Private Tales The Mountains Ahead

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Her head canted slightly to the side, trying to puzzle out what he meant exactly by "people like her". So far as she could tell, there were several qualifiers that had set her apart from most mainlanders, and she wasn't quite sure which aspect it was he was addressing.

When he elaborated and said that he had only recently met his first elf, she was able to piece together his meaning: that half-elves were rare. Her nose wrinkled slightly, but it made sense. Both races seemed to separate themselves from one another, or at least, they did in the villages that she and Kasim had passed through. It might explain why so many people had stared at her, she realized. She'd never even considered that her heritage would be something to mark her as a blatant outsider.

"Tensions are high between elves and humans then?"
She asked curiously, raising a brow slightly. Perhaps that was why her father hadn't married her off sooner.
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
"You could say that." Kasim said as he finished chewing his food and swallowed, smiling slightly.

It was of course the understatement of the century. Only in the last decade had Vel Anir lifted it's laws against any Elf at all even entering the city. They could come now, but the danger was still there, the dislike that one could feel. Kasim knew it was wrong, but his people were...slow to evolve.

A frown touched his face for a moment, then he continued. "Vel Anir and the elves of the Falwood have been at war for..."

He thought for a moment.

"Centuries really, since the cities founding." For one reason or another. "Only in the last hundred years has there been peace, and even that is...tentative."

Kasim certainly knew his fathers view on the subject.
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Reactions: Aviana Sabel
"You could have fooled me." Aviana replied softly, plucking another morsel from the cooked meat and popped it between her lips to chew contently.

Her head tilted slightly to the side as she looked Kasim over a little more intently. For someone who had grown up in a place where elves were outwardly hated, and violence seemed to be a perfectly acceptable response to many quarrels, she was surprised to see how calm and charming he was. Of course, not everyone would be a walking embodiment of their home.

"I know that my father wanted to establish some sort of relation with Vel Anir, but it was uh... tedious to say the least." She smirked slightly, shaking her head. "That being said... I don't know much about your homeland, if I'm honest. If the elves and humans have been fighting for that long, what brought about the peace?"
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
"I'm a tad different than most of my countrymen." He paused for a second, thinking about what he had just said and then deciding he needed to correct himself. "The Nobles at least."

That was a truer statement.

Some commoners had the same prejudices of course, but he'd been through many surrounding villages where it simply didn't hold true. There were even some places where they would gladly shelter elves. It was an odd little reflection, one that he hadn't ever really considered before. "Politics at home are...complicated."

Kasim knew that this would take some explaining, but they didn't have that much time to sit around. They were burning daylight, and The Jester wanted to make it to the gates before the sun was low in the sky.

"Why don't we pack up and I'll explain more on the way." He told her. "'ll probably want to avoid the city in the future."

Not because she was an elf, but because of her association with him.
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Reactions: Aviana Sabel
"Sounds like a good idea."

Without wasting anytime, she grabbed the rest of the supplies and started to pack up the bags. Kasim could take care of packing away the food, while she set about saddling the animals. This time, she worked fast enough to get his horse saddled first, that way he didn't have the opportunity to hurt himself out of sheer stubbornness.

She wasn't sure why he'd given her the advice to avoid the city, but she was planning on heeding it either way. Minaris did not have long standing relations with Vel Anir, and she doubted that she would be able to find safe harbor there.

Not that she knew much of anywhere that would offer a wayward noblewoman safe harbor.

Once Kasim's horse was taken care of, she tended to Erodin and strapped the bags to the saddle. It was heavy work, but she wasn't going to complain about it.
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
Once things were all packed up and ready Kasim slid his sword into a small strap on the side of his saddle, deciding that carrying the blade on his back for the entire trip would be somewhat of a problem with his bruises.

After that was done the Jester pulled himself up into the saddle, focusing some strength in his arms so that he could make it through the process without letting out a yelp of pain. Once there he settled himself into place, waiting for Aviana to mount up. "Vel Anir is said to be a monarchy, but that's not exactly true."

Kasim began the explanation as they slowly rode off the beach.

"The King has no power, not really anyway." This was a secret among the powers that be within Vel Anir, but he figured he was well past the point of no return with Aviana. "About five centuries ago there was a too many bad decisions by the King. The Seven most powerful family, the seven Houses, killed the King's Guard and essentially forced the King into becoming little more than a puppet."

Kasim stretched slightly, rolling his shoulder. "The problem with that's rather difficult for seven entire families to agree on pretty much anything. The wars continued on and off for a few centuries, sometimes the majority of Houses wanted peace, sometimes they wanted war."

