Fable - Ask The Road to Answers

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


Guardian of Dreams
Character Biography
road to trouble.png

Child, the gift you've discovered... I do not want to ask this of you, but I must. For the sake of everyone, I must ask you to go.
Solomon's words played over and over in her mind like a broken music box. She knew the others in their group wondered why the Guardian of the Dreamstone was amongst their ranks - even the Vanguard cast her concerned looks. It was no secret that with the stone she was a liability if a fight were to break out; her bones were already becoming more fragile and she could feel the strong song of the Dreams calling her to the Dreamscape despite the sun being high in the sky. But when she doubted herself Solomon's voice replayed once more in her mind telling her why she was here amongst the others instead of off on her own travels around the world: Lyta had seen the Fire Guardian's death.

At the time she hadn't know what the odd reoccurring dream meant. It had come to her in flashes of images and haunting sounds. She had known the foretelling had meant a death and one that would be a dominoes for disasters to come but it had only been when Solomon had announced the death of their fellow guardian the rest of it had made sense. The crackle of flames, the scent of the spiced rum he had liked to drink, the raven from his families crest perched upon a skull. And now, the mountains in the distance. She had walked this road as him, Lyta realised. She had seen the hours before his death.

If she had been quicker, if she had figured it out sooner, would she have been able to prevent it?

Kuruk snapped a branch beneath his giant hoof making Lyta flinch out of the dark thoughts of what ifs. Taking a calming breath she ran her hands through the red elks fur to anchor herself back to the waking world; wayward thoughts like those could lead to the Dreams and she would feel very foolish to fall off her saddle this early in to their journey. They had been travelling for most of the morning in relative quiet with nothing more than a few companionable words back and forth. All were determined to find either find out who had killed their fellow guardian or uncover a sign as to where the missing stone had gone.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Kaira Yehven
It was wanderlust, that could be the only solution as to why Kaira took another hesitant step many miles away from Valenntenia than she had been since becoming Guardian. She was on foot; dressed in darker cloths so that she could weave through a crowd without garnering much attention. The fanfare she was presented with lately was beginning to turn the Guardian of Faith into becoming a recluse, locking herself up in her rundown and small home.

It was the need to get out and go that unnerved her. This sudden inspiration surely was spurred by the Gurdian of Passion, but he was nowhere near her when she moved through the crowds milling in the Old Town. Perhaps a calling of another Guardian? Yet the Stone did not alert her of any in her vicinity. This was simply her doing, her will. Slowly, Kaira developed a bravery and confidence to make it outside the gates, aware that the Vanguards stirred and watched her go. There was no need to call after her, and when she noticed they had not sent anyone after her for protection, she knew her assigned Vanguard guardian must of followed.

It was at this point she began to let the anxiety filter in, swarming the previous confidence as if it never existed to begin with.

"Crickets..." she muttered to herself, knitting her brows into a frown. Another step, she could do this! It was the aimless wandering that began to let the doubt cloud her thoughts. What was her point in leaving the city? What really drew her out of her shell, her home, her safety?

Warmth pressed at her sternum, and Kaira lifted a hand to touch the Stone that hung from a thin piece of leather she had torn from one of her father's old fighting gear. Her dark hazel eyes lifted and saw a familiar red elk in the distance, and the Guardian that rode upon him.

"Lyta!" She called out, a smile relieving her lips of the frown that settled there previously. It did not go unnoticed that she heard the crunch of gravel behind her, and her assigned companion made himself scarce now that another Guardian was present. One of these days Kai will catch him and confront him, but those were wounds to be opened another day.
  • Bless
Reactions: Lyta
It was rare that Villam was eager to set out on any task assigned directly by his Father, but Solomon asking him to accompany the others to the last known location of their fallen brethren had brought a rare sense of gratitude with it; Villam wanted to find out what had happened to Fire. He'd been the first 'family member' Regis had lost since the demise of his mother, and while he'd been a helpless child all that time ago, now he could strike back. Now, he could deliver justice.

If somebody had killed his brother, Villam would make them suffer for it.

That wasn't to say the younger Regis allowed that dark urge to rule him. To do so would be to jeopardize everything he'd worked for up to this point. No, he kept that little seed of vengeance buried in the back of his mind, instead staring ahead at the long, empty road in front of him, his horse making soft, grunting noises as the noise of the city behind them died out into the air and left only the clatter of hooves on the ground. There were others, of course; Both Lyta and Kaira were a few paces ahead of him. Both Guardians, but both surprising choices, as well.

