbion if he learned they had been built by xenos. Oh, and giant magical bombs were a thing. Good thing dear little Kha wasn't here to hear that, why, she'd have an orgasm on the spot. Hmmm. As funny as that would be.

Then Willis gave her an almost accusatory look. And Claire didn't quite know that 'terrorism' meant. She knew what terror was, obviously, look at these past couple of hours, and she knew was 'isms' were, but she'd never heard the two put together before. The general idea seemed unpleasant. Why yes, the Luminari dealt in all manners of unpleasantries against xenos, and it was Claire's job to facilitate such unpleasantries.

But it was the look on Willis' face, the way in which he said what he said, that was most important. All the troublesome symptoms of a sympathizer there. The symptoms of a man who was not prepared to do what was necessary for the cause. The symptoms of a man whose misguided sympathies for the xeno would jeopardize the Luminari and the dream of a United Humanity.

Far too dangerous to attempt initiation at this particular little point in time. Willis was fit for Light Operari, perhaps, but most certainly not Dark Operari--Claire's specialty, the aforementioned unpleasantries. My, what a shame.

Well. Deflect with humor. Reply with safe stock answer. Redirect the conversation. The usual.

She grinned. "Oh do relax, Willis. The least I'm entitled to is a spot of ludicrously destructive fancy after this city has done its level best to murder me tonight. And that's only counting tonight, mind you. By the way, you wouldn't happen to know anyone from this religious cult would you? I'm kidding, Willis, don't be so literal."

Claire looked up and down the tunnel again, letting her grin fade on cue. "Yes. Of course we want something, the same thing here in Elbion as everywhere else: to serve and defend humanity from monsters, cults, bandits, corruption, you name it. Trajan's all about selfless service and charity and brotherhood among all men, sisterhood among all women, that sort of thing."

Again. Looking up and down the tunnel. She didn't even need to act, the anxiety was all conveniently real. "Now can we please go before those awful beasts catch up to us?"
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There was still something about the Lumanari that Claire wasn't telling Willis. It wasn't here nor there to argue with Claire again. "The religious cult is dead," he explained. "They've eventually disappeared some say it's because of the criminal underworld, other say it was due to rival cultists whom shared the sewers with the worshippers of Urogosh. If you believe some of the Orcs who run smuggling runs here, the spirit of Urogosh appeared and ascended them to a plane of higher existence."

Of course Claire was kidding but Willis wanted to talk about the sewers. Much about its history remains a mystery to him. The only person who has knowledge about the true nature of the sewers is Fabien and he's either vague about it or downright refuse to mention it. It was likely to deter the treasure hunters and cultists from venturing further into the sewers. With all the cultists and dark magic that was practiced under here, who knows what kind of rare items that dwell inside. It was something that Fabien wants to keep a secret so that he can sell them in his Emporium.

"To serve mankind," Willis mumbled crossing his arms. It was hard to take Claire seriously when she just left Kha to take care of the Vicar. To be honest it sounds like Claire was just repeating a phrase from her organization. She'd make a fine military recruiter based on how she talks about the Lumanari which was probably why Trajan Meng chose Claire for the job. "Sounds like an ideal to strive for. A Vel Anirian ideal but in a world where other races love to brag about how morally superior they are to humans I suppose it's best to remember the good that humanity provided."

Since humans were the most common and prominent species in Arthriel, they've had the potential to become bastards. Many pogroms, slaughters and atrocities in the past were started by humans not that other races better though it was just that humans stick out due to their how far they go. "I wonder how much was fabricated by the Elves and Dwarves though?" Willis wondered. "After all they were the earliest historians."

Claire's expression became fearful as she was looking up and down the tunnel frequently. "Of course," Willis said walking past Claire. "I just needed to take a small break anyway follow me."

As he began walking a yawning howl echoed in the distance. A sound Willis never heard before, "that's strange," Willis mumbled glancing at Claire. "Come on," he said. "We're halfway there."
((Clarissa Mejeure))

Claire could have made a comment. A snarky little comment about the elves and dwarves and their early historians. Oh but there wasn't much point in testing the waters, now was there? Why, truth be told, her feet were already in up to the ankles, weren't they? How could she forget the xeno grandmaster in the Monster Hunter Fortress that Willis served? And hadn't his reception down here to the little details she'd divulged of the Luminari been rather lukewarm at best? No need to risk alienating him, even with a cheeky comment she could easily retract under the pretense of humor.

And, well, if Trajan couldn't shake the sympathizer symptoms from Willis' mind, then Willis would make for a fine enough ally. Called upon perhaps for his specialty, monster slaying, but never allowed a glimpse into the inner workings of the Luminari and the finer points of the cause. Hmmm. As Trajan put it, there were those who understood the xeno, and those who did not. But those who did not could still serve, in their own way.

Time to go.

"Lead the way," she said in, hmm, what honestly could've been a better version of a showwoman's tone. She wanted to blame it on the stench, but, frightfully, while it certainly wasn't by any means pleasant, it wasn't as bad as when they first came down the ladder. Ugh. Could people actually get used to such foulness? A beastly thought.

Claire at first tried tiptoeing along behind Willis, but it was evident that wasn't going to work for long. So with a lip curled down in disgust, she lowered her heels down and walked somewhat normally after him. Honestly, the sooner the better, getting the hell out of this abominable place. She was never going to the smell out of her clothes, and--GOODNESS! Her hair! How, pray tell, was she ever going to get this rancid smell out of her--!