As bad as it was from one perspective, from another it also set Vel Anir as one of the most prominent human settlements in all of Arethil.

"About a century ago four of the Great Houses formed an Alliance." Though not his own. "Those four had enough control to sue for peace. The Elves agreed, and..."

He shrugged. "Here we are. Four of the Seven Great Houses narrowly hold control of the city, with the other three doing whatever they want to throw a wrench into things."
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Reactions: Aviana Sabel
"That..." She faltered, unsure of how to organize her thoughts on the matter into a coherent sentence that wasn't offensive. "That seems like an incredibly inefficient way to run a city."

Her brow furrowed a little, trying to imagine what Minaris would have been like if there was more than one family that was running things. It had been complicated enough with just her mother and father trying to make decisions. The city would have likely collapsed sooner if more opinions had been allowed into the mix.

But perhaps things were different for a city that wasn't entirely reliant upon itself for its own survival. Minaris couldn't afford for dissension. Everyone had to work together in order to succeed.
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
"You would think so." Kasim stated simply. "But somehow we've managed to hold our own against an enemy that should have wiped us off the map while simultaneously gaining control of nearly every village in four hundred leagues."

Kasim's tone was an odd mixture of both pride and disgust. The emotions were conflicting as could be, but it was clear that he wasn't entirely sure how to feel about his city. On one side there was the fact that Vel Anir had survived all of these years, but on the other was the fact that they had needlessly done so.

"It's...a broken place." The Jester said quietly, unsure of how to describe it. There was no doubt in his mind that Vel Anir was one of the 'great' cities of the world, but neither was there any doubt that it was corrupt beyond belief.

He paused for a second.

"There is something to it though." Kasim continued quietly. "The walls are a hundred feet tall, the towers stand over the landscape, the people are"

It was clear that Kasim was more than a little conflicted about his homeland, something that quietly ate away at him.
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Reactions: Aviana Sabel
The muted pride in his voice was almost infectious, and Aviana couldn't help but smile back at him.

She couldn't hold it against a man for being fond of the place where he grew up. The details of his upbringing and the events that had led to his leaving Vel Anir were still a mystery to her; but she figured that there were probably at least a few good memories of home.

"It's possible for a good man to do vile things; just as an evil man is capable of doing something good." She offered quietly. Even if she had grown up secluded from the world, she still understood that almost nothing in life was utterly black and white. There was usually room for a few shades of grey.

In truth, she was glad that he'd told her there was some good in Vel Anir. So far, only a picture of a seething cess pit had been painted; and she had been struggling to comprehend how such a despicable place could exist. Knowing that there was more to it, helped her to understand.
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
Perhaps she was right in that, though truthfully he did not think of Vel Anir as a villain. The city had a bloody history, there was no doubting that, but it had also kept its people safe through a hundred different invasions by everything from elves to the nomads of the steppes.

Thinking about it, the nobles were mostly at fault for the bad. Though he supposed that was true of a lot of cities in Arethil. Even in Alliria, it was most often the rich that benefited while the poor were left in the muck. He frowned for a second, shaking his head as he realized it was not a problem that he could fix. Not all the way out here anyway. ”No use worrying about it now.”

He told her quietly.

”Vel Anir is a continent away.” Quite literally. ”Theres other things for us to worry about.”

Like the deep roads which lay ahead.
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Reactions: Aviana Sabel
Not sure what else to say, Aviana gave a single nod of her head and turned her gaze forward.

He'd effectively shut down that line of conversation, and she didn't want to press her luck with another subject.

Instead, she made a thoughtful sound in the back of her throat.

Taking her hands off the reins, she reached up with both hands to quietly braid her now mostly dry hair and then clipped it up in a simple, yet elegant, knot.

Kasim may have intended to divert her thoughts to the deep roads, but instead; her mind drifted east to her own home. What was happening on the island now? Had anything survived?

The deep roads, and the dangers that lay within them, were temporarily put out of mind -- though she did realize that Kasim never got around to telling her what they might find.

She glanced towards him, but didn't press. He was in quite a bit of pain, and likely wanted a break from constantly having to explain things to her.
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
They rode for a few hours more, though just how much longer was hard to tell without a sundial. Kasim had once seen a man with a small time piece, though whether it had actually worked was a matter of some debate that he still wasn't entirely sure about.

Still, by the time they reached their fourth fork in the road the sun was beginning to set. Up ahead came the first dwarven marker, an ancient stone statue that seemed to be holding three different signs. Upon them were scrawled ancient dwarven runes, all pointing in one direction or another.

"We're close." He told Aviana with a smile, pleased that his memory had served him well so far.