Lyta was powerful in her own way, but that was only when she could stay awake and focused on her task. She held a tendency to push her body too far and went days without sleep. Villam could get away with that; Passion allowed him to surpass his body's natural limitations. Lyta's stone had no such boon.

As for the other girl...

"The local celebrity, we meet again." Villam deadpanned as he moved to ride beside her on the road. There was a hint of playfulness in his voice, however dry. "I don't think I've ever seen you outside of the city. The call of adventure finally worm its way into your heart?" Rhetorical question. She would have been asked first, and judging from how uncomfortable she looked, he'd wager even she wasn't sure of this choice herself yet.

Villam nodded towards Lyta up ahead, his head turning slightly towards the Faith Guardian. "The two ladies of our group who can receive omens of the future. I doubt that's coincidence. Come, lets catch up to The Dream Guardian and confirm our destination. No doubt she knows it better than we do."

The Dreamer reined Kuruk in to a standstill and turned him towards the voice that had called her name. Her brows raised when she saw Kaira practically jogging up the road to join them. When the Guardians had been asked who wished to go, Kaira had remained quiet. Lyta couldn't blame the Faith Guardian. Like her stone, Faith did not lend itself to fighting and uncovering mysteries. It was better suited to making ordinary people's lives better. But apparently she had had a change of heart.

She watched with interest as she caught up first to Villam who greeted her with a warmth that went beyond the simple acquaintance she had with Kaira and stayed where she was as they trudged their way towards her.

Up ahead the other Guardians who were with them and the Vanguard had stopped to wait for the stragglers.

"Well met, Kaira," the Dream rune set into the diadem she wore about her head glowed as the other two runes drew closer. She reigned her elk about to point once more to the road ahead. "What made you change your mind?"
  • Wonder
Reactions: Kaira Yehven
There was only so much moping and speculating one could take before it became more frustrating than therapeutic. It was high time Valenntenia did its due diligence, and though he didn't show it well, Konstantin was eager to help dig in.

The last of the Guardians assigned to the task, that of Power quietly caught up with the others, falling in as though he had been there all along. He wore a perhaps insincere smile and would hum pleasantly to himself until addressed directly. T'was a beautiful day among beautiful scenery, after all.
Kaira would pull a face as she lightly scoffed at Villam's lighthearted jab at her renown with the people, shaking her head as a grin was unable to be stifled. "I have not left the walls encasing the City since I was made Guardian... but the Ancients and the Stone are willing me to accompany those that are volunteering. Believe me, I am as shocked as you to be out this far." Hidden beneath that anxiety was pure giddiness at the thought of being quite the distance from the city now, her worries easing the more Guardians she began to see. They closed the distance to the rest of the group, and Kaira turned her head to look behind them. This must be it, four Guardians.

The Faith Guardian welcomed Lyta with a warm smile, noticing her Stone to gently hum as she was now in the company of other Runestones, and curiously enough her worries were cured. Her hand itched to move to the small pack that was slung across her person and carried a small book, pieces of charcoal, and a small portion of food she had meant to eat earlier in the day. She had not considered accepting the request given to her by the Absalon, could not even step foot outside her home with that thought in her mind, but the abrupt inspiration to leave left her enough time to also arm herself with the only weapons the Vanguard did not take back from her at her point of leaving service. Her father's scorpion sword was sheathed and fastened at her waist, ready for her to wield. Despite no longer being a part of the Vanguard, Kaira still kept up with her sessions taught by her grandfather. It was the only time they were not Guardian and Somner.

"I must thank the Ancients for allowing me some strength to leave Valenntenia. Grim times that my first outing in three years is to find the missing Stone and the misfortune that befell our friend. I am confident we will find something..." Kaira answered Lyta's question, her smile falling at her brows knitted together. She had been sensing it, that something was not right since the day of Homecoming began. Those tireless nights of prayer, stuck in a trance to figure out the messages coming to her by the unmoving mouths of the dead. They were in the company of Vanguards, and the Faith Guardian had to be wary of what she said, recalling the Absalon's condition.