A howl. In the distance. Because this night simply couldn't get better for once, now could it?

"Why do I always have to be right, Willis?" she said. "I swear, it must be a curse. Here we are, just as I said, traipsing through these sewers, inevitably running into more monster trouble. Is this what monster hunting is like? Hmmm? One disaster after another? And if you point to another room and tell me to go hide in it, I'm telling you right now: That. I. Won't." A smug and fanciful little hmmm in her throat. "I'll take my chances."
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While Willis did have his hang ups with Vel Anirians for their refusal to make peace with the other races, it wasn't like the other species were much better. If there was one thing Willis liked about Alliria is that it was a successful integration of the races. Allirians were welcoming of any and all races who comes to the city, it wasn't perfect but at least Alliria is enjoying a harmony of racial diversity. Of course that also means that many criminals are of different races as well but hey diversity works both ways.

Claire looked as though she was placed in the worst place in the world. To be honest Willis had been in worse, one time Willis was been in the lair of a Stone Giant filled with illusion spells and Rock Trolls that were summoned by the Stone Giant. All that fighting wasn't worth the small coin purse he received from the Dwarven merchant. No doubt that the Sewers of Elbion was filled with mysteries and monsters summoned by gangs who set their territories underground. But he and Claire had fought Red Skinned species who threatened to summon their old King. A trek in the sewers was nothing compared to that.

"Trust me Claire," Willis said. "The sewers are filled with shall we say interesting places but compared to the surface, the sewers are a paradise.”

He thought about life as a Monster Hunter, Claire thinks she’s some clairvoyant in reality she’s a disaster with two big breasts. If it weren’t for Claire’s links to Willis and the Lumanari, Claire will be dead. Trouble is always drawn to Claire like a fly is to shit.

“If anything,” Willis kept his eyes focused on the path ahead. “Monster Hunters looks for trouble. We travel around the world looking for contracts for clients. We’re pretty much vagabonds sworn to slay monsters for little coin. I mean if anything it shows the entitled side of people.”

Willis couldn’t blame Claire after that debacle that transpired earlier. The storage room was usually empty of monsters how could Willis have known about monster? If anything it probably meant that a cultist was raiding the place and left his pet to guard it. “All right,” Willis said. “Just try not to run off you’ll get lost trust me.”

Willis approached the rusted bridge ahead. “Right,” Willis said. “This bridge is a bit creaky but other wise it’s stable. Try to hold on to me okay?”
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((Clarissa Mejeure))

"That's the second time tonight you've said that, Willis. Paradise," she said. She took a big--honestly foolish--whiff of the air for effect and it made her cough and gag. She stammered quickly, "Frankly I'm not buying it."

Claire coughed a few more times and the fit went away before it turned into full-on retching, godsforbid vomiting. She let out a groan and clamped a hand over her nose and mouth. It would have to do.

Monster Hunters look for trouble. Well, that much was certainly true. True of everyone that led an interesting life, as a quaint little matter of fact. Oh but it was about seeking the right kind of trouble, wasn't it? She simply couldn't understand people who went out of their way to find all the varieties of disgusting monstrosities across Arethil. Hmmm. Willis himself seemed to drag the very notion of being a professional monster slayer through the mud. Vagabonds. Sworn to slay monsters. For little coin. Oh the humanity.

Call Claire's brand of trouble a fine wine. Hmmm. Yes. Most others were little more than cheap, stale beer in comparison.

They came to a rusted bridge, and Claire's mouth twitched. But Willis said it was stable. Said, it was. Yet...

"If it's so stable, why must I hold on to you? Hmmm? But I'm going to trust in--"

The bridge creaked as soon as she took a step onto it, and she snapped her hands out and took fistfuls of the back of Willis' shirt. Froze for a second like a frightened deer. Then started along carefully.
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Willis shrugged. "Shit," he said. "I'm not the type of person to repeat myself. Then again this is an unusual day for me. A burning city isn’t on typical routine of sex and violence.”

Not that he didn’t care about the people suffering in the surface. If anything all Willis wanted was to place Claire in a safe place and help Kha with this Vicar. No doubt Philippa was helping the students at the college extinguish the flames. Willis felt like he needed to do something, anything to help sure he wasn’t getting paid but perhaps it was better to help rather than escort an ex-lover who rather abandons her friend out of Elbion.

A large creek was heard as soon as Claire pressed her boot on to the bridge. She immediately grabbed Willis shirt clinging to him like a young bat holding on to its mother. “As I said,” Willis smirked. “Best to hold on to me.”

Willis slowly began to walk across the bridge holding Claire’s hand there were Lemures crawling on the walls growling at the two of them as Willis traversed towards the door. “Those are Lemures,” Willis said. “Small, Amorphous monsters that dwell in smelly dirty places. They’re easy to take out but don’t let them form into a sludgemorphous. That shit will make your day go bad.”

Opening the door Willis was greeted with a smell of fresh cut spring flowers his boot stepping on a leaf with water dripping from the ceiling and landing on Claire’s cleavage. “Wait a minute,” the young man frowned. “This isn’t the right way what the fuck is going on?”
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