"The gates are about a mile ahead." Kasim continued. "That way."

He pointed to the left path.
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Reactions: Aviana Sabel
They would arrive at the gates just as the sun would be settling below the horizon. She hoped that there would be lanterns inside the deep roads, but considering how many torches Kasim had purchased back in the village of wolves, she doubted that there would be a readily available source of light -- other than what they could provide for themselves.

"We'd best get a move on then." She said quietly, turning Erodin to trot down the path that Kasim had indicated. "Don't want to be setting up camp in the dark, do we?"

The pendant around her neck vibrated against her chest and Aviana winced as a high pitched trill shrilled an alarm inside her head. She reached up, bracing her palm against her temple. "Gah!"

It was a warning that had triggered before, but not for some time. As the rune activated, she could feel her strength being drained away. She leaned forward in the saddle, grabbing at the pommel to keep her seat. The runestone couldn't tell her what was nearby, just that something within a certain radius had tried to scry the location of her or the dragon egg.

"We need to get inside the gates... now."
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
Kasim perked an eyebrow, hearing the urgency in Aviana's voice and slowly nodding.

Slipping off the side of his horse Kasim motioned for Aviana to stay upon her mount. "I'll be right back, the doors need to be opened."

The dwarves of old had been clever. Many of their gates had originally been designed with guardsmen in mind, usually the inside of them contained a small barracks as well as a watch post. However, since the doors were long abandoned, there was a way to open them without anyone actually being there.

They utilized massive stores of magic in order to fuel a mechanism that would actually allow the great stone doors to part. In order to get inside one had to know how to actually open the mechanism, something that Kasim thankfully did.

"Go in as soon as the doors part." The Jester told her as he wandered over to a large stone statue to the left of the great stone doors. "I'll be right behind you."

From his pack he pulled a small piece of chalk, and quickly he began to write the scant few dwarven runes he knew.
Aviana stayed seated on Erodin, keeping the elk steady as she waited for the massive doors to open. The runestone had gone quiet, but still thrummed against her chest. One of her hands reached for her sword, curling her fingers around the hilt but not drawing it from the sheath just yet.

The failing daylight made it difficult to see past the trees that lined the road. She kept her gaze fixed firmly behind them, half expecting to see a pack of naga bursting from the forest to chase after them.

No. The rune worked. They don't know where you are.

Slowly, the great doors started to slide open. She dug her heels into Erodin's side, sending him charging through into the darkness.
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
Kasim finished scrawling the last line on the statue, watching as the gates began to open.

It was a form of rudimentary Rune Magic that he had used, though if it could even be called that he didn't really know. When he'd traveled with the group of dwarves and first entered the Deep Roads they had taught him this. Apparently the magic tied to the door was fairly simplistic, and all one had to do to open the gates was simply...ask.

Quite simple really, though something that was lost on most people who tried. With a satisfied smile he watched as the writing began to fade upon the statue, part of the magic that bound it.

Without any hesitation he turned, stashing the piece of chalk and running over to his horse. Just as the gates began to close once more Kasim entered between them, some of the fading light illuminating his mounted form as he passed into the Deep Roads and joined Aviana.
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Reactions: Aviana Sabel
She spun the elk around, turning to face Kasim as he passed through the doors and into the darkness. The gates rumbled close once more, leaving them in utter black. Once the gates had shut, the thrumming of the runestone abated slightly.

With the doors shut, she couldn't see anything in the total darkness, but she could at least hear the hooves of Kasim's horse. "I'll... get a torch lit." Aviana said lowly, not quite a whisper. Moments later, there was a flare of light and the soft whoosh of a piece of fabric catching a flame.

Worriedly, she moved over to Kasim and she intently swept her eyes over his form, blatantly looking for any sign of injury. The last time the stone had triggered a hunting party of naga had ambushed her and Kieran.

"Are you hurt?" She asked. It was a ridiculous question, but one she couldn't help but blurt out. There hadn't been an attack. They hadn't even seen anything chasing after them.
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
Kasim perked an eyebrow. "No."

The Jester answered quickly, gesturing to himself.

"Not any more than before." His face broke out into that so common smile, though it was obvious that he was still a tad worried about her reaction. Kasim's gaze darted over her, making sure that nothing had attacked her. When he found no new wounds he slowly continued. "There's a garrison house."

He told her. "There's rooms, locks, beds."

That was where he had intended for them to stay the night.