"Admittedly I am a little unprepared for this jour-- Oh!" Her hazel eyes fell over the faces of those in their company, falling and stopping at another familiar face that had kept quiet. "I did not see you there, Konstantin!"
  • Bless
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Konstantin and Lyta
"We will indeed find something." Villam nodded in agreement with Kaira's hopeful outlook. "The question is if we'll wish we hadn't." Regis had a bad feeling about Fire's disappearance. Something about it had been nagging at him-- tugging on something in the back of his mind, but he couldn't place what no matter how hard he tried. Had he spoken with Fire in the last year? Had something seemed off? His memory failed him, though that was no doubt due to the lack of sleep he'd been allowing himself. If only he'd been given ample time for a nap before their departure...

"I admit though, even given the circumstances I'm surprised they allowed your assignment to this mission. Surprised, but not displeased." Villam sought to clarify before paying a glance to Lyta, riding her elk on the other side of the Faith Guardian. "Drømmer. It's been quite a while. Good to see you're well. You intend to take the lead on this endeavor, I imagine?" It was certainly in the Dream Guardian's wheelhouse, so to speak. Villam was a bit of a lone wolf, but he didn't mind taking a backseat to matters which he wasn't suited to.

Lyta was young and beautiful, but her beauty was far outmatched by her wit, in his own opinion anyways.

Yevhen made a surprised sound, and Villam turned his head to meet the broken visage of the Guardian of Power. Kontstantin was one of the few Guardians Villam had known before his own appointment as a Rune holder, and as such, he held the man in high regard. That was why it pained Regis to see him in such obvious discomfort. That Power Rune was taking a toll on him, more and more every day.

"Kon..." Villam nodded. Shouldn't you be home resting? It's Homecoming, after all. Is what Villam wished to say. He knew the man well though, and it would fall on deaf ears. No, he wouldn't insult him with the question. Instead, he pried about that strained smile on his lips. "What do you think? Surely you have some opinion on these happenings?"
  • Stressed
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Konstantin and Lyta
Lyta wished she could share her fellow Guardian's prayers. Hers had been filled with the complete opposite - asking for them to prevent her from leaving on this journey. She knew that what even if it did not reveal the murderer in their midst it would reveal things about her powers she was not ready to learn. To see the future... that was a weight she did not feel equipped to handle. The rest of the colour in her cheeks leeched entirely at Villam's words.

"Lead?" she almost choked on the word and her hands tightened on the reins of her elk until the bones pressed against her skin. Leader she was not. Brom, her assigned Vanguard protector, even glanced her direction with a raised brow. "I-I don't think that's--" she let out a breath as Konstantin appeared. Konstantin would be the leader, wouldn't he? He had more experience than any of them with both the runestones and campaigns. Yes, Konstantin.

The relief made her shoulders slump.
  • Sip
Reactions: Konstantin
Konstantin gave a polite wave as the others took notice of him.
"My apologies! You know me...I've never been one to vie for attention, and I didn't want to interrupt." he answered Kaira first. The Guardian of Power looked over the others with a polite smile. "Good morrow to you all."

At Villam's question, Konstantin regarded the ragtag son of the Absalon. He quirked a brow, smile falling to neutrality.
"Indeed I do. None of them helpful nor optimistic, I'm afraid." he replied, recalling his conversation he had with Saul some days prior. "There...isn't terribly much I can say that I'm certain you all don't already know or have thought for yourselves."

Lyta's fear at the idea of being made to leave couldn't have been more obviously written upon her if she was holding up a sign explicitly indicating so. Konstantin's serene smile returned.
"Miss Lyta...why don't you and I share the burden of leadership for this mission? Dip your toes into the role, so to speak?"

This was the real reason Konstantin held on as long as he had. Mentorship. To give the next generation of Guardians what they needed, a proper guide.
  • Stressed
Reactions: Lyta
The Stone pressed into her chest once again, and she adjusted the leather string as nonchalantly as she could. To feel the constant presence of it only reminded her that being this far out from the walls of the City was on borrowed time. The Ancients trusted her, their vessel and voice to aide her fellow Guardians in finding the answers that could point to the last moments of Fire's Guardian. The Stone was missing, the main priority the Ancients wished to locate, but Kaira too wanted to know what befell a Guardian wielding fire.

Not every Guardian was trained to fight, and for a moment she felt blessed to be a Yehven, to be the blood of warriors.

"What do we know of our journey? Where did that witness say they were?" When it happened, yet Kaira did not have the heart to say so. She could barely remember what information was shared, and vaguely recalled the Vanguard exchanging stories throughout Valenntenia as Faith moved through to the Old Town. A rider at the gates... reports of the Guardian of Fire dead.

