rune guardians

  1. Solomon Regis

    Open Chronicles The Guardian Gauntlet

    OOC: If interested in joining, find more detailed rules and backstory here. Valenntenia The Nazatari Arena Even Solomon Regis himself hadn't expected this level of turnout. The aging Absalon looked out upon the edges of the newly reopened Nazatari Arena from his platform that seemed to...
  2. Solomon Regis

    Roleplay OOC The Guardian Gauntlet!

    The Nazatari Arena used to be the pride and joy of the Vanguard of Valenntenia. Whereas The Guardians often stole the spotlight in the public eye, the amazing displays put forth within the Arena by the strongest and wisest of the Vanguard never failed to draw the eyes of all Valenntenia's...
  3. Konstantin

    Private Tales .

  4. Solomon Regis

    Completed A Spot of Tea?

    Homecoming was meant to be a joyous time in the city of Valenntenia, a time in which to celebrate those who so loyally protected and served the remnants left behind by the Gods themselves to ensure the safety and peace of the Children of The Rune. This year, it instead become one of the most...
  5. Mordred

    Fable - Ask The Burning of the Borderlands

    "I'm not a soldier." Captain Malark gave a heavy sigh and looked up from his desk. Mordred stood before him with his arms folded and a scowl on his face that would have sent even a few of his bravest Vanguard scuttling away due to the silly rumours that surrounded the stone. Malark preferred to...
  6. Lyta

    Fable - Ask The Road to Answers

    Child, the gift you've discovered... I do not want to ask this of you, but I must. For the sake of everyone, I must ask you to go. Solomon's words played over and over in her mind like a broken music box. She knew the others in their group wondered why the Guardian of the Dreamstone was amongst...
  7. Solomon Regis

    Fable - Ask A Guardian's Value

    The Fire Guardian was gone Solomon wasn't sure how, and that made the ugly fact even more grotesque. The wizened Absalon leaned back in his tall, leather seat placed behind a massive desk littered with books of all sizes and topic. Having one of their own be put down was bad enough, but on...
  8. Vazia Ferreira

    Private Tales Full of Nothing

    Valenntenia, Homecoming Night Vazia was a woman of few words. She didn't care one way or another for parties, and after Solomon had dismissed them to go about their own ways, most of the Guardians went on their own. The life of a Guardian was a lonely one, and while a few of their numbers were...
  9. Mordred

    Fable - Ask Unshackled from the Stones

    Mordred wiped his brow and leant against his axe to catch his breath. Before him lay two piles; logs brought in fresh from the mountain forests in one and in the other neatly split firewood ready for the towers hearths – Mor’s handiwork. There was a simple pleasure to splitting logs. It had...
  10. Lyta

    Fable - Ask The Homecoming of Nightmares

    One of them was gone. Murdered, if the messenger was to be believed. Certainly not the Homecoming any of them had expected. Lyta's fingers slipped on the rocky outcrop and she uttered a quiet curse as tiny bits of stone tumbled to the ground below her. Her chest hammered in her heart but she...
  11. Klaus

    Fate - First Reply Past - Training in Valenntenia

    Before the latest Homecoming, before Klaus began his journey with the Fire Guardian, before he lost his arm in disgrace, and before the loss of both the Fire Stone and its Guardian… The previous Homecoming had just passed without incident. All the Guardians at that time successfully attended...
  12. Solomon Regis

    Completed The Homecoming

    I have lived a full and interesting life over these last six decades. No greater existence could I have asked our Ancient fathers and mothers for, than to protect that which they left behind for us, and to serve the city we've built to honor them. And yet... As I grow older, I do feel...