"Nothing will get through those doors." Kasim tried to assuage any fear she might have of someone chasing them. "Entire armies have tried, and failed."
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Reactions: Aviana Sabel
Taking a deep breath, she gave a small nod of her head. The alarm had startled her more than she wanted to admit, but the reaction had been entirely involuntary. Her free hand rubbed at the back of her neck, while the other held up the torch to light their path.

"You know where we're going. I'll follow you?"

His reassurance that nothing could get through the gates helped, and she managed to form a faint smile. She made an effort to distract herself as they continued on down the underground road.

"How did you learn to open the gates?" She asked.

She would tell him what had happened once they were somewhere safe.
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
"I traveled the deep roads for the first time three years ago with a group of dwarves." Kasim explained as he lead the way just a little way to the side of the gate and then into a small cavern.

If it was not for the darkness Aviana would have been able to see that they were in fact standing in the very beginnings of a massive central chamber that might as well have been open sky. Huge columns held the room up, and just ahead of where they were headed was a building within this space.

"They taught me the words." He explained. "And also the path."

As Kasim finished he motioned for Aviana to follow, pulling himself off the side of his horse and dismounting. From the side of his saddle he pulled his sword, knowing he likely wouldn't be needing it, but wanting it just in case.
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Reactions: Aviana Sabel
Aviana likewise dismounted, and pulled her own sword free. It pained her to leave the shield behind, but Kasim didn't seem too concerned with their current setting. Even though the oppressive darkness was enough to make the half-elf's skin crawl. She felt as though she could see something moving in the shadows, but she knew that it was just a trick of the eye from the flickering flames.

She kept close to Kasim once they were on their feet, biting at her bottom lip. Her companion had been more on edge when they were in the sleepy village. His normal hunches made no appearance here, so she tried her best to relax.

"You've a good memory then."

Her eyes lingered on the impressive architecture that they passed by, briefly fascinated by the intricate detail and the necessary skill that would have been needed to construct such a massive structure. It reminded her of a cathedral... but considerably more impressive.
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
Kasim walked through the empty space with confidence, reaching the building in front of them in only a few steps. There was a stable to the side of the building where they could leave the animals, but he wanted to make sure the building was empty first.

The doorway in front of them was heavy, made of the same carved stone as those they had just passed through. To the side of it was what appeared to be a small puzzle, the pieces arrange in a pattern that seemed to be slightly off. Kasim glanced at it and smiled, knowing that no one was inside.

"It's one of my better qualities." The Jester said with a smile, quickly rearranging the puzzle to it's proper position.

Half a second passed, and then a loud click rang within the hall as the door unlocked itself and fell open just an inch or two. Kasim pressed a hand to it and stepped inside, motioning for Aviana to follow.

Inside of the building was considerably more cozy, holding the same grand architecture but on a much smaller scale. The room they entered into was clearly some sort of mustering hall, with two rooms attached directly to it as well as a longer hallway that lead to the bedrooms.
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Reactions: Aviana Sabel
"Oh wow..." She breathed softly as they stepped inside, holding the torch out just a little further to light more of the room.

"Are you sure there's no one else here?" She asked after a moment, turning her attention back to Kasim. He seemed to self assured and unbothered by the darkness; even though he had expressed serious concerns about the dangers that lurked down here beneath the mountain.
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Reactions: Kasim Areth
"The door was locked." He told her. "Well, locked in such a way that the puzzle could still open it, meaning it was locked from the outside not the inside."

Kasim spoke as if he knew exactly what he was talking about, but the truth was this would be the entire extent of his knowledge. After this little outpost he was completely and entirely clueless save for reading some of the road signs along the way. Aviana would learn that soon enough.

As much as he hated to admit it. "The officers quarters are down here, we'll stay there."

The room had yet another locking door, as well as a fireplace, and supposedly the most comfortable of the beds. Of course, the thing was just a stone slab, but dwarves apparently could feel the difference.
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Reactions: Aviana Sabel
As he led her into the officers quarters, Aviana tucked the torch into a slot on the wall that looked as though it was where other travelers had place their own torches, if the char marks along the stone wall were any indication.

She walked over to the "bed" with a puzzled expression, then knelt down to look underneath it -- clearly confused as to where the mattress was located. When she didn't find anything hidden away, she looked back up to Kasim for an explanation. "I'll be sure to bring to bedrolls in then. Since... dwarves don't use mattress. Apparently."

The notion was so absurd, that she couldn't help but laugh; picturing grumpy dwarves tossing and turning on a stone slab as they complained about it being uncomfortable.

"We can lock the doors from inside, I take it?" She asked, making the assumption that if the puzzle was how he gained access to the building in the first place, that there would be a way to keep the puzzle from working.
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Reactions: Kasim Areth