Of course, there were tales of those that stole Stones to usurp their power, or those simply wishing to use and dispose once. To be a Guardian when one of your own was targeted? Kaira's lips pressed into a thin line as her brows furrowed. It was unnerving, that and the constant pressure pressing at her sternum.

Patience, sacred Ancients. Let us mourn the loss of one of Valenntenia's children. I will get us the answers we seek... I only ask of patience.
  • Stressed
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Lyta and Konstantin
Villam narrowed his gaze for a fraction of a second, seeming to lose interest in the discussion over who would lead. He'd hoped that by pushing Lyta to be leader, they could rely on whatever information she'd gleaned from her dreams without her having to actually tell it to them, as he doubted she wished to. A win-win, in his mind. If Kon wanted the burden of using her talents properly, so be it.

"Nothing entirely helpful." He responded to Kaira's question. "They found Klaus mortally wounded first, then Fire's corpse about 150 meters away." Villam grumbled, obviously troubled by the implications of Klaus being bettered in combat. The old man had a reputation for his indomitable strength, and he wouldn't have given any aggressor an inch.

"They've moved the body to a village not too far from Valenntenia, and we'll be stopping there by nightfall to inspect the remains. Tomorrow morning we'll set off the rest of the way towards where he was found."

Villam noted this would likely be the longest Kaira had left the city in some time, if not ever, and he'd hoped she'd have a less unfortunate reason to do so. He agreed, however, with his Father's decision to send her along for this. Even if she didn't advertise it, he knew what the Faith stone was capable of in the right hands...

"We have to be on our guard. If this was an intentional killing, we could be targeted if we're caught apart from one another. Stay close, at all times."
  • Stressed
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Konstantin and Lyta
Lyta threw Konstantin a grateful look as relief surged through her. Thank you, she mouthed, even as conversation turned back to the task at hand. She debated the merits of sharing what she knew. Solomon had warned her to be careful with how many she shared the secrets of her Dreamings but... this group had been selected to take part on this mission. They deserved to know everything. She hated how she ran her eyes over the Vanguard further ahead, assessing as to whether they could hear the conversation, but she had to. The killer could be... well, anyone. And who better knew the powers of the stones than their own people?

"He died up there," Lyta said pointing to a twisted set of trees on the way up towards the mountains. They had been distinctive enough in her Dreaming to know. He had been riding hard for them, knowing that to pass beyond them would be to die at least on home soil. She swallowed the ache in her heart. "He had been chased for a while, had fought and... fled. Was trying to get the stone home. I think he knew..." that he was going to die.
  • Bless
Reactions: Konstantin
A low hum and a soft smile were returned Lyta's way. Konstantin understood the stress she was likely under; he'd help alleviate that stress while hopefully showing her how to handle it as well. She would need to be able to lead on her own, one day. Kons would not always be around for her, nor any of his fellow Guardians.

Villam briefed Kaira on what Solomon had already shared with Konstantin, and what Lyta likely already knew.
"We could be targeted if we're caught apart from one another."
His fingers twitched. How he wished whomever had done this would try the utterly foolish act of singling him out. Lyta's description of how Fire's last moments had transpired gave him no relief from that desire, either. The pain his comrades felt at Fire's death was reflected in his own heart as well, though he showed no sign of it on his mien. He placed a comforting hand on Lyta's shoulder.

"We will find whoever has done this. Fire will have justice. It is law."

With that assurance, Konstantin began to trudge forward.
"Shall we?"
  • Aww
Reactions: Lyta
The journey ahead did make Kaira feel uneasy, knowing at any moment she could freeze up and insist on returning home. She looked to each of the other guardians present before cutting to look across to Konstantin's deteriorating facade as he began following the Vanguard. As he moved, so did Kaira. It was instinctual, as if this quartet were just like any other Vanguard unit she had trained with. With that thought, she was at ease and the Stone warmed her in response. Even if Runestone wanted her to return to the City, Kaira knew she could stick it out longer if she was close to the other Guardian's and their Stones.

"I can prepare the body for transport back home." She offered with a grim smile. "And once we return the Fire Guardian to Valenntenia, the Ancients will welcome him." Saying those words felt strange, echoing borrowed words being said to a much younger Kaira when her parents died within weeks of each other. "Last Homecoming, he gave me a blank book he bought in Dornoch and told me it was my turn to write my findings on the Stone of Faith." Connection, it was her first feeling connected as a Guardian newly appointed. Acceptance too. It was hard for Kaira to leave Valenntenia, but writing came easily to her, made that much easier by the gift given by the Fire Guardian.

