Private Tales The One Doin' the Walkin'

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Zael gave it a little thought.

"Don't know if I will or if I won't."

And that was the truth of the matter right now. A truth that might change, but as Zael sat there, getting tended to by Martha, in the tail end of taking a licking in Vel Kastula, and with the full cost of his dream staining his hands filthy red, he just wasn't sure about any of this anymore, anything to do with Vel Anir. But he knew one thing for sure: this was it. This was the fork in the road that would define the rest of his life.

"Either I'm gonna stay in this war..."

And here he looked to Lumen with a heavy sincerity in his eye.

"...or quit it."

  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Lumen
She held his gaze. She had a duty to protect the people she swore to protect. She had her classmates to think about. She had two younger brothers. It was the same reason she hadn't left when Edric had urged her to leave. She same reason she'd given Edric a look like he didn't understand.

It was a different look than the one she was giving Zael, now.

"Only you can make that choice."

She said quietly.

She offered to help him with Kimble. It was up to him on what he wanted to do. And if he was going to let her in or not. This might be the last time she'd see him. And it at least they'd helped each other. In the end.
  • Spoon Cry
Reactions: Zael
Zael nodded slowly, and uttered a quiet, "Yeah."

Choice. He'd said a little somethin' about that to the Commander of Ganfarred, right before he ensured he'd never be welcome in Vel Anir again. Choice. It was a big damn reason he turned his back on the Republic, thinkin' they were the same people as in the old way, just with a prettied-up face. But now that he had choice, this choice, accepting the cost of war or the cost of peace, damn if he didn't feel like it was too much to bear.

"Someday," said Zael. "Someday soonish, I'll send you a letter, Lu. Let you know what I chose."

  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Lumen