He was used to traveling across the desert, but not like this. Mobilizing the army had been an arduous task in itself - the scars of Ninagal still throbbed, and there was a certain level of emnity in the air. But it had come a long way from when they'd left from
Annuakat. The experienced began to aid those less so, and the stronger aided the weaker. Their trials across the sands had eroded away resentment and strife and served instead to shape the army closer to a whole.
As it had been for the
Abtati for many generations, it would now be for the whole of the Empire. The desert would test them, and shape them. And so it had, and would always.
For the sands
would rise...
...and be parted...
...and unveil the
glory of The Empire.
The glory chosen one, God of fire.
King of Kings.
Hasuras na-Gerra.
He made a brisk pace to the war-room, two of his most trusted in tow. As they made their way through a vast sea of tents, he addressed many with praise as he went. Morale was exceptionally high given their task, and the journey to it. But even as wounds still healed the spoils of victory were too not far from thought, and
Ashuanar's hunger for victory - by whatever means - was great.
The Empire was growing strong. And with the Emperor there in their midst, they felt as though victory was assured.
As far as the Imperial Army's Vizier was concerned,
it was.
He opened the tent with the brush of one arm and entered in, removing his head covering with the other hand.
"My Lord," he bowed his head, and approached.
His duties with the army, paired with his studies and training that had been assigned to him by the lector priests, had stolen much of his attention. He had left all the matters city-side to Uvogin and Ava.
Surely, they had proceeded as had been planned in Annuakat.