"You all knew him longer than I. I would love to hear your stories if you have any... make this journey not one made for sadness."
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Konstantin and Lyta
Villam felt a smirk creep across his face at Konstantin's determination. If there was anybody you didn't want on your bad side, it was the man with the Rune of Power at his command. Konstantin was kind to his friends but brutal to his enemies. Even Villam didn't dare cross him, lest he be faced with a very powerful problem.

His amusement aside, something Lyta said seemed to take his attention. His sullen eyes narrowed as he looked across at the Dream Guardian, his tone that of thinly-veiled dread as he spoke, "If he had time to start fleeing, then it creates a gap in the story that I don't like at all." Regis brings his heels against his horse to speed up, pulling to the front of the group. "If they were already headed back to the City, Klaus shouldn't have been so far away from him. In fact, duty would dictate that Klaus should lay down his life before harm befell Fire's Stone. so why was he so far away? And in good enough condition to speak, no less?"

The old veteran hadn't given them a clear story since he returned. Villam was giving him the benefit of the doubt, but if the old man wasn't flapping his gums by the time they returned, he was going to have words of his own for the Vanguard. Not even the benevolence of Valenntenia's daughter, as gracious as she was being, would save them.

"Come now, we should hurry to the village. I don't wish to waste any more time. Once we have the remains, we should be able to glean more about what happened."
Lyta inwardly cringed at the iron in both Konstantin and Villiam's tone. She could hardly blame the two men; they wanted justice. They all did, but Lyta wondered if she was as willing or determined to go as far as they were to get it. In her heart of hearts she just hoped they could find the thief, recover the stone and return home - then the whole ordeal could be forgotten. Unfortunately, her own thoughts had reached a similar to conclusion to Villiam. There were too many things which didn't make sense.

She nudged the elk on and drew him closer to Kaira. If it was possible her fellow Guardian looked as - if not more - uncomfortable than she did.

"Dorian loved Yuletide. Every year he would disappear into the forest and select the tree he decided would sit in the middle of the square. He made us all go, would tell Solomon it was a team building exercise, and we'd be out there all day. Supposedly cutting down the tree but really, he'd organise us into two teams we would have the most outrageous snowball fight ever," her voice lowered into a conspiratorial whisper. "It even made Mordred laugh."
"There are many inconsistencies and oddities with this ordeal, Villam. I agree that we should seek to resolve it all quickly."

Dorian. The name they'd all been avoiding speaking. Konstantin balled his fists a moment. The serene veneer he put up was not so easily disturbed, but all of this really had shaken him. Not that he felt comfortable letting it show. He was Power. He was strength. Konstantin had to maintain that, not for his own sake, but for theirs. He moved onwards, memories of a comrade and friend flashing through his mind like a picture show. Gods, who else but Dorian could have gotten a laugh out of that old fuddy duddy Mordred?

Kaira had asked for stories. Something to soften the blow. Konstantin was not so cruel as to deny her that much.
"Dorian was...one of the few I've seen join our ranks that was neither over confident nor full of fear regarding what awaited him as a Guardian. I remember asking him in the weeks that followed his initiation how he managed to keep such a cool head...and apologized for the pun, of course," he chuckled and gazed wistfully up at the sky as he recalled the memory, bittersweet. "He just laughed, smiled at me, and said he'd rather burn bright and brief than smolder down to ashes, whatever might come...I took that to heart."
Kaira smiled to herself, warmed to hear the tidbits that remembered Dorian so well. Becoming a Guardian was such a bittersweet moment for her, to have lost her parents but then gain a family years later. Even her grandfather saw the change in her spirit, so happy and excited to serve Valenntenia amongst the other Guardians that welcomed her with warmth and support.

She felt at ease when Lyta came closer to her side, stifling a large grin at the thought of Mordred laughing and wondering how that would sound. How Konstantin joined with his own story, continuing the request she had asked of them. Kaira looked to Villam, knowing he too was aware of how out of place she felt this far from home, away from the safe confines of her deteriorating home.

This understanding between Guardians was beyond the oath she swore when she joined the Vanguard. A death in her unit would simply be filled with a new soldier, and they were expected to move on and continue the task at hand.

Kaira was the first Guardian of Faith in almost two decades, and she was welcomed in as if she was always a part of this sector of protectors.

"I will miss Yuletide and Dorian roasting chestnuts for us all." It certainly was a scent she would remember in his honour.

Kai paused to stretch her legs, putting on a brave face as her muscles began silent protest at the amount of walking she demanded. She had tried to keep in shape, but without the discipline of being part of the Vanguard, she was no longer accustomed to such distance she had already endured. Of course, she was not the only one on foot, but that did nought to bury the anxiety of slowing down the group.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Konstantin and Lyta
The tales the others told did nothing to soften Villam's stare. This sentimentality changed nothing, it served only to deepen the pain they felt over Dorian's demise. Villam had grieved enough in his life, had shed enough tears and clung to too many happy memories to get by.

No more. He would cope with this loss through justice and nothing more. Anything else was far too naive for his taste. With a silent shake of his head, he moved forward to take point, eager to make it to the settlement and begin his examination of the remains.

Before long, they'd made it to the little hamlet where Dorian's body was being kept. It could barely be considered even that; the settlement consisted of only five buildings, lined up parallel on either side of a road traveling down its center. This had been the last place Dorian had stopped before being attacked. The hills just north of here, visible from the main road, had been where his body was discovered.

"Dorian should be in the last building on the left. A doctor of some sort, I assume. We've rooms reserved in the small tavern across from that should we need to rest." Solomon had sent a courier ahead to ensure everything was prepared properly. Of course, they still had to be wary of unwelcome visitors. Slowing as they approached the hamlet, Villam turned to the others. "If any of you are too squeamish to examine the remains, I suggest you speak up. Lyta, on your word.

Kaira Yevhen
Lyta looked as though she might be sick. Indeed, she certainly thought about whether she could be one of those who asked not to see the body. It was not that death bothered her. In the Dreamscape, many of the bright beings that lived there had once been living, breathing people. They had passed away in their sleep and had become tenants of the Dreamscape. It was peaceful, and Lyta made sure that it was a place of great happiness for them. Dorian hadn't died in his sleep though. What had happened to his soul? Did it drift aimlessly, in agony, repeating the last few moments of his life?

The group drew up outside the building Villiam had pointed out and the Dream Guardian reluctantly dismounted from her red elk. She gave the great mount a stroke on his velvety nose and then turned to look at the beckoning door.

"Try not to touch the body. I'm going to see if I can get any... Dreamings from it before you do, please," she didn't look at any of them as she squared her shoulders and entered.
  • Sip
Reactions: Konstantin
Villam...ever the stoic type, that one. More so than Mordred, though Konstantin surmised that Villam's attitude was born more of cynicism than simply being reserved. He wished he could crack that jaded exterior of his, but Konstantin was tactful enough to know that now was not the time nor place.

In time, they'd reached their destination, and now it was Lyta who once again needed to face a challenge that put her outside her comfort zone. As the Guardian of Power, Konstantin had been the chief warrior among the Guardians and, as such, was no stranger to the sight of a corpse. Seeing the corpse of a comrade, however, especially in a state of decay as Dorian now likely was, wouldn't be easy.

Konstantin placed a reassuring hand on Lyta's back and smiled softly at her. He offered three simple words of encouragement, knowing that anything else would be slop not worth taking in.
"You'll do fine."
  • Bless
Reactions: Lyta
Kaira followed Lyta closely, choosing now to be quiet as the thick air inside the building forced her breath down her throat. She could barely make it over the threshold before having to turn around and grip at her Stone. She pushed past Konstantin and Villam, coughing once back outdoors and ignoring the stares of those gathered outside to watch the Guardians' arrival.

'Would you like some water, miss?" Asked an old crone, swatting a young boy to go fetch a bucket to fill a cup. In his hurry, she was certain he spilled a third of it onto the cobbled road before it reached her hands.

"Thank you." Kaira smiled, taking a sip and exhaling. It helped a little, clearing her throat of that dry itchiness that overcame her.

"You are the Yehven girl. Your father used to bring you here when you were younger, collecting reports from the others Vanguard stationed beyond here."

Kaira only nodded, turning her head back to the building. The Ancients refused her to enter... why?

"They say the Guardian of Faith was never to leave Valenntenia ever again once appointed. You broke that tradition." The crone let out a chuckle, pulling Kai's attention once more.

"Is it truly that rare?" She wondered if that meant the past Guardians had been able to convene with the Ancients, perhaps driven mad from it.

"The first, if one is to recall the texts." The older woman approached her now and picked up both her hands to clasp. "I have a message for you, Yehven girl. Watch the pyre when he is returned home. You will see what I have seen, and I trust it will aide you."

"I have no---"

"You can see him now. Best give him a proper prayer."

She was ushered back towards the building, stepping into the room where Dorian was laid ready for transport. Kaira could breathe easily, and until Lyta gave her the sign to touch the corpse, she kept back by the wall and furrowed her brows in thought.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Lyta
Villam had worried about the effects this trip would have on Kaira. Even he had been shocked when he'd learned his Father had permitted her to leave the city for this, and while he didn't hold too much stock in the old superstitions about Faith being weakened outside of Valenntenia, he couldn't deny the force with which she seemed expelled from the small building.

He turned to watch her as she left, leaning against the doorframe as an old hag comforted her with words he couldn't hear. Villam and Yevhen had made a pact of sorts with one another, that they would use the bond between Faith and Passion to look after and support each other no matter the circumstances. If Kaira couldn't handle this, Villam would ride her back to town himself.

After a moment to recover, Kaira appears to collect herself and returns to the building. Regis reaches out and places a hand on her shoulder before letting her cross through the doorframe again. "You alright?" He tilts his head, expression still cold, albeit with that hint of softness she'd seen in the tea shop.

Together they headed into the room where Dorian's corpse lay. The stench of death was just beginning to take hold, and Villam felt his faster twist in disgust at the beginning of rot. Luckily, the body was still fresh enough that they wouldn't have to deal with it.

"I don't see any wounds, at least not through his clothing. Do we know what killed him?"
Lyta looked up at Konstantin and gave him a relieved and thankful smile. His assurance lent her enough strength to take the final step inside.

Death hit her square in the face. The smell reminded her of when she had gone to see her grandmother laid in state before they had buried her. The odd mix of ointments and herbs used to preserve the body against the sickle of time and decay made her nose scrunch up in distaste. She thought briefly about covering her nose but thought better on it when in company. Someone had closed Dorian's eyes and beneath the sheet she could almost imagine he were asleep if not for the unnatural stillness. She moved around the table to stand by his head as Kaira fled back outside, wanting so desperately to join her but forcing herself not only to look at her deceased friend but briefly touch his cold skin.

A serpents flashing fangs, two dead cranes with their breasts ripped open--

Lyta snatched her now trembling hand back. Her Dreaming had not returned no matter her urging until now. She'd almost forgotten the horror of it. The feeling of despair.

"I don't know," she rubbed at her chilled hand, reluctant to try again. She glanced to Kaira instead. "Do the Ancients tell you anything?"
  • Stressed
Reactions: Kaira Yehven
Kaira appreciated the soft touch from Villam at her shoulder, their Stones singing enough to help her enter the room again and ignore the words the old woman had told her. That didn't matter to her in that moment, nothing did until she was given the chance to investigate herself.

She lifted her head to meet Lyta's gaze, awkwardly taking a step forward as the question was turned to her.

"I would have to ask..." She then looked each to Villam and Konstantin, feeling their Stones connect with her own. The Dreamstone filtered in shortly after, and Kaira lowered herself to her knees and leaned her torso to the floor, hands reaching amongst the dusty floor.

Closing her eyes, she pushed past all the noise, and scents, the air and ground touching her... The Guardian of Faith opened herself easily to those of the Ancients. In reality, her lips murmured a hurried prayer, undecipherable good graces on her tongue. It was almost as if she tore her chest open, and the Stone of Faith was her heart, growing warm until it was near searing against her flesh.

In this state, she could become lost. She had lost sleep and meals in this state, but with the other Stones anchoring her to this moment, Kaira knew she was in good hands should the Ancients keep her. It only took a few minutes before she pulled herself upright, a hand absentmindedly scratching at her skin where the Stone had burned.

"They said to ask them again back in Valenntenia. They want me to perform the Concluding Prayers, not the High Priest." Whom was no fan of Kaira. The marvel and attention she received was believed to be brought on by lies only a Faith Guardian could weave. "It is only then that I will learn more of Dorian."

How many days until Kaira would see Dorian in her prayers? To see him kneeling beside her like the other lost and departed souls that called Valenntenia home not long ago?

"Can I say a prayer for him before we escort him back home?"

Villam Regis Lyta